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The future of Juxtaposition - The Vote



"what happened to Bill?" said Charlie, "He got Mazed" said Fred

new terms of bootezue..already in the making...

make mine Sigil

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Dontella said:
Thanks Adele..

Personally I will only use 1 of my multiple names.. While I have the means to vote repeatedly.. I won't.


::cheers for FR anyway::



WizO_Adele said:
Tharivarious, I'm not entirely sure how you think I can make the vote more fair? I've already stated I'm going to remove any duplicate votes. Software-wise I am unable to physically do so, but when the poll is closed I can audit the results and post the final adjusted scores. I do hesitate to allow the who voted for what to be viewed by everyone, because that just opens up public debate and questioning of every screenname as well as making it public what everyone wants. I know I don't want my choice public, for many reasons.
I'm more concerned with blatant multi-votes being allowed to stand, honestly. The votes that do have matching IP addresses and that were voted in rapid succession from the same IP and are quite obviously something that should result in null votes. As I said, Forgotten Realms is clearly in an unfair advantage situation right now, and unless we are assured somehow that multiple votes will be nullified in an impartial manner, meaning any and all secondary, (tertiary, etc...) votes that possess a matching IP or matching registry email are disqualified until each person's vote is counted once.

This is entirely within the bounds of board's software, even InvisionFree's free service allows for this ability with Administrator access, so it should certainly be feasable on paid-for VBulletin access. I don't see how personal human opinion can be factored into something when there are matching IP addresses and matching email addresses involved as hard evidence, even if such immature approaches are taken on multiple sides of the vote. I would prefer to know in advance that the votes will be determined in the strictest manner possible in negating a skewed result, as this is a poll that all of the ISRP community will have to live with, not just a few players with dubious morals regarding the use of an anonymous poll.

I just want to be assured that these sorts of votes are dealt with in a proper manner, and that the actual vote of the masses is the one that is finalized, and that Sigil, which is quite clearly the other front runner in this vote, is given a fair and impartial treatment in the final handling of this poll after already coming so far to even be placed on the ballot. The votes don't need to made public, but the result does need to be adjudicated from an impartial standpoint.

I don't mean to sound overzealous about this, so forgive me if I do, but I feel that this is too important an issue. I recall on previous polls that matching IP addresses and email addresses were negated entirely, removing even that person's original vote. All I ask is that each voice is counted once, and only once, in the interest of fairness to one and all, and to all settings involved.


Dragona Nightsky

Tharivious said:
I recall on previous polls that matching IP addresses and email addresses were negated entirely, removing even that person's original vote. All I ask is that each voice is counted once, and only once, in the interest of fairness to one and all, and to all settings involved.

I agree with Thar here. One vote per person, period. There isn't any reason for a person to vote more than once save to skew the results to begin with.


First Post
WizO_Adele said:
I've already stated I'm going to remove any duplicate votes.

They're being "allowed to stand" at this point because she can't make those alterations once the poll is up. Duplicates will not count, just like you want, Tharv. I have the highest confidence in Adele's ability to count, so there isn't anything to worry about.

As far as fair and impartial goes, this isn't like TMP. I suspect the feelings of the ISRP team will factor in more heavily to determine what will be best (I'm not saying our vote doesn't count).

Chill, chill. It'll be okay.



I don't know how to edit the vote as it appears to you. To clarify, if there are blatant multi votes right now, I don't know how to delete them in the tally as you see it here. So if that's what you are asking me to do, I'm not aware of how to do it, and I can't find it in my admin commands. It was not an option given to me when I set the poll up, nor do I see it as an option with any of my admins.

I haven't done an audit yet, so I don't know if those votes are abusive or not. Quite frankly, I'm a bit short on time and doing multiple audits will pull me away from other projects which are just as important.

I've already told you, in advance, that the final results will be handled in a strict manner. You'll have to have faith in me I suppose. There will be one vote per person in the final tally which I will release to the public after the poll has closed.



Nevine said:
They're being "allowed to stand" at this point because she can't make those alterations once the poll is up. Duplicates will not count, just like you want, Tharv. I have the highest confidence in Adele's ability to count, so there isn't anything to worry about.
I'm aware of this. Merely reiterating my concerns as a question was addressed to me. I simply feel that the stricter the criteria for determining a voting abuse, the better and more accurate the result will be.



Forgotten Realms has this vote...hands down.

The secret fires of our hearts burn with the memory of wars lost and heroes slain, but like the stone from which we came, we endure.

Give it up people.



i dunno but i refuse to cheat

i dont know but personally yea i only have one boards name but i do have over 20 char names and either way i would only vote once because i agree that it is highly immature to throw the vote the way you want by voting multiple times...........votings a way for the people to speak their minds not just one person speak his or her mind so yea come one people if youre gonna vote please dont ruin it for everyone else and vote honestly PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE! lol

i am not normal and i do not wish to be societys definition of normal either! :D

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