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EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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Review of Heroes Against Darkness by Justin Halliday

"2010 to 2013 as the Era of the Retro-clones" The Retro-Clone movement must have been in high gear in 2008, since I have PBP and Yahoogroup PBEM retro-clone games dating from that time - I was just looking back over them yesterday! Castles and Crusades was not a retro-clone, but came out in 2004 Castles & Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - and got people thinking along those lines...

Review of Kobold Quarterly Issue #22 (Summer 2012) by Open Design


Pathfinder Review: Advanced Race Guide

The tieflings are shortchanged vs the aasimars again... the ARG misses the worthwhile bit of the tiefling standalone product (like possible different ability modifiers that make the fiendish sorcery worthwhile at last). Aasimar gain racial feats for true flight and metallic skin while tieflings can at best gain small vestigal wings as a racial trait... The Merfolk have 3 +2 traits, natural...

Dungeon Command - First Game

Thanks! Mods: This should go on the front/news page if it already hasn't. EDIT: thanks guv.

Review of Ultramodern 4 by Dias Ex Machina

Layout issues have been fixed with a recent update, thanks for the positive review...

Review of Servants of Gaius by Bedrock Games

Thanks for the review Neuroglyph!

Review of Into the Unknown: The Dungeon Survival Handbook by WotC

deleted. misread you.

Steve Jackson on Wil Wheaton's "Tabletop"

Wil Wheaton's web series Tabletop featured an interview with Steve Jackson in the latest episode. The episode itself also featured Felicia Day and and Sandeep Parikh and looked at Jackson's card game, Munchkin. The show mainly deals with board games, but the occasional RPG mentions pop up from time to time, like now. You can find out more about Tabletop over at Felicia Day's GeekandSundry.
D&D pronunciation. Does it matter? No. Can it be fun to discuss? Sure! While pedantry over pronunciation is the opposite of charisma, that's no reason not to look at the etymology of some of the words we use in our games.

Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games

Thanks for a great review of a great game!

Review of Diablo 3 by Blizzard Entertainment

Wow, you thought the storyline was good? Does it get radically, incredibly better after Act I? Because I've got to tell you, if it doesn't, I have no idea what you're thinking. I played Act I and was less than impressed. Then I watched the Act I end cinematic and quit the game. If D3 had been a book, I would have thrown it across the room at that moment. Please understand, I don't expect...

Double Review: Midgard Bestiary (Pathfinder RPG Edition) & Party of One: Alosar Emanl

A druid with the fire domain gets burning hands.

Pathfinder Review: Blood of Fiends

Solid review. I am still ambivalent about tieflings, but I might give the book a change to change my mind. They suffer, in part, from a lack of thematic balance in the game - there really is no "children of angels" player suitable race.

Review of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Basic Game by Margaret Weis Productions

Thanks for the review, Neuroglyph! While I do think the lack of a classic point-buy system A LA Champions has thrown some people, the game does extensively cover how to create your own heroes, events, and scenes. In fact, together with the random datafile generator provided in the PDF or on the website, MHR has the same three options the original Marvel Super Heroes game did: premade hero...

Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) RPG by Goodman Games

Best version of D&D...EVER!

Review: The Slumbering Tsar Saga

Having read the chapter version myself - yeah, it's that good.

This Week in TTRPG


For a campaign built on investigation and exploration rather than blasting through an Alien hive.
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
Put the players within spitting distance of the fall of House Atreides and the rise of Muad’Dib.
For its first book of D&D's 50th anniversary year, Wizards is going big with a multiverse-spanning, multiverse-threatening adventure where players will face off against one of the game’s most legendary villains.

Dungeons & Dragons

A mind flayer adorns the Monster Manual alternate cover!
Bathe in the brilliance of the Morning Star—if you're brave enough.
The 2025 Monster Manual cover has been unveiled!
Hasbro will update the project and pitch to other networks and streamers
With The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977, Wizards is going back to the roots of the game, presenting material other histories have not.
The 2024 DMG cover has been revealed by the UK's Mirror newspaper.

Industry News

The award is given for “significant contributions to the science fiction, fantasy, and related genres community”
Finalists include one game designer, two conventions, a charity bundle, and a labor union
More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!
D&D-powered cartoon fun from Cryptozoic Entertainment.

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