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Zombies: Plot Help


Ok, so if I were to run a zombie horror game, there would be the typical plots of surviving the zombies and killing the zombies...but that's not enough for me.

What other plots and sub-plots can be used in a good zombie killfest?

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C. Baize

First Post
People to fight:
Petty tyrants
Good ol' boys with guns and disregard for civilization
Rogue military units
Foreign military invasionary forces
Psychotic vigilante gangs
Rogue "Posses"

Things to DO:
Find a defensible base
Re-establish civilization
Create a survivors' enclave
Kick much booty.


Ok, aside from the 'things to kill' part, the things to do sounds pretty reasonable, but also...typical.

What non-typical sub-plots are there? :)

Not only that, how do you hook the players on it? I mean, aside from them wanting to be 'good guys'...building a shelter for others may not be in their cards, they may be worried about themselves.

How do you get them to follow anything but the 'kill zombies' plot?

C. Baize

First Post
Maybe they're not good guys.
Perhaps THEY are slavers.
Or any of the other groups mentioned (aside from Zombies... unless you've read Monster Island/Nation/Planet, which gives ideas for playing intelligent zombies)...

Could also add elements of Shadow, Moreaus, elements of Darwin's World 2.... Cybernetics... Experimental government stuff that gets loose and goes awry...


First Post
Pick up (or browse) a copy of All Flesh Must Be Eaten, which includes a d20 conversion appendix. It's basically the zombie RPG.

As for atypical plot ideas:

1) Dealing with a small survivor culture that's built around heavy drug use
2) Searching out a plant in the bayou that supposedly will drive away zombies when burnt
3) The safest building in town is supposedly haunted; the PCs have to either prove it isn't, or exorcize the building, so that the people can safely hide out there
4) A serial killer is stalking the community, providing "offerings" to the zombies
5) People begin believing a virus is responsible for the zombies, and lynch anyone who appears sick
6) There's an old hermit living in a shack in the woods; the zombies haven't eaten him for some reason
7) The community leader is infected and turning slowly, but trying to hide it


First Post
Not much more to add here.

But if playing in a postapocalyptic zombie game, perhaps part of establishing a new survivor enclave could involve the politics of surviving the group. Who runs things, who's in charge. WHo gets a say. some heavy politicing may not be everyone's taste, but can make for some interesting role playing session, specially when not everyone in the group agrees on how the place should be run. We had a 7th Sea swashbuckling game where the GM pretty much got all the players invovled in politics and usualy with players on different sides of the same arguement. made for some interesting gaming. but only works if the players do not take the in game power plays personally. we had one player that did, needless to say, she did not last very long and no one was too fussed about her leaving the group.

C. Baize

First Post
Or yet another dynamic, Lupus...
The PCs establish the enclave, but feel compelled to keep going out and killing as many zombies as they can, which leads to friction with the one(s) who actually DO(es) lead(s) the enclave. Especially if the one(s) who lead(s) do(es) so by popular consent of the other community members.


First Post
What do you want the plot to be...

Are they trying to reach an answer to the zombie manifestation? Are they just trying to survive, locate loved ones that are lost in the sea of death?

Could be that one of them has been bitten and lo and behold they do not become infected, why?

The answer to any zombie game is to survive but you have to really work at it because the numbers start working against you. Someone mentioned AFMBE a great game and one of the supplement One of the Living is really invaluable.

You need also to determine when does the game begin, days after the rise...weeks, months or even years?

Good luck....


All interesting ideas. I particularly like the players AS zombies thing, that sounds like a fun short game.

I'm going to be introducing a few players to gaming and d20, and I will be using Year of the Zombie as my mainstay for zombie books. I just want to give my players new to roleplaying some other things to do besides kill zombies. Good ideas, keep em coming. :)

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