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Your dream DM

Eva of Sirrion

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If you could pick anyone to run a game for you, who would it be? You can pick up to three dream DM's.

My list:

1. Monte Cook. The guy who co-designed 3.x and designed AE and Ptolus. He could put together a great city-based adventure.

2. Bob Salvatore. I enjoy a good romp through the Underdark every now and again, and who better to run an Underdark adventure than the foremost author of the drow?

3. Frank Caliendo doing his John Madden impression. Three reasons for this:
  • You always know the situation because he'll repeat the description of your surroundings half a hundred times.
  • He can work Brett Favre into any description.
  • He'll always remind you of game rules that everyone at the table knows by heart.

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Gary Gygax, for pure nostalgic and coolness factors.

Mike Mearls running an Iron Heroes game would totally rock.

A John Wick campaign would be just dripping with flavor, so that would also be cool.


Sepulchrave II from the boards here would definitely be toward the top of my list, if not number one. His story hour is fantastic and I would kill to play in a campaign like that. Other dream GMs would include Monte Cook and Piratecat.


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Starman said:
Sepulchrave II from the boards here would definitely be toward the top of my list, if not number one. His story hour is fantastic and I would kill to play in a campaign like that.


My dream GMs?

My buddy Drew, who really should say that the Star Wars campaign is dead now instead of hanging the thought of continuing the game out to torment us... its only been 10 years since the last session... :eek: .. damn real life and people moving away! {still have my character sheet nicely safe from moisture and meandering two year olds just in case....} :heh:

Ranger Wickett... Awesome story hour and the best alt Magic systems I have ever seen

Raven CrowKing.... The most intensely developed home brew world.. and that is only based on the glimpses occasionally proffered here on the boards :)


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1. Gary Gygax- an old school game with the man himself.

2. Robin Williams- I didn't know until recently that he and Billy Crystal were gamers...

3. Fred Saberhagen- Not sure how good of a DM he would be, but damn that man can tell a story.


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My girlfriend. ... o wait she IS my dm.


Because she is relaxing to be around.

I can run stuff by her any time of any day

She likes telling good stories

She thinks more books is better because then she can send cooler monsters at us (her words).

She doesn’t like tpk as it messes with her story.

She is soon to run a raven loft game, and I have always wanted to play ravenloft. She likes buying wtc minis because she says its like Christmas
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