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D&D 5E Your First 5e Character (now with PHB content!)


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Sharpshooter:Attacking at Long Range doesn't impose disadvantage. Your Ranged Weapons attacks ignore half and 3/4 cover. You can chose when attacking with a proficient ranged weapon to take -5 attack for +10 Damage.

A blowgun dart for you! IN YOUR BRAIN.

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I want to play some sort of gish but not sure which yet (so many options). I was thinking maybe a fighter (eldritch knight) 5/wizard (abjuration or transmutation) 15 but a valor bard or a pact blade warlock (possibly with a dip into fighter for armor proficiencies) might also work. And then there is the oath of vengeance paladin. And the elemental monk (possibly multiclassed with the storm or light cleric). There are tons of options!


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A friend who ran a campaign for several years from 2E to 3.5 is considering starting it up again. I plan on converting my fighter/wizard over to 5E rules. I looked at the PH and I'm leaning towards making him an Eldritch Knight. My two other friends will probably convert their characters over too. One is a fighter and one is a rogue.


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I'm currently stewing over how best to convert my character from our 4E campaign over to 5th.

The character is a wood elf storm warden, who was just about to start in on the Child of the North Wind paragon path. In the campaign setting we're using, some races aren't native to the plane but started showing up 20-30 years ago, all describing wandering in through portals that suddenly appeared, but all with wildly different (and, we've since discovered, delusional) accounts of what their home plane was like. My character claims he was a 1930's-esque barnstorming biplane pilot from a travelling air show in his homeland, much to the bewilderment of everybody else, of course.

So I'm stuck with a defensive, protect-the-party character who has classically used a lot of wind-and-thunder themed forced movement shenanigans to keep enemies away from folks, and is used to being the toughest guy in the room. He's a spear-wielder who has previously used both a spear-and-shield combo as well as a longspear.

Longspear's gone, but we can call it a pike instead, and the Polearm Mastery feat looks pretty tasty for giving back some of that area control. Protection fighting style is a great port for any 4E Defender, and no longer needs a shield, so we're free to use both. Score!

But now we're in a quandary as to how to pick up the nature/primal theming without leaning hard on super-planty stuff like Druid, Ranger, and Green Knight do, since Wind is his element and Thunder/Lightning is his damage type.

One option is to do either an Oath of the Ancients Paladin and simply beg the DM to retheme about two thirds of the Oath bonus spells. Entangling Strike gets the twisting vines replaced by focused winds, etc. Could work, but still left with a lot of base Paladin spell list stuff that I just wouldn't feel right casting much. Suboptimal, though probably the most obvious (and usually pleasing) solution when you say "Warden conversion." It just doesn't fit the Storm Warden variety very well at all.

Another option is to multiclass Druid/Fighter and habitually prepare spells from about half the spell list. Moderately better, I suppose. The hit die's not as good since Druid's diluting the d10's, but it shouldn't be unworkably terrible, either. Armor might be tricky without some permissive magic item substitution/reflavoring to remove metal, though.

Straight-up Ranger is out because the Protection fighting style is too good a fit to pass up. Multiclassing Ranger/Fighter or Ranger/Paladin seems weird and sloppy. Pass.

What I'm leaning towards, though, might just be Eldritch Knight. The Wizard spell list is broad and utilitarian enough to do pretty well, even with the limitation of 4 non-Abjuration/Evocation leveled spells. Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, and a re-themed Mage Hand sell this pretty well, I think, and the Eldritch Knight features allowing for combination attacks with bonus actions could really promote the primal vibe of a fighting style naturally incorporating both melee and primal powers.

Thoughts? Anybody see something I missed entirely that looks like a good option to deliver on the theme?


I'm currently stewing over how best to convert my character from our 4E campaign over to 5th.

The character is a wood elf storm warden, who was just about to start in on the Child of the North Wind paragon path. In the campaign setting we're using, some races aren't native to the plane but started showing up 20-30 years ago, all describing wandering in through portals that suddenly appeared, but all with wildly different (and, we've since discovered, delusional) accounts of what their home plane was like. My character claims he was a 1930's-esque barnstorming biplane pilot from a travelling air show in his homeland, much to the bewilderment of everybody else, of course.

So I'm stuck with a defensive, protect-the-party character who has classically used a lot of wind-and-thunder themed forced movement shenanigans to keep enemies away from folks, and is used to being the toughest guy in the room. He's a spear-wielder who has previously used both a spear-and-shield combo as well as a longspear.

Longspear's gone, but we can call it a pike instead, and the Polearm Mastery feat looks pretty tasty for giving back some of that area control. Protection fighting style is a great port for any 4E Defender, and no longer needs a shield, so we're free to use both. Score!

But now we're in a quandary as to how to pick up the nature/primal theming without leaning hard on super-planty stuff like Druid, Ranger, and Green Knight do, since Wind is his element and Thunder/Lightning is his damage type.

One option is to do either an Oath of the Ancients Paladin and simply beg the DM to retheme about two thirds of the Oath bonus spells. Entangling Strike gets the twisting vines replaced by focused winds, etc. Could work, but still left with a lot of base Paladin spell list stuff that I just wouldn't feel right casting much. Suboptimal, though probably the most obvious (and usually pleasing) solution when you say "Warden conversion." It just doesn't fit the Storm Warden variety very well at all.

Another option is to multiclass Druid/Fighter and habitually prepare spells from about half the spell list. Moderately better, I suppose. The hit die's not as good since Druid's diluting the d10's, but it shouldn't be unworkably terrible, either. Armor might be tricky without some permissive magic item substitution/reflavoring to remove metal, though.

Straight-up Ranger is out because the Protection fighting style is too good a fit to pass up. Multiclassing Ranger/Fighter or Ranger/Paladin seems weird and sloppy. Pass.

What I'm leaning towards, though, might just be Eldritch Knight. The Wizard spell list is broad and utilitarian enough to do pretty well, even with the limitation of 4 non-Abjuration/Evocation leveled spells. Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, and a re-themed Mage Hand sell this pretty well, I think, and the Eldritch Knight features allowing for combination attacks with bonus actions could really promote the primal vibe of a fighting style naturally incorporating both melee and primal powers.

Thoughts? Anybody see something I missed entirely that looks like a good option to deliver on the theme?

How about a fighter multiclassed with the Tempest domain cleric. They have all the wind and storm and pushing stuff you mentoned.

The M'hael

First Post
I want to play as an old, bearded, half elf Chaos Sorcerer, who is partly insane, and obsessed with wheels(ie, great wheel, wheel of time, oreborus(sp?))
He thinks he is a wizard, and has a "spell-book" that is really a book of research on wheels. At some point,(level 10, 5, ?) he makes a great discovery in his research, actually making a pact with a great old one, the Lord of Wheels. he will then take levels in warlock, great old one, tome pact. He will have the sage background. Oh, and he will be a harper.

Also, have you noticed that Irish coins make great harper medallions?

Another idea is a dwarf vengeance Paladin, sworn to rid the earth of Orcs and goblins.


This is a concept I've been working on.

Beginning Score
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 16

Dragonborn - cult of the dragon infiltrator. He was raised by a the cult to be an elite troop commander.
Patron - Tiamat

1 - Dragonborn fighter 4 (battle Master)/ Warlock 5 (Fiend). I haven't decided what to do for the rest of the levels yet

Fighter at 1st level - heavy armor, greatsword prof (greatweapon fiighting style), Second Wind, Athletics and Con saves
Warlock 2nd level - Eldritch blast, temp hp, burning hands and the command spell
Warlock 3rd,4th, 5th & 6th Level, Pact Blade, Lifedrinker (Cha bonus to pactblade), Thirsting Blade (two attacks per action with pact blade), +2 to Strength, Agonizing Blast (cha bonus to EB), Misty step spell (great mobility)
Fighter at Levels 7, 8 & 9 - 3 Maneuvers (rally, Riposte, and Commanders strike), Great Weapon Fighter Feat, Action Surge

This is a pretty cool mystic warrior IMO, and it appears to be affective. I haven't tested it though



My very first 5E character is almost done, and it's hoping to get a spot on a pbp game elsewhere. Since this forum uses a different code I cannot repost it here, but he's basically a fighter 1 going into warlock later (from level 2 to 20), DEX/CHA build with Crossbow Expert from Human Variant.


Here is my namesake character, the first character I made for D&D, done up 5th edition style...took about an hour and half...

[h=4]Quickleaf, Eolais eth'Shias al'Sueran[/h]
Race: Wood Elf Class: Ranger 9 Background: Criminal Alignment: CG
Sex: Male Age: 212 Height: 5'9" Size: Medium Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 16 Speed: 35 ft
Abilities: STR 14 (+2) DEX 18 (+4) CON 12 (+1) INT 8 (-1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 10 (+0) Proficiency Bonus: +4

Quirk: Smarmy slightly Spanish accent (think Zevran from "Dragon Age"), and uses comical euphemisms like "showing bow tricks to generous merchants" (highway robbery) or "making love to the lilies" (dead and buried).
Personality Trait: I am always calm, no matter the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me, and I'm likely to have a sardonic quip on my lips instead.
Ideal: Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them.
Bond: An important relic was taken from my elven tribe, the Suerani wild elves, thru my own misdeeds and I aim to steal it back.
Flaw: I am convinced I am the king of deception and subtlety, when that's far from the truth. Also, I am prone to rather ridiculous wild elven superstition and prejudiced against humans and dwarves (represented by my low intelligence score).

AC: 16 Hit Dice: 9d10+9 Hit Points: 67
Multiattack: Make 2 attacks, either melee or ranged, when you take the Attack action. Also see the Hunter's Prey class feature.
Melee Attack - Longsword: Attack: +6, reach 5 ft, one creature; Hit: 1d8+2 slashing damage (1d10+2 two-handed).
Ranged Attack - Longbow: Attack: +10, range 150 ft/600 ft, one creature; Hit: 1d8+4 piercing damage.
Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon
Armor: Light, medium, shields
Weapon: Simple, martial
Tools: thieves' tools, gaming set (cards & dice)
Saves: Strength +6, Dexterity +8
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Animal Handling +6, Athletics +6, Perception +6, Stealth +8, Survival +6

Fey Ancestry: Advantaged saves vs. charm and immune to sleep magic.
Trance: Only need 4 hours semiconscious meditation for long rest.
Mask of the Wild: Can hide when only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, snow, mist or other natural phenomenon.

Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and relatively trustworthy half-elven contact who acts as a messenger, fence, and fixer between human town and elven guerillas/highway robbers. From years as a highway robber, you know local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy gate guards who can deliver messages for you.

Favored Enemy - humanoid (dwarves, elves, humans, orcs): You have advantage on Survival checks to track your favored enemy as well as Intelligence checks to recall information about them.
Natural Explorer - forest, Underdark: Double your proficiency bonus (+8) for Intelligence and Wisdom checks related to your favored terrain. In addition, while traveling for an hour of more in your favored terrain, gain the following benefits:
  • Difficult terrain doesn't slow your party.
  • Your party cannot become lost.
  • You remain alert to danger even when engaged in another activity (e.g. foraging, navigating, tracking).
  • Forage twice as much food as normal.
  • When tracking, learn the exact numbers, sizes, and how long ago creatures you're tracking passed thru the area.
  • When traveling alone, you can move stealthily at normal pace.

Fighting Style - Archery: +2 attack with ranged weapons (already calculated).
Ranger Archetype - Hunter's Prey (horde breaker): Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon.
Primeval Awareness: As an action expend a spell slot to focus your awareness for 1 minute per spell level, sensing whether the following types of creatures are within 1 mile (or 6 miles in favored terrain): aberrations, celestial's, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead.
Ranger Archetype Feature - Defensive Tactics (escape the horde): Opportunity attacks against you are disadvantaged.
Land's Stride: Ignore non-magical difficult terrain, and you're not slowed or hurt when moving thru non-magical plants. Gain advantage on saves against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement.

Athlete: +1 Dexterity (already calculated). When prone rise for only 5 ft of movement. Climbing doesn't halve your speed. Make a running long jump with only 5 ft run (instead of 10 ft).
Sharpshooter: No disadvantage for attacking at long range. Ranged weapon attacks ignore 1/3 and 3/4 cover. Before attacking with ranged weapon can take -5 attack penalty to gain +10 damage.

SPELLS (4/3/2)
Level 1: Animal Friendship, Ensnaring Strike, Hunter's Mark
Level 2: Cordon of Arrows, Pass Without Trace
Level 3: Water Breathing

EQUIPMENT (100 / 210 lbs)
Studded leather armor, long sword, longbow, dagger, thieves' tools, explorer's pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin), 50 ft silk rope, hunting trap quiver of 20 arrows, ancient elven arrow, vial of green dragon blood (basic poison), playing cards and dice.
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