Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 91, “The Walking Wounded“, Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 3:30 P.M.

As the target of his chase falls to the ground from multiple shots Jake pulls up his horse and looks quickly around for additional Cowboy gang while he cross draws his long barreled revolver. He scans the open ground back and forth not seeing any and not seeing any of his party taking aim anywhere.

Time seemed to slow as Kate lowered Tom's pistol. She stared at the body for a few long moments before she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the horse, burying her face in it's mane. She turned the animal so her back would be to the body when she opened her eyes. She started the horse back toward the others at a walk, unsure she could stay on going any faster. After a night with perhaps an hour of sleep, a long ride, and two battles on an empty stomach, all she wanted was to go back to the El Parador and crawl into bed.

Chester dusts himself off and holsters his Remington. He runs toward Tricia. "What do you think you were doing? You could have gotten yourself killed. You were supposed to stay near me, not charging forth like that. That's how people die, by not following orders." He sees her hand. "Do you have any bandages on you? You got winged there. Damn lucky, if you ask me. Kate? Do you have any bandages? Miss Shaw here got hurt."

Chester notices that Kate is barely holding together. "Miss Shaw, follow me. We need to get you patched up and Mrs. Kale looks exhausted. Kate, do you have any bandages?" Kate wordlessly pulls some from her saddlebag and hands them to Chester. He checks Tricia's wound and wraps it. "There. That should hold it. I didn't know those guys had dynamite."

Kate began to shake off the exhausted shock that had settled on her at the end of the fight There would be time for that later. She looked at Chester and said, "Not dynamite. I saw dynamite at the farmhouse. I'd lay down money that was magic." Chester whispers into her ear, "I kind of figured that since the guy pointed one of those metal sticks at us. But I don't know how the Shaws feel about magic." "The same way as most others, I imagine," she whispered while extending her hand. "Would we give me a hand down please?" Chester helped her slip off the horse and steadied her for a moment.

Ruby makes her way over to Claibourne's body. She winces again as she slides off her horse. She gives him a good pat, "Good boy, I think I'll keep you." She looks down again at her arm, the blood now soaking her whole sleeve. She peeks inside her shirt and grimaces. Not only did it look gross now but was going to leave a huge bruise that wouldn't be covered by pants or a skirt. Ruby shivers at the ugliness of her injury.

She shakes her head and hair free from her hat as she walks over to Claibourne. She takes a good look at him, ending in a swift kick to his side to make sure he is really dead. She pulls his jacket off him, no easy feat with one good arm. She goes though his saddlebag and gathers his guns and other equipment together. Then she falls to her knees and holding her shoulder in pain she tries to concentrate to cast a spell. The pain is too great and she knows the spell won't work, so instead she holds her arm and waits for either her friends to get to her or to pass out.

Nanuet hollers in pain as the bullet penetrates his lower arm. He drops the rifle he was going to use as a club but manages to maintain a hold on the reins. He assesses the situation and sees Ruby swooning from her injuries so he makes his way over to her and dismounts, clenching his teeth against the pain from his own wound. "Ruby, Ruby... look at me. How badly are you hurt? I have some healing of my own, but it is not all that strong. Let me see that wound."

Ruby looks at Nanuet then down at her bloody shirt. Then she looks at Nanuet and his bloody arm. "No... you should heal yourself first, you're hurt too." He says, "I'll be fine, let me help you. You have lost a lot of blood." Nanuet begins his prayers and using his own magic he casts a healing prayer on Ruby

"No, I said heal yourself first!" Ruby resists Nanuet but he heals her anyway. "Oh," she says relaxing, "That feels a little better." She opens the top buttons on her shirt and pulls it off her shoulder. She sees blood still streaming out of the wound. "How's it look, it still hurts?" Nanuet starts to move a little closer, "I should warn you I didn't wear my riding corset today. Too constrictive," she smiles.

Shaw's men begin to gather up the surviving Cowboy Gang horses, with Tim Kiplin choosing one to replace his lost mount. The saddles are pulled from the dead horses and one downed horse that is still barely alive is put out of its misery. Kiplin also finds a spare change of clothes in one of the Cowboy Gang horse's saddlebags, which he hands to Chester.

Emery Shaw approaches his daughter. The man has an angry look on his face and he shouts, "Young Lady! Exactly what was the meaning of that foolishness! You were supposed to stick with the plan!" She defiantly yells back, "What plan? How in Hades was I supposed to know what Geronimo Drill Pattern B was? You never included Ellen or me in your Apace Raid drills. You just had us to hide in our rooms."

He lowers his voice and replies, "That's why I told you to stick with Martin. I wasn't going to talk about our ranch defenses in front of the Indian or the traitor." Nanuet hears and approaches Shaw. He states, "The Indian has a name. You can call me Nanuet. I am one of the people who helped keep the Apache from going on the warpath not too long ago, you can thank me another time. I know you will never be able to trust me, but I thought you might be interested in that information. Now, do any of your men need healing?"

Trisha pulls a rag out of her pocket and, staring her father down, starts to wind it defiantly around her injured left hand. "I can take care of myself, Pa," she says angrily, when Nanuet is finished. "I ain't a little girl any more." She turns to survey the scene, then looks back at Nanuet. "Ruby took a bullet," she says solemnly. "In the shoulder." She glances around again. "But I lost her. Not rightly sure where she is." Nanuet says, "Yes, I already took a look at Miss Ruby. Glad to see that you are OK. If no one else is hurt then I will return my attentions to her."

Tricia says, "I don't see anyone else hurt." She gives Nanuet a brief and wavering smile. "Leastways, not on our side." Nanuet says, "Yes, we won the fight, but violence is not always something to be proud of. I think we had no choice this time, but it is not something I would go looking for regularly." Nanuet pauses, then laughs. "Although it seems to come find us with much regularity." Turning serious once again he adds. "You would do well though to heed your father, he only cares about you and your safety."

Fire flashes in Trisha's eyes as she looks right at Nanuet. "I ain't a kid," she says quietly, "and I know how to take care of myself. Hell, I can shoot better than half the men standing here. But does he notice that? No, all he cares about is that me an' Ellen stay locked up in that house." She glances over at her father, who has turned away to bark orders to some of the others. "Well, I ain't his property," she mutters, "and I won't live like that no more. I won't!"

Ruby was glad that Nanuet had walked away. Her arm still hurt bad but there were others that needed healing, himself and Chester particularly, and she didn't want to take all the healing herself. If she could concentrate she could heal herself or help heal the others, so she tried again but couldn't. She stayed on the ground, holding her arm, trying not to move in case she got sick from the pain.

Jake he sees Ruby on the ground holding her arm. "Damn!" Again, Jake kicks his horse hard and rides over to her. He arrives just as Nanuet is leaving and nearly leaps off the horse and lets the reins go. He kneels close behind her, careful not to touch her shoulder. "Hey girl, you forgot to duck," he says without humor. "Rest on me if you want."

"I did," she says with a smile, "Forget to duck. You'll have to go over that with me again. At least I took my leather jacket off before I got shot, it's a pain in the a$$ to fix leather with bullet holes in it. Oooww," she winces again as she moves to rest on Jake. "The bullet is still in there. I didn't want to tell Nanuet, I know the others need to get healed too."

Ruby looks at her bare, bloody shoulder and starts to grow pale before looking away. "How does it look?" He replies, "Not too good. I guess you didn't hear me say I don't care for heroes." Jake looks around for Nanuet and yells to him. Nanuet turns away from Tricia for a moment then turns back. "I hear you, I really do. I have to go see what Jake needs right now. Glad that you are OK."
Nanuet jogs over to where Ruby and Jake are, wincing from his own wound. Jake tells Ruby, "We are going to get you taken care of right now."

When Nanuet arrives Jake says, "She's worse off than she pretends and thinks the bullet is in there. Can you take it out?" "I'm not pretending..." She starts to protest but sees the look on Jake's face and stops. "Well, it didn't come out the back, right? So it's still in there." She leans forward to show the back of her shoulder. Ruby winces again. "%&^%@$@ Claibourne!" She leans back again on Jake. Nanuet says, "I will need to use the necklace, but that should work. Miss West, you are tougher than you look, either that or my judgment is failing. Lie still."

Nanuet starts taking his necklace off. "No!" Ruby cries out, "Don't use that me." Nanuet startles and stops. Ruby takes his hand. "Look, we need that for when we are really seriously hurt, which seems to happen a lot around here. I can make it to a doctor and he can help, or Senor Valdez at the church in town. Please save that precious gift for when we really need it."

Nanuet replies, "Then I cannot, only the power of the necklace can do that. I have another of the prayers that I already used. Let me look closer at the wound." "That you can do," Ruby smiles up at him as he looks her over. She says loudly, "Don't get too much pleasure looking down my shirt Senor Nanuet, you'll make my man jealous!" she giggles. Nanuet replies, "Well, she is laughing, that much is good. Mr. Jake, you know her better than any of us, do you think she is well enough to make it back to town?"

Jake says, "I think she could, but it is a long way. Um, .... do you know how to take the bullet out the way the doc does and then stop the bleeding? Maybe Minerva does, she a healer too, isn't she? Or maybe Shaw has somebody with some skill?" Jake pauses and looks around. "OK, she's tough and will make probably make it to town OK, but what if we run into more trouble. I mean she's right about the necklace and all... I just figured you were so handy with all that healing stuff that you could do anything the doc does only better." Jake shrugs.

Left by herself, Trisha marches over to her horse and mounts her, ties her hair back into a loose ponytail and straps her rifle to her back. Then she leans forward, resting her elbows on the horse's neck, and stares at the blood seeping through the makeshift bandage on her hand.

Kate’s opinion of Emery Shaw had dropped when she heard how he referred to Nanuet, but to hear her friend stand up for himself as he wouldn't have done a few months ago gave her the first reason she'd had to smile all day.

Kate began looking around to see if anyone needed bandaging. With Nanuet and Minerva there few people would have to travel wounded, but there were certain to be some small hurts she could help with. Kate got her first good look at Ruby's wound when Nanuet went over to tend her. Jake was already there, and there was nothing Kate could do better than Nanuet could. Considering the words they'd had earlier, it would probably be better if she stayed away. She took a deep breath and went to tend the wounded.

When Minerva notices Jake and Nanuet huddled around Ruby she rushes over. "Ruby are you o.k.?" Seeing her pale complexion and blood stained shirt she quickly bends forward. "Well of course you're not. Let me see if I can be of some assistance." She warms her hands over Ruby's shoulder and casts a healing spell. "Well I don't think that helped very much. I'll try and slow down the bleeding a little more.” She casts another spell. "Did that help a little? Let's see if we can at least get you a bit more comfortable for now. I have a bit of healing ability" she says pulling some herbs out of her saddlebag."

"Impressive Miss Minerva. Perhaps we can share some knowledge on herbal remedies as well. But now I have no excuse to look at Miss Ruby's bust!" Nanuet says with a laugh and a wink. Ruby laughs at Nanuet's comment. "The way I keep getting shot you'll have plenty of excuses!"

Ruby grins up at him and the priestess, "Oh and Minvera wouldn't be the first woman to want a peek either," she laughs. "Healers," she says shaking her head, "Please don't waste any more prayers on me. I don't think this bullet is coming out without the help of a doctor, although I do feel better." She looks down at the wound again and sees it's scabbed up. "See it's better, not bleeding, so stop all the fuss. I like attention but not like this. And Nanuet, you're still injured yourself!"

Trisha sits up a little straighter and spurs her horse to a gentle walking pace. She guides her horse over to where Ruby and the others are huddled, and hops down to crouch by Nanuet. "What can I do to help?" she says. Nanuet sees that Minerva seems to have things under control so he turns back to Tricia. "I think we have everything under control. If you have a water skin with some clean water I think that might be useful to wash out the wound."

"Sure thing." Trisha reaches up to her horse's saddlebag and fetches out a leather water skin, half full of water, and a handful of rags. She passes them to Nanuet. "This is Reenie, by the way," she says, gesturing to her horse.

Ruby grabs onto Jake and has him help her up. She pretends to be sturdier than she is, doing a good job at acting. She turns to Jake, "Um, his jacket is like the one you're wearing, we should take it. I bet his bullets are good too. I'm uh, not in a good enough mood right now to find out." She wobbles slightly as she stands.

Jake gets Minerva to hold onto Ruby for a few minutes while he goes to speak to Emery Shaw. Jake asks him to have his men gather up the dead men and gear. Shaw replies, "We could leave them behind that hill over there, but we don't have anything sufficient to move the bodies of the dead horses and cow so anyone coming along will know something happened here."

Jake says, "I'd like to check them over and see what we can learn from them about others. It would also be best not to leave them here and let the Cowboys know what happened. The less they know the better. Afterwards we can bury or burn them as you see fit." Shaw replies, "Burning would signal any other Cowboys in the area and we didn't bring anything to bury with. I say behind that hill is best.

Looking up at the sky Shaw says, "Time's a issue too. That storm will be along soon. Probably safer to leave the road if the Cowboys are riding it, we got lucky this time. If we leave before the storm hits the rain should wash away any tracks loose tracks we leave on the dry road and countryside. But if it starts raining first the cattle and horse's hooves will sink into the mud and leave a trail that anybody could follow."

After speaking with Shaw, Jake locates Katherine and speaks privately to her. "If you are up to it and can do it secretly, I'd like you to check the pile of bodies for magic items. We need every edge we can get before this little war if over." Jake pushes his hat back. "I know, this is dirty business. We need to persevere though. We aren't through yet."

Kate says, “No, this will go on for a while. I have enough left to check their things, but I'll need a private moment with none of Shaw's people paying attention. You obviously know we'd like to pick up that rod if we can manage it without Shaw getting curious. There we a couple interesting jackets as well. I'm going to go 'tend the horses' for a moment. Their bodies should cover me well enough." She went over behind some of the horses, far away from any of Shaw's men. When she was certain no one was looking she muttered a quick incantation under breath, hiding the gestures behind the body of the nearest animal. She then turned her eyes to the battlefield.

Katherine quickly scans over the weapons, various items of clothing and other items pulled from the seven bodies. This takes a few minutes, during which she examines a number of items. She then picks up the rod and examines it more closely. It is thirty-inches long and appears to be solid except for a hollow section the last three inches of what appears to be the top end. The other end has indentations in the metal where a person would place their hands and thumbs to grip the item, much in the way that people in ancient times wielded a two-handed sword. She also notices markings along the side of the rod. Some of the engravings look to be written in Spanish and others in Atlantian script.

Last she examines seven cloth patches that she found in the pocket of the man who had the rod. They appear to be made mostly of cotton, but the center section is solid with a half inch of what appears to be solidified blue powder on it. She recalls watching him slap one of these on his wound during the battle. She checks his wound, pealing the patch off of him. The used patch no longer has any powder at all but the wound looks to have been mostly healed, with the various shell fragments all sticking to the cloth rather than having remained in his wound.

Kate took the rod and the patches and shoved them into her pockets while the others were distracted with the planning. She felt rather like a vulture, picking over the dead. She picked up a couple other small items and one of the revolvers, then found Jake and pulled him aside.

"They had quite a lot," she said quietly. Kate reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver spoon and a ring. "I don't know what they do, but they're magical. Claibourne's jacket as well, and the ammunition in some of the guns," she said, describing the bodies that had the magical bullets. "I didn't want Shaw to notice me picking them over too much, and coming back with five guns would be fairly obvious."

As Jake goes off, Trisha gets to her feet and mounts Reenie again. She strokes the horse's neck, gently, as she looks over at Jake talking to her father, and then back down at Ruby, Minerva and Nanuet. "You folks going straight back to Promise City?"

Minerva pats Ruby on her good shoulder and straightens up to face the spunky strawberry blond, "Hola" She smiles "I don't believe we've met but I would like to thank you for your help today. My name is Minerva Garcia Florencia. You have a lot of courage!" I believe that we are heading back to town soon, at least I hope so, I have a sermon that needs preaching"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," says Trisha. "My name's Patricia Shaw. You can call me Trisha." She looks over her shoulder at her father once again, and says, "May I come with you to town? I..." She flounders a little, as if searching for an excuse. "I'd sure like to hear you preach, ma'am."

"Yes, town would be good. I think I still need the doctor," Ruby says sheepishly. "Look, I want to keep this Stallion, he did good by me today. Maybe the Shaws want to take care of the cattle for us, considering some of them already belong to them. If no one claims the others we can talk about what to do with the rest another time." Ruby starts to wobble again. "Er, let's try to hurry up the cleanup, ok?"

Ruby lets herself fall back to the ground, then she lays on her side, her head propped by her good arm. She watches the men start rounding up the dead bodies and cattle and her friends prepare for continuing the trip. She was tired to begin with and now with her injury she was just as exhausted as before she got her nap. Ruby's eyes slowly close and she passes out into a deep sleep.

Trisha hops to the ground again, gingerly touching the sleeping Ruby's arm. "This ain't pretty," she says to Minerva, "and I'm no healer, but it ain't good that she passed out. Ma'am, we should get her to a doctor, and now. We can lead that stallion of hers, if you like, but I'll take her on my horse." With Minerva's help, Trisha helps Ruby onto Reenie, and mounts behind her. She takes the reins of the stallion that was carrying Ruby, and leading him, begins to ride toward town.

Nanuet is busy helping the other men with picking up the bodies and other manual work when he spots Tricia with Ruby slumped over a horse being led away from the area. "Hey! Where are you taking Miss Ruby? Where are you going? She is injured and needs a doctor! Mr. Jake! Hey Jake, that girl, that Tricia girl is taking Ruby away!"

"Wait!" calls Trisha. "I'm takin' her back to town, that's all! I know she needs a doctor, Nanuet, I ain't kidnapping her!" Minerva yells out, "Senorita Wait, It is not safe on the road. I will gather others to ride ahead with us." She turns to Nanuet, Chester, Flint and Jeff. "Senors would you please accompany us back to town. Senor Jake and Katherine. Please catch up with us when you are done here. Gracias and Hasta Luego." She calls and they all ride off."

Chester says, "Whoa. Whoa. It's not a good idea to split up now. That group of cowboys probably would have killed either one of our groups separately. The Shaws are going to have their hands full getting the cattle back to their ranch. They can't do that and guard themselves." Chester turns to Nanuet, "Do you think she'll be OK for now, or should she see the doc right away?" Nanuet looks Ruby over again, "I think she'll be ok, she's just having a rough day, like the rest of us," Nanuet winces again from his own unhealed injury. "I wouldn't take too long, just in case."

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Silver Moon

Chapter 92, “Leaving? What a good idea!“ Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 3:45 P.M.

Shaw tells Jake, "We could leave these bodies behind that hill over there, but we don't have anything sufficient to move the bodies of the dead horses and cow so anyone coming along will know something happened here. Burning would signal any other Cowboys in the area and we didn't bring anything to bury with. I say behind that hill is best.

Looking up at the sky Shaw says, "Time's a issue too. That storm will be along soon. Probably safer to leave the road if the Cowboys are riding it, we got lucky this time. If we leave before the storm hits the rain should wash away any tracks loose tracks we leave on the dry road and countryside. But if it starts raining first the cattle and horse's hooves will sink into the mud and leave a trail that anybody could follow."

Humphrey Shaw and his ranch hands are busy checking the cattle. They ride back to where Emery is talking to Jake and Humphrey says, "Five of these cattle have Bar-W brands on them." Emery tells Jake, "That's the King Ranch, around eight miles south of here. That's half the distance to my ranch, I suggest we drive these animals there instead. Humphrey and Tim could ride on ahead and get Ashley King and his boys to ride back and help us, maybe meet us half way."

Jake replies, "Fine, you know the area Mr. Shaw. What do we do next to get back to Promise City? Or isn't that viable. Some folks here need more medical attention and we are worried about some people in town who don't know what is happening with the Cowboy gang. I'm all for moving quickly."

Emery says, "Let's stay together until we meet up with the Kings, you could then ride east. That would have you a few miles parallel the road until you're most of the way back." Emery Shaw then orders his son and men to each take a body and rides them over and dumps them behind the hill. Nanuet says, "Thanks for giving us some direction Mr. Shaw. I think we are all a little tired at this point."

Nanuet helps the men finish any work that has to get done so that the group can move on. Shaw's ranch hands appreciate Nanuet's help moving the bodies. Once they are on the far side of the hill Humphrey Shaw calls Nanuet aside. He says, "Nanuet, I apologize for my father's comment earlier. You need to understand something about him. Back in the late fifties and early sixties Cochise went on the warpath and tried to kill every settler in these parts. Hundreds were killed, in fact we were one of the few families to survive. Ellen and I were just children then, Tricia hadn't even been born, but I remember my parents' fear. Things like that don't end. I appreciate what you've did in January, and my father does too, but he's too proud to tell you."

Nanuet replies, "Well, I can certainly understand that, but I can say the same thing for white men, especially soldiers. All I ask for is to be judged on my actions, not my race. Thanks though, big of you to take a moment to explain that to me. Now, let's get these cattle moving."

Jake throws an empty set of saddle bags over his shoulder and set's about looking over the bodies for valuables or information. Jake makes sure he gathers up all the guns and loose bullets he can find, just to be sure.

The group leaves the roadway and head south. Humphrey Shaw and Tim Kiplin ride on ahead at a full gallop. The storm clouds roll in with the initial band of the storm consisting of violent thunder clasps and a short but vigorous downpour. The group is thankful to have experienced wranglers among them to keep the cattle calm. The storm then shifts to being only a light drizzle.

As the riders from Shaw’s ranch ride ahead to stop Trish from riding off Ruby started to wake. She felt the wound in her shoulder start to throb. She felt the warm body beneath her, and Jake’s arms around her and she smiled. She turned her head towards his neck and snuggled her face up against him. She ran her hand up his thigh, then moved to kiss him. Just before their lips touched she opened her eyes and saw it wasn’t Jake, but Tricia Shaw.

“You!” she said loudly, her eyes opening wide, “What do you think you’re doing?” Ruby jerked away from Tricia. The horse was now stopped so Ruby slid herself off, momentarily forgetting about her shoulder. As she slid off the horse the pain overwhelmed her, and her feet gave way. Ruby ended up on her knees, throwing up right at the feet of the woman who had tried to steal her man.

After she finished vomiting she leaned back on her feet and wiped her mouth. She glanced at her shoulder, getting a good look at the wound, which was curious to Ruby, how it got so clean. Then she noticed her white shirt, except for the bloodstain, was completely soaked through and… transparent. 'Ok, rain solves that mystery' she thinks, shaking her wet hair around her. This was turning into one great day.

Trisha dismounts to kneel by Ruby and touch her good shoulder gently. "It's all right," she says softly. "I'm trying to help you, Miss West. I was headed for town. To a doctor." She smiles, waveringly. "You're gonna be okay." "Trying to help me! You're trying to steal my boyfriend!" Ruby shakes off Tricia's hand from her shoulder, before putting her hand up to her mouth, trying not to throw up again.

"What?" Trisha stands up, staring furiously down at Ruby. "If I was trying to make it with Jake, what in the hell would I be doing here with you?" Ruby slowly stands, her face growing paler, her eyes getting stormy. "You'd be standing here with me because Jake would NEVER go for someone like YOU, that's why. He's already got everything he'll ever need, and I'm sure he'd tell you that himself." Ruby's eyes narrow as she stands up tall, towering over Tricia.

Trisha stares at Ruby for a second, going from angry to icy calm in a matter of seconds. "I ain't interested in Jake, Ruby," she says. "I know you don't believe me. I know what I said... but I ain't. I just needed my Pa to believe that." Ruby spits back, "Why should I believe you? You promised him anything he wanted, right in front of me." Then she wavers on her feet, her stomach churning on her.

She steadies her self before continuing, slightly less angry, "Why would you need your father to believe that if it wasn't true?" "It's complicated," says Trisha. "It's just... it's complicated. But if he thinks I'm runnin' after your man, or half the guys round the ranch, just like Ellen does, well, he'll always be looking in the wrong place." She looks away from Ruby, towards her father, then back again. "And that suits us... I mean, it suits me just fine."

"Us?" Ruby body relaxes at Tricia's explanation, well, everything except her stomach. She puts her hand flat on it, like it will help calm the nauseous ness inside. "So," Ruby says, quickly putting things together, "You got a boyfriend and don't want your father to know." Ruby gives Tricia a small smile, the only one she can muster. "Well, you said complicated. A man is the only thing in this world that truly is complicated."

Ruby sighs, "I need to sit." She plops herself down on the ground again. She glances around for Jake, who is talking to Emery Shaw. Then she looks back up at Tricia. She continues with a serious tone, "Jake is the only thing I don't have a sense of humor about. You'd better not be lying to me. If you aren't lying, you and me could be great friends. If you are lying..." Ruby's voice trails off and she doesn't finish her thought.

Trisha sits down beside Ruby. "I'm not lying. I swear, I ain't." There's a short, but fairly companionable silence. Then Trisha holds out one hand. "So," she says, "friends?" Ruby looks up at her, growing paler by the minute. She seems to telling the truth... She extends her hand, "Friends." Then she proceeds to throw up at her feet. Wiping her mouth again, "Sorry," she says sheepishly. "I need some bourbon, at least some whiskey, something to help with this," she nods towards her shoulder.

Trisha nods and gets up to feel inside one of Reenie's saddlebags. After a minute or so, she fishes out a little hip flask. She unscrews the cap and holds it out to Ruby. "It ain't bourbon," she says, smiling, "but it's pretty good." Ruby takes the bottle from Tricia and takes a huge swig. "No, not bourbon, but then again, not much is." She takes another drink, "Aaahhhhh. Could you get..."

Ruby's voice stops short. "Forget it. Help me get up please, I'm going to find Jake so we can get out of here." Trisha squats down and gently helps Ruby to her feet. "We're gonna be back in Promise City real soon, okay? Come on."

Jake finishes speaking with Emery Shaw and comes to check on Ruby. He finds Tricia Shaw helping her up. Ruby's normally wild hair is stringy and stuck to her face, her shirt soaked, blood stained and adhering to her body, her face is pale, and all around her is evidence of someone had been sick. As she stands she is wobbly, holding onto Tricia with one hand and a small flask in the other. Her usually full lips are thin and light blue. "It's not every woman who can look this good without makeup." Jake says dryly. "Are you cold? Let me find you a blanket."

She turns to Tricia and takes another swig before handing her back the bottle. "Thanks, that's some really good scotch. I guess you take after your father in that regard. You're coming back to Promise City?" Then she faces Jake, "You're such a good liar, Mr. Cook," Ruby gives him a small smile. "Yes, I'm cold and now that it got wet I doubt my jacket would fit. A blanket would be nice, or a warm body. Can we please get going? I don't want Nanuet to use his necklace on me but if we take too long he might have to."

"Yeah," says Trisha, "I'm coming back." Once again, almost nervous, she looks across at her father, but he's not looking her way. She slips the flask back into Reenie's saddlebag, and makes a show of digging around inside them for something else, very careful not to look at Jake. "I think I have a shawl in here somewhere, if that'll do. That way we can get going..." another nervous look over her shoulder "...right now."

Jake grabs the driest blanket he can find and gets Chester to move Jake's saddle and gear to a fresher horse. "Nanuet, can you gather everyone up and get us going?" Jake wraps Ruby up in the blanket and holds her to keep her warm, he hides the fact that he is nearly nodding off himself. When they are ready to leave, he mounts first and gets help bringing Ruby up. Before they ride he stows his sawed-off shotgun in the saddle bag and trades his long barrel pistol for one of the ones Katherine identified for him earlier, hoping he has no more use for guns today. Holding Ruby gently he says to Nanuet, "Indian, get us someplace safe and soon."

Nanuet looks over at Ruby checking on her condition. He sees her talking with Tricia Shaw, the spitfire who seemed to have taken a liking to the group. He saw them exchange a flask and then saw Ruby drinking from it so he made his way over to the women. "Ruby you know better than to be drinking after you have lost so much blood! And if you didn't you know now. I am sure you think it will make you feel better but it ain't a good idea. Please refrain from drinking for now."

Ruby looked at Nanuet with raised eyebrows, "Are you being serious. I GOT SHOT... What better time is there for a drink?" She continues softly, "I know you're trying to look out for me and I appreciate it." Ruby gives Nanuet a good looking at. "You know, you look pretty pale. Did you heal yourself?" Before she knew it Chester was lifting her onto Jake's horse. She calls out to Nanuet, "You better look at your own wound Mister!"

Nanuet turns to the others. "I think we need to get moving. Ruby needs a doctor and getting cold and wet is not the best thing for her." Nanuet walks over and begins helping everyone get his or her gear together, mount back up and get going. Trisha hops onto Reenie again, looking about her. "Who's missing?" she asks. "We gotta round up Minerva, Chester and Kate, right?"

Minerva walks her horse over to where Jake, Ruby and Tricia are standing. She says to Ruby, "Looks like you are ready to go home NOW." "Yes, I AM ready," Ruby replies to Minerva before she walks away. Ruby starts snuggling up to Jake, being very careful to leave her wounded arm hanging loose. "I'm warmer now, baby, thank you. I want to kiss you but, er, I'm not going to." She helps Jake wrap his arms around her and leans back into him. "I'll try not to sleep again, Nanuet says I should stay awake. I hope we can get home soon. I think it's a Kentucky Bourbon kind of day."

Minerva states, “We should not linger any longer. It looks like we are all ready. Senor Jake be sure and hold her firmly, It will be an uncomfortable ride for her. Senorita Tricia, will you be accompanying us to Promise City? Perhaps you would like me to say something to your papa in your behalf? We would hate to see you miss my sermon tomorrow" she says with a wicked smile.

Trisha smiles at Minerva, equally wickedly. "That'd be real kind, ma'am," she says. "I'd love to hear your sermon, if that's all right." "I shall see what I can do. I am sure that your papa will appreciate my interest in your spiritual well being. " she winks as she walks away toward Mr. Shaw.

Kate had never gotten down off her horse, so she was ready to go. Ruby's bandage should really be changed after the soaking they got from the rain, Kate had even been in the process of finding out if she had enough left to do it when the others were mounting up again and twitching to go. She shrugged and rode up to the others so they would know she was ready.

Nanuet smiled and was glad to hear that Ruby was at least acting like her usual self. He looked at the wound on his arm. It didn't look that bad. I have one healing spell left without utilizing the necklace. I had better hold onto it in case Ruby needs it or we run into something unexpected on the trip home." he thought.

He says, "Speaking of Kentucky Bourbon I never did make it to Tombstone with that $50. I was planning on bringing a bottle back for you to celebrate your return from the Dead. Not sure I will be heading that way again any time soon though!" he added with a chuckle. The comfy smile quickly dropped off Ruby's face as she looked over to the Indian. "Nanuet, I'm really sorry, I mean, it's my fault you two were out here..." Kate noticed the wound untended on Nanuet's arm, surprised no one had even bandaged it. She rode up quietly next to him and started wrapping without interrupting his conversation with Ruby.

He replies, "Awww, don't worry about that. It was my idea to come out here. As it turns out we had to face some of our demons anyway. If you think about it if I didn't get captured you guys would have not had to be out here getting shot at, rained on, forced to drive smelly cattle and various other unpleasantries. Besides, if I could do it over again I would have done the same." Ruby smiles at him again. "Thank you," she says simply. She nods to Kate, who is now bandaging Nanuet. "Let Kate take care of you, she's good at that."

Nanuet ignores the both of them and then yells, "Hey Minerva, I thought you had a sermon to write? Let's get outta here!" Minerva says " You get started and I'll catch up. This will only take a second and Jake won't be able to move very fast anyway." Nanuet says, "True enough, I'll wait for you though if you don't mind."

Minerva straightens her shoulders giving herself an air of solemn dignity and walks over to introduce herself to Mr. Shaw. She extends her hand in a formal greeting "Buenas Dias Senor, I am the Priestess Minerva Garcia Florencia, and I would like to thank you so very much for your assistance this day. You, Senor are certainly blessed by the gods to have such fine brave daughters. It would please me to take Tricia to Promise City and allow her to attend services tomorrow. It is difficult growing up in this wilderness and I am sure that it would benefit her spiritually to do so. I do realize that she is a headstrong girl and church will do her good. I can assure you that we will take very good care of her. Do I have your permission Senor? He says, "I'll have to think about that."

“Now Jake please ride over to Shaw before we leave.” Jake guides the horse over and stops next to Emery Shaw. “Mr. Shaw,” she says extending her hand from up on Jake’s horse with only a slight grimace, “I must once again thank you for the kindness and help you’ve given me and my friends. As you could see,” Ruby says nodding to her shoulder, “We really needed it. And I still hope that you’ll find some time to come and hear me sing at the Lucky Lady. You won’t be disappointed,” As she talks Ruby flashes him a brief smile, all she can muster at the moment. “So promise me you’ll come soon.” She looks at him expectantly. “Farewell, for now.”

With Minerva, Ruby and Jake all away near her father, Trisha turns to Kate with a shy smile. "Everybody patched up good?" Emery Shaw yells “Okay everybody, let’s ride.”

Silver Moon

Chapter 93, “Ruby Succumbs“, Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 4:30 P.M.

During the ride to the King's ranch Jake speaks privately with Emery Shaw. Jake says, "It was quite impressive and effective the way you and your men performed. Shaw replies, “"It's what I was taught. A group of men will do best if instead of each picking their own target they all fire at the same one. Builds confidence, since enough shooters guarantees a hit and each man will then think they did it. Scares the hell out of the enemy too seeing multiple shooters going for them."

Jake asks, “Were you an officer in the army too?” Shaw replies, "Afraid so. It's a long story but we seem to have the time for it. I tried to stay out of the war at first, just wanting to keep my family safe back at the Lazy-S. The Territory was quick to join the Confederacy. In '62 Mill's commander Sherod Hunter led a campaign near Tucson against Union troops from California. He used hit-and-run tactics, only killed a few men, but destroyed a lot of supplies. The Union decided it wasn't worth the effort to try hunting him down and abandoned the Territory.

After that Hunter was promoted to Colonel and moved on to Texas with his men for a few years. The War didn't play much of a part in daily life after that. Then in '64 when the Confederacy was loosing bad Hunter came back to Arizona and New Mexico Territory to get recruits and managed to get a whole lot of them. Made loyal Unionists like myself mad as hell and I decided to do something about it.

Tim Kiplin and Abner Mingle agreed to run the Lazy-S while I was away. The family headed to Chicago where my in-laws lived, my wife Victoria and the children staying there for the rest of the war. I enlisted in the 12th Illinois Cavalry, a highly decorated unit that had fought at Gettysburg the previous year. I was made a Captain. I spent the remainder of the war with the unit in Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas driving back the enemy and taking prisoners. When the war ended we remained in Memphis for the start of reconstruction and weren't mustered out until May of '66. I made some good friendships in the war, but those two years away from my family were the hardest.”

Jake says, “You were certainly right about those rifles, they must have cost you a pretty penny. How hard is it to get one?" Shaw replies, "Very hard to get, they're made exclusively by and for the Swiss Military." He laughs and says "But I think I know where you might be able to get one. I would have outfitted you folks with them now for this trip except that I figured this wasn't the time for you to experiment with an unfamiliar weapon. I tell you, the only reason that Cochise never took out the Lazy-S was that our rifles had longer range than his did. It's always a winning strategy if you can hit them and they can't hit you. "

Jake also tells Shaw the location of the Cowboy ranch they raided earlier. "I don't know how they managed it, but they had a Gattling gun. I think we destroyed it in the fire, but it would be good to make sure. I don't know if you and your men can go by there sometime." Shaw says, "Not really fond of Gattling's contraptions, used them some in the war. It takes away from the fine art out of true marksmanship. Plus, they're heavy to lug around and require constant maintenance, jamming and breaking down more often than not.

Jake says, "I do appreciate all your help.....I'll take your warning about Jeff Mills and look into it. So far he's been nothing but a loyal employee including risking his life on this little outing today, which is no small thing. Could I have his old pistol back? I believe it has sentimental value for him." Shaw hands it back saying, "This single-shot antique wouldn't do him much good anyway. These things work better as clubs than pistols."

Jake offers him a handshake and says “It would be good to see you again." Shaw says, “And the same to you. I don't mind Tricia going to town with you folks to attend Church, especially since I won't be at the ranch tonight to keep an eye on her, but I expect you to make sure that she is kept safe. Keep her locked in one of those rooms at your Saloon and make sure that she's alone."

On the subject of Trisha, Kate rides up to her and begins discussing the group’s injuries. Kate says, "I don't know. Seems everyone is neglecting himself or herself today. I'll just have to sneak up on any more untended wounds I notice. That one's not quite untended," she said pointing out Tricia's hand, "but if it's wet through it should be redone." "Got a point," says Trisha, reaching into her saddlebag for another handful of rags and stripping the old bandage off the wound. "Are you all right? Not hurt or anything?"

Kate says, "Don't use those rags, I have plenty of bandages." Kate pulled out another clean strip of fabric and wound it around the wound. "I'm not hurt, no one ever sees me as much of a threat." "Thank you, ma'am," Trisha says as Kate bandages her wound. She tucks the rags back into the saddlebag and strokes Reenie's neck. She pauses, then says, "Everybody was right. You sure are nice, Mrs. Kale."

At around 5:00 P.M. the riders from the Bar-W ranch approach with Humphrey and Tim. The leader of this new group is Ashley King, and those who attended the Vigilance Committee Meeting can see a strong visual resemblance between this young man and his prim-and-proper mother Rebecca. With him are ranch hands Ned Lay and Coffee Mann.

Ashley talks briefly with Emery Shaw. Ashley then gives Trisha a toothy grin and makes a comment about him being a "Knight in shining armor come to the rescue of his princess".

Emery tells Jake, "Just head east from here. In around ten miles you'll cross the road leading to my ranch. A big hill will be before you, crossing around north will bring you within sight of the main road so go on the south side. Since you'll be that close you may want to stop at the Lazy-S and rest up for a bit before moving on. I'm sure that my daughter Ellen would be happy to play hostess to you. If you do that please tell her we'll probably spend the night at the Bar-W and move the herd back to the Lazy-S tomorrow."

It only takes Ruby a few minutes after the start of their ride to the Shaw ranch before she passes out into a deep sleep again. Jeff Mills tells Nanuet "If you have something to help her I think you'd better use it, she's in worse shape than she'll admit to." At the same time Jeff makes his comment to Nanuet, Jake notices that Ruby's body has gone limp in his arms.

"Nanuet! Minerva!" Jake yells loudly while pulling up his horse quickly. He gets whoever is closest to help him get her off the horse and resting on the ground. "Nanuet, use the necklace now!" Ruby is still completely limp as they pull her off the horse and lay her on the ground. “Ruby, Ruby wake up,” Nanuet says shaking her. Her skin is pale as snow and she remains unresponsive.

“Damn it!” Nanuet curses, looking very concerned, “She said she was ok.” He doesn’t bother with the buttons on her shirt, instead ripping it open. “Minerva, help me,” he orders. Nanuet looks Ruby and her wound over carefully. Minerva helps Nanuet as best she can with her healing skills but quickly looks up at him and says calmly but with an edge of panic, "Senor, I have not the experience or skills to heal a hurt that grievous. The goddess has yet to grant me divine power great enough."

"Nanuet," Jake interrupts, "the bullet has to come out now. It's killing her, she's going to bleed to death. If you don't take it out by hand or with your ancestors help right now she is going to die." "Mister Jake, I'm trying to see how hurt she is," Nanuet says, gritting his teeth, trying to stay calm, "Unless you want to do this yourself? Using the wrong stone could be fatal, now stop yelling at me and let me check her over!"

Kate had jumped down off her horse and run over with her bag full of bandages. "Back up a bit, Jake, let me in," she said softly. She cleared away the last of the wet bandages. "Just let me know what I can do to help. If it comes down to it I'll help you get the bullet out."

As Nanuet is checking her over and her friends are standing over her talking, Ruby’s eyes crack open weakly, although no one notices. She suddenly realizes she has no energy and can barely move. Nanuet must have been right about that liquor, she thinks, it’s going to be the death of me. She turns her head ever so slightly scanning for Jake. She sees him out of the corner of her eye, and she manages to weakly call his name, “Mr. Cook…”

Jake moves around down by her feet so she can see him without turning her head. "No need to be so formal. I'm here Ruby, stay with us. Nanuet will take care of you just fine." He tries hard to keep the worry from his face and voice, "Girl, just keep being a fighter. Don't you dare go anywhere without me, you promised." His voice cracks only a bit, "You promised."

Ruby looks down at Jake, trying to be strong but so frightened. She can see her friend’s grave faces all around her. She says something that no one can hear, her voice is soft and weak. Jake moves from Ruby’s feet and kneels next to her head. Ruby looks into Jake’s eyes, and they look back at her serious and solemn. Ruby whispers something but Jake still can’t hear her, so he leans in closer. Ruby whispers something into his ear.

At the same time Nanuet turns to Minerva, “Some prayers to your goddess might be good around now Senorita.” Nanuet begins his prayer to his ancestors in a most serious tone, grasping the necklace in his hand tightly, removing one of the stones from it.

Underneath the sound of Nanuet's prayers Kate's voice came, unintelligible to the others. One hand lay on Ruby's shoulder near the wound, the other brushed wet hair away from the girl's face.
"Ills ont pris assez. Vous devez rester ici, Ruby. Ne les laissez pas vous prendre aussi." Kate stopped and sniffled then continued in French. "Je ne peux pas poursuivre sans vous ici, vous sais cela. Je n'ai pas tant d'amis que je peux me permettre de les perdre. Vous prise juste dessus."

Chester looks on in shock. "She was doing fine a few minutes ago. What happened?" Not being skilled in the healing arts, he keeps watch. "Father Apollo, aid their work. Please, don't let this woman die. There are many who care about her." Near to him, Trisha is dismounting to get to her knees and close her eyes in silent prayer for Ruby.

As soft as she's ever spoken and with great effort Ruby whispers to Jake, "I will fight, baby, I'm trying." Ruby lets out a soft sigh, like her breath is leaving her. She takes a few short breaths before she continues weakly, “I've loved you more than I ever loved anyone and you've made me so happy. Now kiss me baby…please…” Her voice trails off at the end, barely audible. Using her last ounce of strength she slowly lifts her hand to Jake's face, touching his cheek and beard.

Careful not to interfere with Nanuet's ministrations, Jake kisses her lightly upon the lips. He is startled how cold they feel, but he doesn't pull away. Ruby's eyes close and her hand falls limp to the ground. A couple of tears make a clean path down her dirty face. He quickly takes her hand in his and holds it firmly as if preventing her from leaving. His poker face now gone, he watches Nanuet helplessly. Jake can see only the slightest rise and fall of her chest as the short moments of the Indian's work seems to drag on like hours. "Your time is not done Ruby West," Jake says very quietly, "Just hold on, there are more songs to sing." He kisses her hand. "I know there are."

"Da'nzho" Nanuet exclaims. Those words had been used before, but only when someone was in serious condition. The power of the necklace was strong, but it was limited in its uses making it very precious.

The necklace began to emit a silver-gold glow and soon the color of bright turquoise could be seen seeping from the cracks between Nanuet's fingers as he held the stone (2.5 inch, cure serious) over Ruby's injury. The turquoise light then flowed from his hand as he opened it, and washed over the injury. Slowly the wound began to heal. A green light from within the wound also became visible as the bullet worked its way to the surface and fell to the ground. A scar would be left behind, one that Ruby would always have to remind her of the wound and it seriousness. She continued to sleep, but her color had returned some and her breathing was steadier.

"She'll live," Nanuet said, standing up. "She has lost a lot of blood though and will need to rest. The sooner we get her warm and dry the better." He turned his back and began to walk away from the group but then spun around and added "Let's hope that once again the rumors of Ruby's death were greatly exaggerated." then winked and smiled.

With those words Jake exhaled, he had not been consciously aware he was holding his breath. He nods at Minerva's words. Quietly he wraps the blanket around Ruby and then gingerly raises her enough so he can sit on the ground and warm her with his body heat. "She needs a little while to rest without moving and get warm." He says without looking up to see who he is talking to. Jake arranges her wet hair outside the blanket and holds her still. After a few minutes he speaks again, "Somebody ask Nanuet if she will be able to ride with me or do we need another way to move her."

Kate choked back a sob and covered her eyes. She was thankful the others were busy with Ruby and didn't notice. Even as the others moved she continued to sit as tears and rain mixed on her face. In a few moments she looked up and started listening to the others.

She waited until Jake and Ruby were mounted and Miss Shaw was distracted. "Let me do something for her," she said quietly to Jake, checking one more time to be sure she was unobserved. Kate rapidly cast her last two spells. The first pulled the water out of Ruby's clothes and hair, and the second warmed the blanket that was wrapped around her. "That will stay warm for an hour, she should be more comfortable now." Kate took off her duster and arranged it under the now cozy blanket and over Ruby. "It's still raining some, that should keep her from getting wet again. Let's get home."

Jake waits until she finishes making Ruby more comfortable. "Give me a poke with something if I start to doze off," he says to Katherine and rubs his eyes. "Not too hard though, I bruise easy." He forces some short laughter. "Thanks. I'll just follow somebody." He replies, "I'll try, but I think I'll be asleep myself. Truth be told, Chester and Nanuet probably got more rest last night than we did. I just hope no one tramples me when I fall off my horse."

Minerva stops praying and opens her eyes as she hears Nanuet say that Ruby will live." She looks up at him as he jokes about Ruby's death and gives him a crooked smile, understanding that his joke is a way to relieve the fear of almost losing his friend again. "Perhaps we should bring her to the Shaw ranch and get her out of those wet clothes. She needs to warm up and rest if she is going to recover."

Nanuet tells Jake, "She should be able to ride with you, the bullet is out and the wound is healed. I am just concerned with how much blood she lost, only time can replace that. The sooner she gets to rest inside the better." Chester comments, "Who has the fastest horse? This chill can't be good for her. That was some mighty fine work, Nanuet."

Trisha says, "Reenie's pretty fast, and she's strong enough to carry two," says Trisha. She stands up from where she was kneeling, and hands the reins to Jake. "You take good care of her, now." She's looking at Ruby as she says it, and it's not clear if she's talking about Ruby or the horse. Jake nods a bit dumbly, looking like someone who hasn't slept more than a couple of hours in the last two days, which he hasn't. "Um, thanks. We won't be racing ahead, so just all stay together." He looks around a couple of times and then points to a horse. "I was riding that one, it's not even mine." He laughs, "Tricia, Your father told me to watch out for you." He laughs again

Trisha smiles at Jake: "No, Mr. Cook," she says. "My Pa told you I was to go to church, stay in my room and not speak to nobody. Am I right?" She turns away and helps the others get Ruby onto Reenie before mounting the horse Jake was riding. "He got a name?" she asks. He doesn’t respond.

Nanuet states, "Don't worry, I will keep everyone on the trail and plodding forward. Rest while you can, the horses should have no trouble staying on the road and I will be awake." The group rides on for the next hour. The rain continues to be light, although thunder and lightening can be seen and heard well to the northwest.

Silver Moon

Chapter 94, “At the Lazy-S Ranch“, Saturday, March 18th, 1882, 5:00 P.M.

They eventually reach the north/south road that connects the Lazy S Ranch to the main road. Tricia estimates that they are around a mile north of the ranch and leads the group onward. As they near the ranch a man wearing a yellow rain slicker and carrying a shotgun greets them. Tricia recognizes him as Calvin Hardey, one of the ranch hands. "Afternoon, Calvin," says Trisha. "Great weather, huh?"

He replies, "Yeah, but odd for March, we usually don't get stuff like this until late summer." Calvin asks about Emery Shaw and the others who rode off with him. Trisha explains what happened at the battle, then gestures to Ruby. "She's hurt pretty bad," she says. "We need to get her into a bed, let her rest awhile."

Chester looks miserable in the rain. "Do you have a fire going? We've been riding for a while in this weather. I'd love to dry off." Calvin says, "Should be one going in the house. Emery wanted most of us to stand guard until he comes back. Don Colburn and my brother Henry are watching the Herd. Dick Murphy and Bob Graham are watching the house and barn. Paul Towle and Raphael Garcia should be inside with Miss Ellen".

He replies, "Thank you. Don't know if you remember us from a few months back. I'm Chester Martin. Nice to see you again." He shakes hands with Calvin.

Kate looked from one face to the next, seeing the same weariness as she knew was on her own. Stopping here was the right thing to do, but she desperately wanted to push on to Promise City. She was worried about what had happened this morning with Ringo. She wanted to see Ginnie was safe with her own eyes, to warn Sonoma about what was going on, and to give Dorita one less thing to worry about.

She shivered and sneezed, then leaned over to Jake. "You want to tuck Ruby inside or move on?" Flint says, "Bring her in, at least for a while. Her lips are blue again." Jake wearily nods in agreement. "Lets go in for a bit, then decide."

They arrive at the main house, a huge two-story wooden building with thirty rooms inside. Dick Murphy is on the porch guarding and helps them lift Ruby off of the horse. He assists Jake in carrying her inside. He and Bob Graham then take the horses over to the barn. Back inside, Raphael Garcia comes out from the kitchen where he has been preparing dinner and helps get Ruby some warm blankets to wrap over her near the burning fireplace.

Kate knelt down next to Ruby and felt her forehead. It was really too early to tell if she would be sick or not. Kate turned her head away and sneezed. The heat from the fireplace was too much after the chill that had settled into her bones. She sat down in a chair a few feet farther back and looked around, fighting her desire to sleep.

Ruby did not awaken during the ride to the ranch. Jake keeps his hand on her stomach to make sure her breathing continues to be normal... just in case. After a bit Ruby starts trying to cuddle with Jake and she begins making the soft little moaning noises she makes when sleeping comfortably, and Jake relaxes.

After setting Ruby down, Jake peels of his duster and hat. He stands by the fire for a few minutes before sitting back down next to Ruby. He tries to stay awake and watch her but quickly fails. He is sleeping when Ruby wakes up. Ruby barely moves as they move her from the horse to the house.

They place her by the fire and she warms up quickly. As she comes to she starts to feel some pain in her shoulder, but nothing like earlier. Now she just feels weak and tired. She feels Kate’s hand gently brush her forehead. She cracks open her eyes and watches her friends talk around her, all looking weary and haggard. Finally with a small smile she speaks, "You all look like crap."

Kate replies, "At least I look better than I feel. How are you feeling, Ruby? Any aches, beside in your shoulder?" "My whole body hurts." Ruby gingerly touches her shoulder. "Oooww. Are you hurt? Is everyone ok?" Ruby looks around the room, but her gaze sets upon the sleeping Jake. Kate says, "I'm alright, physically anyway. So is everyone else. You were the only..." Kate stopped and cleared her throat. "Do you want to spend the night here? It's warm, you can rest and eat." "I was the only what...?" Ruby is interrupted by the yelling from upstairs.

Tricia Shaw had gone upstairs looking for her sister Ellen. Those downstairs hears some yelling. Eventually both young women return. Not long after that the Shaw Ranch's carriage and wagon driver Paul Toole also descends the second floor staircase, looking a little disheveled. Kate says to Ruby, "Or maybe that problem has already been solved.”

Ruby tells Kate, I want to go home, but I can't ride. What does everyone else want to do?" Kate let out a deep breath and said, "I want to go home too. Miss Shaw, I don't suppose you called the carriage driver for us?" Ellen says, "Oh, are you in need of the carriage tonight? It is very poor weather to be going traveling."

Kate answers, "Quite poor, but I think we'd like to get home yet tonight. We don't really need a carriage, we can ride. I just wondered since your sister had planned on going into town with us. It would certainly be better for Ruby." Ruby uses her last bit of energy and slowly reaches her arm out for Jake. She pushes some wet hair off his face, "Jake, wake up..."

Jake startles and leaps to his feet and has his Colt half drawn before he stops. "Heh." He looks around the room and then back to Ruby, "You're looking better." "Thanks," Ruby tries to smile. "Come here," she says wearily. Jake sits next to her on the couch but Ruby doesn't have enough energy to move so far. "Jake, I want to go home, can we?"

Tricia and Ellen go off into a side room. More yelling follows. No complete sentences are heard but the name "Paul" is stated more than once. Kate sighed. She hadn't meant to start an argument between the sisters. It was obvious that Ellen and Paul had been "entertaining" one another upstairs, and Ellen didn't want to give up her father free time with her paramour. Kate didn't have enough left to care. A carriage was better for Ruby, and that was more important then Ellen Shaw's love life.

Before Chester heads inside, he takes Jeff aside. "Jeff, remember when I asked you if you had served in the Army? And you didn't want to talk about it. Well, it's time to tell your side of the story."

Jeff tells Chester, "It's a long story. Starts with my Great-Grandfather. He helped build the Erie Canal back in the 1820's. He settled down on a plot of land on the canal that he bought from the canal owners. Worked it for the rest of his life, using mules to haul boats and barges along the canal. My Grandfather and Father did the same. That's what they were still doing when I was born back in October 1853. Then in '58 we got swindled. Our land was stolen from us. But the thieves had the state politicians in their back pockets and threatened eviction. He tried to appeal to the Federal Government but they backed the thieves too.

We came out west then. My Grandfather didn't survive the journey west. He was healthy enough but his spirit was broken. Father blamed the politicians and developed a hatred for the Government. We settled in the area. When Arizona joined the Confederacy in '62 he was the first to join up. Was part of Sheord Hunter's troops. Fought here in Arizona and then moved on with Hunter to Texas. My father was with him at the battle of Brashier City, Louisiana in '64. That was a great Confederate Victory. They captured 1,300 Union prisoners, 11 heavy siege guns and over $ 2 million dollars worth of supplies. Only lost three men, but my father was one of them.

Not long after that Major General John Bankhead Magruder, who headed the Confederate States Military Department of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, send Sherod back to New Mexico and Arizona to recruit new forces. I signed up. I was only eleven, but had sprouted up early, being the same height and build that I am today. I lied and said I was eighteen. They knew I was younger than that but probably figured me for fifteen or sixteen. I was with Hunter's Brigade for the rest of the war."

Chester comments, "That was dreadfully risky. Why would you abandon your family at such a young age? Your mother must have worried sick." Jeff Mills says, "She'd died by then, I was on my own anyway. Sherod Hunter became like a second father to me. Always looked after me. In '65 hundreds of Secessionists were escaping from Union-controlled Territory to Mexico. Colonel Hunter took it upon himself to reorganize them into a coherent fighting force. He knew we needed to be taken seriously.

But Hunter's aims weren't to re-ignite the whole war, just to create a place for those who believed in State's rights to live. He through that President Johnson would be willing to concede The Arizona and New Mexico Territories to the Confederacy as long as we allowed the United States railroads to travel through them. That was the main reason for the Gadsten Purchase to begin with, to secure land for a railroad linking Texas to California. Colonel Hunter crossed back into the states in '66 for a secret meeting with representatives of President Johnson but nothing came of that meeting.

Then in '68 Grant was elected president and Hunter realized that Grant would never negotiate with him. Colonel Hunter disbanded the unit but kept in touch with each of us. Grant left office in '77 and Rutherford Hayes took office, a truly honest man if there ever was one.” Chester comments, “I've got a bone to pick with President Hayes, but on the whole he was an honest man.”

Jeff continues, “Hayes’s policies were for southern reconciliation. Hunter called us all back to Mexico and started negotiations again. But then silver and gold were discovered in the territories and the Government was less inclined to deal. That's when things got really difficult and I had a falling out with Colonel Hunter. I left Mexico and came back here again. The Government's been after me ever since, as has Sherod. Chet, I'm stuck in the middle of a damned tug of war and neither side will listen to me."

Back inside, Jake rubs his eyes. "Ya. We'll figure something out." He looks around for Tricia but doesn't see her. Quickly he hears her though. He follows the sound of the women's voices. Nanuet interjects, “"Well, I can't answer for how the rest of you feel but I got my rest last night and I am OK to continue on. Ruby seems to be doing OK so I don't have a problem with it if we want to keep going. Besides, I wouldn't want us to put a burden on these kind folks." Ruby says, "I'm just really tired and beat up, I want to go home. How bad am I anyway?"

Tricia heads out to the barn. She comes back a few minutes later and announces "I told them to hook up the coach. Paul, get your rain slicker, you're going to need it." Ellen starts to open her mouth to protest but one 'Shut up or I'll tell father' look from Tricia silences her.

Kate says, "Thank you, Miss Shaw. We appreciate the trouble you're taking for us." Kate turned to Ruby and said, "You'll be fine, and you just need some rest. It was an ugly wound, but you knew that. You'll be home in no time now and you can rest in your own bed." She pulled herself out of the chair, glad she hadn't let herself fall asleep. Once she did that, there would be no moving again for hours. "Come on Ruby, let's get you ready to go."

Ruby laughs to herself “She just has this motherly way about her“ . She's come very far from the women I met on the stage that day for sure. Ruby watched Kate look over all her friends, concerned about all of them. One of Kate's greatest strengths was the caring and love she had for others, sometimes foolishly naive and trusting but that is what made her who she was.

Ruby smiles up at Kate as she adjusts the blanket around her. Ruby reaches out her hand and grabs Kate's, although weakly. Looking her in the eyes she says softly, "Thank you, Katherine Kale." Ruby breaks her gaze on Kate and turns her head. "I'll be glad to be home."

"Where's Chester and Jeff?" Jake asks and then heads out to get everyone together. Outside Chester asks, "Why are they still after you? I mean you haven't taken up arms against the Union in years. And Hunter should be able to take no for an answer, right? Anyway, you need to tell Jake at least some of what you've told me." Jeff hesitates to answer and looks relieved when Jake comes over and interrupts them.

Jake says, "Chester, can you, Nanuet and Tricia figure out how we get back? Who rides horses, who's in the coach and whatever else is important. I'm tired, I can't think." Jake walks over to Jeff Mills while the plans are being made. He puts Jeff's old revolver in Jeff's hands in a way that others in the room wouldn't notice and blocks the view of the man putting it away. "Thanks. We need to talk sometime soon." Jake pats him on the shoulder and smiles before going back to help Ruby get ready to travel.

Bob Graham comes in soon and announces that the horse team is hooked up to the carriage. He tells the group "Your horses are as tired as you guys look. Better leave them here tonight, we can have somebody ride them into Promise City tomorrow for you." Flint announces that he's staying at the ranch to help with the new cattle when they arrive the next day. Tricia replies "Good, it's going to be a crowded enough carriage as it is. Who wants to ride shotgun topside?"

Chester states, "Sure, Jake. Ruby should definitely be in the coach. It'll be bumpy, but it'll keep the rain off her. Kate doesn't look well either. You look like you're about to fall asleep on your feet, so in the coach you go. Don't want you falling off your horse." Chester smiles. "Minerva can make sure Ruby does well. I can ride ahead of the coach to scout out the path."

Kate says, "That sounds fine Chester, except why don't you just ride on the coach. As Mr. Graham said, the horses are tired." Chester replies, "Because there may still be cowboys out there. I don't want to get caught by surprise again. They won't be good hosts the next time." She says, "I don't have the energy to argue with you, Chester. Do it however you like."

Kate turns to the hand and says, "Thank you, Mr. Graham, you've been very kind." Once she was sure Ruby was settled Kate gathered her own things and got into the carriage. Nanuet says, "Not sure how many can fit on or in the coach, but I can ride or sit on top. The ladies should be the ones in the coach. How many does it seat?"

Before getting into the coach, Jake gathers up all his and Ruby's gear and weapons from their horses. He groans a bit under the weight. Ruby marvels at how gingerly everyone is treating her. They help her into the coach, a coach she is familiar with. At one point Jake is loading gear and they are alone. Ruby looks up at him, "Over there," she points, "Is the good stuff." Jake starts moving past her and she grabs his arm, "Jake, what happened? I don't remember that much. Everyone looks so... grim."

Jake smiles and drops his bundle in a loud clunk. People are climbing in and he squeezes in next to Ruby. "Lucky Jake Cook to be here in this nice warm coach with all these beautiful women." He leans in close to Ruby and whispers in her ear. "We thought we were going to lose you. You didn't listen when I said no hero stuff." Jake takes hold of her hand and leans back with his eyes close.

Ruby raises her eyebrows, "You did?" She looks at Jake who already has his eyes closed and another wave of exhaustion comes over her. She looks around the coach, her friends looking how she is feeling. Now was not the time to ask more questions. She leans into Jake and falls right asleep.

Minerva had fallen fast asleep as soon as she lay in front of the warm fire. She awakened to the shouting going on upstairs and prepared to journey back to Promise City. She gathered up her belongings called to Luna and crawled into the coach "I have got to rest before this sermon. Can't give the Vigilance Committee ‘what for’ if I can't stay awake" she thinks before resuming her nap.

Tricia has Raphael Garcia bring out a good-sized trunk which is fastened onto the top of the carriage. Jake, Kate, Minerva, Nanuet, Ruby and Tricia go inside. Jeff heads up top, being loaned a large rain slicker by Graham. Chester rides alongside.

The Concord Coach is quite lavish, with well cushioned seats covered with red velvet that matches the interior side of the window curtains, the outside of the curtains being a charcoal gray. The inside of the coach is paneled with mahogany wood. The interior is illuminated by a gas lantern suspended from the center of the ceiling. The coach also has a small liquor cabinet that is presently stocked with Scotch Whiskey, Gin and a bottle of Tequila with four glasses made of fine-cut crystal are attached to the cabinet.

Kate looked at the opulent coach, feeling very at home in such surroundings. "That seems quite a large trunk for one night, Miss Shaw. How long is the trip into Promise City from here?" Trisha shrugs and says, "It's only a couple of hours, Mrs. Kale. We should be there by mid-evening." She pauses, looking back at the house; Ellen is standing in the doorway, looking sullen and angry. "But I might be staying a while." Saying nothing else, Trisha gets on board.

Paul takes a back way rather than the main road to avoid the Cowboy Gang. The less traveled path is far more hilly and bumpier than the main road, and there is continuous thunder and lightening, but all of that is oblivious to most of those inside the carriage who sleep like babies.

Minerva sleeps for a while and awakens to see everyone sleeping peacefully around her. She pulls out a pencil and paper and works on touching up her sermon. She is still quite tired and a bit cranky and so is not very charitable in her remarks. She looks over what she has written and a wicked smile plays across her lips." Hmm a bit harsh but they DO have it coming to them." she thinks and reaches down to pour herself a small glass of tequila to ease her aching muscles, while she ponders what else she can say to make the committee squirm.

Silver Moon

Chapter 95, “Home Again“, Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 7:00 P.M.

The coach pulls up to the front door of the Lucky Lady Dance Hall and Saloon. Chester calls out, "Hey, we're home now. I need to change and eat. Then sleep. Ugh. I hate rain." Nanuet comments, “Well when I left on my little errand I never figured it would end like this and I never thought I would be this happy to see this place."

"Almost home," Kate said, still half asleep. "I have another block or so to go. Let's get Ruby inside and settled, then I need to get back to the El Parador." She rubbed her eyes and climbed out, her body stiff from staying still after moving for so long. "I can't wait to get to bed."

After a little bit of sleep, Jakes mind begins to function again. While he gathers up his stuff he talks, "Let's unload here and get any news of what is going on first. Someone will need to get the Marshall, but don't tell him much let me handle that. Katherine shouldn't go over to the El Parador alone, after we make sure things are well here she should have an escort." Ruby wakes, but barely, when the coach stops. "Jaaakkkeeeeeeee," Ruby whines, "Take me to bed." And," Jake continues wincing a bit, "I'll help Ruby upstairs."

Paul offers to drop Mrs. Kale off at her hotel. Tricia has Jeff Mills held get the trunk down from the carriage and carry it inside the Lucky Lady. She tells Jeff "Just put it in my room, where ever that might be."

Kate says, "You don't mind if I go, do you Jake? I know you want to get information, but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going. Unless you really object, I'll let Paul take me home. I doubt my appointment waited this long for me." "If you are sure you'll be safe enough, go." Jake looks a little worried. "Just be careful."

Minerva stays in the carriage with Kate. "I'll stop over at the El Parador with you before I head home. I definitely need to take a bath before church tomorrow though" "Let's go," Kate said to Paul and the coach jostled forward. "There's no baths at the El Parador, you know. We'll have to send someone to escort you home from the El Parador. None of us should be walking out alone."

Jake checks in with Hoover before going upstairs. "Is everything OK here? Anything strange going on in town or have you seen that Ringo character hanging around?" Hoover replies, "Nope, it's been a quiet day. Expect it to be a quiet night too, between the weather and the boxing over at the Palace. Tony and Job should be able to handle the tables, you look like you need a break."

"I look like hell you mean." Jake manages a real laugh. Then he says quietly to Hoover, "The Cowboy gang is causing all kinds of trouble, so keep your eyes open. Don't hesitate to get me if anything seems wrong. But yes, I need some sleep." Jake takes Ruby upstairs, and then makes another trip for all the gear.

Jake helps Ruby pull off her clothes and puts her in bed before leaving. Jake is gone a moment before Ruby pulls herself up. With great effort she walks over to the mirror and looks at her wound. She touches it and it stings, so she pulls her hand back. She breathes a very heavy sigh as she looks her body over. Scars were not something Ruby was good at accepting and this one was very visible. Her legs start to give out a bit so she walks back over to the bed. There is some fresh water in a bowl next to the bed, and Ruby carefully wipes her face and her injury clean. She climbs back in bed and lies flat staring at the ceiling, the memories of her friends standing over her as she was dying coming back to her. Ruby turns on her side, pulls her knees to her chest, and starts crying.

Chester climbs the stairs up to his room. He grabs a towel and dries himself off. He changes into fresh clothes, then spends some time cleaning his revolvers and rifle. He leaves them upstairs, while he goes down to the bar. Chester sees Harry Rote. "Hi Harry. Could I have a beer, please. It's been a long day. How's that Luc been working out?" Harry replies, "He's gone. That cousin of Nanuet's and the half-orc came by late morning. Said they needed some help. He felt obligated to them after the trouble you guys got into over in Galeyville and decided to go off with them. Not sure exactly where they rode off to."

Since all the others are off Nanuet decides to stay and watch over the Lucky Lady. He puts on a clean set of clothes, rebraids his hair and takes a seat at a corner table with a glass of whiskey. Chester sees Nanuet at the corner table. "Hey there. How are you doing? I'm thinking of getting something to eat. Want anything?"

Nanuet replies, "Actually, that is a great idea. It's been so long since we had something decent to eat." Chester says, "Let me go in the kitchen and ask Maria." Chester heads back. "Maria, could me and Nanuet get something for dinner, please?" She states, “Here's some buffalo stew and a couple slices of bread." "Thank you," he replies.

Nanuet sees Chester returning with the bowls of stew and bread. "Thanks Chet, no matter what the other's say about you, I think you're OK." he says with his trademark wink and smile. Chester laughs. "Thanks, I think. Just what are the others saying? You're not what I expected either." He walks over to the bar and gets a bottle of whiskey. "I think we need some more of this too. What do you say?" Chester states, "You've twisted my arm. Make it a double."

Nanuet pours two healthy sized glasses of whiskey and begins digging into his stew ravenously. "Mmmph mmmph mmmphps" he says back to Chester then spits out his food in a loud guffaw. He swallows then continues. "They don't say anything, I was just kidding. Jake seems to trust you which says a lot, and I trust you to. You're a stand up guy and I like having you around Chet." Chester replies, "Very funny. You're all my friends, so I like being around you. Nobody's judgmental. I guess it's because we all have some dark places in our pasts."

Jake drags himself back up the stairs and unceremoniously drops the gear one last time, in the corner of their room. "I should go over and find Warren Earp and," he finally notices Ruby is crying. "Hey, does it still hurt that bad?" Jake quickly strips off his duster and hat. Ruby hadn't heard Jake come in their room and was surprised to hear his voice. She quickly tries to wipe her face clean. "Uh, no it's ok, I'm fine. You should go see Warren, that's a good idea."

He asks, "You sure?" Ruby nods her head. Jake takes a minute to clean his face and hands, looks at his clothes and just shakes his head. He puts his duster and hat back on and says to Ruby before leaving, "Rest, I'll be quick about it." As soon as Jake leaves, the memories of the events of the day and especially the emotions overwhelm Ruby and she starts crying again. She curls up again and cries until she passes out from the sheer exhaustion of it all.

The coach drops Minerva and Kate off at the doorstep of the El Parador. Paul doesn't waste any time before riding off to head back to the Shaw ranch. As the two women approach the doorway they hear piano playing and singing from inside.

The Cantina is nice and lively. An auburn-haired half-elvan woman attired in Indian-style buckskin clothing is seated at the piano bench, playing and singing Irish folk songs. Most of the tables are filled with the usual patrons, with Carlos Ramirez leading a card game, Pepita Alvarez and Angelica Huesca entertaining a pair of male patrons at another table, and many of the other Saturday night regulars eating and drinking. One table has an odd collection of men who neither women have seen before, two human men in cowboy garb, a teenage boy in cowboy garb, a half-orc in Chinese clothing and a human in a suit and tie.

Kate took off her jacket and breathed a deep sigh. Not long now and she could get some rest, as long as everything was alright here. "Miss Florencia, I'm going to find Dorita and Ginnie and make sure everything is ok, then I have every intention of going straight to bed. I'm not sure what your plans are, but I should be back out in a minute." Minerva replies, "My plan, Senora is to be sure that everything is well with you before I head off to a bath a meal and a bed. "

Kate headed off to the kitchen and went inside, leaning against the wall to keep standing. "Dorita? Has everything been alright today? Where's Ginnie?" Dorita states, "Everything fine. Better than fine, Grandfather come back safe. Ginnie up in room studying, Grandfather give her new book to read. She help me serve supper then go upstairs to read. She very excited about book." Kate let out a long breath and caught herself before she could fall. Her hands were shaking. "Thank you, Dorita. I'll go upstairs and see your Grandfather, then I'm going to bed."

Minerva, dirty and weary from this horrific day sits at a table, eyeing the odd assortment of men at the table across from her while she waits for Kate to return. Kate stumbled out of the kitchen and back into the Cantina proper. She spotted Grant Keebler on the way and brought him over to Minerva. "Everything's fine," she told the priestess. "Miss Florencia would like to go over to the bathhouse. Would you escort her please? Thanks. And thank you, Miss Florencia, for today. Good night."

Minerva returns to the Comstock House and tiptoes up the stairs to avoid questions from Bea and Rustle. She gathers up clean clothing and various toiletries and heads over to the bathhouse. Clean and slightly refreshed she returns to the Comstock house in search of a light meal before she retires to her room to finish the preparations for tomorrows sermon "Well that should just about cover it" she say's with an evil gleam in her eye as she puts down her pencil. She stretches and yawns, strips off her clothes and crawls under the covers. She glances over to the icons of Minerva and Jupiter on her dresser "Good night Minerva, Good night Zeus. Thanks for your help" she whispers and drifts off to sleep.

Kate made her way upstairs and into her teacher’s rooms. "Mr. Gonzales?" She finds him in the library, sitting in a padded chair with his head leaning over onto the desk and on his arm. He is sound asleep and lightly snoring. She concludes that he must have had a long and busy day as well. She didn't want to wake him, but she knew from experience that he'd be sorry he slept that way in the morning.

She went into his bedroom and picked up a blanket and brought it back to the library. She shook him for a few moments, seeing if she could wake him enough to get him to go to bed. Gonzales awakens and rubs his eyes. He notices Kate and says "Sandpiper....what time is it?" "Somewhere between 7:00 and 7:30 P.M.” she replies. She laid the blanket across his shoulders. "Go to bed, you'll be stiff if you sleep here. I'm going to sleep myself, we can talk tomorrow. I'm glad you're back safe."

Jake leaves by the Lucky Lady’s front door, pulling his collar up and hat down, and heads over to the Marshall's office looking for Warren Earp. Warren is in when Jake arrives. Gesturing to Lane Gifford in the cell Warren says "Hello, I gather this conversation isn't for his ears?" Jake nods yes and follows Warren for a quiet conversation where no one else can hear them. Jake says, "I'm bone tired, but you need to know a few things. This conversation isn't for the Marshall either, it is for Warren Earp. Do you understand what I mean." Jake waits for him to acknowledge before continuing. "I think we have some common problems."

Jake tells him about Johnny Ringo coming to the Lucky Lady, his friends as hostages, and Ringo's threat of war with the Earps. "I hope Rodriguez told you I came by last night? Well, we got our friends back safely. Unfortunately there was an accident and the ranch the Cowboy gang was using burned to the ground." Jake pauses and nods before continuing, "Warren, they had a Gattling gun! I believe it was destroyed in the fire though."

Jake then tells about returning the stolen cattle to the Shaws. "While we were with the Shaws another group of Cowboy gang attacked us on the road. As far as we know, there are no living Cowboy gang members who witnessed either event." Jake pauses again to let that sink in. "We have not seen Ringo since last night though, and I worry about what he is up to. I don't know if he knows any of this happened yet. Something close to twenty members of the Cowboy gang turned in their membership today."

Jake pauses and then concludes, "Now, I don't know what to do next but lots of folks are in danger including you and your brothers. Do you think Marshall Warren Earp will have any questions for this law-abiding citizen regarding today's unfortunate events? I don't want to be on the wrong side of the law on this, and Ringo is going to be big trouble for both of us."

Warren says, "Sounds like they got what they deserved. They kidnapped your friends, you rescued them, doesn't sound like anything else for me to do. Besides, my authority is here in the town and near it. I didn't see fire from any burning places today, so it sounds like this took place outside of my jurisdiction. My only suggestion is that you don't tell the Deputy Sheriff. His boss Sheriff Behan is friendly with the Cowboys."

"I'll take that advice." Jake scratches his chin, "Did you get anything out of Gifford? I'd sure like to know who paid money to stop us the day your brother got shot." Warren says, "No, he's been as tight lipped as they get. He had one visitor early this morning, a Len Wagner, but they didn't say much of anything to each other."

Jake replies, "Nor are they likely to again until the afterlife...." Jake stifles a yawn. "Kindly let me know if you hear any other word on any Cowboy gang in town. I need to get some sleep. Watch your back." Jake bids him good night and heads back to his room at the saloon.

Nanuet and Chester had actually gotten more sleep than any of the others, so they offer to take bouncer/guard duty this evening and send the exhausted Jeff Mills off to bed. As Hoover had predicted, it turns out to be a quiet night, with few patrons other than the players at the two poker tables, and those have fewer than usual. Trisha Shaw begins the night at Tony Lucky's poker table but doesn't care for the lewd way he looks at her so moves over to Job's table instead.

Back at the El Parador, Katherine interrupts Ginnie's reading. Kate notices the book's subject, The Iliad by Homer. The book is in the original Greek and Ginnie has been writing out a translation in English. The particular chapter she is translating is about the fate of Atlantis. "Ma'am Kate!" she yells upon Katherine's entry.

Ginnie tells Kate about the morning's visit from Mr. John Peters. Ginnie says, "He asked a lot of questions about you but I didn't tell him anything. I don't trust him. I did check him out, there weren't any wanted posters of him at either the Marshall or Sheriff's offices and the Deputy Marshall didn't know anything about him. He stayed an hour and then left. Wanted to know where your ranch was but I wouldn't tell him. He said he was a friend of your husband but since he hadn't been at either memorial service I figured that he was lying."

Kate replies, you did just the right thing, Ginnie. That man was Johnny Ringo. He did know my husband, but I don't think he knew him enough to call him a friend. Yesterday Nanuet and Mr. Martin started for Tombstone, and the Cowboy Gang grabbed them. Last night we went and got them back. It's not the first time we've crossed the Cowboy Gang, Ginnie. Johnny Ringo was here to blackmail me in order to secure their release.

We both have to be careful the next few days Ginnie. Johnny Ringo intends to have his war with the Earps, and he doesn't intend to let us sit on the sidelines." Kate went over and hugged the girl. "I'm not trying to frighten you, but I thought you should know what's happening. I know the girl I met in Tombstone can keep her head on her shoulders. Probably better than I can." She let go and sat back on her heels. "And now I have got to get some sleep. You go right ahead and keep reading, the light won't bother me."

Kate started getting changed for bed and asked, "Ringo didn't leave any message? I'm rather surprised he came himself, he only said I'd receive instructions, not that I'd see him." Ginnie says, “No Ma'am. Well, actually, he started to write out something in Latin but I was following along as he wrote. When he realized that I was able to understand it he changed his mind and crumbled it up. He tossed it down outside but I had Ricardo fetch it."

She reaches into her pocket and hands over the crumbled up note. Ginnie translates "I asked for an answer from you and Food Preparer, Now I will..." "That's all he wrote. By Food Preparer does he mean Mr. Cook? I thought at first he meant Dorita, especially since she can read Latin, but she didn't think so as he hadn't asked her much of anything before." Kate sat down next to Ginnie and sighed. "Yes, he means Mr. Cook. It's not hard to guess what he's going to do, or at least try to do, and I'm too tired to even be afraid." She slipped her arm around Ginnie's shoulder and hugged her again. "I'm glad you're safe. I don't know how far Ringo will go, but I'm afraid it's farther than I could even imagine.”

Ginnie says, "I'm sorry Ma'am Kate, I didn't recognize him. I'd seen Johnny Ringo before in Tombstone but never up close, and then he had long hair and wore cowboy clothes, not at all like the man who was here this morning." Kate replies, "It's alright Ginnie. Ringo looked different the last time I saw him too, but I was only inches away from him. His face was hard to forget. I may have to be away a lot in the next few days, you'll have to be careful and stick close to Dorita and Mr. Gonzales. But we can talk more about that tomorrow. I need to rest, I'm no good to anyone like this."

Kate staggered over to her bed, sneezed a couple times, and crawled in. "Good night, Ginnie." "Goodnight Ma'am Kate. I'll probably be in rather late, Dorita has asked me to help her out in the kitchen. She's short handed tonight since Sonoma is still out at the ranch and Pedro and Jose are heading off to help out some friends. Saturdays are still the busiest night here at the Cantina, that fighting over at the Palace hasn't hurt our business any since most of our patrons are non-humans and aren't allowed into the Palace. Don't worry about me missing sleep, I slept late this morning with you away."

Kate says, "Keep your eyes open, dear. I didn't tell Dorita what's happening, I should..." She was actually trying to make her body move, but it was barely responsive and she was almost asleep already. "Can you tell Dorita what I told you please? Be careful," she finished as her eyes dropped closed.

At around nine-thirty, Trisha calls it a night at the poker table and slips out of the Lucky Lady. She walks through the dark streets of Promise City, doing her best to stay unnoticed, and swiftly finds her way to the Alhambra Saloon. She opens the door rather cautiously. The saloon is almost empty, except for the bartender, watching her a little as he cleans a glass, and a few lone men dotted about.

Trisha looks about, a little warily, and for a minute she doesn't see who she's looking for. Then a young man at a table near the bar looks up from his drink, and his eyes light up. She makes for his table, barely keeping herself from running. "I thought you'd never come," he says, taking her hand. “I thought you wouldn't be here," she replies. She sits down beside him and they kiss gently. "I missed you, Simon."

He smiles at her, and she rests her head on his shoulder. "Darling," the young man says, "I've been hoping this day would come. Will you father come for you?" "Probably," says Trisha with a sigh. "But it shouldn't be for a few days. He thinks I'm here to hear a lady preach in the morning - so by the time he figures out I'm not coming back, it oughta be too late for him to do anything about it." She looks into his eyes. "Right?"

He replies, "Right, but I'm worried about what he'll do to Pa. You father founded this region, we're just a pair of no-account newcomers. We don't even own the land we're mining on, just leasing it. Where are you staying? Is there room for me there?" Trisha sits up a little straighter. "I got a room at the Lucky Lady," she says. "But it'll mean sneaking around again. My Pa's friendly with the owners, and he's got them keeping an eye on me. And no doubt he told Jake Cook to make sure I didn't speak to no men." She smiles. "Let alone share a bed with one."

"We'll be careful," Simon replies. He then says, "But we should have us some level of privacy in here to talk at least. Most of the folks have gone off to watch some boxing at one of the other saloons. And the owner, Mr. Lord, will let us use the little room out back if we slip him a few bucks. He was saving the room for a halfling friend to use tonight but the little guy won't be back until tomorrow." "Sounds good to me," says Trisha. "Truth be told, Ruby and Jake are pretty beat right now. We wait a couple hours, probably nobody will notice us sneaking back."

Silver Moon

Chapter 96, “Wonderful Things“, Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 10:30 P.M.

A few hours pass until Kate is awakened by a booming thunderclap and bright flash of lightening. Before falling back to sleep she notices light inside of her room. She opens her eyes to see the spirit of the deceased centaur Storm Golden Eye standing before, comprised of translucent light. Storm speaks saying, "Katherine, I have need of you to deliver a message for me."

Kate pushed herself up, squeezed her eyes shut, and opened them again. She wasn't sure if Storm was really here or if she was hallucinating. "Storm? You know I'll do whatever I can, but I can't guarantee my state of mind." Storm replies, "Katherine, I must go. I will be heading to another realm, one that I may not return from.

I need for you to speak with Nanuet. Tell him that I am proud of him. He has done well, far better than I could have expected. He no longer needs by assistance, he has found another. While he and the woman known as Minerva are both novice priests their strengths and weaknesses compliment one another and they can each learn much from the other. Between her, Kajika and Maska he will learn what he needs.

My predecessors for Apache Ambassadors have returned, so he need not shoulder that responsibility any longer. They will carry that task from this point forward, although the Apache will forever remain his friends and appreciate all that he has done for him. Do you understand what I have told you?" Katherine replies, "I believe so, and I will tell him. But why do you not speak directly to him?"

Storm replies, "I will not be alone on this journey. My traveling companion wanted to say a final goodbye." She then hears the word "Katie" spoken from a voice that she never expected to hear again. Standing now beside Storm is the form of Thomas Kale, made of the same translucent light as the centaur. "I will wait for you," Storm states to Thomas as she fades away. Thomas steps forward, taking Kate's hands in his. She can feel his familiar caress as the two look into each others eyes.

Kate lifted her hand and gingerly touched his face, as if afraid her touch would break whatever spell brought him there. She drank in the sight of him, the pale, reddish hair, the bright blue eyes, the hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. Her voice broke. "Tom."

She stepped in and buried her face in his shoulder. For an endless moment they stayed locked in their embrace, then a hand lifted her face and her tears were wiped away by gentle fingers. "No more tears, Katie." She swallowed and nodded, never taking her eyes from his face. "How is this possible? I thought....I thought you had...moved on."

He replies, "Storm explained that to me. Most people do when they die, provided that those they know let them. People who wouldn’t let me go have kept me here. First it was Colby Tucker, he was distraught and wouldn't allow me to move on. He knew I was dead but wanted it to all be just a bad dream. He kept my spirit in Tombstone...and then you arrived and stayed as well. Between the two of you I was rooted to the town where I had perished until the two of you accepted it. He eventually did...you...well, I don't have to remind you of your months in Tombstone.

You finally moved on, coming here and allowing your friends to help you see beyond the past and to the future. I would have finally moved on then, in January, but then became rooted to Tombstone yet again, this time by my killer. Your presence stirred up guilt, haunting his every moment while both awake and in his dreams. He couldn't get me...what he did to me...out of his mind so here I remained, with Morgan Earp keeping me here.

But that has now ended. He....he was shot just a few minutes ago and is now dying. When his spirit moves on mine finally will as well. I will be going to a better destination than he will. We had been told that the dead move on to the realm of Hades, as Storm assures me most followers of the Greek and Roman church does. She says that it is a place of despair. She has offered to bring me to somewhere better for eternity, a place of her religion. And she says that you can join me there too when your time comes, which hopefully won't be for many many decades."

Kate answers, "You know I would follow you anywhere, even into Hades. But I hated the thought of you there. Storm is wise and kind, I know any place she considers worthy to go to be a place you'll be happy in. And I will follow you when the time is right." Kate slipped back down to the bed, her hand still holding her husband's. "Sit with me?"

Tom folded his long legs and sat on the bed, pulling Kate against him with an arm around her waist and taking her hand with his free hand. She leaned against him and sighed. "I miss you so much. I miss waking up with you, riding with you, fighting with you," she smiled. "Especially going to bed with you and falling asleep listening to you breathe. Sometimes I forget and think you'll just come walking in the door, and it breaks my heart when I remember. It all happened so suddenly. I was so happy coming to you and then everything changed."

He pulls her close into a long embrace and the two fall back onto the bed. The hug seems to last forever. He strokes her hair and says, "I know Katie, and I wish things had turned out differently." The two fall into a deep passionate kiss.

He says, "I'd like to be interred on your ranch rather than in Tombstone. Storm says that I will always be able to hear when you talk to me. This is the final time that we'll get to see one another, and this meeting is a great gift from the gods. As a spirit I shouldn't have any physical substance but Storm was able to tap into the earth magics of this region to grant me this...that's why we're having this unusual weather."

Another long kiss follows. "Our time is short...we should make the most of it." His hands remove her nightclothes. His spirit form is attired in the clothing that he wore the day he died....but those garments fade away, revealing his body. Katie feels his bare chest against hers, stronger, healthier and more robust than when she had seen him last.

Kate explored his body with her hands as he worked the thick braid of her hair loose to spill over her shoulders. Every nerve was awake, the feel of his skin was sending shivers down her spine. She pressed herself harder against him, as if she couldn't get close enough. The exhaustion of the day was gone; she couldn't even remember what it felt like. All she could feel was him in this strong body she remembered from years ago. She let go of everything and made love to her husband with a passion that her friends would never have suspected lived in the modest Mrs. Kale.

And so they continued for quite some time as the weather raged outside. At the very climax of the love making a massive bolt of lightening came down from the sky directly towards the El Parador. As it neared the roof it forked into three separate bolts, striking down in a triangle around the building, temporarily illuminating the structure while doing no permanent damage save for three scorch marks in the earth where the bolts struck. A massive roar of thunder follows and then the storm begins to dissipate.

Thomas Kale looks into his wife's eyes and says "Goodbye Katie, I love you" as he begins to fade away, her hands passing through the light where his solid body was just seconds before. "I love you, Tom. I'll bring you home." she cried after the fading form, knowing he heard. "Tell Storm I thank her, for everything."

Katherine lay breathing deeply for a few long moments in the warm, twisted sheets. It hadn't been just a dream, she was certain of it. She could still feel him, still smell his cologne in the air. With shaking hands she reached for her robe and wrapped it around her overheated skin. She went to the window and opened it, listening to the rain. From this night she would always find the sound of a storm to be one of the sweetest sounds in the world.

Light reappears inside of the room and Storm Golden Eye stands before Kate one more. Storm says "It is time. Morgan Earp is no more, Tom's bond to this realm has been broken. I will bring him now to a place of eternal happiness. Please show the proper thanks to the gods for this wonderful thing that they have brought you."

Kate nodded. "Of course. I can't tell you how grateful I am," she said, her flesh still quivering and covered with goose bumps. "But I do not know your gods, or how to properly thank them. I need instruction."

Storm says "It was not just my gods and those of the Apache that were involved in this. The gods of this region's elves are indeed grateful to you for helping to save the earth spirit and for keeping the Apache from being killed, and were able to assist. But it was Thomas's devotion to his gods that brought about this meeting. And also your actions as well, for choosing a marker for his grave that honored the Goddess Diana. That act alone swayed her to become personally involved in tonight's miracle."

"Diana?" Kate dropped weakly into the chair by the window. "The stone was the right thing to do. It is Tom's, it should reflect his feelings, not mine. I have been to church once since I was five years old, and that was my wedding day. There was... when my father went to the war...." she stopped. "I do not even know the gods of my Father, Storm. What do I do?"

The centaur replies, "What do you do? You honor Diana's gift. Most people believe the Greek and Roman deities to be the same but just with different names. That is not entirely true. The Greeks worship Artemis as the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. The Goddess worshipped as Diana is both of those, but she is also the Roman Goddess of Fertility. You can honor her gift to the two of you by raising your son to be a good man."

"My son? Storm, I...." She was thankful she was sitting as her head swam. Her hands were already unconsciously laid over her stomach. "This is the miracle." Kate tried to go on, but her voice broke and she covered her face with her hands and cried.

Storm replies, "Yes, his seed is within you. Consider this part of the balance of life. Until today you influenced the lives of others but you never began or ended a life. Now on the same day that a man died by your hands you have an opportunity to bring a new man into the world."

"May I raise a better man than the one whose life I ended today," she prayed fervently. "But today was not the first time I killed a man. Once before I.... They attacked our coach, we had to defend ourselves."

Storm states, "Your attack did not kill either of those men. One of those men did die from his injuries, but from the wound that Nanuet had caused not from yours, and he would have survived had he sought medical attention. Jake and Nanuet were aware of that, they found the pair in the bandit's cave. The other man, a Mr. Carl Rollins, is alive and well. He had been healed by Nanuet and then released. Mr. Rollins returned the favor just last week when he saved Nanuet and Chester's lives during their visit to Galeyville."

Kate sighed and sagged back against the chair back. "Thank you. I doubt Jake and Nanuet even knew I had injured either of those men. When shooting starts it's impossible to keep track of who did what. Thank you for telling me. And thank you for taking care of Tom. I have no idea how you found him, but I'm so glad you did."

Storm replies, "It would have been hard for me not to see him as he was the only spirit looming in Tombstone who had a good aura. When he followed you around town on your last two visits there it became obvious who he was. I have to be going now. Give Nanuet the message that I told you earlier. Say goodbye to the others for me as well." She then begins to fade away, as Tom had ten minutes earlier.

"Goodbye, Storm," Katherine said softly as the spirit faded away. She stayed in her chair by the window for a long while, listening as the rain slowed and eventually stopped. Speaking with Storm had forced her to start thinking, but she still felt wrapped in the light Tom had brought. Her skin was still hot to the touch, her heart still beating hard.

She had no idea how long Tom had been there, or how long she had been wrapped in her dreams, but eventually she realized Ginnie would be back soon. She could not be found like this, dressing gown half on and sitting up. Reluctantly she slipped back into her nightgown and crawled into bed. His scent still lingered in the sheets. Kate buried her face against the pillow and breathed deep. After a long while sleep came again, filled with dreams she had believed long lost.

Silver Moon

Chapter 97, “The Complication“, Saturday, March 18th , 1882, 11:30 P.M.

Nanuet and Chester spent the evening watching over things at the Lucky Lady and keeping each other company. It was not long after the patrons left when Nanuet felt the need for rest. He bid Chester a good night and made his way to the grove. Yes, there was a storm but he felt that he needed to be out of doors with no roof over his head tonight. "Ruby would probably have something to say if she saw me outside tonight." he said laughing softly. He wrapped himself in a blanket, covering his head and made his way to the nearby grove. He found a sheltered spot and made himself as comfortable as he could and then commenced his reverie. Tonight’s would be an interesting one with all of the days events to consider.

Several hours later Nanuet is awakened from his trance by a tremendous thunderclap nearby. He quickly gets to his feet and exits the grove looking to see if the lightning had struck any buildings, as it certainly had been close enough. Seeing that the town was apparently untouched he turned inward to his own thoughts. It was now a new day, but the sun had not yet risen. Sunday, the day that those who worshipped the Greek and Roman Gods had chosen for their day of worship to their Gods. If that was the day they had chosen it was certainly good enough for him. Nanuet made his way back into the grove and fell to his knees and prayed. He prayed for the spirits of those men who had fallen yesterday, prayed for the health and safety of his friends and prayed for the continued guidance of his ancestors.

At the sound of the lightning bolt almost hitting the El Parador Chester wakes up in his room at the Lucky Lady. A nightmare about a Gatling gun killing all his friends flits from his memory. Sleep doesn't return, so he quietly walks down the stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. On his way there, he changes his mind and stops at the bar. Chester pours himself some whiskey and sits at one of the tables.

He says, "Martin, you were a damn fool to let yourself get caught by the cowboys. After the gunfight you shouldn't have taken the road. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Nanuet and the others could've been killed. Lucky the cowboys' guard was down. And now there's going to be a war. Though, how many cowboys can there be? We're all going to have to be much more careful in the days to come." He sits in silence until sunrise, sipping at the whiskey.

It's almost midnight when, holding hands, Trisha and Simon emerge from the Alhambra. She is quite small and slight, and he tall and slim, with dark hair. They take their time getting back to the Lucky Lady, talking quietly as they walk.

They reach the door of the Lucky Lady, and Trisha suddenly grips Simon's arm, holding him back. "I don't think this is such a good idea," she says, "us just walking right in. What if somebody sees?" "I thought your Pa's friends were going to be asleep by now," Simon says. "Aren't they the only ones that know who you are?" "Ye-es," says Trisha, "but... Oh, maybe I'm just being stupid." She takes a deep breath, holds onto Simon's hand, and pushes open the door of the Lucky Lady.

The saloon is empty other than the man called Harry who is busy moping the floor. He glances to the door and says "I was told not to lock up until after you came back Miss Shaw. Who's your friend?" Trisha blinks, stutters, and almost bolts, but Simon holds onto her hand tightly, and she glances back at him for reassurance. No more sneaking around, she thinks, and draws her up. "This is my - " she looks back at him again " - fiancé, Simon Taylor."

"Taylor...any relation to Scott Taylor, the bank teller?" Simon says, "Err, probably not." Harry says, "Well, welcome to the Lucky Lady. Nice of you to escort Miss. Shaw back." Harry grabs a tray and picks up some glasses over at the table near the stage. He then heads off into the kitchen with the tray.

Trisha points Simon upstairs. "Quick," she says, "While he's in the kitchen. But be quiet." Simon heads over to the staircase and makes his way upstairs, quickly getting to the second floor. Tricia follows and is halfway up when Harry returns. "Did you young man leave?" he asks. "Yeah," says Trisha, "he's got quite a walk home. And I'm beat - good night, Harry. Thanks for waiting up." She smiles at him, and heads upstairs.

Not too long after she fell asleep, Ruby woke. Her throat was dry and she still had no energy. Jake hadn't returned yet, so Ruby drags herself slowly out of bed. She throws on his shirt, barely buttons it, and then starts stumbling her way downstairs. Half way down she bumps into a strange man. Sleepily, eyes half closed she asks quietly, "Who are you?" Simon actually stumbles down a step, completely surprised. "I... uh..." he stammers.

Ruby hears a quiet voice whisper, "Simon?" Then Trisha Shaw appears out of the darkness. She sees Ruby, and gasps, grabs at Simon's arm, and tries to usher him further up the stairs. He doesn't move. "Um... evening, Miss West," says Trisha in a low voice, trying not to be heard by Harry. "Tricia," Ruby nods at the woman. "Is this your complication?" she asks with a yawn. She tries to stifle it by putting her hand to her mouth, not noticing Jake's shirt rising dangerous high on her.

"Uh...." Trisha squeezes Simon's arm tighter. "....yeah. This is Simon." "Hi Simon. Ruby," she says while removing her hand from her still yawning mouth and stretching it to him. "Have you seen Jake yet? It's so late." Simon, looking stunned, takes Ruby's hand and shakes it absently, looking in bewilderment at Trisha, who's stumbling over her words.

"I... we... um... we just got here. Didn't see him downstairs. Harry's locking up." She pauses, then says, "How's your arm?" All the while, she's trying to lead a reluctant Simon around Ruby and up the stairs. It hurts." Ruby touches her shoulder, like she had almost forgotten. "Hum..." she furrows her brows and talks to herself, "Where is he?"

She looks back at the nervous looking pair. "Simon, is there something wrong?" Simon jumps when Ruby speaks to him: "What? Me? No!" He looks down at Trisha, who is still holding onto his hand. "I just... it's been a kind of tense night," he finishes, smiling at her. "I just want to get to bed," says Trisha.

Their eyes meet, and Simon leans in to kiss her. She closes her eyes. "That's better," he says, as he pulls away. Now, seeming more composed, he follows Trisha past Ruby and a couple of steps up. Trisha stops to turn. "You should get some rest, Miss West," says Trisha. "I'm sure Jake isn’t wandered far." Now Simon is leading Trisha further up. "Feel better, miss," he says to Ruby. "Sure." Ruby seems distracted, already looking down the stairs. Her eyes are still trying to close on her and she is struggling to stay upright. "Good night," she says without a second glance at the couple.

Trisha leads Simon to her room and ushers him inside, but doesn't go in, instead leaning against the doorframe and watching him unbutton his shirt, smiling. "What?" he says. "Nothing," she replies. "Look, you hole up in here. I'm going to talk to Miss West. I won't be long." She closes the door on him as he's pulling off his shirt, and quietly walks back downstairs.

Ruby grabs onto the railing, holding her up as she walks. Ruby finally makes it downstairs, although wobbly. She gets to the kitchen, and makes herself some water. A moment later two little fur balls attack her legs and she has to grab the table to not topple over. She sits on the floor and lets the puppies lick and kiss her as she pets them. "Hello babies," she smiles at each of them. "Who would have taken care of you if I didn't make it back?"

Trisha sees Ruby playing with a pair of puppies. She sits at the table, resting her chin in her hands. Ruby looks up from her fur balls. "I thought you were going to bed with your complication..." Ruby looks up at Tricia with a tired smile. "I am," says Trisha. "In a minute." She grasps for a reason to have come down, just for a moment. "I wanted to see if you were okay," she says.

"What's ok? My shoulder hurts, but it will heal. For the second time in my life I almost died for real. But this time was different, this time I had reasons to want to make it." She looks at the puppies blissfully jumping all over her as she stretches her long legs out. "Jake hates them." Ruby smiles, "The puppies that is." "They're cute," says Trisha, reaching out to pet one. "I love dogs."

"They are cute. I always wanted a puppy but never stayed around anywhere long enough to have a place for one. The white one is Lucky the black one is Mischief." Ruby laughs,” I tried to run, twice since I been here. But Jake wouldn't let me." She continues to pet the dogs, Lucky taking a spot on her lap, while Mischief starts over towards Tricia.

Tricia, smiles. "I know what you mean," she says, "about having a reason to live. I got Simon now. You know, this ain't like Ellen and Paul, fooling around when Pa's out. I'm gonna marry him." Ruby replies, "Marry Simon, huh? He's cute enough. But why do you want to get married?"

Trisha takes Mischief into her lap and pets him thoughtfully. "It's the only way I can get away from my Pa," she says after a long while. "As long as I depend on Pa, I can't be my own woman. Simon's not like him. He'd let me live my own life."

Ruby smiles at Tricia. "You and I have two VERY different views of marriage. Marriage is a trap, not an escape. You should just stand up for yourself and leave your father, that's being your own woman. Why you would want a man to own you I have no idea." Ruby shrugs then leans over and gives Lucky a kiss. "Even the right man."

"That's what you think? It's about ownership?" Trisha smiles wistfully. "You never met my Ma. If you had, you couldn't ever say marriage was a trap. Even married to my Pa - and you know him, he's the most controlling man in the world - even married to him, she was a free spirit right up to the day she died. You just ask my Pa some time." Trisha pets Mischief a little more and puts him back on the ground: "You go back to your Mama now, little fella." Then she gets up, yawning.

"I better get back to my man," she says. "Good night, Miss West." And, staggering a little, she walks back upstairs, opens her bedroom door, and finds Simon, his shirt unbuttoned, sitting on the bed looking out of the window. She shuts the door, draws the shade, and goes to him.

Ruby watches Tricia walk away and shakes her head. She had seen enough in the world to know that marriage was not a dream and certainly not a salvation. She had known very few people who even kept to their vows. She had surprised herself with the momentary insane thought of what it would be like to marry Jake. Ruby knew Jake never intended to get married and neither did she.

Ruby rises warily from the floor and finishes her water. At that moment Jake comes in the back door, only in his pants. She looks at him curiously. "What are you doing out of bed?" Jake asks. "I just needed a drin... what are you doing outside with no shirt?"

"Using the outhouse, is that ok with you?" he replies with a chuckle. "Oh, right. I'm just really tired." Jake notices Ruby's eyes are starting to close. He gets her another glass of water and helps her back upstairs, puppies in tow. They fall into bed with out a word and both of them are asleep before their heads hit the pillow.

Minerva awakens at sunrise when Luna flutters through the open window. She stretches and yawns enjoying the the cool breeze that flutters against her bare skin. Still a bit tired and sore from the stress of the previous day she rises and dresses for morning services. It does not take long to slip into the simple white robe and as she is cinching the golden cord around her waist she hears a knock on the door.

She is surprised to see Deputy Marshall Eduardo Rodriguez standing on the other side wearing a grim expression and holding his hat in his hands. "I am sorry to disturb you Priestess, but I have some terrible news. Warren Earps brother, Morgan, was shot and killed in Tombstone late last night. Warren has asked that you include his family in your prayers at service this morning."

She responds, "I am very sorry to hear this Senor. Of course, I will provide what comfort that I can. Will Senor Earp be at services this morning?" He says, “No Priestess, A rider from Tombstone arrived at dawn to inform Warren of his brothers death and he is riding alongside the morning stagecoach to Tombstone to go and be with his other family members."

She says, "Please give him my condolences when you see him Senor. I will pray for him and his family as well as for the soul of Morgan." Minerva bids the Deputy a good day and closes the door to finish getting ready. She scoops up a large tapestry and an equally bulky pillow along with other assorted items she will need for the service. Struggling with the unwieldy load she peaks over the top and notices the paper she has scribbled her sermon on. " Don't want to forget that!" She chuckles as she reaches from behind her pile to grab it. Juggling the bulky load she makes her way carefully down the stairs and over to the town hall with Luna in her wake.

Trisha wakes at sunup to find Simon gone. She sits straight up in bed, looking around the room. His clothes are gone, and hers - strewn all over the floor when she fell asleep last night - have been neatly folded on top of her trunk. Simon can't stand a mess. He's never done this before. They've spent the night together a few times in the past couple of months, and it's always been Trisha who disappeared before morning, hurrying to be home before the ranch hands started to get up for early-morning chores.

Miserably, Trisha wraps the bed sheet around her, and puts her feet on the floor. Later, after she's washed and dressed, she sits in the kitchen of the Lucky Lady, drinking a glass of water and picking at a slice of dry bread, staring unhappily at nothing in particular.

Jake wakes early and just holds Ruby for while, being careful of her tender shoulder. Eventually Ruby stirs and opens a sleepy eye with a yawn, "You're up too early." "I told Minerva I'd be at service today." He replies, "I didn't expect that I'd be up all night long at the time, but I did tell her I'd be there. I should go soon." Jake pushes some stray hairs away from her eyes, "You can go back to sleep."

"I don't want you to leave me, Jake." Ruby pushes her face against Jake's neck. "I don't think the way she asked everyone was very nice. It's one thing to do a favor but..." Ruby's voice trails off as she wraps her arms around Jake squeezing him tight into a hug. "Oooww," she winces at the movement of her shoulder and lets out a long breath, but doesn't let go. "Don't leave, please..." she says with a sleepy smile.

Ruby looks into Jake's eyes and sees that her efforts will be fruitless. "I know, Silver Jake Cook stands by his friends," she says flatly. She lets go of him and rolls to the edge of the bed, throwing her legs over. She rubs her sleepy eyes and touches the floor with her toes, lightly swinging her legs back and forth. "I guess I'll just go about my day. I don't think I could fall back asleep now anyway, especially if you're not here, although I still feel pretty weak. Nanuet said it would take a while to be back to normal, he said I lost a lot of blood."

I don't remember how she asked." Jake rubs his eyes to get the sleep out of them. "I do remember that she walked the streets of Promise City helping me look for you the night that Eastman caused all the trouble, and then she ran out into the desert to fight Cowboys and get Nanuet and Chester. Wasn't you who told me she was all right?" He gets up and walks to the table that is home to the decanters of alcohol and pours himself a double whiskey. "This will make the sermon a bit better. I've gone to church over far less than that." He looks up at nothing and then chuckles before his face turns serious again. "Is something bothering you?"

Ruby quickly starts rambling, "Yes, I told you I liked her and I do. But what she said was, 'I did this for you, now do this for me'. Friends don't do that. We didn't force her to come. I heard her sermon last week was about building the church. Who cares about the church? I said I would help her with her festival, isn't that enough? I told you I don't believe..." Ruby hesitates slightly before continuing, "...in your gods."

"My gods," Jake snorts a laugh, "yes they often consult me for advice. Look I don't really care if you believe or not." He pauses with a smile, "I believe in you, that's enough for me." He walks over and pulls her standing to give her an embrace.

Ruby continues to stretch her legs and run her toes on the floor, watching her feet as she talks. "What's wrong? Well, I almost died yesterday and I don't want to be alone." Ruby finally stops kicking her legs and slides off the bed slowly. "You'd better hurry, you'll be late."

He says, "I'll be quick about it and come back. I can understand that yesterday was difficult." He pulls up her face with his finger under her chin and gives her a kiss. "Play with the dogs or something, and I'll be back in no time." When they are finished Jake gets dressed and armed and heads over to hear Minerva’s sermon.

Quite early, Trisha gets up and walks to the Town Hall to hear Minerva speak. By the time she gets there, the place is already filling up, but she manages to get a seat near the back. She glances around a bit desperately, but can't see Simon, or indeed anyone she knows. She sits, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, staring at the floor. But she is so absorbed in her own thoughts that she is unlikely to hear a word of Minerva's sermon.

Silver Moon

Chapter 98, “Minerva’s Sermon“, Sunday, March 19th , 1882, 7:45 A.M.

Ruby sighs as she looks around the room. Playing with the dogs wasn't going to keep her mind off yesterday’s events. She gathers a pretty cream dress with small peach flowers on it into a bag and heads downstairs. She was hungry but would wait to eat. Chester was at the bar drinking, apparently he needs some whiskey to get through the service too, Ruby laughs to herself. She stops at the bar to say hi and have a couple of drinks, feeling better as soon as the smoothness of the brandy starts down her throat. She stops to pet the fur balls then heads out.

She walks slowly down the street, passing people all dressed up for the morning's services. She knocks on the bathhouse door and Jules lets her in. He tells her, "Normally we are closed on Sunday but Ms. Gilson said if you ever came by to let you in. I'll go draw you a bath." Ruby waits patiently in silence until the bath is ready.

She makes her way to their steam filled room, and she can smell the scent of lavender. Apparently Laurie had said to take good care of them. Ruby glances at her bath then at her shoulder and shakes her head. She drops her clothes to the floor and carefully gets in the bath. She washes her hair gingerly, her shoulder hurting worse than she thought it should. After she is clean she lies back and just relaxes, almost falling asleep.

Two blocks away, Minerva has once again miraculously transformed the unfinished town hall into a place of worship, Her place of worship. As the people enter the Town Hall for the Priestess' second sermon, the now familiar tapestry depicting the 12 heavenly powers captures their attention. The mismatched saloon chairs, on loan from local proprietors, have been place in military straight rows dominating the center of the room, and the small snowy white owl, that they have come to recognize as the Priestess’s constant companion, is perched unconcernedly upon the soapbox podium preening her feathers. Soft, exotic music flows from the priestess’ flute and wafts through the air, lulling the supplicants to peace like a soft breeze on a drowsy summer day.

The Sun had been up when Nanuet opened his eyes this day. It seemed that the day was going to be a beautiful one. He spent the late morning walking around the desert area near the mineshaft where he had met with Kajika in the past. The desert was an amazing place after it received rainfall and he just strolled around the area observing the flora and fauna of the area before he returned to town. He headed towards the building where services were being held and made his way around the back of the structure where he could be seated without being seen to easily and hopefully could hear Minerva's sermon.

The young Priestess, dressed in her soft white robes with her silver circlet of olive leaves nestled in her dark flowing hair, is seated upon the large white pillow, an aura of soft light radiating around her, enhancing her innocent, heavenly appearance. In communion with the gods, she is oblivious to all as she silently chants her mantra over and over “I am the beginning. I am the vestal virgin. I am an innocent offering to the gods. Unmarked by man. Uninfluenced by his touch, his ambitions, and his desires. I am the vessel through which the gods make their will known. "

Sensing that everyone is seated Minerva, sets her flute aside and walks sedately, to the podium. The owl flutters over to perch upon her shoulder and the two ghostly white figures stare intently around the room quieting the murmuring crowd. “Before we begin today’s sermon, I would like everyone to stand and pray for the soul of Marshall Earp’s brother, Morgan. Morgan was fatally shot last night. Marshall Earp has gone to Tombstone to be with his family. Let us pray for his family also.” She says and bows her head as a wave of disbelief washes over the crowd.

When Ruby is done with her bath she throws her hair into a messy pile on her head, wet tendrils hanging down all over. She dresses then realizes her fresh wound is very visible in this dress. She stands for a long while, staring at herself in the mirror before tuning away deliberately. She leaves $2.00 on the counter and leaves.

As she walks, she figures on getting some food. Miss Florencia's sermon should have started by now, she thinks, Maybe I'll go by and take a peek before I eat. Ruby heads over to the Town Hall and hears Minerva’s voice, although she cannot see her, the place is packed. She squeezes inside and stands with her back against the wall, listening to what the priestess has to say.

After several minutes of silence her voice skillfully rings out, like a knife striking fine crystal, captivating all while her gestures lull and etch colorful images into their minds. “Picture your life as a journey, a path through the woods… Each time the path forks, Faith will choose the way or fear and doubt will block it.” She pauses to let her words penetrate.

Those were the words being spoken as Ruby squeezed in the room. As Minerva spoke Ruby glanced around the crowded room. Mr. Lacey was sitting up front, paying close attention, nodding his head along with her sermon and smiling. Ruby noticed Mitchell Berg, sitting near the middle of the crowd, looking comfortable next to Laurie Gilson. She smiled to herself at that particular turn of events.

“FEAR HUNTS!” the Priestess bellows, shattering the peaceful image. “Its arrow strikes DEEP in the heart and mind of this congregation.” Pointing an accusatory finger around the room she continues in a thunderous voice of doom “There are those in this room whose path to faith has been blocked. BLOCKED by their own fear and doubt, those who wear their righteousness as an aegis upon their breast against it. This shield blocks their hearts and minds to the will of the gods as surely as the fallen tree blocks the wooded path…Battered from within by their own fear these misguided souls are compelled to strike back with rules with which to bind and control that which they do not understand!

FEAR HUNTS… and it feeds …and it grows… destroying all it touches... killing beauty, and truth and light until all are left cowering in fearful, faithless darkness.” Minerva’s entire countenance changes, as the light around her brightens. Eyes aglow with the joy of her faith, a beatific smile on her full lips, the Priestess’ continues in a sweet fervent voice. “Do YOU have Faith?”

“THE FAITHFUL need not be afraid of what they do not comprehend for a true believer rejoices in the mysteries of the universe, and revels in the diversity of our world and in the uniqueness of each individual. THE FAITHFUL tread the undisclosed path ignorant of fear... Like the child clasping his mother’s hand on an unknown journey, THE FAITHFUL… ACCEPT and TRUST that the gods will guide them to their destination just as the child accepts and trusts its mother.”

With lightening speed her voice whips out, dark and dangerous, her eyes flash and her full mouth becomes a grim line. “Recently, certain misguided committee members DIRECTED me to ignore those who were not of our ways. They dared instruct that I should only focus on the “true believers” of Promise City.”

Jake shakes his head and watches the crowd thinking She's good to her word, she's not only chosen a path but also put a big fork in the road for the others. He listens to her sermon and watches the crowd reaction, trying to note who will be with the priestess and who will be one of her obstacles.

Minerva leans forward over the podium. “The gods warn EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!” Her eyes fill with disapproval as she scans the room looking directly into the hearts of each committee member, “Abandon your shields of righteous indignation! They do naught but protect the fear that grows and festers within you!” Nanuet listened intently, taking in her words. "She certainly speaks with conviction and passion." he thought.

She holds her hands out, palms up in a pleading gesture and her voice gentles like that of a mother reasoning with a child. “ It is not too late to open your hearts and minds to the path of light where all fear is vanquished by Faith. Segregation and control are naught but the rancid carcass, which your putrid fear feeds upon. It is NOT the will of the gods’ that you should dominate, separate OR abandon their children, BUT that you should rejoice and revel in their uniqueness.

Her voice takes on a deep, intense resonance. “ For it is written that all mankind are created in their image. Wood elves, dwarves and humans alike. The gods demand a church unified in it’s diversity, not one in which we abandon our children, leaving them in the woods for the hungry wolf because they are innocent of our ways. The gods do not will a church in which their people cower down in fear, for they created man to stand proudly upright in the light and parade the gifts that they have given him.”

A long pause follows. She reaches out to the entire congregation and happily continues “It is spring, a time of renewal and awakening, the time of Dionysus, the time to Rejoice in the unique gifts that the gods have bestowed upon each of their people. Her voice rings out “The opportunity to open your hearts and give honor to Dionysus is at hand. He, the most diverse of all the gods, invites you to play and celebrate in His honor.”

Minerva excitedly outlines the details for the festival including her hopes of raising money for the new school and fire truck. She emphasizes the importance of everyone contributing in whatever way they can. “Senor Lacey will be standing at the exit to assist you with the sign up sheet at the end of the service. By celebrating our diversity we become unified! We will sing and dance and play in his honor. Our crops will be plentiful and our livestock increased tenfold! This is the will of the gods! So be it”

Rebecca King was also sitting near the front, not nodding, looking quite miserable actually. By the time Minerva started talking about the festival she had a look of pure disgust on her face. She rose and with much drama walked down the center aisle with her nose in the air, pushing her way through the crowd at the back. A few people Ruby didn’t know followed her out.

Minerva turns and walks back to her pillow where she sits and plays her flute while the money baskets are passed. “Well my Goddess, it is done. There are those in this room who will be swayed to my aid and those who will secretly plot my demise. Let us hope I have more supporters than assassins,” she sighs.

The sound of the flute catches Trisha's attention, drawing her out of her troubled thoughts. She looks up to see Minerva seated, and money baskets being passed around. When they reach her, she pulls a handful of coins out of her pocket and drops them into the basket, then turns away and stares at the floor again. When the rest of the congregation starts to get up and leave, Trisha stays seated, but she looks around, hoping to see Simon in the crowd. He's not there. As the hall empties, Trisha remains in her seat, eyes closed, with tears starting to roll down her face.

After the sermon was over Lacey made his way to the back and a crowd of people gathered around him to sign up for the festival. Ruby heard many comments from people as they left, some very happy with the new priestess, others not so much. “How could she want to include the heathens?” was a common comment she heard. Another was, “Isn’t it wonderful how she wants to get money for the school house and the fire truck aside from the church? She must really care about our community.”

Ruby smiled at Mitchell and Laurie as they walked by. Laurie noticed Ruby’s wet hair and commented, “You must have had a bath. I hope Jules took care of you.” “Yes, Ruby replied, “He did and I very much appreciate it. You don’t know how bad I needed it.” Mitchell cut in, “We’re going to lunch, would you like to join us?” “No thank you,” she said simply. They said good-bye and departed.

After the crowd thins out a bit Ruby approached Mr. Lacey. He was still scribbling on his pad of paper and didn’t look up. He heard Ruby’s unique voice, “I guess I’m the entertainment committee,” she laughed. Lacey looked up with a blush, “Sorry Miss West, I didn’t see you standing there.” She smiled at him, “That’s ok, you’re busy. You can mark me down, I think Miss Florienca already has.” Lacey started stuttering but Ruby acted like she didn’t notice. “Have a nice Sunday Mr. Lacey.” Ruby saw Tricia sitting by herself looking forlorn. I have my own problems, she thought. She doesn’t approach her instead taking a seat in the back.

Jake just sits and watches as the crowd files out and notices with some surprise that Ruby was in the back. As the church empties he notices Tricia Shaw. He approaches her and says, "Powerful sermon Miss Shaw don't you think? It seems to have struck you particularly hard." Jake doesn't look too close at her face after seeing the tears. "I'll walk with you back to the Lucky Lady if you care to, I promised Miss West I wouldn't tarry here. Wipe your face, it won't help you to have townsfolk gabbing about you regardless the source of those tears."

Trisha looks up at Jake and wipes her face. Then she gets up. "Thank you, Mr. Cook," she says. "It was, uh... well, truth be told, I wasn't really listening to too much of it," she says. "You'd be wise not to tell her that. Tenacious is that one, she'd just give you the sermon again right then and there." Jake chuckles. They walk together in silence. They walk out of the hall and towards the Lucky Lady.

Nanuet waited till the crowd had dissipated before making his way out from behind the building. He was hesitant to enter but decided there was not a reason not to, that Minerva had said his kind would be welcomed. Nanuet spotted Jake and nodded as he was speaking with Tricia. He made his way to the front of the church and sat listening to Minerva play the soft music on her flute.

Morning came soon enough, and despite her busy night, Kate woke at a decent hour feeling energized. Ginnie was curled up on her cot. Kate knelt next to her and brushed the hair away from her forehead. Together they had made a little family for themselves. Kate had never thought it would grow this way.

Kate washed up at the basin and dressed herself in Tom's favorite green dress. Her hair was quickly and simply put up, and she went downstairs. She was anxious to find Nanuet and the others, but for once Dorita had no trouble getting her to stop for breakfast before she rushed out the door. It was Sunday morning, and Miss Florencia expected most of them at her service. It was probably almost over by now, but the others might still be there. She headed for the unfinished town hall.

Minerva sits upon her pillow, softly playing her flute. When she senses that the townspeople have all left she opens her eyes to see Nanuet sitting at her feet, peacefully watching her. She gives him a gentle smile, "Hola, Senor. I am very pleased that you are here today. It was not so bad was it?" she teases. "I am famished," she announces giving him a dazzling smile. "Let us find something to eat. I will return to clean up later."

Nanuet helps her to her feet and as she stands she looks over Nanuet's shoulder. A surprised look crosses her face and is quickly replaced by a satisfied smile. She whispers to Nanuet "This is indeed a day for miracles. Look who is here." She hurries to the back of the room to welcome her friend. " Katherine, How are you this morning? she says taking Kate's hands. She eyes her more critically taking in not only the beautiful gown, but the soft rosy flush of her skin and the bright glow of her eyes. "My Senora, Church must really agree with you. You are positively breathtaking this morning. "

Nanuet quickly follows behind Minerva to join her and Kate. "Good morning Miss Kate, how are you today?" "Very well, thank you Nanuet. I just arrived Miss Florencia, looking for our friend here, actually," she said smiling at Nanuet. "I'm sure your sermon will have the town buzzing this week just as it did last. Nanuet, I have a message for you from a friend, and messages for some others as well. If you're both ready to head over to the Lucky Lady, I can tell everyone at once." He replies, “Well, I was actually heading there next. Just wanted to see how the sermon went and seeing who was in attendance. I'm ready.”

As Ruby had waited after the sermon, she fingered the box that was hidden in her pocket. Earlier she had opened the safe and taken it with her, knowing this would be her last chance to return it to its owner. He was not present at the sermon, and that surprised Ruby. Of course, the crowd was large and it was entirely possible she just overlooked him. Nevertheless, the box would need to be returned. Finally she became too inpatient to wait any longer. She stood and made her way outside, walking quickly, ending at the doorstep of Helen and Stanley Barker. She knocked and waited for someone to answer.

Stanley Barker opens the door. He is wearing casual clothes and a flour-covered patchwork apron. Ruby takes in the smell molasses cookies baking. As the door is opening Ruby quickly tugs at her dress, straining to pull the sleeve over her wound. She stands up tall and puts a smile on her face. "Good morning Mr. Barker. Something smells lovely. Is Mr. Eastman here? I really need to speak with him."

Stanley backs slightly inside and Ruby suddenly reaches out for his arm. "Wait, I mean, uh," she releases his arm, "I just wanted to say, I know Helen is really mad at me about everything that happened, but there are many people who like to hear you play on Saturday nights at the Lucky Lady and I hope you'll still consider playing there, you'd be punishing them as much as me." Ruby gives him a hopeful smile. "Anyway, is George here?"

Stanley replies, "Actually he and Helen took the morning stagecoach to Tombstone. They thought that there would be interest in photographs of this Earp situation. I stayed as my specialty is portraits of people, not funerals, and besides, George is a better photographer than I am. Helen wouldn't approve of my inviting you inside in her absence but if you wait here I can get you some fresh cookies. They just came out of the oven. We can then discuss some of these other issues."

Ruby's face drops. "Oh I missed him? Is he gone for good?" He replies, "I don't know. He took all of his things with him, but he does travel light. We'll just have to wait until Helen returns to see if he is with her."

She shakes off her little outburst, "Oh yes, I'll wait here for you to return." Stanley heads back inside and Ruby sits on their porch step. She had been hoping to get rid of the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach, the one she didn't have much experience with. If George was gone she might never be rid of it. She again put her hand on the box in her pocket and waited for Stanley to come back out.

Stanley returns with a plate of with six of best smelling cookies that Ruby has ever seen. He says, "It's an old family recipe." He gestures for her to sit on a porch chair as he sits in another, putting the plate on a small table between them. He offers her a cookie before taking one for him.

After they have each consumed a cookie he says, "I'm sorry about not being able to play any more at the Lucky Lady, but Helen is firm on that subject. The patrons won't suffer, as they can still come to hear me every Saturday night at the Comique. And you say that Helen will be mad at the way things have happened...does that mean that you've decided to accept George's proposal?"

"Stanley, do you, for a second, believe I would be a good wife to George? Or anyone for that matter?" Ruby runs her hand through her hair. "No, don't answer that. Why is Helen so adamant to have me marry George? She absolutely hates me, why would she want to be related to me? I don't get it. I would think she would want someone to give him what he needs. She is mad simply because I asked her how George was. I feel bad about what happened after I left him the other night." Ruby shakes her head and looks at the remaining half of her second cookie in her hand before taking a bite.. "These are really good, Stanley and I'm hungry. I should probably go."

He replies, "Have another. I think you're confused. Helen doesn't want you to marry George, she just wants her cousin Georgie to get over you and move on with his life. She's been hearing about his precious 'Constance Grace West' for years now, who disappeared to who knows where. She wants him to find a good and decent wife, and knows that he won't until he knows this relationship between George and you is final. As you may have noticed, she tends to be direct, and so the most direct way for her to deal with this was by putting the two of you together.

Unfortunately things got out of hand with the murder accusation and the more public aspect of this could potentially damage his reputation if or when the account is published. That could have an negative effect on his business plans. When she heard about the Earp murder she saw it as an opportunity to salvage the situation. Any disturbances in this town will be overshadowed by the publicity of his photographs becoming the ones printed worldwide recording the Earp funeral as well as pictures of any follow up news. She assumes that Wyatt will soon find those responsible, which means a hearing or hanging. And any paper that wants to use his photographs will think twice about printing a negative story about him. So George will probably remain in Tombstone until all of this shakes out, Helen may as well. We'll have to wait and see."

Good and decent wife, huh?" is Ruby's answer to Stanley's explanations. "Look, I told him plainly from the beginning I wasn't going to marry him. I told him he was crazy asking Jake to pay money to leave me. What else can I do? Helen has no right to put this on me." Ruby takes another cookie, taking a small bite. "I ran away from home so I wouldn't have to marry George. Apparently my parents failed to mention that to him. It's none of anyone's business what I've been doing since then.

Ruby stands. "I'm supposed to be going to Tombstone this week. Maybe I'll see him there but it's not wise for Helen and I to spend too much time together. I have to be honest, Stanley," she says with emphasis, "You're a nice guy and you deserve better than Helen bossing you around constantly. And now that she isn't going to be frequenting the Lucky Lady I don't have any reason whatsoever to see her and it's best that way. If you were smart you'd take these cookies," she holds her hand up dramatically before finishing it, "Make yourself your own cookie business and stop letting her walk all over you."

Ruby shrugs. "Just some silly advice I guess." She steps down to the road and turns back. "I am sorry though that I won't get to hear you play anymore. You're very good. Thank you for the cookies, I appreciate it. Good bye, Mr. Barker." Ruby bids Mr. Helen Barker goodbye and starts her walk back to the Lucky Lady. As soon as she turns her back to him her eyes narrow and a plan starts to form in her mind. Who the hell does Helen Barker think she is anyway? She wanders her way back in thought, still getting strange looks from people, and for being rumored to be dead she guesses.

Silver Moon

Chapter 99, “Whiskey before Breakfast“, Sunday, March 19th , 1882, 10:30 A.M.

As Jake and Trisha enter the nearly empty saloon Jake finally speaks again, "Make yourself at home, not much going on here today. Sunday tends to be slow. When are you headed back to the ranch?" Trisha stops dead in her tracks and raises her chin defiantly to look directly at Jake. "I'm not, Mr. Cook. I'm not going home."

"Oh." Jake takes off his hat and scratches his head. "Oh." He drops his hat back on his head. "I guess there is something going on here and as usual I am probably the last to know. Look, if you and your father are having some trouble please don't make me look like the bad guy to him. Now I see he was trying to tell me something yesterday, and I was a bit preoccupied and didn't get the message."

Jake indicates towards some chairs at a table and they sit down. "You're a bit old to be running away from home don't you think?" "I don't intend to make you out to be the bad guy," says Trisha frankly, "nor do I intend to stay here longer than a couple days. And I'm not running, Mr. Cook just making a life for myself."

Ruby arrives at the Lucky Lady and finds Jake and Tricia sitting at a table together. Ruby walks up behind Jake and wraps her arms around his neck, although more gently than usual. She kisses his neck then then sits next to him. "Morning Tricia," Ruby says while adjusting her still wet hair. "How is, what was his name, Simon? He seemed a bit uncomfortable at my choice of wardrobe last night." She looks at Jake, "I'm starving! Did you eat?" Jake notices Ruby seems energized a bit and the familiar fire he knows well is burning in her eyes.

Trisha shrugs, one-shouldered. "He, uh..." She takes a breath. "He took off in the night. Not rightly sure where he is just now." As Tricia answers his question Ruby sweeps into the Lucky Lady like a spring wind. "Simon?" Emery Shaw's conversation flashes back into memory. "You had a Simon here last night? Mierda. You just make sure your father doesn't find out and take it out on me." Jake shakes his head. "I don't care if you choose to sleep with every Simon in the territories, just tell your father you are not coming home first before he finds out would you? Hermes Tricia , I'd be willing to help you but be smart about. I have enough people angry at me, I don't need your help adding to the list I seem to be doing fine on my own."

"No Ruby, I didn't eat and I'm starving too. I'll get enough for company, I have a feeling we'll have more visitors soon." Jake sees Henry and asks him to send a boy or someone over to the Promise City Hotel and ask Mrs. Smith to send enough breakfast over for about dozen folks and gives Henry enough money for the food and something for the delivery boy.

He turns to Ruby, "Besides Tricia's little dalliance, Morgan's dead, Miverva's whacked the hornet's nest, who knows where Ringo is, Gifford's sure to be trouble still, and you have that look in your eyes." Jake rests his hat on the table and chuckles darkly. "Looks like it's whiskey for breakfast again." He retrieves a full bottle from the bar and as many glasses as he can carry.

Trisha takes a deep breath. "I sure don't want to cause you any trouble, Mr. Cook," she says. "I need to find me a job and a new place to stay. Wouldn't happen to know of a ranch nearby looking for hands, would you?" He asks, "Why would you Simon take off in the middle of the night?"

She eyes the whiskey as Jake comes back from the bar. "I could sure do with a drop of that this morning," she says, smiling, as he sits down. She watches him pour the whiskey, passes a glass to Ruby, and takes one herself. "I don't know," she says in answer to his question, "I..." She sighs. "Any time I'd been with him before, it was always me that had to run back to the ranch at four in the morning. I don't know what happened last night." Trisha takes a hefty swig of her whiskey and slams the glass down on the table. "Maybe he just decided he don't want me, after all."

"Well," Ruby starts while helping Jake with the glasses, "Does Simon live in Promise City? Maybe he just went home. I have to say I'm not the type to stick around the next morning either, well, I wasn't anyway," she gives Jake a sideways glance as she smiles and pours the whiskey. "His father's a prospector here," says Trisha. "Simon does his books, so he lives here but his father still spends some time back East. So, he probably just went home then. No reason to get worried yet. Besides, frowning gives you wrinkles and you don't want that!" Ruby gives Tricia an easy smile.

Jake interjects, "Not wanting to cause me trouble, my good Miss Shaw is quite different than NOT causing me trouble. Cheers." Jake says before sipping his whiskey. "The only other ranchers besides your family that I know well is Katherine Kale, Nanuet and Sonoma. I don't know if they need any help yet, they are just getting started."

Trisha finishes her whiskey. "Mrs. Kale owns a ranch?" she says. "With Nanuet? I guess I'll speak to the two of them today." She pushes her glass away and shakes her head a little as she's getting up. "That's good stuff." She goes to the stairs, then turns back to Jake and Ruby. "You won't get in any trouble because of me, Mr. Cook," she says carefully. "Just say I took off and you don't know where I went." She smiles. "I'll get my things." And with that, she turns to head up the stairs.

Ruby breaks her gaze from Jake and looks at Tricia, "We'll get in MORE trouble if you run off and we have to answer to your father that we don't know where you are...Why are you getting your stuff anyway? Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know," says Trisha, sagging a little. "But I don't want to impose on you guys any longer than I have to." She leans against the wall. "I'm going write to Pa," she says. "But I don't want to do that till I have work, or he'll just up and fetch me home - I don't want that." Trisha folds her arms across her stomach and rests her head against the wall. "Ugh," she says, "maybe drinking that whiskey wasn't such a good idea."

Jake says, "Sit down and have breakfast, you'll feel better. Don't make me shoot you for trying to leave." Jake keeps his poker face on. "Get your head straight woman, write your father a letter indeed. He'll be here right after he gets it anyway, why not tell him to his face?" Jake just shakes his head again. "Not used to whiskey for breakfast I guess."

Trisha comes back to the table and sits again, playing with her glass with one hand, but keeping the other on her stomach. "Thanks," she says in a small voice. There's a long pause, as Trisha stares at the table. Then she says softly, "He is going to be so mad." “They're always mad," Ruby says rolling her eyes. "Listen, you are a woman now and old enough you don't need to be listening to your father. I happen to know something about this topic. Just figure out what you have to do and do it. You'll be much better off in the end."

Trisha smiles weakly. "I know," she says. "It's just - " She swallows, and gets up. "'Excuse me, I need a glass of water," she says, and heads for the kitchen at a fast walk. Half a minute later, Jake and Ruby hear the outside door bang shut. Ruby looks at Jake, "You were right about her and the whiskey." Ruby nods to the kitchen. "Some people shouldn't drink before noon. I, luckily, am not one of them," She smiles and holds up her glass for a refill.

Ruby pulls her feet up on her chair as she drinks the whiskey. "I heard Minerva's talk, at least some of it. It certainly will be trouble." She furrows her brow, "Morgan who is dead?" Then Ruby leans in closer to Jake, "And what look exactly do I have in my eyes, Mr. Cook?" At that very moment both her straps of her dress slide off her shoulders and she grins.

Jake isn't looking at her eyes as he slowly and gently places her straps back on her shoulders. "You have that mischievous look," he finally replies looking back at her face. "Minerva asked the congregation to pray for the recently departed soul of Morgan Earp. Apparently someone killed him last night in Tombstone." Jake has on his poker face for this little bit of news.

“Morgan Earp is dead, huh? That should make Kate happy." Ruby stops to ponder for a moment, "I guess Mr. Ringo started his war then. Let's hope it stays in Tombstone." She raises her glass to her own last comment and drinks down the whiskey quickly. "Speaking of Tombstone, I need to get there. I've decided I really don't like Helen Barker." Ruby's eyes twinkle as she speaks. "And you did promise you would take me to the theater..." He does not immediately respond.

"Now about Tombstone, when can we go Jake?" The fur balls come bounding in the front archway and immediately start jumping on Jake and Ruby. Ruby leans over and scratches Lucky behind the ear while Mischief starts jumping on Jake's boot.

Jake teases the dog with his boot, letting it bite at him a bit before answering Ruby. "I guess you are all better, Nanuet's medicine is sure strong. Either that or you're thinking I was right about there being more real pleasure to be gotten out of a malicious act. I hope you know what you are getting into, seeing the play is fine but Eastman has been nothing but trouble..."

Trisha makes it to the outhouse before she throws up. She comes back to the kitchen, draws herself a glass of water, and splashes some more water on her face before coming back to sit with Ruby and Jake. When she returns, she looks slightly pale, but perks up as soon as she sees the puppies. She puts her water glass on the table and reaches down to pet Mischief.

Jake stops speaking when Tricia comes back into the room. She rescues Jake from the dog. Trisha lifts Mischief onto her lap and pets him as she listens to Jake and Ruby talk. Then she gently sets him back on the floor and gets up. "I'm going upstairs," she says. "I have to write to my father." In her room, Trisha digs in her trunk for pen and paper, then sits on the bed. She starts: Dear Pa, then she stops, her pen hovering over the paper. She stares out of the window at the street below, thinking.

Jake says, "Ruby if you think the road is safe, we could go Monday or Tuesday. Probably better to take the stage. I'd like to be back Wednesday if we are going." He looks around the room, "I wonder what's keeping breakfast."

"This isn't about George, it's about Helen. What, you still worried I'll run off and marry another man?" Ruby teases. She reaches up and touches her shoulder softly. "I might not feel better now, but it I will before we go. And if you don't want to go you don't have to, I can go by myself and I'd be fine, Jake." She nods to Trisha when she sits back at the table.

Ruby glances over her shoulder at the door, "Yeah what is keeping breakfast? I'm starving and if I don't start eating soon I'll start getting drunk!" She says while taking another small sip of her whiskey. "What's Wednesday?"

Nanuet, Minerva and Kate head over to the Lucky Lady hoping to find the rest of their companions. They opened the door to see Jake and Ruby along with the pups seated at a familiar table sipping whiskey. "A little early for that isn't it?" Nanuet scoffed.

"Hey, I almost died yesterday, you're supposed to be nice to me today and that means all the whiskey I want!" Ruby replies with her trademark smile before hopping out of her chair and giving Nanuet a big hug. "I need to speak with you later," she whispers in his ear, almost falling into him as a lightheaded feeling comes over her. Nanuet helps steady her and she finally stops wobbling.

Ruby nods and smiles at Kate and Minerva before wavering a bit again, then sits. "Heh, must have gotten up too fast." Chester walks in right after the ladies. "Wow, everyone is here, this is a rare event. I guess that's what happens when you get up early," Ruby says rolling her eyes.

Chester wags his finger at Ruby. "Imagine that. See what you get for clean living." Ruby sticks her tongue out at him. "Morning everyone. Everyone sleep OK? That thunderclap last night woke me up and I wasn't able to get back to sleep.” At the mention of that thunderclap a rosy blush crept up Kate's neck. She kept her eyes demurely down, looking at the plate she couldn't touch. Dorita had taken full advantage of her willingness to eat this morning.

"What you need is food Ruby. You'll get your strength back faster from breakfast than you will from whiskey, as much fun as whiskey is," Kate said, kissing Ruby's cheek. "I think I'd like a little something less robust for the morning. Perhaps some tea. I have some news to share once we're all settled." Kate set her hat down on the bar and walked into the kitchen to start some water heating, then returned at took a seat at the table. Chester says, “I'll make some coffee. So, what news do you have, Kate?"

Ruby says, "I slept great, well, I think I passed out, until someone had to get up so early to go to church anyway. Imagine that," Ruby rolls her eyes again. "No offense Senorita," Ruby smiles at Minerva.

Nanuet nods in acknowledgement to Ruby's request to talk at a later moment. "Tea sounds like a great idea Kate, if you don't mind could you put some on for me as well?" Turning to Ruby and Jake "Well I am glad to see everyone is feeling a bit better after yesterday. Someday we will have to sit down and talk about all that actually went on while we were separated and see if we can put anything together. I heard Morgan Earp has passed, of violent means I have little doubt. Wonder if that means this little war has begun."

"I would have some food if it was here! I think we'd better ask Maria to leave us something for the mornings." Ruby looks up like she is making a mental note to herself. "I DO think Ringo started his war, I'm glad it's in Tombstone and not here, yet anyway. I don't think anyone at this table will miss Morgan Earp. Did I ever tell you he tried to take me behind the rocks for some, uh, fun, the day we got attacked?" She makes sure to look away from Jake when she says this.

Trisha writes, Dear Pa, I am not coming home. It is time for me to leave the ranch. I have moved to Promise City, and you can leave a message for me at the Lucky Lady until I find a permanent address. Please do not worry about me. I am fine. Your loving daughter, Trisha

She folds the letter and puts it into an envelope, and walks downstairs. She stops on the bottom step, just for a moment, then starts walking towards the table where the six of them are seated.

"Good morning everybody," she says with a small smile. Nanuet states, "Good morning Miss Shaw. I trust that you are well this morning?" "I'm fine, thank you," Trisha lies - she still has a queasy stomach from the whiskey, which is unusual for her. "And yourself? Would you happen to know where I can put this in the mail?" she asks, gesturing vaguely with the letter. Kate states, "Good morning, Miss Shaw."

Breakfast arrives in a stack of trays and plates, which Jake has the boy leave on the table. "There you go, breakfast is served. Ah, whiskey and eggs, almost as good as bourbon and rib-eye." Jake hauls out a stack of plates, knives and forks from the kitchen. "You'll forgive me if I don't serve. Now you can talk and eat." After he puts on the pot of coffee, Chester sits down and helps himself to the steak and eggs. "This is good. Where's it from?" "Promise City Hotel," Ruby says with a mouth full of egg, "The food is from the Promise City Hotel."

When the food arrives, instinct kicks in and Trisha begins to serve the food onto plates and hand it around - first to Mrs. Kale, then Minerva, then Ruby, then Nanuet, then Chester, then Jake. Finally she serves herself a small portion and sits down at the table, picking at it but not really eating.

Ruby takes another sip of whiskey, despite glances from Kate and Nanuet. "So, what's your news Kate? Maybe Mr. Gonzales is back? He's been gone awfully long. Kate says, "Mr. Gonzales is back, and that is one piece of news. He was very tired last night, so we didn't get to talk. There were some strangers in the Cantina last night that I can only assume were his other friends, so I assume all went well.

"Oh good, " Ruby says, "I was getting worried about Mr. Gonzales and I'd like to talk to him about some things." Ruby scoops some eggs and toast on a plate and eats heartily as she looks at the faces of her friends surrounding the table.

Kate continues, “The next piece of news is that Johnny Ringo did come to the Cantina yesterday morning. He spoke with Ginnie at length. She said he began to leave a message, but he realized she was able to read his Latin and threw it out. She got it back. It basically said he had expected an answer from you, Jake, and to see me. And now he was going to... That's where he stopped writing. I can only assume that he was going to Tombstone. Considering what happened to Morgan Earp last night, it makes sense.

And I had a visit from Storm last night. Nanuet, she had a specific message for you, if you would like to hear it in private, you can come help me with the tea, otherwise, I can tell you now." "No, you can tell me now," Nanuet replies, "I don't keep any secrets from my friends."

Kate nodded and smiled. "She said to tell you that she is very proud of you. You have come farther in a short time than she could have imagined. You no longer need her, she said. That between Maska, Kajika, and now Miss Florencia you have all you need to continue on your path. That your strengths and weaknesses compliment Miss Florencia's, and you can help one another.

Also, the former Apache ambassador has returned, you no longer must shoulder that responsibility, although the Apache will always remain friends to you. She also asked me to say goodbye to all of you. She is moving on now, we will not see her again."

A smile creeps onto Nanuet's face as he listens to the praise that Storm had for him. It was bittersweet though as he felt a connection to her, someone willing to die for a cause she didn't believe in only to foster a new friendship, and now she was truly gone. In the end it was her sacrifice that brought Ruby, Nanuet and Kate closer together.

He says, "Thanks for the message, I appreciate it. Although I wish I could have seen her myself one last time. I hope she finds peaceful rest." A long uncomfortable pause settles on the room before Nanuet continues, his gaze shifting to Minerva. "And I look forward to continuing to strengthen our friendship Minerva, I think we can work well together as Storm has said."

Ruby says, “Well that is news I suppose, no more Storm. I guess she'll be better off where ever she is going than hanging around here haunting people." She looks at Nanuet's stern face, "Uh, yeah, but you know I was just kidding, she was a big help to us." The teakettle began to whistle in the kitchen. Kate got up to fetch it, but stopped to whisper in Ruby's ear on the way past, "I did ask if he wanted to hear it privately." She give Ruby a sweet smile and disappeared into the kitchen.

Jake says, "She talked to the storm last night? I thought she toned down that drinking of hers... oof." Jake finishes as Ruby elbows him in ribs. "So this centaur ghost creature that I've managed to never be around when she appears to you guys came to see Katherine last night and say goodbye? Go figure." Jake stuffs more food in his mouth.

"That's what she said. But maybe she was just tired or something. Anyway, you can relax, Kate said she is gone now. Don't worry Jake, I'll be the only one haunting you, luckily I survived yesterday," Ruby jokes. "Nanuet you should be proud of yourself, look how far you've come in the past three months and how much good you've done." Ruby gives him a special glance when she looks up from her plate of food. "You know, I need one of Dorita's muffins, I'm soooo hungry! I'm going to have to stop there later."

Ruby shrugs. "Hey, so you two get to work together now, huh?" She tries to change the subject by looking at Minerva and Nanuet. "That should be fun..." Minerva had listened to Katherine's story. "Visited by spirits. She thinks. Well that would account for her new congenial attitude toward church but by the look of her, something else is up here"

She says, "Si, Senor Nanuet and I do feel an unusually strong connection but as yet do not know what it means. Pass the eggs Por Favor." She eats a bite then continues, " The Goddess has seen fit to lead Luna and I to Promise City. We shall trust in her judgment. It does seems that we are forging an unusually strong bond with all of you" she says filling her plate with a hearty helping of everything on the table. "I have always been alone and not much liked by most. I am usually quite untrusting. It is such an odd feeling to have friends. But I shall not question such a gift!"

Silver Moon

Chapter 100, “Revelations“, Sunday, March 19th , 1882, 11:30 A.M.

Chester turns to Minerva. "That was a good sermon, Minerva. You'll have that new church in no time." She pours herself a glass of whisky and smiles at Chester over the rim of her glass. "I am afraid senor, that if the Vigilance Committee gets their way I will not be the one building their church. But, perhaps we will just build one of our own. eh? "Something warm and welcoming to all, with lots of windows and doors."

Taking a sip of her whisky she sighs in satisfaction. "You are correct Senor Jake almost as tasty as Bourbon and rib eye." She puts her glass down and picks up her fork before she continues in a more serious tone. "I want you all to know how much I appreciate your attendance at services this morning. I realize it was quite" she pauses searching for the right words "difficult for some of you and it was unlike me to take such an approach to garner your support in such a fashion, but I will not apologize for it. I had a great need to fill that room with positive energy... of which you all have much. The other reason I wanted you there is because I have come to trust you all.

I took a dangerous stand with the committee this morning and wanted your opinion and your protection if it came to that. It was also easier show you what I had done than it would have been for me to try and explain it. They are such a dark force to combat and I am sure that I am even farther out of favor with some of them now. I do not know what lengths they will go to eliminate me. They have been controlling, narrow-minded and bigoted in their judgments in the past and some of them will continue to be so unless I can either make them understand the error of their ways or remove their power."

Minerva sits back and wipes the corner of her lip delicately with her napkin. "So tell me," she says with a crooked smile " what did you think of my sermon? Do you think that it had the desired affect on any of them? "she asks as she chuckles. Nanuet states, "Well if the desired effect was to stir up a hornets nest, then I think you have done admirably well! I am not sure if you sermon will help them to see the errors of their ways or to make them want to be rid of you sooner. I hope it is the former." "That, Senor, was precisely my intent." she laughs delightedly. "I do not wish to wonder how many hornets there are in the nest. They are easier dealt with out in the open."

After Nanuet speaks no one else is answering so Jake speaks up. "Don't have your expectations too high, Senorita. Most of these folks only listen when you tell them what they want to hear. It is going to take more than your fiery words to change attitudes in most of them. Take the Doc Eaton for example, he is probably a fine man. He came right out and told me he wanted Ruby and I to move away. We are not the kind of folks they want in their town. You may move some fence sitters, but as long as the committee believes it has the power I don't think they will see any need to change. I don't know most of them very well, so I can't say for sure."

Jake enjoys a sip of whiskey before continuing. "In my opinion there are more cattle in these parts besides them at the ranches. Most of the town would follow a leader if the right one came along." He downs the last of his glass and rests it on the table in front of him. "Besides, not everyone believes that the gods motives are always beneficial to their flock. I will honor the gods, Senorita, but my experience is to not always trust them."
Minerva turns to Jake. "I am not worried about swaying opinion. Men who speak their mind, like Doc Eaton will do the right thing once they know what it are. They only require guidance. It is those of darker hearts who hide behind their devotion that concern me. As for trusting the gods to do our will Senor, you are wise not to do so. but a clever man would do well to appease them."

Chester adds, "Luckily the committee members don't seem the type for violence. But politics, that'll be a horse of a different color. They're the experts and they know the turf better. For what it's worth, you have my support." She replies, "I'll not play the politics game Senor, I will perform the will of the gods with or without a church. Neither the Committee nor a church is necessary to me. But it would benefit the town if those of Mrs. King's ilk could be swayed."

Ruby asks, "So, what's everyone doing today?" Kate replies, "I didn't have any particular plans. We don't know what the Cowboy Gang is up to, so we should still be wary. Johnny Ringo won't like what happened yesterday. I have no doubt he'll know who raided their hideout. Otherwise, I think I'll have a talk with Mr. Gonzales and spend some time with Ginnie. And Ruby, if you'd like maybe we could umm... talk later?"

Ruby eyes Kate suspiciously for a moment. "It's been a long time since you wanted to talk Kate..." As she looks at her friend she notices a slighter brighter Kate then normal. She must want to talk about Conrad again, Ruby moans to herself. Then her face lightens up as she eats her toast, "But sure, we can talk." Ruby finishes and pushes her plate away, then sips at her whiskey. "How you you think your sermon went, Minerva? Seems like you got a lot of people to sign up and help with the festival."

Everyone was finished with breakfast and relaxing around the table. "You know, I'm still hungry. To the Cantina it is." Ruby gets up, gives Jake a couple if kisses then excuses her. "Kate are you coming? We can chat on the way..." Ruby was still weak but saw her friends were worried about her so she was putting on a brave face.

"Of course." Kate stood up and went over to Ruby, putting a companionable arm around her waist that just happened to also support her. "Dorita stuffed me full this morning. I was hungry and she took advantage of me. I have no doubt she'll be thrilled to finish filling you up." Kate smiled at the others. "We'll see you all in a little while," she said and headed with Ruby out to the El Parador.

Ruby appreciated the support from Kate while they walked. Kate notices as soon as they walk out the door Ruby's posture relaxes and she stumbles a bit here and there. "Too much whiskey" is her excuse. They arrive at the El Parador and Ruby's catches a glimpse of her face in the mirror. "Ugh, I'm pale. Why didn't someone tell me I look like crap? I should have stayed in bed, but I really needed the bath," she sighs. "Maybe a nice mid day nap... Now, where is Dorita?" "Probably in the kitchen," Kate said and steered Ruby toward the back of the room.

"Good morning, Dorita," Kate said as she opened the door and followed Ruby in. She pulled a chair into the kitchen for Ruby and let the door close. "Thanks, Kate." Before Ruby sits she hugs Dorita gently. "So I heard your grandfather is back, you must be relieved." Ruby makes an effort to hold her strap up on her shoulder so Dorita can't see her injury. Ruby grabs a muffin off the counter and sits in the chair, taking a big bite. "Yummmyy, my favorite," she smiles.

"Anyway, I didn't come just for the muffin, although I would have, these are so good." Ruby glances up at Dorita. "I need some tea. I KNOW you know how to make the ones I want. I need two... tea that gives you... stamina. I would like them for tonight. Have any lying around possibly?"

Dorita looks oddly at Ruby, "Stamina? What you mean?" “Stamina, you know, energy, strength, vigor….” Ruby looks at Dorita and smiles. She stands and picks at a plate of food she is preparing on the counter. “You know exactly what I mean, Senora.” Ruby laughs. She wobbles slightly, so she leans up against the table to support herself before picking again at the plate.

Dorita smiles and says "I think I know what you mean. I can put together a tea. So sad, Mr. Cook too young to have that problem." Ruby smiles back. "Oh believe me, Mr. Cook does NOT have that problem. As a matter of fact..." Ruby stops herself, realizing she's about to give away very private information. "I appreciate you making me the tea." Ruby hugs Dorita again and whispers in her ear, "And I can use some of that other tea, too, the one Sonoma gave me. Although it's been more in whiskey or coffee than tea." Ruby stands back up straight and giggles.

Kate looked at Ruby with one eyebrow raised. She hoped Ruby wasn't planning to try to get back to her usual "activities" too soon. "Than you, Dorita. I'll be back down in a while, I think I'll visit with your Grandfather for a while. Are you ready to go upstairs, Ruby?" "Yes, I'm ready. Getting comfortable would be nice." Ruby grabbed at the plate on the table one final time. She hadn't realized just how hungry she still was. "Oh, I'll stop in for the tea later, Dorita. And thank you!"
Ruby followed Kate upstairs to her room.

Kate ushered Ruby inside her room and quietly shut the door behind. Ginnie was downstairs, her cot neatly made up. Kate got Ruby settled in the chair by the window. "How are you feeling, Ruby? You should be fine, but your blood is thin right now. More food, less whiskey. Just for a day or two."

Ruby pulled her feet up underneath her on the chair. "I'm ok." Ruby saw Kate's face and smiled, "Ok, you don't believe me. I will be ok, how is that?" Ruby let her long hair down, trying to shake out the dampness. "I'm tired," she said, and Kate could see the weariness in her eyes, "And actually, pretty scared." Katherine sat on the edge of Ginnie's cot and took Ruby's hand. "Yes, you will be all right, just take care of yourself. It's easier to get sick when you're already weakened. What are you scared of, Ruby?" she asked gently.

"Sick? I hadn't thought about that. It was just really scary to be laying there, I mean, I didn't think I was that bad off. Then all of a sudden it just got worse and I was having a hard time breathing and it was so ... cold."

Ruby sighs. "I never told you, I almost died once before, someone, well, someone beat me really bad." Ruby looked away from Kate with a faraway look in her eyes. "But that time I didn't care if I died, maybe I even hoped for it. This time I was really sad, of what I was leaving behind. You, and Nanuet and Chester, even Minerva and..." she paused for a long moment, "and Jake. I felt like I was being kept here by sheer will, and I had only moments left before Nanuet saved me." Ruby shuddered. "It was just very scary." She laid her head back on the chair and smiled at Kate. "But I'm here now and we're not here to talk about me."

Kate says, "It doesn't matter why we're here, we can always talk about you, Ruby dear. We were scared too. Hopefully that will never, never happen again, but don't underestimate what a bullet still inside is doing to you. Better to be healed than take the chance." Kate smiled softly at Ruby squeezing her hand for a moment before she walked to the window where she stood with the sunlight setting her hair to glowing.

"I wanted to tell Nanuet, but with Miss Florencia and Miss Shaw there.... Storm came to me last night because she wasn't traveling alone." Kate turned her face to Ruby. "She brought Tom with her." "Tom?" Ruby furrowed her brows for a moment then a memory came rushing back to her. "Oh, I think I saw him! The night before ... when I used a spell... I saw Storm she told me Nanuet and Chester were still alive, she had someone with her, a man. But I was so distracted..." Her voice trailed off as she looked at Tom's picture. "It was him." She looked up at Kate and said in awe, "So you got to speak to him?"

A smile broke across Kate’s face even as she blushed. "Yes. You remember how Storm was when we protected the Earth spirit, how she was solid? He was here, Ruby. We talked about how he had gotten trapped here by people who wouldn't let him go, and about how Storm was taking him to a better place than Hades to rest. And then we didn't talk at all," she said, turning scarlet.

Ruby furrowed her brow again in puzzlement. "What do you mean Kate? I mean, I hear what you're saying, but while I saw Storm looked solid, she was still, well ... dead. How did he get trapped? And what do you mean you didn't talk at all? I'm confused."

Kate replies, "When someone dies, their soul moves on to the afterlife, unless someone is holding on to them. At first, Colby Tucker wanted to believe it was all a bad dream, so Tom's spirit was tethered to Tombstone. Then I arrived and spent those three months trying to forget he was dead, and I held him there. I finally came here, but every time Morgan Earp saw me his guilt got worse and tied Tom back to the place where he died. Storm said she had seen his spirit following me every time I went to Tombstone, it's how she knew who he was."

"Poor Tom, that sounds horrible." Ruby lets Kate continue. "Yes, Storm was still dead, and Tom is as well." Kate paused and took Ruby's hand again. "Ruby, you remember how it stormed when we had Storm with us? Just like the storm last night? It took the power of gods to bring him to me. The gods of the Apache and the wood elves, and the goddess Diana. They gave him a real physical body, and we ... well, we didn't waste the time talking."

Ruby pulls her hand away from Kate. "Are you feeling ok? I think I hear what you're telling me but..." Ruby is quiet for another long moment. "I don't believe in the gods and I thought you didn't either. I think you dreamed this, we were all exhausted and beat up, Kate I think you just had a dream, a very strange dream."

Kate replies, "I have never denied the existence of the gods, Ruby, just their worthiness of being worshipped. It was Tom's devotion to his gods that moved Diana to intervene. I know the moment Morgan Earp died; that was the moment Tom had to leave, the moment that huge thunderclap sounded. Look around the El Parador, Ruby. The lighting struck three places around this building. You don't have to believe me, Ruby dear. I know how it sounds, but the proof will come. You'll see."

Ruby states, "Do you know how it sounds? It's not that I don't want to believe you, but think about what you're telling me. Your dead husband was given a body by the gods so you two could ...sleep together? It had to have been a dream. Gods don't exist."

Kate went over and hugged Ruby. "There was more to it than that, Ruby, I..." she stopped. Right now Ruby could never accept the idea that she was carrying a child. "If it was a dream, it was a damn good one," Kate smiled. "Now I've worried you, I didn't want to do that. Maybe you're right, but I never had a dream that made me feel this good."

Ruby hugged Kate back and hid her wince at the pull on her shoulder. What a bad spot for a gunshot, she thinks to herself before shaking the thought away. "That's the good thing about dreams, they can be so good, especially if they come true." Ruby laughed to herself. She hadn't had a good dream in as long as she could remember and she didn't believe in them either. "I do hope you're feeling ok, you do have me worried. But I am glad that you saw Tom and felt good about it. And here I thought we were going to be talking about Conrad," Ruby smiled and gave a small laugh. "You do look happy today. After yesterday I am surprised."

"So am I. I was very unhappy last night, so much so that I felt sick. I killed a man yesterday, Ruby, and I can never take that back. I watched men burn to death and blown to pieces. And then Miss Florencia and her coercion..." Kate sighed. "How do I explain? Tom's death was so sudden, so unexplained, it's weighed on my mind for a long time. That weight is gone. I know Tom can rest in peace now, and not in Hades, in a place of happiness. It put my mind at rest, and that relief is all I can feel this morning. The worries will not come back. I was a little surprised to hear people making plans for the next few days. The Cowboy Gang isn't through with us. We are in as much danger now as we were yesterday."

"We will always be in danger here in Promise City and Tombstone, always Kate, and you would do well to remember that. So unless you plan on leaving you have to deal with it as it comes." Ruby paused and considered her next words carefully. "I didn't say anything to Jake, but I was hoping on our little side trip to Tombstone we might encounter Ringo and can finish this, one way or another. I know it might be foolish of me to think, but I'd rather keep him away from here, away from the Lucky Lady and away from you and the others."

"Plus...I want to see George again. I really do feel bad about what happened and it is my fault. I'm not doing well with this guilt thing and Stanley Barker doesn't know if he's coming back or not. No one really knows it, but we do have a history together and George really was one of the only people in my childhood that was nice to me." Ruby smiled fondly, "And he gave me my first kiss."

"George seems like a good man, just caught in a bad situation. Someone encouraged him to fall in love with Ruby West, and it's easy enough to do that without help," Kate smiled. "But be careful, he seems a bit... obsessive. He has gotten the idea now that you will not marry him, hopefully your seeing him will not change that.

What trip to Tombstone is this? I know you and I were going to go, but this sounds different. I know you want to keep us out of danger, but I don't think we can avoid it, and I don't think it's a good idea to just wait for the Cowboys to come get us. We need to be proactive, and I can't...." She stopped herself before she mentioned her condition. "I don't like the idea of waiting for the Cowboys to pick us off one by one. I think we need to join with the Earps."

"Jake is taking me to Tombstone to the theater, he promised he would. This isn't the time for you and I to go, there will be time for that later." Ruby sighed and leaned her head back against the chair, her flawless skin turning pale. "If Ringo is there maybe we can deal with him. But I'm not going to live my entire life in fear of when he'll show up. When he sees what we've done, he'll come I'm sure. We haven't been waiting around for the Cowboys, we rode off and found them. And if they Cowboys have been trying to pick us off one by one they haven't been doing a very good job, have they?" Ruby smiled up at Kate but only briefly. "The Earps are not to be trusted and I don't know they would be any help for us. Jake did go last night and speak to Warren. I don't know what came from that. I don't even really want to think about all this anymore."

Ruby smiled at Kate again, this time the smile staying on her face. "But that black stallion I rode yesterday was a good find. I think he's had some training, but will you finish training him for me? He looks young but I was impressed he didn't throw me when that ball of fire came so close." "That's one thing you can say for the Cowboy's horses. No matter what the level of their training, they are used to loud bangs and fire going off around them. Off course I'll finish his training for you, but I'll have to do it soon. Planting time is coming, and lambing time if I understand correctly. We're going to get pretty busy."

"I suppose you're right, about the horses." Ruby is quiet again, playing with her hair. "Listen, the other night, when we got in the fight....It's just...You're so busy. You spend all your time at the ranch or with Conrad, or Ginnie, now the school...." Her voice trails off. Ruby continues quietly, "We never get to spend time together anymore. And when we do you talk about Conrad."

"I had to keep myself busy. If I didn’t I had time to think, and if I had time to think I thought about Tom or Morgan Earp. I promised you I'd try to get over it, and try I did." Kate stopped and looked away. "You all have your own problems; I don't need to be troubling you with mine. Besides, after Miss Florencia arrived... you all seem so delighted with her... I didn't think you'd miss me much." She was quiet for a moment, her head tilted down. Then she lifted it and said with a little fire, "And I seem to remember several conversations where I was trying to stop you from talking about Conrad."

“Kate, Minerva’s only been here what, a week? And yes, she’s nice and you haven’t been around, but it’s silly to think we wouldn’t miss you. As for your problems, weren’t we all involved in helping with this Earp situation, figuring out what happened, defending ourselves against what occurred because of it? It’s what we’ve been doing. That’s what friends do.” Ruby stretches out her long legs, then pulls her skirt up and adjusts her stockings. “As for Conrad, it seemed like a good diversion and I know you really like him, and that’s great. But I didn’t realize he would get more time than me or that he would be your concern when Nanuet and Chester got kidnapped."

"I guess things just changed a lot when I moved into the Lucky Lady with Jake.” Kate says, "He wasn't my concern, Ruby. I gave ideas for what to do about Nanuet and Chester, and no one said much about them. They may have been poor ideas, but I offered them. When no one seemed very interested I thought about what I could do myself, since I couldn't seem to help, and that was protect the people at the El Parador, and Conrad counts among them.

I eat meals with him because he is there to eat with, and I do enjoy his company. I have spent more time with him this week because he helped me get the building for the school. I didn't want to bother all of you with that; as I said, you have your own concerns. And you are usually busy with something yourself, Ruby. Yes, usually with Jake and you two don't need a third wheel."

Ruby says, ”I think we both know Conrad is more than just someone to eat with and there is nothing wrong with that. And Jake and I would have been more than happy to help you with the school, we told you that many times. As a matter of fact, Jake had gone to the bank and taken the money out of his account, in case you needed it.”

Ruby adjusts her skirt then stands. “Yes, I suppose we are both busy these days. This being responsible thing sucks.” Ruby ran her hand over her stomach and straightened out the rest of her dress. She pulled the again wayward straps back onto her shoulders and sighed. “I should go, I need to talk to Nanuet and get some rest. I do feel sort of light headed. If you see Mr. Gonzales will you tell him I’ve missed him and I’m glad he’s returned?”

"Wait, Ruby. I hate when things aren't right between us, and they don't feel right. I know it's just my foolishness when it comes to asking for help. Just once Jake suggested that a problem of mine wasn't everyone else's, and since then I've tried to avoid asking for any help at all. I know you would help me if I need it, I just take things too much to heart sometimes."

She hugged Ruby, then brushed some of the damp hair away from her forehead. "No more being too busy, from now on we make time, alright? I miss you."

“Well, Jake wasn’t being very nice that day, was he?” Ruby smiled and hugged Kate tightly in return. “Yes, we should make time, I agree.” Ruby continued softly, “I miss you too. And I’m jealous of Conrad and Ginnie and the ranch getting all your time.” Ruby finally let go of her friend. “Maybe you can give me some French lessons. Ever since we went to New Orleans I’ve been thinking about that singer and wanting to learn some new things. But NO BOOKS! Just talking.” Ruby finally let out a small laugh. "It's harder that way, but we can try. You do look pale, let's get Grant Keebler to walk you back, I don't like the idea of you going alone. I'll come check on you later, and I'll tell Mr. Gonzales you missed him." Kate helped Ruby up out of the chair. "I love you, be careful."

"Oh I'll be fine..." Ruby's voice trailed off as Kate continued to talk. Kate noticed Ruby look slightly uncomfortable for a moment, but then recover and stand straight. Ruby inhales a deep breath and then lets it out slowly. "I love you too Kate, you've been my best friend. I know that can't be easy sometimes." "I'm no picnic either, Ruby dear," Kate laughed. She closed the door behind them and watched to make sure Ruby got down the stairs alright. She caught Grant Keeblers eye and nodded toward Ruby, hoping he'd understand and went to see Mr. Gonzales.

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