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Your Campaign Ideas?


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Just like the title says. Any campaign or game idea you've ever had, whether it's good or bad, or whether it doesn't even have a system attached to it.

I'll start us off: I had one idea just now while reading a few threads involving investigation, where the entire party is like a 'Detective League', or something. I'd be more strict in terms of characters, but I'd want a variety of different kinds. The costumed crimefighter, the displaced Sherlock, the young schoolgirl wunderkind, etc etc etc. There would be combat, yeah, but it would be so unimportant most of the time. And it would also largely rely on the players to piece together clues and puzzles that they find, although their different stats and abilities might help with what kind of clues they can gather.

My other idea for the game would be the fact that the detectives only all gather and meet to share their notes maybe...once a month, or once a week. The rest of the time the individual players would participate in solo games by themselves(or in pairs, depending on the characters) that further the story. And then, they'd all pool their notes together and while big events would happen.

Of course I would never run this, because I can not imagine consistently making satisfying mysteries to solve every game. But man it would be fun.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. What are some of your ideas?

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I had an idea for a campaign where half the players are the villains, setting up this grand conquering army, then the other half the heroes trying to stop em. Unfortunately I'm not real good at that much prep, and didn't have enough players. Oh well, maybe one day after months of planning, muhaha.


First Post
That is a really great idea. Scheduling would be a pain, but it would be worth it for sure.

My friend told me about Dungeon Crawl Classics, and even though I was turned off by the old school way of making your characters, I still had an idea that, if I ever ran it, I would make it a mix between the Running Man, and a Japanese gameshow. All the characters are 'contestants', some signed up, some just woke up and found themselves there, and now they gotta get out of this high tech neon dungeon filled with genetically engineered monsters and deathtraps. 'Wizards' and magic would be reflavored to be like cybernetic implants and highly advanced technology, but very unstable prototype designs that will royally mess up your body if you use them too much.

It would rule.


Way back in the bad old days of 2E the Dark Sun campaign had "character trees" that allowed each player to advance up to four characters at a time. That gave me the idea of having a campaign on Athas where each player was a power block of four high level characters, say a sorcerer-king, a merchant prince, a tribal chieftain, and psionic monastery leader, that competed against the other players for control of the Tablelands. Characters would have started at level 20, so it would have an Epic campaign.


Asking this to me is like asking for crazy. I have oh so many ideas my players refuse to let me try. Lets see what I can list.

  • I have a idea for a spelljammer ripoff (I got frustrated with trying to find actual spelljammer info so I just stared making things up.)
  • I want to run a campaign where the players just manage an item shop.
  • I want to do a maid RPG dungeon keeper cross over.
  • I also like the idea of a detective game. (I just don't have the talent/time to write mysteries.)
  • I want to do a escaflowne pacific rim medieval mecha smashup. (The only idea my players dislike more then my spelljammer copy.)
  • Oh and there was always that post apocalypse wall mart idea I never had a chance at.

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