[Adventure] Invasion of the Einherjar (DM: CrimsonFlameWielder, Judge: Covaithe )

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: I think you challenged us fairly well. You used a lot of brutes this encounter, which made it really easy for us to hit them. Encounters with a mix of roles will be tougher. But given that you used brutes, we had to hit them hard because of how hard they hit back. (Fhangrim was bloodied by a single hit from a goliath.)

3/4 of us used our AP that encounter, which means only Leather will be able to use one next encounter.

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Seeing their leader taken out so quickly, the Goliaths act on instict, lashing out with powerful stabbing motions at Haaku. One manages to penetrate the desert warriors defenses, leaving him quite wounded, a gaping hole where most of his left ribcage used to be.

The bladelings continue harassing the mobile arsenal, but are ineffective at actually penetrating his defenses. At best, they were keeping each other at bay, and busy, while the others dealt with the rest of the battle.


EGR1: Standard - Penetrating Spear vs Haaku; hits AC 23 for 16 damage. Haaku gains vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of EGR1's next turn. This attack triggers Einherjar Savagery vs Haaku until the start of EGR1's next turn.

EGR3: Standard - Penetrating Spear vs Haaku; hits AC 18 (Miss).

EBS5: Move - moves to F13
Standard - Rusty Blade: miss.

EBS7: Standard - Rusty Blade: miss.



EBS 1/2/3/4/6: Dead
EBS 5/7: 1/1 HP Status Normal

EGR1: 10/34 HP: Bloodied.

EGR3: 11/34 HP: Bloodied.

SLVR: Dead

Haaku: 9/30 HP; Status: Bloodied. Vulnerable 5 to all damage until end of EGR1's next turn. Targeted by Einherjar Savagery until the start of EGR2's next turn.
Fhangrim: 22 (+4 temp)/28; Status: Normal
Ursa Major: 7 (+4 temp)/14 HP; Status: Normal
Ursa Minor: 14/14 HP; Status: Normal
Ilex: Status: 13/32 HP; Status: Bloodied. Targeted by Einherjar Savagery until the start of EGR3's next turn.
Leather: 20/31 HP; Status: Normal


[sblock=Vacation] On a complete tangent... I will be going on vacation from the 19th through the 23rd, which is this thursday through this sunday. I will not likely have access to the interwebs during my trip, and I will send an update on sunday if this battle has not been resolved by thursday (which I seriously doubt). [/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
Fhangrim's owlbears make short work of the goliath and then move to surroung the remaining rager.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Animal Attack
Ursa Major: +6 vs AC (+2 CA)
Hit: 1d12+7 damage (+2 fey beast aura)
Animal Attack (1d20+6+2=24, 1d12+7+2=13) (HIT)
Move: Fhangrim N8, Ursa Minor L8, Ursa Major L10[/sblock]

OOC: EGR3 dies.
You are missing the 10 hp that Ilex was healed on Fhangrim's last turn.

Wife Of Meepo

First Post
Seeing the gaping hole in Haaku, Ilex moves up next to him and sprinkles a foul smelling glittering dust over the wound. She watches for a moment, satisfied that the wound is starting to heal she turns her attention to the remaining goliath. Ilex sways ever so slightly as she speaks in a gentle tone to the goliath. ”The menace is with in you. You will never be free. You know what you must do to be free. Attack the menace within. Kill it and you will be free forever. You know this is truth. Attack it now.” Amazingly enough the goliath points his weapon at his chest and thrusts it in just narrowly missing his own heart.


Move: Shift to O11
Minor: Herbal Healing (Encounter Minor Melee 1 ✦ Arcane) Wizard Utility 2
Effect: The target can make a saving throw and use his or her second wind if it is available.
Hypnotism (At-Will Standard Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement) Wizard Attack 1
Target: One creature.
Attack: +6 vs Will
Hit: Choose one of the following effects:
*The target uses a free action to make a melee basic attack against a creature of your choice, with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll.
*You slide the target up to 3 squares.
Ilex will make the Goliath attack the menace within.
Hypnotism on EGR1 (1d20+6+2=19)
Goliath MBA on Self (1d20+6+4=13, 2d6+5=9)

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First Post
Leather draws another hand axe as he steps back and makes a thrust with his sword at the bladeling next to him. It narrowly finds the spikey creatures neck, but piercing deep enough to end its life in a burst of stabbing blades which he weathers stoically. His mind is too focused to pay head to any wounds as this time his attack finds the balance he needs to hurl the hand axe at the face of the other leering bladeling who is now a step away from the dark skinned warrior.

The hand axe buries itself deep into the savage's skull, sending it to the ground in a similar burst of sharp blades, though this time too far away to trouble the warrior. A grim expression upon his face, Leather turns to regard the demise of the last standing goliath invader at the hands of his companions.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Draw hand axe with empty hand
Move: Shift to H13 and Standard: Cleave EBS7
Hit: Deft Hurler feat: Leather forgoes extra damage and makes a RBA vs EBS5: Hit
EBS7 is dead provoking deathly needle reaction: Narrow miss
EBS5 isdead; too far to worry Leather with death reaction.[/sblock]

[sblock=Marcus Leather]
Marcus Leather
Human Fighter (Brawler) 1
Passive Perception/Insight 11
AC:19, Fort:19, Reflex:14, Will:12, Speed:5
HP: 20/31, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:12/12
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter):


MBA: Longsword, +7 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA: Handaxe, +6 vs AC, 1d6+4 (2/3 used)
Combat Challenge
Cleave, Grappling Strike, Weaponmaster's Strike

Steel Serpent Strike:
Inevitable Strike:
Second Wind

Comeback Strike:

Combat notes:
Deft Hurler Style: Leather can forgo dealing damage to the adjacent enemy to instead make a basic ranged attack with a heavy thrown weapon against one creature other than the target of your cleave. This ranged basic attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Brawler Style: Leather can use Grappling Strike for OAtks
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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: As long as Haaku doesn't roll two natural 1s, then this is over.

EDIT: He still has off-hand strike so he has 3 chances to hit. Only a 1/8000 chance this isn't done.
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First Post
OOC: Most of that was unnecessary. I enjoyed it all the same. :) Hey, if we scare CFW into increasing the encounter xp budget, that's more for us, right? :D

Ilex's ministrations have almost completely healed Haaku's wound, and though his assailant is dead, Haaku intends to mete out his retribution all the same. He closes in on the surrounded goliath- pauses briefly to enjoy the sight of the thing wavering on its feet with a self-inflicted wound in its chest- and then explodes in a surge of violence. Sword and claw flash and dive and the goliath is eviscerated and rent asunder, the quivering chunks of remains unrecognizable even as distinct body parts.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Walk -> N10
Standard: Twin Strike vs EGR1 HIT AC 18, HIT AC 23
Minor: Off-Hand Strike vs EGR1 CRIT AC 30

Summary: EGR1 is the deadest

[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 2

Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 13
AC:19 Fort:17 Ref:17 Will:14
HP: 16/30 Bloodied: 15 Surge value: 7 Surges/day: 7/8 Speed: 6 squares
AP: 0, Second Wind: used, Temporary HP: 0

Melee Basic Attack: +10 vs AC, 1d8+8 (off-hand)
Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort, Sohei Flurry, Off-hand Strike, Invigorating Stride, Jaws of the Wolf[/sblock]
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First Post
Leather nods with grim approval and raises his blade towards the others. "Not today, brothers and sisters. She'll not take us today!"

He gathers his two hand axes back and jams them back into his belt before picking clean the largest shards of bladeling from his flesh. As he catches his breath he begins moving bodies to the narrow piers to form a barricade of bodies that any more enemies will have to cross should they surge forth from the boats. "Can I get a hand or two? Slow these savages down a bit. Let 'em know what to expect when they land."

[sblock=OOC] Leather recovers his 2 hand axes

If we get a short rest then Leather will spend two surges and be back to full.

His intent is to create an area of intimidating difficult terrain with the corpses at as many of the narrow piers before they reach the wide part we've been fighting in. [/sblock]

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