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Your favourite Assassin's Creed?


A Wicked Kendragon
Having never played the Assassin's Creed games before, I recently purchased the Birth of a New World trilogy (with Assassin's Creed III, Black Flag, and Liberation HD). Mostly because I saw the trailer for Black Flag. A game where you play a pirate, I thought, sure why not.

ACIII was kinda meh, Liberation was ok, but it was Black Flag that I really liked. However, a friend told me that in his opinion the games set in america don't really have that "Assassin's Creed vibe", whatever that means. This got me looking at the other games in the series, but there are just so many of them it's hard to figure them out (there's like fifteen of them, or something?). Also, I think I played the three games in the wrong order (I think I fell out of the story in ACIII).

If you were to recommend a game from the series, which would it be and why?

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I've played Rogue, Unity ( my first time playing AC), black flag and Syndicate. I like Syndicate the most simply because of it's setting of London, Unity was okay but it had so many bugs with it and the story had issues too despite taking place during The French Revolution. The did a great job with recreating Paris and Notre Dame ( which is a 1:1 scale) . I never finished Black Flag, Rogue was fun.

If you're going to play the first one, play it first and get it over with. It hasn't aged well due to being incredibly repetitive, but the Crusades era is great and there was a decent story behind it.

That said, II, Brotherhood, Black Flag, and Origins stand out clear above the rest of the ACs.

Tough call to make. For what it's worth, I'd go with the following, for various reasons:

AC2 & Origins - The best story & lead characters. Ezio & Bayek get my vote for most compelling and likable characters.
Black Flag - The most fun. Pirates, pirate ships, heck yeah!
Syndicate - The best setting. I loved running around Victorian London.


A suffusion of yellow
Syndicate with its open world, fun protagonist and the new zipline feature was definitely the best of the games and it was set in Dickensian London Guv'ner

Black Flag was cool cause it let you play like a Pirate

As an actually 'Entry' to the series, I'd say its best to start with AC2, as it lets you enjoy the best of Ezio
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There's also the Desmond storyline, which is the best of the 'framing' stories for the series. And, while that story does start in AC1, it's best developed through the Ezio trilogy starting with AC2.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
AC3 is IMO the best story and lead character by an extreme margin. Like, an entire different league from the others. Altair is boring and unlikable, Ezio is fine, Ed is a completely worthless piece of garbage, but Connor is a character I want an entire series about. And I enjoyed his fighting gameplay more than anyone else’s.

That said, colonial America is a terrible setting for an AC.even in a game that does such a great job of making it less black and white and morally easy than it is usually made out to be, it just isn’t that fun to run around in.

The ship stuff in Black Flag is fun, but the story bored me most of the time, I didn’t care if Edward lived or died (lie. I hoped the whole game he’d die and I’d get to play as someone else), and the assassining wasn’t anything special.

The best game all around, IMO, is 2. Ezio is cool, if a bit overrated, but the setting is amazing.

Then again, I haven’t played any of them from Unity on, so grain of salt.

Oh, also play the Black Flag DLC game where you’re Adawale. Best character in the game gets his own spinoff? Sweet!


A Wicked Kendragon
Thanks for the suggestions.

So the consensus seems to be that the second game is the bees knees. I notice that Ubisoft is selling an Ezio trilogy with II, Brotherhood and Revelations. Might check that out next.

Oh, also play the Black Flag DLC game where you’re Adawale. Best character in the game gets his own spinoff? Sweet!
Didn't even know that that existed. Excellent. :D


Dances with Gnolls
I liked AC III in America. - Making that settlement over time was a lot of fun for me.
Black flag comes next. - Ship combat? Yes please.
AC - I loved the setting most of all, but yes, it is the oldest of the games, and as such feels... the weakest from lack of depth of mechanics and features and the like
ACII - Fun, some cool people from history that I knew. Interesting town, homebase thing. I had some really awesome bloopers with this one.

I haven't really played much of the rest. Honestly I liked all of them.


First Post
For years it was AC3 but I think I’m going to go with Black Flag now. Strong plot, great protagonist, great antagonists, the last game with an interesting MD plot, great naval combat, beautiful open world, and (somewhat) unique side content. Only things I don’t like about BF are the optional objectives (but I hate these in every game they’re in) and every other main quest being a tailing mission, that’s what’s keeping me from playing it again. But other than that, top notch game, no AC has been able to top it since.

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