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ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] The Continuing Adventures of Korrigan & Co.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 99a - Session Structure

I have a group that enjoys roleplaying, but I wasn't entirely sure that the remnants of the unit were best placed to derive maximum enjoyment out of the Gustatory Interrogation sequence. Malthusius and Leon (both suited to social interactions) were out of the picture; Matunaaga is an outsider and very reserved; Rumdoom gets a bit overwhelmed in high-stakes negotiations and tends to concentrate on the food; Uru makes mysterious and random pronouncements which, while entertaining, don't really encourage dialogue. Only Korrigan would be able to hold his own at high table and he would be bound by his sense of duty to the King. There was unlikely to be any dissension.

This didn't concern me too much. I liked the fact that the group couldn't fall back on Leon's superlative charisma and Malthusius' incredible insight. They were going to have to make do. But I did want to find an interesting way to present the occasion without reading out reams of box-text, or extemporizing lengthy descriptions, only to be greeted by blank faces before moving on with more of the same. (Let's face it, short of pissing in the punch bowl there's not much for the PCs to actually do during this section of the adventure.) So I created an unusual structure for the session to break things up a bit, and give Leon's player some time in the limelight, as this was his first game in several weeks - skipping back and forth between him and the main group, creating mini cliffhangers and maximizing tension.

All credit is due to Malthusius' player who was not phased in the slightest by not even having a character to play. We allowed him instead to play "What would Malthusius do?" - a voice in the back of the other characters' heads that could jog their memories and suggest the odd course of action (within reason). He tends to do that anyway.

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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 99b - Welcome Party

The Royal Docks

On the 9th, the Freux Rouge, captained by Rosalyn Taylor, berthed at the Royal Docks. It bore a small party of dignitaries and a security detachment protecting the Danoran side of Hotel Aurum. At 6 p.m. on the 13th, a second ship arrives. Lux Profectusque cruises into Flint Bay and makes a grand impression. Two hundred Danoran sailors in crisp white uniforms line the edge of its main deck, helping the ship seem to glow in the afternoon sun. The vessel swings about and closes with the Royal Docks, and with measured precision it cuts its engine and glides on momentum to stop not ten feet from the prow of Risur’s own flagship, Coaltongue.

A company of Risuri marines flank the welcoming party in Fleet Square, while across the bridge in Royal Square, several hundred Flinters strain to watch. The king is not in attendance, having sent Governor

Stanfield in his stead. A ramp is deployed, and the line of crew parts to reveal, first, a small string and woodwind orchestra that strikes up the Danoran national anthem; and second, the head of state, Sovereign Han Jierre. He starts down the ramp as the elegant overture of the anthem begins. Beside him walks his niece Lya Jierre, and behind him follows the Danoran Minister of War Eloise Duffet, several bodyguards, and attendants bearing gifts. As they step off the ramp onto the dock, the strings and woodwinds rise and are joined by previously unseen brass instruments. Then, just as the sovereign reaches Governor Stanfield, the anthem crescendos and is joined by a blast of the steamship’s horn. The sound fades out, and Governor Stanfield formally welcomes the Danorans. He starts to introduce the party, but Lya Jierre slips in first and describes the PCs as “the good people I crossed swords with in Vendricce, and who helped us at Axis Island.”

To their surprise, Lya invites the unit to ride with her. With a polite shake of her head she dismisses her bodyguards who have boken away from the main Danoran party to stand close beside her: the sneering half-elf Rush Munchausen, massive forearms folded over his narrow chest; and towering half-orc Merton Goncala, with his strange protective headgear and polearm wrapped in cashmere.

As the clambers into the spacious carriage, Rumdoom mutters: "So we can't just kill her, then?"

Dressing for Dinner

Rumdoom's comment provided a nice point to jump back in time a couple of hours when the four remaining unit members were smartening themselves up. The barber had just left. Rumdoom was having a lesson in etiquette - specifically which cutlery to use with each course - from society expert Simeon Hinds, and a intense and seemingly mute gnome tailor was putting the finishing touches to the hem of Korrigan's tunic. (He had been about to work on Uru, who simply transformed his clothes into a snugly fitting uniform with a brightly polished helmet). The mood was sour: not wanting his men to find out second hand, Baldrey had already told them that he meant to leave the RHC once his family had been restored to him. They were sad to hear the news, but couldn't find words to express themselves without it sounding selfish. Strain had also been caused by the dsiappearance of Malthusius, whose wisdom was sorely missed right know; worse still, Leon was imprisoned in the RHC basement, accused of the most appalling crimes.

Korrigan had also brought them up to speed on the sticky issues of the day: they might encounter thorny discussions abotu Duchess Ethelyn of Shale, Nathan Jierre or Luc Jierre. They might even encounter Luc himself, as Aodhan was considering a request from his bride-to-be that her brother be allowed to attend the gala. Asked about his threat level, Korrigan had said that he thought it was minimal.

Dima entered, interrupting Rumdoom's lesson and irritating Hinds. He told them Delft was on his way and his mood wasn't good. On top of all the above, he had to contend with bad news from dwarven accountants Groinly and Boinly: Recent overspending (on the Avery Coast operation, for example) coupled with the withdrawal of Benedict Pemberton meant that... Dima paused, realising (not for the first time) that he was being terribly indiscreet. It was too late: he pressed on and revealed stipends for senior officers would have to be cut. The only solution was what Dima described as 'operational salvage'. At once, Rumdoom stood and reappropriated the neat bundle he had intended to take down to the quartermaster: Lorcan Kell's tophat and tailcoat, and his tiny wondrous carriage. Warming to his gossip, the loose-lipped Dima confided that Delft had already had his uniform pressed, just in case he got invited to the dinner at the last minute. (Not that he expected that to happen, but it would be a shame if it did and he couldn't attend because his suit was at home unironed.)

Delft entered looking fraught. He had forgotten his cane. He had come to remind the unit that they were attending the banquet as ambassadors for the RHC, that their manners and behaviour should be impeccable. "Course, there's nothing to stop you from asking one or two rude questions. If you ruffle any feathers, Lya Jierre is to blame. She's the one who invited you. But no violence, do you understand?"

Rumdoom's question had already been answered...

*Verbatim from the adventure, used as readaloud text to begin the session. I find readaloud text signals the start of something formal in a way that extemporized descriptions do not. I almost always begin a sessions in this way, because it settles everyone down. Usually I just read the campaign recap.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 99c - Oh what a tangled web we weave

Lya Liar

On the journey to Hotel Aurum, Lya blithely explained her side of the story and stressed how determined she was to avoid miscommunication in the future. There was no one around to witness her audacious display of mendacity, so it could only be a practice for the real thing when she told her lies to the King. In a way it demonstrated that she did not regard the unit as being much of a threat, the fact that she was prepared to lie directly to their faces, and tell them that what they had seen and heard with their own eyes and ears was mistaken.

She said that Luc's lamp was part of a arcanoscientific experiment designed to solve the Danoran 'magic problem'; that she was in Vendricce to meet him and acted only in self-defence; that her presence in the Bleak Gate was due only to the habit of senior clergy who have for centuries carved out private domains for themselves in that world.

The unit sat in stoney, disapproving silence as she spoke. Eventually Uru spoke up, asking after her friend Nicodemus. Lya smiled and explained that Nicodemus was the loyal and trusted retainer of one of her hosts, and that he had ('thank goodness') managed to recover from the seemingly fatal injuries he had sustained in the fight at Terminus East. She responded in kind by politely asking after Malthusius (whose arm she had severed in that same encounter) and 'General Dax' who she hoped would be given over the Danoran custody as a result of the talks - along with her cousin Nathan and Duchess Ethelyn of Shale.

"His crimes were truly appalling," she said. "I am sure you will be glad to be rid of him."

What Happened to Leon

The unit might have agreed with this - and only this - comment, had they not paid Leon a visit in his cell a few hours earlier. He was sat on his bunk, looking sheepish. Uru in particular was fuming, and when he saw the guilty smile playing on Leon's face he began to rant in elvish about the suffering of his people, the native fey of the islands.

Korrigan had already received a damning report from Harkover Lee during his meeting with the King, which he had shared with the Unit:

As soon as Leon entered Norm's cell, Harkover Lee paused in the doorway and said, “Officers Burr and Lansing, kindly place Sergeant Veilleux in mage cuffs.” After a moment’s hesitation the guards moved to obey. Lee instructed the others to lead Sylyx to another cell.

“The subterfuge was necessary to prevent your escape," said Lee. "New information has come to light which casts doubt upon your identity. I will be blunt – are you in fact General Dax Corbeau?”

Taken aback, Leon trired to obfsucate - something about missing memories and confused identity. Harkover Lee raised a hand, told Leon that the evidence against him was damning, and asked the question again. Leon abandoned pretence and admitted his guilt.

One of the guards stammered, “He can’t be General Dax, sir. Dax was a man, not a tiefling.”

“You need not concern yourself with the details, officer Burr," Lee responded. "And I charge you on your oath not to reveal what you have learned here. Safe to say these revelations are grave concern to the King. The conduct of General Dax during the fourth Yerasol war was nothing short of unspeakable, and he will not be allowed to go unpunished for those crimes.”

The evidence Lee spoke of had been provided by the Danorans, as part of the package of information exchanged prior to the Peace Talks. The family of Leon Veilleux could not believe he would defect to Risur. In possession of no corpse, they had to go outside Danor and pay a great deal of gold for a ritual that summoned the deceased spirit of the real Leon. The rest of the details might have been circumstantial, were it not for the experimental machine developed by Isaac dan der Grimnebulin, mayor of the Nettles:

Fearing further instances of possession/domination (such as those that had afflicted Rumdoom and Xambria) the unit had subjected themselves to Isaac's ministrations several weeks ago. His machine discovered no more instances of possession per ce, but did uncover some anomalies: implanted memories in Uru and missing memories in Leon. Harkover had read about this in the unit's report on the matter (prior to Rumdoom's reinstatement) and duly tracked down Isaac. Isaac took another look at his readings and realised what he had not seen before - there was no instance of possession in 'Leon's' mind, because the whole mind belonged to someone else. (Leon had only passed the test in the first place thanks to his enormously high bluff.)

So Leon was indeed General Dax Corbeau. Uru prepared to hurl abuse at him, when Leon spoke, explaining as best he could how he had come to possess his current form: How the young Leon Veilleux had tried to kill Dax, and the Danoran military had attempted to make doubly sure of their target by launching a fiery bombardment at the same time. When 'Dax' awoke he had been rescued by an eladrin woman known as Lavanya. His memories were hazy (removed by Lavanya, he only recently discovered, apparently at his request). She had been unable to save both men and had transferred the whole mind of one (whose body was broken) into the empty shell of the other (whose mind had cracked due to hideous burns). By the time he was well enough to make good his escape 'Dax' had changed his view of the fey he had always despised, and vowed to dedicate his life to greater understanding of their strange ways. (He omitted to mention the fact that he had also fallen hopelessly in love with Lavanya.)

So taken with this story was Uru, that he immediately changed his mind and made some conciliatory comment about all being fair in love and war - especially war.

Leon shrugged. "I used to agree with that sentiment; I don't any more."

Korrigan asked one simple question. "How much are you the person that I thought I knew?"

Leon said he had told three lies that he could remember in the time he had served in the unit: his true identity; his desire to join the Vekeshi Mystics (which he had freely admitted many moons ago); and when he concealed his initial possesion of the jade idol (to avoid it being handed in to the RHC and ending up in the hands of Black Star Mining). Ever helpful, Uru reminded him of the time they both 'killed that fat guy' (one of Eleanor Yanette's clients)without telling the others. So that made four, then.

Korrigan nodded and left it at that.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 99d - Dramatic Editing

Banquet: Seating & Toasts - The unit was seated at high table. Luc Jierre was there looking twitchy. Both the King and Han Jierre made toasts, before the floor was opened for impromptu responses from both sides. After a pregnant pause, Korrigan rose and made a speech that supported the King and ended with, "I hope that the good will of peace-loving nations will prevail". Danoran minister of war, Eloise Duffet made an altogether more caustic contribution about the death of orphans. Uru decided he would outdo her and made a joke about needless industrial deaths which didn't go down very well.

Leon: Officer Burr came by Leon's cell with two other guards and cursed and jeered through the bars. "There he sits. The Danoran filth who crucified my brother on Shingle Strand. There's a whole building full of military men whose friends and comrades died because of you. We're not going to let you slip away so easily this time. Word is they're going to turn you over to the Danorans. Not if we can help it!"

Banquet: Salad Fork, Soup Spoon & Intermission - Eloise Duffet even made political capital out of the soup. Lya Jierre interceded with good humour, but the point was pressed by Sovereign Han Jierre who asked Korrigan what he thought about Duchess Ethelyn of Shale - her actions and punishment. Korrigan said that while her actions were clearly wrong, it was to her credit that she thought what she did was right. He added, "As to her punishment, who is better placed to decide on that than the King?"

An intermission was called and everyone mingled while perusing some art. Uru kept a look out for hostiles. He was convinced a fight was going to break out. "You watch," he said to Rumdoom. "Wherever we go, it always does." Stanfield expressed his concern about Malthusius, but was interrupted by Geoff Massarde who was already drunk. "A bright futre, eh Rolly? All friends together," he said, nudging the deva's arm and sloshing his wine. Stanfield put him down rather sharply and departed.

Korrigan approached Eloise Duffet but she rebuffed him with more insults against the King, who would she said, be the only beneficiary of these talks. (She was looking pointedly at Lya Jierre as she spoke.) Korrigan said that he thought the people of both nations would benefit hugely from a continued peace. Duffet compared their masters, singing the praises of the sophisticated Han Jierre, while decsribing Aodhan as a randy old goat and a war monger. Korrigan insisted that he was very much his own man, and that if Aodhan were anything like her description, he would not serve him at all.

Korrigan then went to talk to Luc, who seemed startled. He sat alone as Lya had gone off to circulate. Korrigan asked him if he thought the talks would lead to his full release. "Oh, I d-d-d-do hope so," said Luc, earnestly.

Leon: Burr and his accomplices returned some time later, when the guard was changing. By now they reeked of booze. They had come armed with daysticks and rope. There was nowhere to nail Leon, they said, so they would do the next best thing. As they entered his cell, Leon warned them that their superiors would want his blood just as much as they did, and it would go hard on them if they were denied. But these men were drunk and angry and ignored his subtle threats.

Banquet: Let's Talk Peace - After advising each other how they should handle their own advisors, the Sovereigns turned to talk of peace, specifically what the greatest hurdles would be. Brakken asked the unit for their opinions. Keen to make up for his earlier misjudgement, Uru urged both sides to 'think of the children' (which sounded odd coming from a nine-year-old boy). Matunaaga chimed in unexpectedly, hoping to score a point off Lya Jierre. His concern, he said, was that open war would be supplanted by secretive conflict that was obscure, faceless and dishonest.

Leon: After dragging him out of his cell, the guards removed Leon's cuffs and lashed him firmly to the cell bars, with his feet off the floor so that the ligaments in his arms began to tear. Then they set about beating him with their daysticks, relying on the antimagic pillar to protect them from his tiefling fire. Leon felt one of his ribs crack and at length began to slip into unconsciousness.

Banquet: Agitation - Speaking positively of the changes Risur's industrialization had brought to Flint, Governor Stanfield shamelessly feathered his own nest. Eloise Duffet brought up security issues from Reed Macbannin's corruption and suicide, to the recent terrorist attacks. Stanfield reassured her that she and the rest of the Danoran party would not have been exposed to any danger. Duffet directed her next question at the unit, asking them what they had done to improve security in the city, and received a professional response form Korrigan. She then compared Flint with Cherage, where she said there had been little or no unrest for years. Uru made a comment about the 'silent deaths of children' in the factories of both cities. A second intermission was called.

Leon: Half in a daze, and in great pain, Leon saw a tiny, bright form arc across the gloom of the prison, and strike the glowing antimagic pillar which erupted in sparks and then fell silent and dull. The guards turned in shock, giving Leon a moment to gather his wits...

Banquet: No Dessert - The delegates were enjoying a performance by a string quartet, featuring the exquisite sound of the famous hurricaine violin, when muffled shouts from outside alerted them to a imminent disruption. The doors burst open. "Told you," said Uru as he slid under the table.

Asrabey Varal strode into the room, pursued by nervous guards who had not dared to try to stop him. He was covered in blood and deep wounds. The king stood, outraged. Asrabey kneeled before him:

"King Aodhan. I apologise fpr my disruption. I return from the Bleak Gate the only survivor of a massacre. Terrible weapons were brought to bear against us. Ekossigan's fey incursion fell and broke against the walls of a hidden fortress. Within those walls my wife, Kasvarina Varal, beloved of our people, lies imprisoned. She has been gone for so many mortal years. I beg of you, forgive my transgressions, and in the name of the sacred bond between our nations, bring forward your plans to attack this hidden menace, and strike now while they still reel from our first assault."

Aodhan looked as if he would voice his outrage, but bit down whatever response first came to him. He ordered Asrabey to await his pleasure, and when the eladrin had departed, politely excused himself and headed for his councel chamber with Harkover Lee and the unit in tow.

Leon: While the guards were distracted, Leon feystepped out of his restraints. With an airy word he healed himself and in seconds he had felled one guard and staggered the others. Then he blazed with infernal wrath and ordered them to flee, which they did at once. He found the broken form of the Mugwump at the foot of the fused anti-magic pillar. It was a shower of pixie dust that had broken it when the little creature threw itself into the field. In its hands the Mugwump held Leon's incisive blade, miniaturized. He took it and it resized in a flash, but the rest of his equipment was gone. He tried to move the spryte, but it coughed and shook its head. "Leave me here," it said. "The Mystics desire your escape." Leon shrugged and moved towards the stairs. Up there were far more deadly opponents and he had no desire to fight or kill any RHC officers. His best option would be to teleport away, but the RHC portal was closely guarded. His desperation broke his dream: Drinking tea with Lavanya, he had seen portal runes coalesce in the steam. She had told them to use them if he was desperate. So he did...

But he did not step through a portal. Rather he drifted, lost consciousness for a spell. When he awoke he found himself in the same stark, clinical chamber he had seen while asleep. Opposite him sat Lavanya! But this was no dream, he was sure of that.

"I am so glad to see you!" she said, earnest and beautiful as ever. Her words echoed in the metal room. "I felt sure that you would come. Forgive the restraints. Some of my colleagues are less trusting and they do not know you as well as I do."

Sure enough, his arms were mage-cuffed to the chair.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 99e - Hasty Prep & Coda

Hasty Preparations

The King was furious.In private he made it apparent that he did not believe Lya Jierre, that his behaviour up to this point was pure diplomacy in an effort to make the Danorans feel at ease before his officers could find proof of their involvement with the Ob - an effort which Asrabey had just scuppered.

But before the unit could say anything, or remind him of the thirty dead children whose blood was on Asrabey's hands, the King anticipated and preempted them: The Unseen Court was a separate nation within Risur's own borders, albeit an allied and friendly one (for the most part) and Asrabey was a senior ambassador for that nation. He also said that one fo the first things he had to get used to when he was crowned was dealing with the fey and their seemingly cold and callous way of thinking.

So when Asrabey was readmitted the unit was prepared for the fact that, other than a general admonishment for his interruption of the dinner, the King did not express any further outrage. Instead, he set about learning all he could from what had transpired.

Asrabey told them about the 'terrible machines' that had torn into the fey army, decimating them in no time. The eladrin dreadnought could not believe the level of carnage and feared that even the professional Risuri military would falter under such a withering bombardment.

They began to question Asrabey, though he did not seem to have a very clear grasp of his surroundings in the Bleak Gate, when there came a knock at the door. Brakken was outside. "I'm a telepath," he said. "I read the Jierre's minds. Let me in."

Hastily, Brakken said that he could read strong surface thoughts - a non-magical ability that was stigmatised in his home nation of Ber, and one he would not have revealed to them were it not for the urgency of the situation. Lya Jierre had been surprised at Asrabey's revelations - shocked even. Brakken felt sure she knew nothing of the 'fortress' Asarabey described. Han Jierre was much more cool, and Brakken read only a flicker of concern for his niece. But the most important revelation came when he followed the Danorans to their chambers following Harkover's refusal to admit him; they would not admit him either, so he lingered in the foyer, wondering how best to get negotiations back on track without losing the whole evening. At that point a nervous Danoran left the Sovereign's chambers clutching a bundle. His unguarded and anxious mind was easy to read: He had been given an urgent mission to warn the Obscurati via the Stanfield Canal.

Matunaaga leaped to his feet and was about to chase the suspect down when Stover Delft, who had entered the chamber as Brakken spoke (dressed in full uniform, of course), raised a reassuring hand and said, "He won't get far." He then reminded the assembly that Unit B, Lt Dale, and sixty soldiers were already waiting at the canal to head into the gate at his word. They sent a message to unit B to keep an eye out for the Danoran emissary and set about deciding exactly what to do:

They had three methods of getting into the Bleak Gate: the canal route which might now be compromised (as Malthusius was still missing); the gatecrasher charm lost by Kell; and the wayfarer's lantern. Using the same sigils they had found on the canal bridges, Harkover believed it would be possible to transfer into the Gate and fix themselves there using the Ob wands. These had been fixed and recharged to provide 10 castings apiece.

A lot of ideas were thrown on the table and thrashed around, and a lot of misunderstandings were cleared up. Asrabey's intel (what little of it there was) was added to what the unit already knew and additional information provided by Sevitar (who reformed in the Bleak Gate equivalent of Cauldron Hill every time he was 'killed'). Sevitar had always assumed the facility he had seen was official, and only when he learned of the RHC's target did he share what he knew with Delft. In the end the following course of action was decided upon:

The force already gathered at the canal would strike there, some distance away from the main entrance, in the hopes of convincing the Ob defenders that this was the only route they had. Korrigan, Rumdoom, Matunaaga and Kvarti Gorbatiy would use the lantern, along with Alexander Grappa and Asrabey Varal. ("Is he going to fight properly this time?" asked Rumdoom, almost causing another international incident.) They would enter the Bleak Gate as close as they could to the same hillside entrance taken by Ekossigan: The fey army had successfully broken through the outer door, but had fallen against the inner defenses that lay at the end of a very long tunnel. They were hoping that by the time they reached the second gate, Uru would have been able to hamper these defenses. He would enter the Gate using the gatecrasher charm, as close as possible to one of the ventilation shafts he had seen during his attempt to rescue the spirits of the hill. He would enter the complex using one of the shafts, if possible. If not, he would rejoin the others lower down the hill.

In the meantime, they received word of Leon's escape and were enjoined by Delft and the King not to aid or abet him in any way.


Back in the RHC basement, thanks to a spell made possible by the destruction of the anti-magic pillar, the Obscurati agent Sylyx slipped through his cell bars. He picked up the pistol of an unconscious guard and headed for the exit. On the way out, he caught sight of Quentin Augst who had been watching him apprehensively and now retreated into the rear of his cell. Heedless of the sound of approaching footsteps - drawn by the alarm raised by the deactivation of the pillar - 'Norm' aimed his pistol at the squirming lawyer. Augst pleaded for his life, but to no avail. Sylyx pulled the trigger and Augst fell to the floor of his cell. Then Sylyx became invisible and slipped through the crowd of guards who arrived too late to achieve anything meaningful.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 100a

Dark-skinned and lithe with cascading golden hair, Lavanya beamed back at Leon from the far end of the minimalist metal table. Her voice bore a feint and lilting Elfaivaran accent.

“What a strange and happy jumble of circumstance and coincidence. I felt sure I had seen you for the very last time when you disappeared into the jungle on Axis Island. It must be strange for you only half-remembering what happened between us, but we can fix that if you like.”

Lavanya explained in an earnest and open fashion that she had to be careful, apologizing again for the mage-cuffs: "There is only so much I can say under the circumstances without first ascertaining to..." (she paused here as if finding difficulty with the words) "... our host’s satisfaction that you can be trusted, as I know you can be."

She offered to return Leon's missing memories, under certain conditions. Leon gave a non-committal shrug of acquiescence. It appeared that Lavanya was prepared to interpret his responses very positively, as she took a locket from where it rested in her shallow cleavage, opened it and took out a small gold ring.

This she rolled down the table where it came to rest, unerringly, in front of Leon. There was an inscription inside: Onslaught Buys Gold. "It was yours," said Lavanya. "I placed your memories within it. To take them back, all you need do is take back the ring."


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 100b

A squad of soldiers had accompanied the unit halfway up Cauldron Hill. They had followed Sevitar's directions and arrived some distance from where they hoped to find a hillside entrance into the Ob facility. With them were Asrabey, the bronze golem, and Kvarti.

Korrigan handed out charm bags he had been given by Harkover Lee: made from fragments of the Risuri flag and filled with Risuri soil, they would spirit the owner back to Lanjyr if torn before daybreak. Uru pointed out that if they did that inside the Ob complex, they would most likely find themselves shunted into solid rock.

One of the soldiers held the wayfarer lantern as it was lit. Everyone within its glow of bruised brownish light was now stood in both the Bleak Gate and Risur, but only the unit and their allies - with the appropriate runes stitched into their clothing - would remain in the Gate when the left the lantern's radius. Another soldier used the wand taken from Norm/Sylyx to fix the unit into the Gate permanently. When the oil in the lantern ran out, the soldiers disappeared and the unit found themselves in a world of gloom. Below them, in the distance, they could see the shapes of buildings in Flint that had stood long enough to develop a shadow in the Bleak Gate. The skyline of the city was almost identical, though Hotel Aurum was not there, but the city was totally dark. No lights at all, and no stars above them. From far a way they could hear faint sounds, the thrum of machinery, and they could smell traces of witchoil.

Communication with the canal force and with Uru would now be impossible until they entered the Bleak gate too.

Just before the lamp faded they had received a report from Professor Ludo Marcione that the canal force had begun its journey along the canal. Unit B, along with the charming and enthusiastic Lt Dale and his handpicked squad of eighty men - half loaded on to two barges; half jogging alongside on either bank - moving steadily eastwards, passing beneath each runescribed bridge in turn.

Shortly before they set off, Dale's men had caught the Danoran emissary sent to warn the Ob of their assault. He bore a handwritten message which simply read: "Be warned: the Risuri crown intends to attack you. Make preparations as best you can."

Under threat of death, the man had confessed that it was Luc Jierre who handed him the note.

By now, Uru was already partway up the hill, avoiding the attentions of the spirits who haunted the slopes beyond the treeline (a treeline that was preturnaturally low; nothing could find purchase in that foul and ravaged soil). He too was following the directions given him by Sevitar, as well as his own rough memory of the fateful night when he had crossed into the Bleak Gate alone and sought to rescue lost spirits. Then he had come across ventilation shafts - quite out of place in the featureless landscape, and he now intended to find one and gain access to the Ob facility, in the hopes of taking out the dire weaponry that Asrabey had reported: cannons that bombarded Ekossigan's fey army with shrapnel.

Finding the right spot was a bit like dowsing, he decided. He kept going until he felt a tingle, then stopped. After a moment's pause, he took out the delicate gatecrasher charm - lost by an over-confident Lorcan Kell - and crushed it. At once he was propelled from one world into another, in a violent surge of arcane power that winded him and knocked him off his feet.

When he looked up, he found himself surrounded by fey: gremlins daubed with warpaint, their eyes wide and ferocious, hissing at him from the gloom.
Last edited:


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 100c

While making their way up the hill, Korrigan and his squad heard the sound of loud wails and screams in the distance, drawing ever closer. Matunaaga ranged ahead. Through a fog of swirling sleet and mist he made out a tall white form, staggering and blundering down the hill.

From within the maelstrom came a wailing voice. “Oh! Oh ! It burns! It bites! Ahhh! The rude iron burns me. More frost, more cold to ease my pain. Where are my warriors? Where are the stars? I cannot see! Ahhhhh!” This distressed and pathetic creature was none other than Ekossigan, blinded by an angry chunk of shrapnel that was wedged in his face. His right eye was destroyed and dried black blood had crusted over the other and his entire frame was lacerated by other wounds.

Out of the darkness, a black-clad female figure appeared, drew close to his aura of ice - to the point where frost began to build on her hair and clothes. Then a shuriken was launched at the figure from the gloom, turned in Ekossigan’s arrowtwist aura and struck the fey lord himself. Matunaaga recognised the fighting style and the black garb from the Obscurati agents he had faced down at RHC HQ.

By now the rest of the unit had drawn up to the rise where Matunaaga was hiding. Their lights were obvious and bright. The black-clad assassin saw them and crouched and Matunaaga made out other figures in the gloom, peeling in either direction like a pack of wolves performing a pincer movement.

Heedless of the Obscurati agents, Asrabey regarded Ekossigan with a sneer. “Like a wounded animal. He must be put down.” With that, he launched himself at the fey lord, pinning him to the spot with his shield, shrugging off his frigid aura and striking him with his fiery blade. Ekossigan cried out and flailed about him with sharp claws to no avail. Matunaaga braved the maelstrom too, and weakened Ekossigan further with a flurry of punches and kicks.

The rest of the unit was beset by shadow creatures, summoned by the muttering of a nethermancer out there in the blackness: cackling crawlers and serpent-maned lions like the ones they had once fought off on the crown of the hill. When the lions roared, they froze the blood in the veins of the living.

Behind this first wave came the Obscurati kill-squad, who picked a target - Rumdoom - and mobbed him. They were supported by tiny knife-wielding creepers in ragged cloaks that spoke in a language like scissors being sharpened. When struck, the disappeared from view only to reappear moments later as they struck out with a poisoned blade.

Swamped, Rumdoom called out to Asrabey, "Why don't you fight something that isn't half dead?"

Asrabey slew Ekossigan, putting the fey lord out of his misery once and for all. Then he and the rest of the unit set about making sure that none of the Obscurati escaped back to base. Matunaaga chased down those who tried to flee and kept one or two alive to see what they could learn from them.

All were staunchly loyal to the Obscurati cause and bound by a geas, but were able to reveal the informal password they agreed each day with the outer gate guards: Today's was 'yawning'.

It was about this time that the first report from unit B came through, harsh, strident and fearful.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 100d

“You will of course be subject to the same geas as before," said Lavanya, "But no more onerous than the rest of us. I have been assured that no further harm will come to you if you return to the fold, and help defend our project from your so-called allies.”

An interruption. A knock at the door.

"What is it, Tinker? Come inside." Tinker had to be coaxed: He was afraid of Leon 'because he is too big'. “But he is no larger than I, and much smaller than Conquo.” Tinker peered around the door, revealing a red beret on a shock of brown hair and large, brown eyes. He darted back again.

“He wants you in the main chamber," said Tinker Oddcog. "There is more trouble, it seems. Outsiders moving in, along the canal. Not fey this time. The big folk! The Risuri.”

“Oh dear," said Lavanya. "We must not let them hurt... the child.” (Glance at Leon. The conversation was punctuated with attempts to work round the Obscurati geas.)

“I am afraid of what will happen. I wish I had gone with... the Old Man. It might be better if they did come in here. Then I could get out through the same little hole.”

Another voice, and a black-clad man entered the chamber. “Lavanya. There is no more time for socialising with your guest. Intruders have entered the compound. Please join us in the primary chamber at once. And bring Conquo.”

Lavanya looked at Leon for a response. “We do not have much time. Will you come? If you put on the ring, I can show you our great work.” She hesitated before speaking again. "We have another guest here. One of your acquaintances,I belive. No one could vouch for him as I have for you and he ... he has been treated harshly. I do not approve of the methods used, and would hate for such things to happen to you. Will you put on the ring?"


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 100e

The half dozen gremlins Uru encountered turned out to be cowering, hiding and no longer under Ekossigan's sway. Two of their number were watching over the recumbent form of Ellik, who was dying - a fragment of iron lodged in his chest. Ellik said he was sorry for what had happened, and in particular mourned the loss of Gale. Then he died and the gremlins wept.

Uru chivvied them into action, asking if had they explored the mountain and if so had they found any metal pipes. The gremlins said yes, but were afraid to move from the safe spot they had found. Uru gnashed his teeth and said the spot they had found was no longer safe now that he had found it. With that, they were on their way, keen to help.

When they arrived at a ventilation shaft, Uru checked it for traps and found a powerful magical ward which he disabled with great care. Then he and the gremlins opened it up and began to clamber down.

Now Uru received the same garbled report from Ludo. A frightened report about gunfire and trolls. Trolls! Shadow trolls beneath the bridge. Korrigan gave the order to press the attack, lest the Ob defenders withdraw too soon.

The stinking shaft came out on a very long corridor. Two engineers walked by with dinner trays from a refectory area where the noise of a large gathering could be heard. They said they had been told to go and eat in their rooms. Uru stole towards the main entrance and was busily searching for a means to affect the outer doors when they began to grind open. A troop of some twenty or so men armed with rifles marched out, presumably heading to the canal to support the defences there. Fortunately, Uru had discovered a secret door just before the guards marched past him, and found himself in an antechamber from where three more guards could control the outer doors. Uru also saw an array of oil sprayers and fire starters that could be brought to bear on the entrance corridor, once intruders were already inside. But there was no shrapnel cannon as described by Asrabey. There was a slim observation window through which the guards could observe the approach to the huge metal doors. Once their comrades had trooped out, they closed it up again. Next to that window, large sheets of metal were propped up against the wall, and one or two had chunks ripped out of them as if they had been bitten into by a ravenous monster.

Uru reported all this to the main strike force, and then sent an animal messenger to the gremlins who were hiding in the utility shaft.
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