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Zero Divide (OOC Discussion)


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Zero Divide

This is a low powered M & M, Power Level 5 with some restrictions on powers that are available. Flight, Teleport, and other super travel powers are off limits, increased running and jumping is allowable. All heroes have a biological origin, or you could even consider them mutants. Each character is a blank slate, they have no current memory though they do speak the current language, and will know certain things based on some background choices I will provide for them from a pool of possible “backgrounds”.

So yes the characters begin life with amnesia, sort of a cliché start, but one that I think will be enjoyable as the story progresses. The characters are between the apparent ages of 17 to 22, they are all young adults. I leave any physical details to the individual player, but they should look human meaning permanent transformation powers, i.e. ice man or rock woman, are not going to work, but if you want to elemental powers by all means go ahead.

I will need only two to three players though five or six would be perfect. But I can make do with less. The game will be heavy on the role-playing but also have action, I will try for cool set pieces and meaningful action.

6 points will be reserved for skills, 1 will be spent from your background/memories.


Leader: You recall a sense of being in charge, or at least having the responsibility. You think you had a way with people, or maybe you just knew what to say, but you feel that perhaps you were important; Diplomacy 2 ranks, Sense Motive 2 ranks.

Medic: People get hurt, and you feel the need to aid them. You have an inclination for helping the sick, wounded, and injured. Maybe you were a doctor, or maybe you were just a worrisome parent of an active child, either way you have a healing touch; Medicine 4 ranks.

Scientist (2): You have an inquisitive mind, or maybe you just like trying to figure things out; either way you have some knowledge of the sciences maybe this was your field of study, or maybe you dabbled in everything? It all seems jumbled; Knowledge 4 ranks (Choose one of Behavioral Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Technology).

Engineer (2): Building things seems in your blood or at least the knowledge to do so. Maybe you were just a car mechanic or maybe you were a weapon platforms engineer, who knows; Craft 4 ranks (Choose one of Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical, or Structural).

Computer Tech: You like computer systems, maybe you worked with them back… well back whenever it was that you can’t remember. You know how to use them even if you don’t recall why you learned to begin with; Computers 4 ranks.

Soldier (3): Fighting people, or maybe defending others comes natural to you. Perhaps you were an officer of the law, or maybe a military man, or maybe just some random street tough, either way you know how to fight or at least how to defend yourself. Choose two skills from the following list each at 2 ranks; Acrobatics, Concentration, Intimidate, Notice, and Survival.

Pilot: You know how to operate vehicles be it that they fly or roll on wheels. You can drive it, or at least you think you can. Were you a stunt driver, or just a commercial pilot? Perhaps time will fill in the pieces; Drive 2 ranks, Pilot 2 ranks.

The number behind the particular background/memory track is the maximum amount we can have in the group, i.e. Soldier (3) means no more then 3 soldier types.

Make sure to note which background you are choosing. Outside of the 5 reserve points for skills, and then one point used by the background/memory path you can spend up to 5 more points on skills of your choice.

The details of the actual story are vague because well that is part of the fun.

Starting Points: 75*
System: M&M Second Edition, Core Book only.

* Remember 6 points are already spoken for.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Alright. Sounds good to me. I'm in; though you'll need to be patient with me I've only played one other game using the MnM rules.

I'll go with the Soldier background. I'm gonna be a little busy tomorrow and Saturday, so I'll have my character up no later than Sunday evening. Is that acceptable?


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Frukathka said:
Alright. Sounds good to me. I'm in; though you'll need to be patient with me I've only played one other game using the MnM rules.

I'll go with the Soldier background. I'm gonna be a little busy tomorrow and Saturday, so I'll have my character up no later than Sunday evening. Is that acceptable?
LOL considering you are the first person, haha yeah works for me gives me time to get my notes straight :)


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As many games as I'm in...I love M&M...and I -especially- love mysterious games!

I'm thinking right now some physical shapeshifting (only human forms though, so it's really just altering appearance) combined with some regeneration. I've had an idea for a powered human percolating forever now and never got to play her in a game. The amnesia even fits the concept, though I'm sure the reason for it will be different. That's cool though! I love adapting ideas to fit games...

Unusually low PL, but that just makes it challenging. I'd like to submit a build, if that's all right.


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If it is too low I can boost the points but I want it low because for me the system can be daunting and I want the players to be manageable, and still I guess heroic?

But yes that is a cool concept.


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It has been a time I wanted to try a low PL game. I had a character made for such a game, but the memory lose and the mutant origin doesn't fit him, so I'll think of another concept.

Looking at the background, I must tell I've always liked the more charismatic type of character and the Leader would interest me. The powers might not be directly in that spirit, but the skills will refelct it. most likely a type of leader who become string against the odd but doesn't feel necesserly as a leader itself.


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One thing to watch out for in M&M is that there's a certain number of points needed just to approach human norms.

Each stat point over 10, for example, costs a point. Then each point of attack bonus and defense bonus. Ditto with saves. It adds up -fast-.

Now, I'm in no way saying PL5 isn't enough to make heroes, or even heroes with powers. I think it is. And also, I think you're wise to lowball at first. It's -much- easier to add points later than it is to take them away. :)

Hmm! No criminal backgrounds, eh? :)

And Leader is spoken for...perhaps medic, or engineer...


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Just to give you an idea...

This idea is kind of like this: You take Heroes, Mass Effect, Ghost in the Shell, and Battlestar Galactica (New Series); throw them into a room together have them fight to the death. Then swoop in take the smoking corpses put them in a blender, throw in copious amounts of conspiracy...

Chill in the freezer, then serve in shot glasses.

Then forced to drink while watching Ergo Proxy while listening to In Rainbows.

That would be the basis of my ideas, setting material, and uhh... yeah.

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