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Your group's tributes to Gary


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Boregar said:
When my group plays tonight, as just a small gesture, any rolls made with black dice will receive a +1 divine bonus.

Is anyone else planing any small touches to remember him by?
On Wednesday night, our group all said a few words about Gary. We lifted a toast in his honor, and one of the guys even wore a black armband. :)

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Tuesday night, my roommates and I had gelatinous cubes for dessert, in honor of Gary. Sure, they were Jello cubes, but they were laced with alcohol, as it just seemed right. This Sunday, for our game, we are going to make the gelatinous cubes again. This time, however, we are going to carefully place some skeleton miniatures in some of the cubes.

At the start of the game we will have a toast to the Grand DM, and then continue with The Tomb of the Lizard King.

Captain Howdy

We took a break from Shackled City and I ran Tomb of Horrors. None of the players had ever played that module before. Everyone died. It was great fun! :D

Baron Opal

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We will continue our game of a retread of Forge of Fury. The PCs are exploring a cavern complex filled with trogs and stirges. What better?

As to our toast, well, its going to be either Fat Tire or Mirror Pond because we can't stand gin. Alas.

Edit: And, I'm on the poster. Thank you so much, Michael. That is a gift that has great meaning for both the sender and the receiver, I hope.
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here's my cleric for today game:


he was inspired by gary's futurama character of himself :heh:


Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure

I thought about what I wanted to do for a while and decided that I'll be running A&D WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure w/ the pre-gen characters in the back of Mordenkainen, Yrag, Bigby, and Riggby for a few members of the old group who remember Gary fondly for the hours of fun we've had over the past 30 years and the rules to 1e.

I was going to run something 'gygaxian' in my current Ptolus game, but somehow that didn't seem right to me, and for the past few days I've pulled my Gygax stuff off the shelf and have been flipping thru it reading bits and pieces remembering all the fun I've had with this stuff (my g/f doesn't quite get why I'm so upset about his passing considering I've never met him, but I did email him on and off and he was always kind to answer back. It's nice to be part of a community that feels his passing as much as I do). Anyway running across WG5 and reading the introduction about how Rob created this dungeon as a way for Gary to get some adventuring in since he was always so busy writing and DMing for the Greyhawk game, it seemed like a good tribute to me to dust off Mordy and his cohorts and take them adventuring again one last time by proxy for Gary since he wouldn't be able to again.

That's what I'll be doing in tribute to the man who has given me so much over the years.

darrell I

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Rather than run a game with my usual group this weekend, I've decided to run one for some of the neighborhood kids my son is friends with-expose a new generation to wonders Gary created.

Personally I think that this is the best thing that any of us can do, bring someone new into the game.

Professionally, I've decided to donate all proceeds from this Saturday's FDG sales to his favorite charity, the Christian Children's Fund.


Though that's very generous too.


First Post
That's awesome, Tom!

Last night, our group toasted to his memory and left an empty chair at the table with an empty shot glass in front of it. We also each rolled a d20 and the highest roll got a special bennie (we where playing Savage Worlds; it was a Legend Bennie for those who know Deadlands: Reloaded).

Nothing original or exciting; but it felt right.

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