Possible CRT setting changes


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I have a question for you... Now, I admit that I don't know the first thing about what it takes to operate, maintain and run a website/chat room or such but couldn't a lot of problems be solved if you allowed people the ability to make their own open rooms? If they have establishment ideas they'd like their character to run and operate or prefer a specific setting, they could just make an open room and play there. If the devils and demons wanted a room where they could just veg out in their natural form, they've got it. If people want firearms or, in my case, would love to have a cyberpunk setting, they can make it. Is this an issue of server space? Money? I go to another chat that's identical to the ISRP but allows room creation, both open and private, and I've always wondered what has stopped this place from having the same capabilities.
I know that I'm just another user, and that Magi Siani has already answered this, but I'd like to give some feedback from the perspective of a one-time, long-term ISRP user who's returning after a few years' hiatus.

I've played in a lot of roleplaying chatrooms over the years. Some of them allow players the ability to create their own rooms, set up a description, and then govern their use as they see fit. For reasons that Magi Trelian has pointed out, however, this causes trouble in a setting that is organized and moderated--particularly one with this level of detail and background information.

There aren't a lot of places where one can actually reap the benefits of moderator attention and setting development.

A lot of freeform role-playing chats are pretty much chaotic firestorms of people who are not only detailing themselves as they go along--without any kind of structure involved--but who are also detailing each other, and describing other players' actions, and even establishing what "the setting" is as they go. Each person attracts one or two followers who go along with their particular interpretation of things. Any semblance of overall socialization is out the window, and then there's a fair number of trollish types who do things like create bathroom-humor names and type misspelled variations on a variety of slang terms for both genders' genitalia into the public chat.

There is no sense of community, and no feeling of a shared experience.

I'm not saying that *every* totally un-moderated chatroom is like this, but it's a deplorably common situation; furthermore, I'll tell you what no other chatroom I've ever encountered is like: the ISRP. The benefits of years' worth of dedication from the WizO/Magi are almost, if not totally unique to the ISRP. With that comes the additional "fringe benefit" of long-time loyal players providing additional stable bedrock for new role-play.

I'm all for new rooms being added as the Magi have time, but I for one (I do realize I'm only one voice, here) would not like to see the ability for patrons to be able to add rooms at a whim. If you'd like to see something enduring and solid added to the setting in a Magi-supported, highly integral fashion, play it up in role-play for a while first; I think you'll find that the Magi will be quite open to at least taking your feedback in with strong consideration :)

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Pain Noodle

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I have seen what you're talking about, Sanhael. Those rooms are just nightmares. I can't speak for the rooms you experienced but the ones I saw also had a much, much poorer class of folk using them. I don't know what their problems were but I have faith in the players I see here on ISRP. A firm grasp on the language, character detail, intelligence.

As for the room creation, Trelian mentioned the issues of room descriptions and whether or not other people could create if the originator wasn't around. I was thinking something more along the lines of creating a room with the name, for example, NYC Streets (Modern; Fantasy), or London Streets (Victorian; Steampunk). You give the location and general gist of the setting right there and it's a situation or scenario anyone could make.

I don't mean to aggravate or annoy you folks by keep kicking this dead horse, I'm just looking to explain a bit more where I'm coming from and what I envisioned since I know that my first post was very minimal.


Foppish Technocrat
I have seen what you're talking about, Sanhael. Those rooms are just nightmares. I can't speak for the rooms you experienced but the ones I saw also had a much, much poorer class of folk using them. I don't know what their problems were but I have faith in the players I see here on ISRP. A firm grasp on the language, character detail, intelligence.

As for the room creation, Trelian mentioned the issues of room descriptions and whether or not other people could create if the originator wasn't around. I was thinking something more along the lines of creating a room with the name, for example, NYC Streets (Modern; Fantasy), or London Streets (Victorian; Steampunk). You give the location and general gist of the setting right there and it's a situation or scenario anyone could make.

I don't mean to aggravate or annoy you folks by keep kicking this dead horse, I'm just looking to explain a bit more where I'm coming from and what I envisioned since I know that my first post was very minimal.

It's a fine idea in theory and would certainly make for a wonderful chat room if it worked smoothly, however the extensive history of ISRP has told us that room creation very easily slides into mayhem. For a group of friends it works fine because it's the same as having your gaming group and saying "Hey, instead of x, let's play y tonight."

For groups encompassing strangers, old timers who drop in periodically and different groups of people who don't get along well then it turns into complications. Game Table Diplomacy comes into play when people can't agree on which room they want to RP in, or who's idea of a particular genre is correct.

That is before you consider the nightmare that is trying to police such a subjective environment where people start claiming they're being harassed because all their characters are being blacklisted from rooms or every time they create a room a particular person runs in and tries to take over or logs in the next day ahead of them and creates the room ahead of them.

I have seen all of this and worse during the days when ISRP was moving like a gypsy camp from chat room to chat room because Wizards had thrown a tantrum and shut down their chat for six months.

That's why we go to so much effort to try and make rooms that are neutral territory that people can join along with quickly but also enjoy a lavish and long history thereof as well as rooms where you can run whatever kind of adventure you want if you can get the group together.


First Post
If this is wrong a Magi can poke me with a stick.. just not in the eye please! BUT!

In regards to Carpe Diem and Ahoy Adventure being used primarily by those who just want to role play away from a crowd.

If you wish to host a certain event or setting, you could arrange a date and time via OOC forums, stating the setting and arrangements, and put forth an invitation to players who'd want to partake to join you in the room.

You could arrange an RP scenario some evening for a given genre and theme, and see how much interest was generated from the playerbase to be a part of that role play. Make an event of the evening, and perhaps others might take turns creating such environs for those who'd like variations of themes.

Those setting down an event and arranging a game outside the standard settings, are permitted use of such rooms generally before those who simply want to role play in private, as a courtesy to those who are attempting to create stories and run settings outside the normal. You can find this stated in the room setting rules on the ISRP chat log in page.

Adventure Ahoy and Carpe DM
These are our adventure rooms, they come with no pre-defined setting and are so groups can run adventures or scenarios that would not be suited to holding in a standard setting room here.

So if you and your buddies in a tavern decide to go on a dungeon crawl you can run the whole adventure through this room with one player taking the part of Dungeon Master and the rest being the adventurers. If you want to have your group of friends from The Meeting Place raid a secret cybernetics research lab then these are the rooms to do it in.

Players may also use these rooms for CoC suitable roleplaying outside the usual setting, however we ask that if you are doing this that you be willing to surrender the rooms to a group who want to adventure/game should there be overlap.


First Post
I don't mean to aggravate or annoy you folks by keep kicking this dead horse, I'm just looking to explain a bit more where I'm coming from and what I envisioned since I know that my first post was very minimal.
Details and intelligent discussion are always welcome, I would think. It results in solid explanations for why things are the way they are... or, in the event that change is inspired, why such is to take place.

Just $0.02 more from me ($0.0173 after taxes, really).


First Post
Well... So far.. things are looking a lot better.. and We do.. appreciate Dragon Mountain, of course... The Island theme might also contain a series of barriers around it to keep the happenings inside.. ( even though the place is in extreme distance of any populated areas and other land masses ) to provide just a little bit more comfort for the rest of Greyhawk.. It is not necessary to cause displacement ( which requires a lot of extra energy and would strain the gate matrices and the system subsets ( a fact that would displease the Delfane greatly ), but illusion and cloaking requires a mere 1/10th the energy and would be most acceptable. Thank you for making special note of the port keys which have always been there and are also tied with the traveling seal.. We will be glad to replace the final crystals and make the last adjustments when it is time.. This series of events has been awaited by so many for so long.. Furthermore.. we do.. appreciate the mentions on wings and assorted other mentions.. but also insist that folks do agree to be reasonable In respect to size.. Goldy's true size is monstrous and has never been seen even in the clearing and arena.. out of respect for the domain and other patrons.. I do not have a problem with others showing true form so long as they respect the establishment and the CoC.. just when they get ridiculous.. Q has never claimed Godhood or anything like it.. as anyone who knows Us understands, but he does.. work with all Divinities on a regular basis due to being a gate guardian ( Among Other Things ). so it is possible to be at the fringe of acceptability and still maintain a decent repose... There are rules that bind such characters.. and the first one is known by all of We who play properly as ( this applies those who are and even to even those who are not in the elite classes)>>>

The First Rule Of Divinity>>>

Do too much, and you create dissension.
Do too little and you generate apathy.
So the best thing to do.. the only thing to do.. is just the right amount, of just the right thing, in just the right way, at just the right time and moment so as to appear as having done absolutely nothing at all.

Basically.. What this means in layman's terms is " Stick To The Game-plan, And Don't Over Do It. "

While this is not always possible.. it is one of the best policies as a general rule and one which We have followed since the beginning with sincerity.

Gompa Jahill Suthantra And Mother Ishira have spoken concerning the Al-Qadim section and also appreciate the addition of this rarely seen setting in the public domain of ISRP.

It will be good.. to at last rewrite my dessy once again.. after all these years of waiting.. and BTW.. the correct spelling of Our name is Qij'idi ( pronounced Kee-jah'dee ).. which means " One Who Observes Life " in Pakistani... Thank you Sabbah.

God and Goddess Bless you all...


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First Post
Quick update: I'm nearly done with the large area maps and should have them up this week, assuming life doesn't toss me a curve of some kind.

Setting: The new setting isn't in, on or around any published setting. It is made by me from scratch. While it has Arabian Nights influences in some areas, it is not Al-Qadim. While I love Greyhawk it is not Greyhawk. It is not Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Eberron, Castlemourn or any other published setting.

OOC it is a setting created by me, a kind of reflection or shadow of part of my own home setting that I am using for Pathfinder. IC it is a kind of demiplane..maybe..created by Siani for her business and holdings. Completely new from the ground up. I've adopted some ideas from a few folk into it for the ISRP; the autosizing function, Sabbah helped with getting the name right in Arabic and so on. The island setting itself however comes from my own campaign world, I've simply snipped this portion out and modified it some for ISRP use.

I have not changed the Tavern rules since the last time I posted them here...so that last version is still the one I am inclined to go with when the changeover occurs..which hasn't happened yet.

THE CHANGE -- HAS NOT happened yet. It will happen when we are ready to do some needed work on the chat site itself at which point the Tavern will be completely closed down and inaccessible for a day. When I know what the exact date is I'll let folk know and get some story movement on it. Once the actual downtime comes I'll change the setting over and when we go 'live' again the changes will have been made. Hopefully not much longer to wait.

That's where we are now.



First Post
Boy do I have a lot of reading to do.

It's been a long while since I've frequented ISRP. Longer since I've been involved in a storyline on there.

I'm happy to see changes being made. I'm not happy (with myself) for not paying attention...but I'm sure I'll catch up soon enough.

I like seeing the rules change, I like the flexibility they're giving players & DMs. I hope in encourages people, I hope it is food for thought.

I dont mind the tavern moving...but I was wondering; is a whole site's worth of thought going into the developments here? As I see it the crossroads is/was and always has been the sites most thought out (and hence well used) setting.

We have what...three more? (lol yes, I haven't played all that much recently XD)

But besides, those thoughts probably dont belong on this thread, so feel free to shove-em where they're needed. Back down my throat if you think that's where they belong. More will be forthcoming, with added relevance to this particular setting change. (But I'd hate to go repeating what other peoples have said...so I'll come back in a week.)

*hugz* I'm excited ... just so you know.


First Post
I sure hope so. I've been contemplating the changes for the better part of a year now. Actively working on such for a few months, and in the past couple posting things here. A goodly amount of thought has gone into it for certain.

The CRT is the 'flagship' of ISRP so to speak, true, so changes to it are not made lightly. It needed some updating and changing with the changes over time. The other three settings are the responsibility of others..specifically their Setting Coordinators; Brigid, Trelian, and Nashira.

From the start Gabe and I took a hands off approach to the settings, leaving them in the primary care of their Coordinators to do with as they saw fit. That policy isn't likely to change; it works and if it isn't broken, don't try to fix it, that's our take on the matter.

That said, Nash has some changes in mind for the Rotunda. Trelian may or may not do something with the Bazaar, and Brigid has lately responded to queries of this nature elsewhere.

All I can say is stay tuned. In a little bit I'll be posting the PROPOSED new tavern rules once again, mostly just a bit of tidying up since I'm fairly comfortable with how I posted them last time. THEY ARE NOT YET IN EFFECT!!! I know I keep hitting that point but I have to; we've had a few folks who thought I'd already made the changes.

Here's hoping I'm right and things will improve for a lot of folk..without causing we Magi a lot of headaches and extra work. If the latter happens...well, I hope not.



First Post
To Siani>>>> You know My Dear.. It has been since the 15th of October.. May We be as so kind to request an update??? My's been wondering for about a week now.. I know you are pressed.. and with other duties... but would you please detail how things are progressing? thank you so very much.. It is.. important.. as you know...


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