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In case anyone is wondering, my tune "Pistolero" is specifically a Pathfinder song. It's all about the Gunslinger class. Whee! :cool:

Dealing with High Level PCs

Conventional methods of adventure design often don’t work so well with high level characters. Because of the mouse-hitting-the-switch-for-more-food-effect, PCs at higher levels tend to be way overpowered. The average high level character has at least a half dozen powerful abilities, and magic items. So, instead of throwing more orcs at them, here are some strategies to stop your overpowered...

Gamehackery Christmas List

Just time for your Cyber Monday shopping, here are some gift ideas for the DM or player on your list. I'm going to try to avoid ideas that will be covered on other lists -- which does not mean that I think giving a gamer a copy of Dungeon Command is a bad idea, just that I think others have it covered pretty well. We'll focus on gadgets, technology, and anything hack-ish. Livescribe pen...

Playing God #4 - Putting it Together

Alright, after the last exercise our playstyle is known. What do we do with that knowledge? This is where we go shopping for systems. Choice of system is really vast today, compared to past times. Everything from Champions, one of the most detailed point based games to WuShu a very slim fast moving game. The first thing is the choice of system itself. Is there an overwhelming leaning in a...

Review of Way of the Wicked (Book Two: Call Forth Darkness) by Fire Mountain Games

Thanks for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed the book! Gary McBride Fire Mountain Games

Experience Point: New Faces = Great Ideas

My gaming group is what you might call “stable”. Our “new guy” has been gaming with us for 18 years. My best friend is somebody whom I’ve been playing RPG’s with for 30 years. Some might say we go beyond “stable” and verge on “stagnant”. That could very easily have been true were it not for some of us venturing out of the group and returning with fresh ideas. The best places to go get...

3G: Growing Up Cali, the Great Smokey Mountains, and Greenwich Mean Time

In 2002, some WizOs and wizards.com patrons got together to start a D&D campaign. Ergeheilalt, Tisca, and myself agreed to DM the campaign in a round-robin format, trading off between adventures, or if real life interfered with game preparation. Ergeheilalt set the game in his homebrew world of Thimtona, everyone rolled up 1<sup>st</sup> level characters, and away we went. Choices for...

Pretty Darn Fun (A look at new PDFs)

This week we are adding a new section to the column; you can see it near the end of the article. RPGs and PDFs sometimes run in themes; the first three publications are all inter-related, but different from each other. It’s fairly fascinating how the history in our rpg community can come together at times and these three highlight it. Actually, quite a few of the selections for the week...

3G: Go, Go, Gadget Bohemian Earspoon!

Technology has always been a part of D&D. Don Kaye, a friend of Gary Gygax’s in his original campaign, created the character of Murlynd, who wore a Stetson and sported twin six-shooters. Murlynd’s house was detailed in the module The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, featuring electrical lights, hot and cold running water (turned on only on the first floor), and a stove and refrigerator in the...

Ten Ways to Make Treasure Cool

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:RelyOnVML/> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]-->Every GM at some point is faced with the conundrum of coming up with new treasures. Yes, you could throw infinite piles of gems, gold, and jewelry at the party; but eventually it’s just going to become routine. Hardly what you want for your magnificent treasure...

3G: Ginnifer Goodwin and Gallifrey

As a 12-year-old, I spent every waking moment crafting D&D adventures for my friends to play. The older I got, however, the less time I had to devote to creating encounters from scratch. Thankfully, there was a wealth of modules in the early D&D days that presented the DM with the “bare bones” of an adventure that could be tailored to individual campaigns. Of course, as a teenager, I...

Family Gamers: When the Little Ones cry…

Note: Just want to remind everyone that input, criticism, etc is welcome and appreciated. I noticed last week’s article wasn’t read by many. Are you getting tired? Do I need a new direction? Was that article really that bad? Remember, you tell me if it’s a hit, miss, critical hit or a critical fumble. :) Thanks. On with the show!! This week we move to something other than RPGs. We play all...
Where are you? Actually, don't tell me - I'll tell you where you are. Not you, specifically, of course - but "you" as an anonymised aggregate. "What's Morrus blathering on about this time?" is probably near the tip of your tongue right now. Well, WotC recently asked if I (along with, I assume, other large web communities of gamers) would be able to pull an anonymised list from Google...

Review of Rusty Axe Dungeon Tiles (Core Set)

Reported. Cheers, Colin

Gamehackery: The Initiative Initiative

One of my gadget-strewn quests over years of gaming has been finding a good way to track initiative. I've seen a lot of methods -- and everyone loves what they're doing (or doesn't obsess about it), but I've got my favorites. What We Need Initiative is important for DMs, who need to keep things running in an orderly way. Taking control of initiative is critical to good tactical play...

Experience Point: The Zeigarnik Effect

Do you know who Bluma Zeigarnik is? Well if you don’t then you should totally click on that link because, in addition to be awfully pretty (as Russian scientists go), she did some really fascinating research back in the early 20th century. The “Zeigarnik Effect” came out of that research, which is basically how your brain won’t let something go if it got interrupted in the middle of doing...

This Week in TTRPG


For a campaign built on investigation and exploration rather than blasting through an Alien hive.
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
Put the players within spitting distance of the fall of House Atreides and the rise of Muad’Dib.
For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse-spanning, multiverse-threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.

Dungeons & Dragons

A mind flayer adorns the Monster Manual alternate cover!
Bathe in the brilliance of the Morning Star—if you're brave enough.
The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!
Hasbro will update the project and pitch to other networks and streamers
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
The 2024 DMG cover has been revealed by the UK's Mirror newspaper.

Industry News

The award is given for “significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community”
Finalists include one game designer, two conventions, a charity bundle, and a labor union
More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!
D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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