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You Righteous? I am. *edit - Recruiting players and a DM*


Ok Guys (and gals)
Having desperately wanted to get into a face-to-face game that used the Book of the Righteous since purchasing it, and having no luck what-so-ever, I've decided to see if I can get a PbP game going. So, that being said, would anyone be interested in a game that heavily featured this pantheon/cosmology/religion along with the rest of the expansions to it from Green Ronin? (Legions of Hell, Unholy Warriors handbook, Avatars handbook etc) One catch, I'm not a DM, and have never been a DM, so I'm looking for a DM and several other players. I'd like this to be a fairly grand, world-sweeping epic-feeling campaign obviously centered around the Lords of Good and the Great Church. I'd hope to have posting goals of 4-5 posts per player per week.

Other than these broad guidelines (why are you laughing? Oh, yeah, I guess their not so broad after all) I'm open to most anything. What do you think? Is anyone interested? Or am I destined for disappointment once again :)
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First Post
1) I'm not familiar with this material. Can you give me a rough overview? I might be interested as a player.

2) From your nick and your sig, I take it you're an objectivist. I'm curious... Why does an objectivist want to play a religion-oriented, serve-your-god style game?


IdentityCrisis said:
1) I'm not familiar with this material. Can you give me a rough overview? I might be interested as a player.

The Book of the Righteous is quite simply the best divine supplement for any edition D&D game that I have ever seen. By Far. I could fill several pages of my praise for this masterpiece and still be unable to do it justice. However, here's a link to the reviews of it on this sight. They should hopefully give you a good feel for it. Btw, it's the number one ranked d20 product on ENWorld. One of only 3 products to maintain a perfect 5 star review score. The others are Midnight and Slaine, which should tell you something about its quality. Here's the link: http://www.enworld.org/reviews/index.php?sub=yes&where=currentprod&which=BOTR

IdentityCrisis said:
2) From your nick and your sig, I take it you're an objectivist. I'm curious... Why does an objectivist want to play a religion-oriented, serve-your-god style game?

Heh, I didn't even pick up on the irony. :D The short answer is that I've been fascinated with both Sepulchrave's story hour and BotR for quite sometime, and finally decided to try to get together a group to explore some of the same themes and subject matter (speaking very broadly here). After all, it's just a game, and I'm pretty able to seperate fantasy from reality :)

Long answer (Mods: I am not intending start a discussion/debate about this subject, as it concerns both politics and religion, I'm just answering IndentityCrisis' question. Please edit if you feel inappropriate): While I feel a great deal of sympathy both intellectually and philosophically torwards the Objectivist movement, I've never been able to make the leap to atheism. Also, for me, the Objectivist philosophy represents a very clear cut, reasoned guide to life, much as one would find in a religion. Granted, most Objectivists would probably shrink back in horror upon hearing this description. However, Rand attempted to do what Religion attempts as well: present a foundation and guide to living life with morality. Granted, she started from a completely different perspective than, say, Christianity. Therefore, I could see a great deal of similiarity in Divinely themed campaign. Does that make sense? Mods, again, I hope this does not cross any boundaries.



So, we've got a couple of maybe's thus far. What'd you think after reading the reviews, IdentityCrisis? Anyone out there interested in DMing?


Paxus Asclepius

First Post
d'Anconia said:
So, we've got a couple of maybe's thus far.

I'm definitely in, though I'm afraid I've got too much on my plate at the moment to DM. I'm looking at a holy warrior of some variety; I'd love to play a faithful son (especially if I could use the Book of Exalted Deeds as well), but that would need either another player to play a Matriarch of Morwyn or an extremely unusual backstory.
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Paxus Asclepius said:
I'm definitely in, though I'm afraid I've got too much on my plate at the moment to DM. I'm looking at a holy warrior of some variety, though I'm having a tough time narrowing down a deity.

Cool! I'm thinking of going for a monk. I'm thinking he could be a Friar, as described in the Great Church Section. I'm also thinking (if the DM allows it, wouldn't want to presume too much here) of going for the Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, etc in the BoED. Kind of a Saint Francis of Assisi character.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
d'Anconia said:
Cool! I'm thinking of going for a monk. I'm thinking he could be a Friar, as described in the Great Church Section. I'm also thinking (if the DM allows it, wouldn't want to presume too much here) of going for the Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, etc in the BoED. Kind of a Saint Francis of Assisi character.

I was looking at those, too, but Vow of Non-Violence and Vow of Peace were on the top of my list. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having two ascetics in the party; those who actually use the stuff will get to pick the truly useful items while we tithe everything else.


I could not be more interested in this game. Like d'Anconia, I've had BotR for the best part of a year now, with little opportunity to use it in any of my games. Also like d'Anconia, I could go on at some length about just how great BotR is :) I'd really like to be a part of this game, although I don't think I've currently got time to DM.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Actually, I think I've found a better way to make my character concept than the holy warrior; a fighter with the right feats can do what I need him to do, and doesn't have the same absolute restrictions.

Now, we just need to find a DM . . .

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