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Your thoughts on Precocious Apprentice


First Post
The feat is pretty dumb IMHO.

It's broken initially and going straight to useless, depending on when you look at it. ;)

And it did require quite inventive explanations by the designers to explain how this would not allow to take PrC earlier than one should. :p


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First Post
frankthedm said:
Man and I thought Sudden metamagics fail the NPC test pretty bad.

That will suck having to fight low level wizards with that feat.

The first level 'fair fight' puts a 4d6 scorching ray into a PC's face.
That scorching ray is statistically only 1 point better than a greatsword with 18 Strength behind it. The chances of a that same greatsword-wielding character hitting an opponent are actually better than the typical wizard's ranged touch at 1st level, and you only get one scorching ray once per day with a 35% chance to miscast. Scorching ray is also a close range spell, meaning at best you can move 30 feet and cast the spell on someone 30 feet away. You cannot even outdistance the greatsword wielder. It's just all kinds of suck.

The most abusable spell for Precocious Apprentice is probably summon swarm.. but then, a 1st level warlock can already use that at will with no feat investment and no chance of failure. So what's the point?

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