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Zero Divide: Episode #2 "Black Star"


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James Heard said:
"What sort of question is that? How comfortable would you be, in my place?"

Alan shakes his head.
“Perhaps not very but it is an honest and simple-” she is about to finish but he continues speaking.
James Heard said:
"Are you comfortable, Ashana? Did you have a sexual relationship with the man you know as 'Georgy'? How did it feel to watch Omega Tau III be abandoned, knowing that you were leaving him behind? Do you have family? Would you be comfortable knowing that they all might be dead, except for the ones that massive amounts of organized crime figures only want dead? Were you abused as a child?" Alan ticks off each sentence with a scowl and as points on his fingers.
Her eyes narrow as he continues speaking, she says something unintelligible* and then turns to look forward, “Such a vile human you are Doctor Tighe.”

*She spoke in a Junian dialect, Cathian; Alan gains Speak Language (Junian-Cathian Dialect). She basically called him via rough translation ‘Honor less Vermin that should be devoured in pieces’.
James Heard said:
"Don't mind me. I'm just peachy. Wedge, why don't you tell me the names of all these guns while we're on the way to shoot people?"
Wedge gulps, "Uhh... yeah," he begins listing the weapons though very uneasy with the tension in th air.

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Vanifae said:
The security person, wearing full armor, made of some metal/plastic amalgam with a full face helmet responds with a modulated voice, “I was just about to ask you the same question, defacing corporate property is a serious offense, I will have to ask you all to come with me, so please put down the weapon.”

Talos shuffles looking about, “I agree humans we must leave this place, you have done enough harm already.”

The rest of the amnesiacs hear a low buzzing in their ears, a nameless static, barely audible.

(It had seemed like Haven was ripping the surface of the building up rahter than penetrating all the way to the interior. I hope. Otherwise this won't work so well).

Ashley tries to seem surprised. "Defacing corporate property? ... I guess that is what it looks like, isn't it?" she admits with a smile. She waves back towards the rest of the group, "Anyway, they haven't defaced anything, so it's okay if they move along while we get this cleared up, right?"

She motions for Haven to hand over his weapon - at least for now -smiles at him, and turns back to the guard. "I think you'll see that things aren't quite as they seem here. We should be able to fix the, ah, 'damage' without too much difficulty." She continues in a sugary tone, "How long did you set it to last, sweetie? Do you have to revert it manually?" Figure out that I'm talking about holograms - like Mira was using - or at least don't screw things up.

(Bluff +4/+8. Hopefully this seems much more likely than a person tearing through a building with a sword like chunk of metal. :) Maybe we can get some Aid going on? Not sure if I want to spend an HP though. thoughts?)


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"I was just showng them the finer points of holographic technology." Haven agreed with a sigh, this was going tototally ruin his threat if they just thought it was some parlor trick, not that the threat wasn't already ruined by Facade's caving in.

"No no...I have to reset it manually. I'm surprised they thought I was really strong enough to do all that. You may want to call the mental health board, though I guess being guilible isn't a crime, it just makes you sought after at all the card games." the teen said with a grin. He hands the offcer the sword like piece of metal and than waves his hand over the rubble until it replaces itself looking undamaged once agan.

"Sorry about this...I guess the joke wasn't all that funny."

(OOC: Diplomacy and Bluff for Haven are +6 or +10 if people find him attractive.)


First Post
"I think this has all been a misunderstanding," Facade says to the security officers.

"I assure you though, it won't happen again."

(Diplo +10, Bluff +10)



This place is a hole. No, never mind. I've probably stayed in much nicer holes. "Damn it," he mutters as the buzzing starts. "Is there something planted in my skull or something," he asks himself, staring into the blurred mirror in the facility. We need to have a chat with Mira. Michael walks out of the restroom facility, but still staying away from the rest of the group. He waits until he makes eye contact with one of them, then taps his ear quizzically.

Michael's Following Duplicate

Michael's duplicate still attempts to follow the group of thugs, paying the most attention to their apparent leader, the junian. He moves towards the alleyway, hoping to conceal himself within it while the thug fritters away eight minutes of his life. "Hey," he mutters, hoping to catch the attention of the bum. "You know that guy," nodding his head towards the junian.

I hope these guys don't have much in the way of transportation. I wonder what he's waiting for?

James Heard

Vanifae said:
“Perhaps not very but it is an honest and simple-” she is about to finish but he continues speaking.

Her eyes narrow as he continues speaking, she says something unintelligible* and then turns to look forward, “Such a vile human you are Doctor Tighe.”

*She spoke in a Junian dialect, Cathian; Alan gains Speak Language (Junian-Cathian Dialect). She basically called him via rough translation ‘Honor less Vermin that should be devoured in pieces’.

Wedge gulps, "Uhh... yeah," he begins listing the weapons though very uneasy with the tension in th air.
Alan replies in Junian.

"<They tried to devour me. They killed a world around me, thin-skinned child - and they tried to take my mind when they failed.>"

He continues in English touched with compassion.

"If you want to talk about it, later on... Loss and suffering is something that sapients should share with others to ease their personal burdens. Even if I am a 'vile human,' I'm still a doctor. I apologize if my prodding to see if you were being honest with me opened old wounds, but I have very little around me that is certain.


First Post
James Heard said:
Alan replies in Junian.

"<They tried to devour me. They killed a world around me, thin-skinned child - and they tried to take my mind when they failed.>"

He continues in English touched with compassion.

"If you want to talk about it, later on... Loss and suffering is something that sapients should share with others to ease their personal burdens. Even if I am a 'vile human,' I'm still a doctor. I apologize if my prodding to see if you were being honest with me opened old wounds, but I have very little around me that is certain.
Ashana raises a brow, “Your command of my language is surprising human… although the words you have spoken could lead to an early demise, I am well aware of you species traits… perhaps all too well.”

“Your prodding could get you killed Doctor, you may want to exercise some discretion in the future,” the vehicle moves through the busy streets of this other worldly metropolis. She continues speaking, “I am not sure why I am helping you… but I hope I am making the right decision to give you the benefit of the doubt.”

The vehicle comes to a halt, Wedge speaks up, “We’re here.”

Michael’s double

The transient grins wide eyed with a toothy grin, well it would be toothy if it were not missing so many teeth. He looks human in shabby clothes, or remnants of shabby clothes worn in disgusting dirty layers. His breath is rank as he talks, “Oh I don’t know him… but if you can spare me a few creds, I might be able to remember… memory ain’t so good after the war… I’m a veteran you know… 514th Human Alliance Marine Corps… a little down on my luck… but my ship is bound to come in…”

He waits with that same toothy grin.

A black multi purpose truck/van like vehicle with 6 wheels pulls up in front of the station.

The group

The security guards nod as the illusion disperses, “Damn kids, always causing trouble… alright I am going to let you of with a warning but you shouldn’t be threatening a cartel thug, you kids are not immortal… those are dangerous folks. Now get out of here before I change my mind.”

They start walking away.

Talos shakes his head, “Oh what have you done, they will murder my life-mate humans… why could you not comply…”


First Post
Facade shakes her head.

"We still have twenty-four hours to work out what to do. They can't kill her before that, or they'll lose their leverage. You'd better take us to see this Mira though so we can work out the next step. Clock's ticking now."


First Post
Ashley tries to seem apologetic. "Sorry. That guy was already ranting like a maniac; something about our bleached skulls. Maybe we shouldn't have threatened him. On the other hand, if he kept building up momentum..." He? thinks we're children...

"Anyway, thanks for letting us off. And for the advice." She smiles and waves as she starts to walk away. "Bye-Bye."

Hmm, how can we do this... Fake Mira+trade+escape? Not sure if she'd be up for it; she seems a bit hesitant. Try to go up the chain of command and work out a new deal? Rescue? We probably don't want to tip our hand so soon. Help them get Mira? Depends on what exactly they'll do with her... Hang Talos's mate out to dry?

"Why don't we get going?" Ashley shakes her head and looks around. What's that buzzing?

James Heard

Vanifae said:
Ashana raises a brow, “Your command of my language is surprising human… although the words you have spoken could lead to an early demise, I am well aware of you species traits… perhaps all too well.”

“Your prodding could get you killed Doctor, you may want to exercise some discretion in the future,” the vehicle moves through the busy streets of this other worldly metropolis. She continues speaking, “I am not sure why I am helping you… but I hope I am making the right decision to give you the benefit of the doubt.”
"Any demise of mine would be anything but early, Ashana. As for helping me? I've been thinking the same thing about you. It's probably healthy - keeps us on our toes."

As the van pulls to a halt Alan grins.

"So what to we do now? Jump out and shoot stuff? Arrest everyone? I could take off my shirt and blind everyone with my no-tan?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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