ZEITGEIST BSI: Bosum Strand Irregulars


formerly roadtoad
The next day, only three Constables showed up in time for Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft’s morning meeting: Malkie, James, and Cazara. Delft asked to know how the investigation was going, and Malkie was in the process of fumbling through her notebook, trying to sort it all out, and in fact offering her notes to Delft in an effort to have him sort it out himself when Mort and Ironpeak came in.

Mort had talked to Tia, the administrative assistant at the Danoran Consulate, to see if she could confirm that Security Chief LeBrix’s report on the security of Danoran-owned factories was indeed missing. She had confirmed it, and then Mort talked to LeBrix, getting him to remember exactly which factories had suffered the loss of goods.

The group had several interviews lined up for the day: Nilasa Hume’s boss, Heward Sechim, was coming in early, and Dr. von Recklinghausen’s reference Barnaby Camp was due in after him. Seeing that they were not ready to give him a report, Delft waved them all out of his office and let them get on with their interviews.

Heward Sechim turned out to be one of the few decent factory owners in Flint. While it seemed like the entire rest of Parity Lake was on the verge of exploding, with factory doors chained shut to keep the workers from striking, Sechim claimed he was having no trouble with his employees and business was progressing as normal. He told the constables that Nilasa had been his first hire five years ago when he opened his alkahest factory. He explained that he had always had an interest in arcanoscientific study, and his famous uncle, the ancient skyseer Nevard, had challenged Heward to open up a “good” factory, one that was decent to its employees.

Heward told the constables that he felt that Nilasa was a good “kid” (though she was older than him), who had a rough upbringing, and that she had some unsavory contacts as a result of her childhood. He was glad to see her making an honest living at his factory, though he had been concerned of late that she had been getting mixed up with Gale and her terrorists. Mort asked about the rash of suspected arson in Parity Lake, and Heward indicated that he had been approached on two separate occasions by two separate groups of men, asking to by some cases of alkahest “off the record.” He refused the first group, and they implied that some misfortune could befall his factory if he did not cooperate. Heward said he is currently in the process of stalling the second group. The constables took this as an indication that the arsons around Parity Lake might be connected to the disappearing goods.

After the interview was over, and the constables had arranged to inspect Nilasa’s room at the factory, Heward asked the constables to contact his uncle Nevard. Heward seemed to think his uncle could broker some sort of peaceful negotiation between Gale and the authorities, as both groups respected his wisdom. The constables agreed to do this. Zara was familiar with his skyseer commune out in the Cloudwood and said he should be easy to find.

The RHC’s next guest was Dr. Barnaby Camp, who did not have much information on Wolfgang von Recklinghausen. He told the investigators that Wolfgang had been a student of his years before, but he had not had any recent contact with him. He had written a letter of recommendation for his hostel stay, and the hostel owner had contacted him to follow up on it, but he had not had any personal contact with von Recklinghausen. Detective Porter, who had preceded the group to every location of interest so far, had spoken with Camp the day before. Dr. Camp mentioned that the man had what appeared to be a stab wound in his chest, but refused treatment. Camp said the wound smelled strange: like burnt coffee or oil. Ironpeak asked if Dr. Camp knew what kind of medicine Dr. von Recklinghausen had specialized in, and Camp said he thought that Wolfgang had been studying the exciting new field of arcane surgery, combining healing magic and science for even better results. Camp seemed like he didn’t know any more, but he suggested the constables check in with Professor Lynn Kindleton at Pardwight University, as he believed they had been close.

Kindleton was next on the constables’ list anyway, so the four RHC members headed to the University while Mort stayed at Headquarters some time to study maps of Parity Lake, trying to discern a pattern. A short carriage ride across Central District took them to the scattered campus of Pardwight University. They were able to find Professor Kindleton’s office (above a butcher shop) easily enough, and arrived about half an hour before her regularly-scheduled office hours. The constables had a look around while they waited, and spied something curious: another man clearly staking out the place from a café across the street.

They saw that the man seemed to match the description of their “Detective” Porter. Ironpeak went around the back of the shop to guard the back alley, Cazara alighted to the roof of the building, and James kept an eye from across the street as Malkie approached the man. Malkie sat at an adjacent table and asked Porter how his investigation was going. Porter said it was going fine and asked Malkie how the RHC investigation was going. Before she could answer, he asked the question that completely disarmed her. He said, simply, “Aren’t you dead?”

Malkie’s eyes grew wide and she could not speak. Cazara, keeping an eye on the unfolding events, noticed the problem and quickly moved in on the conversation, but not before alerting Ironpeak. Porter offered Malkie some wine, which seemed to only distress her further.

The group gathered around Porter and Malkie. Porter engaged the constables in a very civil conversation about their shared interest in the whereabouts of Dr. Wolfgang von Recklinghausen. Porter suggested that the two groups could work together to find the missing doctor, perhaps sharing information about the case. The conversation turned in many directions before any agreement was ever made, however.

Cazara and Porter shared a mysterious moment in regards to Malkie. They seemed to come to the conclusion that if she died, “it would start over again.” No one else had any idea what they were talking about. Cazara seemed to think that this means that she must protect Malkie. She asked for Porter’s help in that regard. He told her that she misremembered: it was out of his hands.

Ironpeak assessed the way Porter moved and carried himself as they talked, and decided he probably had more “hit points” than the four RHC constables combined. An education in Martial Science can help to keep a person out of many problematic situations. She determined that his “Armor Class” and other defenses were on-par with the constables, so it would not be an entirely lost cause, but still probably best to avoid an armed confrontation. She engaged him in conversation, trying to pry information out of him.

For a while, Porter simply stonewalled, but Ironpeak and Zara managed to get him talking about himself a little. While he would not divulge who exactly he was working for, he did share some information. Zara complimented him on his speedy travel through the city, always arriving at crime scenes ahead of them. He hinted that he was able to use the shadows of the city to travel faster than normal. Ironpeak asked him where he got these powers, and he claimed to be connected to the city’s energy.

The conversation was cut short by the return of Professor Kindleton. She stopped in to the butcher shop beneath her office for a moment and then headed upstairs. Malkie and James met her upstairs and tried to interview her, but she would not be convinced that they were actual officers of the law. Malkie finally resorted to using her magical charms to convince the Professor to come into the station that afternoon, even though it meant canceling a class.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Cazara was looking around the butcher shop. She saw a fairly obvious bundle of sausage behind the counter with a note tied to the outside of it, marked with a “W.” Thinking fast, Cazara told the butcher she was there to pick up am order for Wolfgang. The butcher grabbed the “W” package, collected Cazara’s money, and handed it over.

The constables took their leave of the neighborhood and headed back to headquarters, where Mort was waiting with ideas regarding factories. First things first though: Cazara had a very meaty letter to read, and Malkie had to go scream in an interview room. Delft encouraged the others to go watch Malkie during her private moment through the one-way glass. No one seemed to concerned about Malkie’s personal problem, though, so they got on with their investigation.

The letter from Lynn Kindleton was some pretty amateur spy business. She assured Wolfgang she would help find him a way out of the city, and that she could keep sending food. Kindleton herself arrived for an interview and confirmed that she knew that Doctor von Recklinghausen was in trouble, and that he seemed to have gotten mixed up with some organized crime thugs. She had been wary of anyone claiming to be police after her encounter with Detective Porter, and it was only upon actually seeing Malkie and James at RHC headquarters that she began to trust that they were actual constables.

Professor Kindleton indicated that she and Wolfgang had dated in college, and he had tried to get her to move to Arrovia with him after graduation. She declined, and the two of them corresponded occasionally in the intervening years. He had asked to use her as a reference while traveling, with the additional information that he was having marital problems back home. She indicated that she was uninterested in the implications thereof, but bore him no ill will, and so she wrote him a letter of recommendation. That morning, she received a letter by way of messenger indicating that Wolfgang was in trouble, wanted by police, and hiding with people who could keep him safe in the Nettles until he secured travel out of the city. Her description of the messenger boy got Malkie thinking that he sounded like a known member of the Kell gang, which would have the resources to help von Recklinghausen… for a price.

The constables thanked the Professor for her time, but advised her to leave the city since she would likely be in danger both from the Kell gang and this “Detective Porter.” She said she would take some leave and visit her sister in Slate. A pair of officers escorted her back to her place to pack.

Mort had made a map of Parity Lake, plotted with burned-out factories, Danoran-owned factories, and the factories where Lebrix had found missing goods and that mysterious oil-like substance with the glowing beads. He had several factories he wanted to check out, in an effort to acquire the substance for their investigation. Malkie wanted to get in touch with Lorcan Kell or one of his henchmen in Parity Lake, and the constables still wanted to check out Nilasa’s room at Heward’s factory. They all piled into a carriage and made for Parity Lake.

The first stop was Sechim’s Alkahest & Etchings, where they talked with Heward Sechim again. Parity Lake was in a near riot. The factories on either side of Sechim’s had their doors chained shut with armed guards barring entry. Employees were likely locked inside, forced to stay at work to prevent a strike. By comparison, Sechim’s was as close to paradise as one could get in a Parity Lake factory. The employees seemed happy, the upper-floor windows were open to circulate air, and the youngest employees seemed to have jobs that kept them away from the hazardous materials.

Sechim showed the constables where Nilasa had lived, in one of his upstairs storage rooms. They did a search, but found only spare clothes, some incidental money, and a book on learning Elvish. Interviews with several of the employees revealed that Nilasa was well-liked.

Since so much of their investigation was focused in and around Parity Lake, an the constables weren’t sure how much to trust the Flint PD, they asked Heward if they could set up a temporary office in one of his spare rooms. Heward agreed and said he would have some of his “kids” empty a storage room and put the boxes in Nilasa’s room. The constables insisted he not go to such trouble; they could set up shop in Nilasa’s room.

Malkie set off in search of some Kell contacts she knew, while the others headed to the nearest Danoran-owned factory on Mort’s map, which happened to be the gunworks next door to Sechim’s. Luckily, Mort recognized one of the security guards, Guillaume-Robert, as an off-duty guard from the Danoran Consulate, and was able to easily gain entry to the factory through a side door. Mort explained to the factory foreman that, with all the recent trouble, the Consulate was doing a security inspection on all Danoran-owned factories. As the foreman, Pierre, was very busy with keeping his employees in check, he pretty much gave the constables the run of the place.

It did not take long for Ironpeak to spot some of the mysterious black goo in a vial on a high shelf. Mort hid it in his clothes and the team headed back to Sechim’s. James wanted to inspect the contents of the vial, but was afraid of any interactions with the acidic air of the alkahest factory, so he instead headed back to RHC headquarters. James consulted with his books and some on-staff arcanists and soon discovered that the substance was known as witchoil. Witchoil is powerful magical reagent that can substitute for any spell components, but James’s sources indicated that no moral person would use it, as each of the floating motes of light was someone’s soul and burning the oil would consume those souls.

More next week!

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formerly roadtoad
Some DM notes: (Villainous Convocation spoilers ahead!)

I ran Zeitgeist as an online game, which got to the climactic fight at the end of this adventure before petering out. After my live game finished Scales of War and took a 9-month hiatus, I decided to run Zeitgeist for them. Two of my live-game players played in the online Zeitgeist game, and wanted to run the same characters again (Cazara and Malkie). I let them, but on the condition that they would keep spoilers out of the game, allow the others to take the investigative spotlight, and so on.

That hasn't worked out great, and I always hate when gaming goes to waste, so I had an idea: what if there was a reason these two were reliving these events? Was it a time-loop? A very vivid dream? I wasn't sure exactly what to do until this week when I re-read the Villainous Convocation thread.

See, Malkie died in the first game. Twice. The first time was just some bad luck. The second time was art: stupidity of the highest level. Leone Quital had made a hostage of one of her contacts. Malkie snuck within 25 feet, used Docker's Jank to swap positions with her friend, and then tried to fight her way out. Quital shot her in the face. Twice, I think. And then killed her friend, hid Malkie's body, and made sure the newspapers knew that a known associate of an RHC agent had been murdered in her home and the agent had gone missing.

About a week later (in game time) reality stopped. The game fell apart, and nothing else happened in that world.

Think about that.

The leader of the Watchmakers faction killed one of the PCs. And then the world stopped and rebooted itself to a point several months earlier. I see some meddling in that. I see some design in that. Dare I say, I can almost feel the influence of the watchmaker? (maybe I've been reading too much God Machine Chronicles for World of Darkness, but it all fits so nicely)

The Watchmakers say they can't run a full test in a demi-plane. What if they've found a way to run a test in the real world? Apparently part of that test involved Malkie. She seems to be a key component of the watch. So I'm running with it. I figure Malkie's "code" has been modified with a little bit of Deva (or Rakshasa?) to keep her from crashing the system again with another stupid death.

I'm interested to see how it plays out. So far, "Porter" has been the only NPC able to see it happening. The players seemed to get a kick out of it. Strangeness always seems to play well with this group.

Anyway, to close, here are the stats I cooked up for Quital some time last summer:

  • The Deadly Sommelier Level 15 Elite Artillery
  • Medium humanoid, human XP 2400
  • HP 230; Bloodied 115 Initiative +10
  • AC 29, Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 27 Perception +12
  • Speed 6; Tremorsense 10
  • Saving Throws +2; Action Point 1

  • Standard Actions
  • m Stop Hitting Yourself * At-Will, Basic
  • Your weapon jumps in your hands, as if controlled by another.
  • Effect: one adjacent creature holding a metal weapon makes a basic attack against itself.

  • A Bag of Knives (weapon) * At-Will
  • Flying weapons whirl about, attacking anyone they can reach
  • Attack: Area Burst 2 within 10; +20 vs. AC
  • Hit: 2d8+8 damage

  • r Pistol (weapon) * At-Will, Basic
  • When magnetic tricks won't hack it, good old kinetic energy works wonders.
  • Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +20 vs. AC
  • Hit: 4d6+10 damage
  • Special: reload Standard

  • Minor Actions
  • R Did You Drop Something? * at-will; 1/round
  • Your weapon rips free of your grasp, throwing itself to the ground.
  • Attack: Ranged 10; +18 vs. Reflex
  • Effect: The target drops one item with metal in it. The item drops to the ground in the target's square.

  • Triggered Actions
  • C Magnetic Counter Recharge 5+
  • Your attack is redirected with a wave of the sommelier's hand.
  • Trigger: A melee attack with a metal weapon or ranged attack with metal ammunition hits the sommelier.
  • Effect: (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering attack misses the sommelier and instead hits one creature of his choice. A melee attack must be redirected to a target with range of the original attack (including the attacker); a ranged attack may be redirected to any target within 5 squares of the sommelier.
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That's a really clever twist on the out-of-game narrative. I dig it.

I also love that you're referring to Leone as a sommelier. I actually know a sommelier in real life, and will suggest he gain magnetic powers.


formerly roadtoad
While the other constables were busy acquiring and studying witchoil, Malkie Vienne skulked off into the night to set up a meeting with Lorcan Kell to try and find Doctor von Recklinghausen. She returned several hours later with an offer from Kell: bribe him to the tune of 1000 gold pieces, and he would tell the RHC where to find von Recklinghausen. Also, there had apparently been a Flint PD drug bust the night before, which had cost Kell a good amount of Fey Pepper. Malkie indicated that half of the gold cost could be paid off in fey pepper, if need be.

It was around 9:00 at night and the constables were deciding whether or not they should try to talk Delft and Saxby into fronting money for bribing a crime lord. Malkie indicated that Kell would sell out the doctor to the highest bidder. Not wanting Porter to get to him first, they came up with a plan to get the money tonight. Malkie would head to the Parity Lake Police Department headquarters to try to convince some of her pepper suppliers that she needed the proceeds from last’s bust more then they did. Meanwhile, Mort and the others would head to the Danoran Consulate to see if Lebrix could come up with some money to invest in the future security of Danoran-owned factories.

Surprisingly, both plans went well. Malkie liberated the fey pepper, and Mort got Lebrix to pull 500 cash and a check for 500 out of his Summer security budget. Noticing that they had an extra 500 gold, Mort pocketed the check for himself as the group headed back into Parity Lake to bribe Kell.

The constables left their carriage parked several blocks away from Kells “Theater of Scoundrels,” and proceeded on foot in a circuitous route in an effort to conceal the direction from which they had come. One of Kell’s lieutenants, an athlete by the name of Rufus Hammerton, noticed Malkie and directed her toward the theater. Upon arrival, the group was escorted around the side of the building to a stage door, where they gained entry to the theater. Malkie attempted to go directly to Lorcan Kell’s private box, but a pair of burly thugs directed her and her companions onto the stage.

As the constables walked onto the stage, the lights went up. The small theater had an audience of around fifty of Kell’s criminals, each leveling a crossbow or firearm at the stage. Kell shouted down from his private box: “Malkie: entertain me.” Malkie produced the promised fey pepper and Kell rewarded her efforts with a slow clap of his hands. Mort produced the gold, and Kell sent a lackey named Sven to count it all. Kell then demanded that Malkie and her companions entertain him while he waited for the results of Svens count.

Malkie emceed for the group talent show: James demonstrated his Remarkable Mechanical Hat, Mort sang the Danoran national anthem (which sounded suspiciously like “Imperial Balkania”), and Ironpeak lifted Zara over her head to perform acrobatic feats. Unfortunately, the constables were not practiced performers, and Zara came crashing down to the ground, sweeping Ironpeak’s leg out from under her and making a mess of the whole thing. Fortunately, random injuries are exactly the sort of thing Kell enjoys, so no one had to be shot. He invited the constables up to his box, where he told them that he had sent the order to call back his guards from Wolfgang’s location, and Rufus would take them there. Then he told the constables to get out of his house, which they did.

Rufus led the constables on foot across the Nettles to an abandoned church built into the side of a cliff. He told them the doctor was inside, and left them to their own devices. This was an old clergy church. Overgrown statues of the clergy deities were carved into the cliff face, though it was clear the place had not actually been used as a house of worship in a long time. Ironpeak scouted the area, noticing a gulley to the right of the church entrance. About thirty feet down, she could just see the grate of a drain, and a slow trickle of water She surmised that this was the outflow for the church, and the presence of drainage hinted at recent occupation of the abandoned place.

The group moved into the church, leaving Ironpeak to guard the entrance. They passed through the ruined chapel and found Wolfgang toward the back of the complex, near a fire. Mort handed over the note the group had recovered from Lynn Kindleton. He and James were in the process of calming down the nervous doctor, whose hand never strayed far from his rapier, when all hell broke loose.

Detective Porter stormed his way into the church. “Oh,” he said to Ironpeak, “I see you finally got somewhere first.” Porter pulled a chrome pistol from his holster, and then a shadowy claw slashed across Ironpeak’s face, blinding her just before he shot her. Several gunshots from the thugs missed, but Ironpeak was on the verge of going down. Cazara got fiery retribution for the attacks against her friend, causing the illusion that was Porter’s face to melt away, revealing the raw, oozing muscle beneath for a moment before he could remake his face.

Malkie ran up behind Ironpeak and sang a magical little ditty that allowed Ironpeak to escape the onslaught. The big goliath threw her shield at the nearest thug, then picked up a church pew in her massive hands and smashed him into the ground.

Cazara alerted the others that there was trouble, and instructed James and Mort to get the doctor out through the latrine drain. James felt he was needed in the combat, however, and rushed forward to see who needed healing. Less than half a minute later, and both James and Ironpeak lay dying on the chapel floor, along with a pair of thugs. . Unable to make himself run from the situation, Wolfgang entered the fray. He healed James and then, when Ironpeak knocked Porter to the ground, von Recklinghausen pounced. He skewered the shadow man with his rapier, and Porter seemed to lose track of the doctor, scanning about as if he could not see him.

Just when the tide of battle was turning in favor of the constables, iron bars began to assemble themselves across the exit to the church. Porter rose to his feet and produced a chrome syringe. He leaped toward James and drove the needle into the rookie constable’s neck. James’s eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed again, unconscious.

Cazara urged von Recklinghausen to make good his escape. She gave him directions to meet her friend, skyseer Corbin Ash, in the Cloudwood. The doctor disappeared into the latrine. Meanwhile, Porter had his surviving thug toss James onto his shoulder. “We couldn’t get the doctor we came for, so we’ll take this one instead.” Porter threw a pendant around James’s neck and the three of them phased right through the iron bars now blocking the entrance of the church.

Their witness and his papers had escaped, but were still not in RHC custody. Porter now had one of the constables as his prisoner. Ironpeak was in no condition to move, and the team was trapped for the time being. Soon, they could try to escape through the sewer tunnel after von Recklinghausen, but for now the constables would have to wait.


formerly roadtoad
Wow, that is one of the worst non-TPK failure states I've seen in an RPG. Nicely done.

It should be interesting to see how it plays out. My first thought was that James could stand in for Quital's random hostage, though with von Recklinghausen and the papers already having escaped, there would be nothing to trade. I wonder how creative the others could get to save their friend's life. The last time this happened, Malkie got herself killed saving an NPC.

The "so obvious I won't be able to resist" option, of course, is to have Creed assume James's face after interrogating him, lock James in the room intended for Recklinghausen under the mansion, and have Creed gather as much intel as possible on the RHC investigation. He could potentially keep his cover until the fight at the mansion, when he will suddenly run off to manage the overflow (or he could just murder people in their sleep, but that's less sporting). He'd have to carry some healing potions to simulate healing infusions. Perhaps they could trick James into making healing infusions for Creed to carry. hmm...


formerly roadtoad
The constables were trapped in a ruined old church. Trapped, that is, except for a singe sewage outflow pipe. James had been kidnapped. Ironpeak was unconscious. Things did not look good.

Mort moved to the barred entrance to the church in an effort to see what was happening outside. He spied Detective Porter talking with an unknown subject. He could hear them talking about how the church had no other exits. The unknown man told Porter that he could take care of it from here and that Porter should return to his boss. Porter threw James into a black horseless carriage and departed.

Ironpeak came to and the others began to sneak down into the latrine while Mort made a distraction of himself by talking to the people outside. The man in charge seemed to have control over metal: he floated a metal table and chair to himself, set up a little cheese plate and a cup of wine, and engaged Mort in pleasant conversation about the whereabouts of Doctor von Recklinghausen. They shared wine and cheese (though Mort was still trapped by the steel bars over the church entrance) and the man told Mort he had one hour to turn over the documents and the doctor, or things would get more difficult.

After the better part of an hour, Mort said he was going to get the doctor, but instead he left a clockwork bomb concealed near the entrance. Within a minute, Mort was on his way down the latrine and the wine connoisseur had his answer: an explosion. Unfortunately, as Mort was exiting the drainpipe, he was spotted by one of the criminals, and he had to run. Mort dodged the pursuit and found a shed to lay low in for several hours until the searchers gave up. He finally skulked back to the Danoran Consulate to collapse.

Malkie took one for the team and headed back to RHC headquarters by herself to report on the current situation. It was about four in the morning when she arrived, so the night shift supervisor sent couriers to wake Delft and Saxby. Saxby arrived first and Malkie went in to apprise her of the situation. Saxby listened intently, quizzing Malkie for more detail as she explained what was going on. Malkie explained the entire situation: the original case, the possibly conspiracy to smuggle goods out of witchoil-enhanced factories, the mysterious Detective Porter, and the capture of James. When Saxby was satisfied she had wrung all of the information she could out of the Halfling, she asked the final question: “Where can we find him?” When Malkie did not have an answer to that, Saxby told her to go home for the day; another constable could take the case from here.

While Malkie and Mort found their way into their beds around sunrise, Cazara and Ironpeak headed into the Cloudwood to find Cazara’s friend Corbin Ash. They hoped von Recklinghausen had made it there ahead of them. Indeed he had, but he was passed out from his own exhausting overnight trek. Not wanting to wake him, and in need of sleep themselves, the two constables took turns sleeping and keeping watch over the doctor. They also sent messengers to Mort and Malkie, telling them to meet up in the Cloudwood when they awoke. Mort and Malkie requisitioned an RHC carriage for the trip.

That afternoon, the group questioned Wolfgang about the events of the morning Nilasa died. He told them a familiar story: he was there to get a travel visa to Ber, he chatted with her briefly in the reception area, then when he left, she impaled herself upon the fence, giving him the documents and the canary necklace. As he took the items, a shadowy figure shot at them both from an upper-floor window, striking Nilasa twice. He ran down an alley, engaged in a duel with the shadowy man calling himself Detective Porter, and escaped via hired coach. He then tried to make his way out of the city, but ran afoul of Kell’s people, who holed him up in the ruined church, until they abandoned him about half an hour before the constables arrived.

He told them how Nilasa urged him to get the documents and necklace to Nevard, but he was happy to turn the documents over to Mort, as a representative of Danor. Since no one laid claim to the necklace, though, he wanted to travel to Nevard and return the necklace himself. Corbin told Cazara that Nevard was currently at a retreat at a sacred henge atop a nearby mountain. The group decided to head up into the Cloudwood to meet with the old skyseer.

The group piled into the carriage and headed up the mountain. Along the way, they happened upon an altercation between the Cloudwood brigands and some of Lorcan Kell’s men over a carriage. Despite a misunderstanding that resulted in Cazara taking an arrow from the brigand leader Renard Woodsman, the constables managed to help the brigands fight off the Kell thugs (who were trying to kidnap Woodsman’s girlfriend Morena). Woodsman thanked the constables for their help and promised them safe passage through the Cloudwood in the future.

The constables arrived at the skyseer henge without further incident. A pair of guards escorted the group to Nevard’s tent, saying he had been expecting them. The ancient skyseer’s tent was dark and smelled of incense and withering. The man looked frail and well past his hundredth birthday. He welcomed the group and asked them to sit and tell him why they had come. Wolfgang gave him the canary necklace. Nevard looked it over and decided that it must belong to “Hana,” and that he would be happy to return it to her. It took the group a little while to remember that Gale’s actual name is Hana Soliogn, but when they did, Mort asked Nevard if he could try to set up a meeting between the RHC and Gale. Nevard agreed, but also asked a favor of the constables.

The pollution from Parity Lake had been obscuring the night sky in the Cloudwood, and Nevard felt that his own death would be coming soon. He felt urgently that he had one more prophecy to tell before his time, but he would need a clear view of the sky from a place of power. He wanted an escort to the most haunted place in Flint: Cauldron Hill. The constables agreed that they could help with this matter and then Nevard upped the ante: he asked the constables to participate in a ritual that would allow them to share their strength with him while he would share his wisdom with them. An orc shaman poured milk into a cup and mixed in a drop of blood from each of the constables. Nevard drank the mixture and was suddenly strong and spry. He stood up and asked to go to Cauldron Hill at once.

The constables had some time to kill before nightfall, so they headed back to RHC headquarters to go over the security report that von Recklinghausen had returned to Mort. Mort very much wanted to take advantage of his heightened mental faculties to try and find a pattern to the account and ledgers, cross-referenced with his own study of the factories. The rest of the constables pitched in and within a few short hours, they had the answer they were looking for. The paper trail pointed to one man in particular: Reed Macbannin, the Mayor of the Nettles. The very man who controlled access to Cauldron Hill. Macbannin was well-known for being trained in Defense Against the Dark Arts and keeping the city safe from the corruptive influence of the haunted mountain.

The group made the decision to circumvent the legal channels and simply sneak Nevard up to the top of Cauldron Hill. As they were gathering supplies and making ready to leave, a large package arrived for them. Inside, they found constable James Chinast, weak but alive. In the box was also a note addressed to Malkie, but she did not share it contents with the others.

Next time: what happened to James, and who wants to climb a haunted hill?


formerly roadtoad
Looks like we might end up with an entire party afflicted by the Curse of Cauldron Hill. Also, they won't have buckets of blood, or the knowledge to use them. This could be an utter disaster. I'm looking forward to seeing how far off the rails they get. :)


formerly roadtoad
some notes:

I altered the Bond of Forced Faith ritual to give Nevard the physical stats of the party, and to give the party the mental stats of Nevard. So he was 18-18-18 Str-Con-Dex, and they get 22 Wis, 16 Int and 16 Cha out of him. It still does the damage-sharing when Nevard takes damage.

Then they decided to use their increased mental stats to dig through the paperwork. I set up a quick skill challenge based on simply Int and Wis checks to sort out the material. I definitely wanted them to succeed at finding out that Macbannin was dirty before they ascended Cauldron Hill, since two of the players already knew from the last play-through. This, of course, led to them just bypassing Macbannin altogether. We'll see if the veterans remember about the blood or not. :)

As for James, at first I wanted him to be Creed, sent to spy on the party. As soon as they opened the Jamesbox, though, Ironpeak said, "Oh, I know this. Grab some holy water." I'm toying around with the idea that instead Nicodemus is taking a ride in James's brain to spy on the constables and see how much they know. It'll be a little hand-wavey, since I've not told James's player about this (just that he has some convenient amnesia about all the things he kept secret during Ob questioning), so he will be using all of his normal powers during combat.

As for the letter to Malkie, it comes from Lorcan Kell, and says simply, "Keep up the good work." We are using the obligation mechanic from Edge of the Empire, and Malkie is getting in deeper and deeper debt to Kell. She barely participated in the Cloudwood Brigands fight, mostly just hiding in a cloud, because she did not want one of the Kell guys to survive and have word get back to Kell that she was killing his guys. Malkie's completely convinced that she now owes more and more favors to Kell, which will be fun to play with in the future.

Lastly, I'm pretty sure the Ragman is never addressed again in future adventures, so I'm thinking of having him actually be the spirit that possesses victims of the Curse of Cauldron Hill, going out and committing identical murders. There should be a sudden uptick in Ragman murders a few nights after the constables return from Cauldron Hill. And the best part is, if they're all afflicted, they won't even notice that Stage 1 is happening.

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