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You asked~Female gamers

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Vengeance Bunny
*finishes reading the rest of the thread*

For the love of all that is holy.

Women's sports in things like hockey and boxing and soccer all the other stuff is JUST STARTING. It's just getting underway. And why? It's not because we don't like it - it's because we're told NOT to like it, from the get go. And it still isn't as valued, isn't as interesting, "because it's only girls."

Talk to me about gender preferences once society has opened up the field and accepted, with open arms, women playing in whatever sport they want as soon as they are toddling around, where they get equal access and equipment and encouragement and aren't made so damn self conscious about not being male.

Then we'll see.

It's the exact same damn excuse they used to keep women out of the medical proffession (and practically every other one) for decades to centuries: well, women must not like it, because they didn't do it! Well, fer crying out loud, you wouldn't damn well let us!

BMF: Psychology may say one thing, but nine times out of ten, that's the pyschology of the Western civilization. I'll say it until I'm blue in the face (or blue in the fingers): There is a wealth of cultural differences on this planet that would BLOW YOUR MIND about how women and men are 'expected' to behave. As much as there are similaries, there are as many differences under the sun, more than you can imagine. So much of how we think and how we behave all comes down to what images and what expectations we are given in our formative years.

When we have a chance to give everyone the same chance to demonstrate what they have an interest in, then we can start ascribing gender based preferences. All we can do now is regurgitate the answers we've already told them since they were born. It's just the same thing reflecting back on itself, you know? You can't just raise someone one way all their life, then study them, and then decide that's how they must be innately. That makes absolutely no sense.

What's REALLY funny about all of this, is that we're talking about the girls who already do play as though they are the deviants, weirdos and folks who just aren't 'regular' girls. As if 'regular girls' were this elusive thing to quest for. But don't you realize that the same thing could be said of male gamers? You are all part of a small, small TEENY minority yourselves, certainly not 'regular' guys, right? Because you like to play such violent games? The funny thing is, you probably don't think you're all that different, yet you happily characterize us women, to the point almost of alienation, about how DIFFERENT we are from ordinary women.

That's right...keep making us the enemy. Don't appreciate us for what we are. GAMERS! Who like the stuff you like! But no, make a point to just pretend like we're some thorny conundrum that you haven't figured out yet and focus entirely on women who have no interest in this hobby, like the other millions of men who all think we're (male and female alike) the biggest bunch of dweebs on the planet.

Feh. Gah. Arg.
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First Post
I think a lot of ppl "misuse" the term roleplaying game. I don't know a SINGLE person that hasn't played a roleplaying game, they just might not have KNOWN that's what they were doing.... Every child plays "pretend", playing house is a roleplaying game, D&D is NO DIFFERENT. The ppl that play D&D are the ones that define who they game with. Ashtal put it very well "if you make them feel like the odd person out, like they don't belong, or that they are weird or different from you, they aren't going to have a very positive experience."

Untill recently I had never gamed with a girl before (lady, woman, whatever, I'm immature so I'll say girl ;D) and to tell the truth, I didn't know what to expect. Fortunately, one of my few remaining brain cells said "it's just like playing another other game....cards, volleyball, whatever..." and it was no big deal.

To those ppl that have problems gaming with the opposite gender, I suggest you think of them less as ppl of the opposite sex, and more as a family member....is it hard for you to play a game of cards with your mom (or dad)? Granted, you may not be as comfortible with someone if they are total strangers to you, but still....they are just ppl....same as you.....

If you find this makes ANY sense, please call the Winterpeg Mental Hospital at 1-899-123-4567 and report an escapee ;D


First Post

Well, wow :)

Thank you for all the posts so far and by all means keep them coming :) It is very interesting to hear what people have to say on the subject. When I first posted this, I accually didn't expect to get barely any replies, just the rantings of a girl, no? I didn't want to sound angry or offensive in anything that I wrote :) and I hope that no one took it that way.


Princess of Florin
Ashtal, you are a goddess. I was about to type out a long response, but you covered all my points for me. Thanks for saving my fingers and my blood pressure.;)


WotC's bitch
Re: Re: Re: Re: You asked~Female gamers

arcady said:

To me fantasy imagry is all about Frazetta and Vallejo and that crowd.

Baby oil?

It should be sensual, nearly erotic; and powerful, full of emotion and dynamic energy.

Cue images of mighty-thewed warriors monkey-gripping their greatswords of whacking.

It's fantasy after all. I want it "bigger than life"

... if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Hong "rugby league has nothing on D&D" Ooi


Re: Re: Re: You asked~Female gamers

S'mon said:

I strongly disagree with people who want to ban any 'cheescake' art whatsoever, but it certainly shouldn't be the only art around. Variety is the spice of life.

Ideally, that's what we'd see. I don't mind cheesecake in and of itself, I just don't like it when it drowns out other depictions of women. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with a loincloth clad barbarian hunk and a fur bikini-wearing valkyrie. If the images fit, there's no reason not to go with it. IMO, a game's images are important to a potential player because they show a window into the game world. If a potential female player sees only women in chainmail bikinis, she's liable to write the game off as juvenile. I think the the 3e PH strikes a nice balance in that regard. The images depict adventurers, not pin-ups.

Moderation in all things, including gaming art, is a healthy thing.


First Post
I know I'm jumping in a bit late, but I've got an interesting observation I'd like to share.

I don't think there's really any difference between male and female gamers with respect to the potential for mayhem in roleplaying - it's just the manner in which it is appreciated that differs. From what I've seen, male players get off on bringing blood and chaos down upon their foes, while female gamers enjoy knowing that they could if they wanted to. Time and time again, I've seen this difference of approach. A male player will create a character who could kill you six times over before your corpse hits the ground, and employ that capacity whenever possible; meanwhile, a female player will create precisely the same sort of character, but she'll use that capacity for mayhem to intimidate, terrorize, and manipulate rather than just to kill. In short, the if the male player's preference is to be the thunder and the lightning, the female player wants to be the calm before the storm.

- Sir Bob.

P.S. Nih!


First Post
Nikchick said:

Hmmm, thinking more about it, I have a LOT more I could say on this topic but it would result in an obscenely long post and I honestly just can't spare the time. Maybe when I get back from the trade show... in my copious free time ;) I can write up something more cogent.


Now this, I would love to read, when you do have that time. :) Sounds like an interesting read from the 'preview' this post implies.


First Post
What's REALLY funny about all of this, is that we're talking about the girls who already do play as though they are the deviants, weirdos and folks who just aren't 'regular' girls. As if 'regular girls' were this elusive thing to quest for.

I wouldn't call them "weirdos," but they do clearly devieate from the norm, do they not? After all, we are trying to determine why so few girls game.

Actually, if we want to know why so few girls enjoy gaming, we should ask girls who don't enjoy gaming. Getting insights from girls who already game doesn't really shed any light on non-gamming girls. As I mentioned before, there are more differences between individuals than between groups, so just because someone happens to be female and like gaming, doesn't mean she has any special insight into non-gamers, male or female.

The fact is, every time I introduce the game to a girl, there is only a minimal chance that she will continue to play the game herself, and truely enjoy it. By contrast, the majority of guys that I have taught to game have continued to to play to this day.

Why is that??

Well, whenever I ask them what it is they don't like about the game, they often say the same thing, citing the "senseless combat" and the frequent conflict. It seems to gloss over many of the things girls find important in life (social relationships) and emphacize the things guys find important (dominating behavior).

There is a wealth of cultural differences on this planet that would BLOW YOUR MIND about how women and men are 'expected' to behave. As much as there are similaries, there are as many differences under the sun, more than you can imagine. So much of how we think and how we behave all comes down to what images and what expectations we are given in our formative years.

Ashtel, I already addessed this point a page ago. The components of behavior are not that complex, sociobiology actually makes a whole lot of sense. And like I said,

after you strip away all the social roles, the cultural norms, the learned behavior, the conforming and obedience, you are left with biological impulses that are the root cause of behavior.

If you disagree with me, answer these two simple questions:
1. Why don’t you see tampon commercials on TnT?
2. Why aren’t there monster trucks on Lifetime??

Answer those two simple questions and you’ve answered the riddle as to why most women don’t game.

Really, Ashtel, do men stop women from watching "Movies for Guys who Like Movies??" Has someone ever told you not to like Rambo??? I doubt it.

The fact is, gaming is entertainment. And when it comes to entertainment, girls prefer drama and suspence. Men prefer explosions and action. Why??? See my previous post concerning sociobiology.

The day that there are droves of women playing DnD will be the day those same droves of women turn off the Lifetime chanel, and start watching Movies for Guys who Like Movies. And I really don't think that will ever happen.

If you really want to contend that ther are not differences between men and women, go here:

That link goes to the message boards on the Lifetime station's web site. Most of the people who post there are women. As you already know, most of the folks who post to the EN World boards are men. Check out the Lifetime boards and compare the way the posters there communicate versus the way posters on this board communicate.

I've done this before when I was board, simply because behavior facinates me. But if you do it, the first thing you will notice is a distinct lack of flames on the Lifetime boards. Why is that?? Could it be that women tend to be less confrontational than men?? If so, why??

Lastly, sure Ashtel, male players are a minority among men too. But we are discussing the obvious discrepency that exists between the percentage of men who game and the percentage of women. Why does that discrepency exist?

You contend that it is due entirely to social factors, like the idea that men won't let girls play.
Although I agree with you that social factors play a role, I contend that the root cause for the discrepency is deeper than social pressure and gender norms. The root cause is the same thing that causes women to watch Lifetime, Friends, and Frazier, instead of Rambo, Heracles, and the Man Show. Its the same thing that causes the tone on the Lifetime message boards to be different than it is on these boards.

Whether you like it or not, from the way we kill our children to the way we post on message boards, there are clear and quantifiable differences in the way men and women think. Period.
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