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Your favorite older edition products


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1) Your favorite OD&D supplement (such as they were)

Before my time.

2) Your favorite Basic D&D supplement (and ID which Basic set it was for, if you know)

O2 Blade of Vengeance - very cool tolkienesque module for just one player

3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement

Fiend Folio - goofy but fun

4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement

Night Below boxed set - I ran my best campaign ever with this.

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OD&D was before my time.

Basic: PC4 Night Howlers. Rules for lycanthrope player characters...loved that one to death. I lamented the death of Basic edition because I always thought they should have done a PC5 and a PC6 on Undead and Dragons...speaking of PC dragons.

2nd Edition: Council of Wyrms. I actually like the setting more than the rules for PC dragons. Still planning on running a "straight" campaign in the Io's Blood Isles someday.

Never played 1E...jumped straight into 2nd Ed from Basic.



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1) OD&D: Minrothad Guilds

2) Basic D&D: X1 Isle of Dread

3) 1e: Tie between I3-5 Desert of Desolation and GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders

4) 2e: Tie between FR box set, PS box set, Volo's Guides, and the F&A series (F&A, P&P, DD)


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Mouseferatu said:
1) Your favorite OD&D supplement (such as they were)

Didn't play.

2) Your favorite Basic D&D supplement (and ID which Basic set it was for, if you know)

Isle of Dread. One of a handful of published modules I've actually played, and it was seriously cool.

3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement

Deities and Demigods.

4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement

Spelljammer boxed set. Followed closely by the Spelljammer Monstrous Compendium.

1) Your favorite OD&D supplement (such as they were)

Never played, I've read them, so...ok, maybe Eldritch Wizardry for the naked woman on the cover.

2) Your favorite Basic D&D supplement (and ID which Basic set it was for, if you know)

B1-In Search of the Unknown, as it was the first module I ever looked at. I had fun stocking the dungeon from the list and making up reasons for why they were there in the first place.

3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement

Against the Cult of the Reptile God-There's so much about this one that I love.

The World of Greyhawk campaign setting-Those maps by Darlene are just beautiful!

4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement

The City of Splendors boxed set-I've had so much fun with that setting.

Arabian Adventures/Al-Qadim-Just beautiful!


OD&D: Supplement 1: Greyhawk

B/X D&D: tough one... B2 Keep on the Borderlands (the original for the Holmes set or the revised one for the Moldvay set); GAZ1 Karameikos (for the Mentzer version) and PC4 Night Howlers (for the Rules Cyclopedia) come next

1e: S4 Tsojcanth - not just for the adventure, but for all the monsters, magic items, magic spells, and other stuff.

2e: Had to think long and hard on this one. I guess the answer is FR1 Waterdeep, but even that I didn't like much. [Edit: I just realized that this was for 1e and not 2e. I guess I can't think of a single 2e product that I liked enough to call my favorite.]

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1) Greyhawk by far…this opened up the game tremendously, runner up would be Ready Ref sheets from Judges Guild

2) Tie between X2 (Chateau D’ Ambreville for ‘81 Expert Rules) and B2 (Keep on the Borderlands, either the print for Holmes Basic rules or the Moldvay Basic rules..I have both). There were no real rules supplements for the earlier versions of the Basic/Expert games..unless you count DM screens and CRS'

3) If modules count, then my fave would be a tie: G1-3 (the green cover compilation from 1981), and T1 The Village of Homlett. If mods don’t count, I’d probably say The Dragon/Dragon magazine up until about 1984 or so.

4) The Adventure Begins and the Player’s Guide to Greyhawk.
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Mouseferatu said:
1) Your favorite OD&D supplement (such as they were)
Never played it. Never even seen it once here in Brazil.
Mouseferatu said:
2) Your favorite Basic D&D supplement (and ID which Basic set it was for, if you know)
I began my roleplaying experience with GURPS. One day, we saw that gorgeous looking boxed set for Dungeons & Dragons and bought it the same day. We opened, read it, and disliked it intensely. We never opened it again.
Mouseferatu said:
3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement
I never really played 1E, but I liked Unearthed Arcana and used it when playing 2E.
Mouseferatu said:
4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement
Player's Option: Combat & Tactics. Those Grand Masters were unstoppable!


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Mouseferatu said:
3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement

4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement

3) UNEARTHED ARCANA. I really loved that book, and still today its cover art is the one I prefer before any other D&D art ever published. I loved the new classes, especially the Cavalier, as well as many of the new spells. I must say that despite being very interesting and useful, neither Monte's Arcana Unearthed or 3.5's Unearthed Arcana thrilled me like as 1e UA did.

4) PLAYER'S OPTION: SKILLS & POWER. I loved all of those customization rules. Then, I was glad to see that 3e was made to enable a good level of customization too (choice of skills and feats), while having more balanced and integrated rules.

EDIT: I know "no core rulebooks", but for me only the PHB, DMG, and MM are core rulebooks.
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First Post
Mouseferatu said:
1) Your favorite OD&D supplement (such as they were)

Missed OD&D altogether, sorry.

2) Your favorite Basic D&D supplement (and ID which Basic set it was for, if you know)

Keep on the Borderlands. As a lonely gamer in a small town, I played the thing so many times that I developed randomizing aids to keep it fresh. <laughs at his 13-year-old self>

3) Your favorite 1E AD&D supplement

Oh, Unearthed Arcana in a walk. When my only gaming buddy in junior high school got that (the week it came out! not that easy to do in the early 80s), we literally did nothing for a weekend but take turns reading it, often reading whole sections aloud to one another.

4) Your favorite 2E AD&D supplement

I guess Faiths & Pantheons for FR.

I'm tempted to say The Illithiad ... that book was sort of Brigadoon for me. I came across a copy in a game shop shortly after it came out, and sat there reading for something like two hours, just standing in the narrow, cramped game-store aisles while the proprietor glared at me. (He had guessed, correctly, that I was browsing, but hey, I was dumbstruck.) I was taken with visions of a campaign that opened out and out at just the levels when most 2nd edition campaigns packed it in ... when I came back the next day, money in hand, the book was gone.

I still don't own the thing - it's hard to imagine it could live up to my memory of that day. But, hey, Bruce Cordell - it's just possible it might.

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