Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

Veritas said:
Mjr Rannickooc: I'm assuming that the canyon walls are restricting our view...

((Actually, no, you on the ground can still see it. The ground itself is fairly flat, and the 'bunker' is near the ground. Not too hard to see.))

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Mjr Rannick, Compforce

ooc: oops, ok. It sounded like there were high canyon walls on either side of us, and that's where Devlin and Sri were... my bad.

"Affirmative, Devlin. Can you see any activity or movement from your vantage point?"


Devlin, Imperial 'soldier'

Devlin gives the area on more scan with the monoculars before turning to Sri.


Devlin passes on what they have to the Major. He aslo asks if it may not be better to find another way in, given that this canyon looks like a reasonably well prepared path.

Sri:[sblock]You can see through what looks to be a small, glasteel viewport slit across the center of the bunker. As far as you can tell, there are no security devices or weapon emplacements on the exterior, and you can't even see any kind of entrance in the immediate area.

However, you can see a hint of movement inside, though the glasteel panel prevents seeing any detail at all.[/sblock]

Devlin:[sblock]The canyon wall is as boring as the one where you stand on. The only point of interest you can find is the bunker.

You can see what looks to be a small, glasteel viewport slit across the center of the bunker. As far as you can tell, there are no security devices or weapon emplacements on the exterior, and you can't even see any kind of entrance in the immediate area.[/sblock]


*Sri focuses through the scope, scanning slowly over the bunker.* "Looks like a viewport, plasteel. Too fuzzy to really see through. No security or weapons visible. Hell, no entrances. Wait, wait.... Movement inside, but I can't make it out - something's in there, though."


Devlin, male human Imperial 'soldier'

Devlin scans the canyon one last time. He is unable to see any movement, but he confirms everything else Sri reports.

Devlin switches his attention to the surrounding area, looking for any alternative approaches to the bunker appart from straight up the canyon.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Archimedes scans the immediate area around the bunker for likely ambush points that pose a danger to he and his group (Knowledge: Tactics).

"Shall we approach it sir?"


First Post
Mjr Rannick, CompForce

Hmm... No entrances... he thinks...

Rannick nods to Archimedes "We should scout it out to see if there's an entrance on the far side of the bunker. We may be approaching it from the rear." he looks around at the terrain. "I'm curious if there might be any other ways in though... caves or the like."


Devlin, male human Imperial 'soldier'

Scouting is not really Devlin's strong point, so he assumes that Rannick doesn't intend for him to go. Nor is holding the high ground with a rifle either, come to think of it. Marching up to the front and talking his way in is more Devlin's thing. But given that they are probably rebels, the odds of charming them into extending an invitation are slight, and given the thick slab of plassteel, the odds of Intimidating them into doing so are similarly drepressing.

Devlin holds position and considers the options.

"A sweep of the area could be useful. It it shows nothing, then perhaps put two men in covering positions and move up and see what we have, sir."

ooc: of course, this is SW. Fortified bases don't have defensive parimeters and guards. You just walk up and rap politely on the door. At which point a little sentry unit will pop out of the door and interview you.

((So you want to scout the area? Which way do you want to head first? The canyon ends up going both left and right at where the wall ends and the bunker emplacement can be seen.))

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