Eberron Setting?


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Usually people tend twards something familiar or what they are use to. Taverns both on enworld are both used. The cage for the fighting and the drinks, and the CRT.. Even at WotC the tavern was always used, Juxta was an off and on fad. TmP as a night club is used as much as the Bazaar, and if the adepts didn't use the Rotunda, that I would say that gets less use then the TmP. Juxta is like an euro town or city center, CrT is a tavern, pub. Everyone likes the romantic - peaceful - emotional settings of a garden.

Just easier to settle into something that we are use to being in, at, or around ourselves. My opinion.

TmP would probably get more use if it was an -underground- night club that was considered more down to earth then the high collar sophisticated night club in Down Town New York.

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Magatsu said:
Usually people tend twards something familiar or what they are use to. Taverns both on enworld are both used. The cage for the fighting and the drinks, and the CRT.. Even at WotC the tavern was always used, Juxta was an off and on fad. TmP as a night club is used as much as the Bazaar, and if the adepts didn't use the Rotunda, that I would say that gets less use then the TmP. Juxta is like an euro town or city center, CrT is a tavern, pub. Everyone likes the romantic - peaceful - emotional settings of a garden.
More accurately, as I believe has been discussed at length in other threads, the Crossroads gets the most traffic because that's where most characters were established before the site move. The characters are used to the Crossroads, and thus some storylines don't readily transition because they're already built into an existing locale. Cause and effect stemming from this: New characters brought in tend to follow the flock and get started in the Crossroads as well, keeping the virtual-population centered. The Adepts had a fortunate option, in a sense, with Juxta being removed, allowing them to shift to any of the provided settings, with a built-in social structure to keep whichever room they chose populated.

Human nature is to go to the most populated room if you want to try interacting with as many people as possible. The Rotunda suffers from this, as did the Sigil rooms as a whole when they didn't have The Cage involved, because they are all primarily the psuedo-medieval style fantasy settings along the lines of Greyhawk.

Eberron is enough of a niche setting to be different and distinct from the others, and should probably be designed to cater to the niche that it fills. That is, a room that would appeal to distinctly Eberron characters that might or might not fit the other rooms very well. Optimizing the room design to attract other characters shouldn't be the goal, creating something true and archetypal to the setting should, since that's what will make people use the Eberron room for their Eberron characters. Simply creating another bar won't add any diversity to the base storylines in use, especially if the only difference is being in Sharn instead of Greyhawk.

Tharivious said:
Eberron is enough of a niche setting to be different and distinct from the others, and should probably be designed to cater to the niche that it fills. That is, a room that would appeal to distinctly Eberron characters that might or might not fit the other rooms very well. Optimizing the room design to attract other characters shouldn't be the goal, creating something true and archetypal to the setting should, since that's what will make people use the Eberron room for their Eberron characters. Simply creating another bar won't add any diversity to the base storylines in use, especially if the only difference is being in Sharn instead of Greyhawk.

This is an excellent point. Something the Magi have already pointed out is that for this room to get approved, the room and the setting need to offer to the site something that it doesn't already have - or, more accurately, needs to offer something to the site that the site needs. ISRP already has a room with a bar, a room with a market place, a room with a bar and a fighting ring meshed into one. ISRP doesn't need another one of these, and we are fortunate enough that Eberron offers such a diverse range of... well, diversity, to be able to find something to contribute to this site that it might not already have. That is, at the moment, the second biggest hurdle.

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