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Your favourite 'real world' Pantheons/Mythologies

Your favourite 'real world' Pantheon/Mythology?

  • Babylo-Sumerian

    Votes: 15 12.3%
  • Celtic

    Votes: 30 24.6%
  • Central American (Aztec)

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Egyptian

    Votes: 40 32.8%
  • Greco-Roman

    Votes: 39 32.0%
  • Indian (Hindu/Vedic)

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • North American (Amerindian)

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • Norse

    Votes: 63 51.6%
  • Persian

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 14.8%

Re: Hello? Moderators?

Hi there! :)

Don said:
A little comment about a remark GWB made earns me a stern warning from Piratecat, yet this poll doesn't get shut down? Yeesh...

Some people believe in these religions mentioned in the poll and in the comments, yet the term "mythology", as it is most commonly used, implies falsehood.

Well the poll is for Pantheons/Mythology - some view them as Mythology, thats fine; others as Religious figures; thats fine too.

I don't believe my grammar implied a belittling (certainly none was intended).

Don said:
Don't make me lose faith in you, moderators! Do the right thing!

Feel free to bring it to their attention.

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Hi arcady! :)

arcady said:
I'm suprised you forgot the most influential mythology on the western world:


I'd probably pick it because it's history is well documented enough and is utterly full of creative plot hooks and enough scandels to build a lifetime of adventures for a campaign.

I didn't forget; I just didn't want to make a issue out of it...

...have you ever noticed how some people take offence at the slightest things. ;)


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
my·thol·o·gy Pronunciation Key (m-thl-j)
n. pl. my·thol·o·gies

A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.
A body of myths associated with an event, individual, or institution: “A new mythology, essential to the... American funeral rite, has grown up” (Jessica Mitford).
The field of scholarship dealing with the systematic collection and study of myths.

myth Pronunciation Key (mth)

A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.
A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:

...have you ever noticed how some people take offence at the slightest things. ;)

I never said I was offended. I didn't even say I believed in any of the religions mentioned. I was just trying to help prevent problems, but it appears as though my cries for reason were just met with belittlement.

And as for arcady: most people nowadays don't know what the word "myth" means. Most people think it means a "false story". When most people agree on the definition of a word, the dictionary definition really becomes moot, unfortunately. However, your posting of the definition should help others understand the word a bit better. Thanks.


First Post
Aaargh... What's this hell of a place ? Someone (politely) ask about favorite mythologies, and immediately Politically Correct Person, the latest american superhero, ask for the thread to be closed because some people may be offensed by seeing the ancient celtic or egyptian religious belief referred to as a "mythology". We all know for sure that "mythology" is an impolite and offensive word that needs to be instantly added to the list of "four-letter words" masked by the filters. And this topic should have been labelled by the far more convenient :

"What is, among this sadly non-exhaustive list, the collective of beliefs and religious figures, practices and dogma that you find either the most intellectually interesting, or true to your personality's self-developed and respectable religious conviction, or both. Disclaimer: this is strictly out of curiosity and the poll is anonymous. No offense is intended to anyone, neither the (respectable and respected) persons who actually believe in one of the above religions nor the (as respectable and respected) persons who think that all (respectable and respected) persons who believe in one of these religions are pagans that should respectfully be put to high temperature at the stake until the (respectable and respected) person's vital function cease to be performed, nor the (respectable and respected) persons who just don't care about all this fuss."

Moderators, please instantly replace the title by the integrality of the above text.



More seriously, I voted for the celt, egyptian and amerindian ones.

And personally, I don't feel offended by all these mythologies, despite me being a (respectable and respected) atheist.

Sheesh. :rolleyes:
Last edited:

Hi there! :)

Don said:
I never said I was offended. I didn't even say I believed in any of the religions mentioned. I was just trying to help prevent problems, but it appears as though my cries for reason were just met with belittlement.

But I never implied you were offended!?

My comments to arcady were a generalism, not targeted towards anyone in particular.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:

But I never implied you were offended!?

My comments to arcady were a generalism, not targeted towards anyone in particular.

Sorry, it just really, really looked like you were referring to me. Especially with the little smiley thing and everything and considering my post happened to appear after arcady's post.


First Post
Gez said:
Aaargh... What's this hell of a place ? Someone (politely) ask about favorite mythologies, and immediately Politically Correct Person, the latest american superhero, ask for the thread to be closed because some people may be offensed

Let's just clear this all up once and for all. I'm not politically correct (*far* from it). I'm not offended by the content of the poll or the posts. I was just trying to notify the moderators, who seemed to quickly close threads with possibly offensive subjects, no matter how slight, in the past. (eg. the whole Pentagon crash thing). I didn't think to just email a moderator.

I've seen dozens of huge flame wars appear as a result of seemingly innocent posts like this poll in the past, and just though I'd help the community by trying to prevent it. Apparently my attempt at helping has upset people more than the poll has.

So, if no one wants to listen to a warning, then fine. If the thread goes on without incident, great.

I formally apologize for trying to help, and I will never do so again in the future. So much for "caring".


Upper_Krust said:
Just wondering what everyones favourite Pantheons/Mythologies are!?

I'd have to go with either the Judeo-Christian-Islamic worldmyth, or possibly Atheism/Agnosticism (my personal irreligion.)



First Post
Benben's descent into the underworld.

I voted Summerian, Norse, and Greek.

Summerian is by far my favorite. How can you not love a culture that believes that beer is holy, a god's masturbation caused the yearly flooding, and the secrects of civilization were given to us by a goddess who drank her brother under the table so she could steal the tablets with said secrets?

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