pogre's model and figure thread


Scorch said:
What do you recommend for glue for constructing Master Maze compatible pieces? I have started with Tacky Glue but was wondering if you had other recommendations for durability?

That's what I use.

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Registered User
Hey there pogre!
(This is my first visit "down" in the minis section ;))

I reall like Ranin, he looks great!

You did an excellent job on "E’lissar" too I just personally like the actual Ranin mini itself more.

The necromancer on the first page is is really nice too, I have been thinking about getting that figure for a while, now I will probably Have to pick it up! ;)


Herder of monkies
Just wanted to drop in and say great stuff guys.

Pogre, we have a similar gaming room with multiple Hirst Arts geeks ourselves, and seeing your pics reminded me of our gaming basement at our friends house.

We've recently started taking more pics of our setups, though my camera sucks and we have no lighting other than some flourescent overheads (ugh) and one clip lamp.

We do have an obscene amount of minis, terrain, buildings (everything from GW cardstock to store-bought resin/stone stuff to homemade Hirst Arts) and a bunch of improvised/homemade terrain like our battlemat, trees, hills, etc.

We have a similar cabinet (actually 2 smaller ones, plus 2 shelves) for minis, plus shelves, drawers, and whatnot for everything. We pretty much took over our buddies basement, got a bunch of stuff at an office sale, and remodelled

It's nice to see another group out there as insane as we are ;^)

Love your stuff, keep up the good work.


Thanks Ledded! If you ever get the chance to post some of your stuff or your gaming set-up consider this an open invitation to do so here.

I just completed my first minis article for our friends over at d20 Magazine Rack. The article is called Basic Bases. Check it out when you get a chance and let me know if there is a topic you would like to see me write about.

Take care,

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pogre said:
Thanks Ledded! If you ever get the chance to post some of your stuff or your gaming set-up consider this an open invitation to do so here.

I just completed my first minis article for our friends over at d20 Magazine Rack. The article is called Basic Bases. Check it out when you get a chance and let me know if there is a topic you would like to see me write about.

Take care,


That Dire Boar looks a little familiar. ;)

WOW! That is just awesome, wondereful job.


Herder of monkies
pogre said:
Thanks Ledded! If you ever get the chance to post some of your stuff or your gaming set-up consider this an open invitation to do so here.

I just completed my first minis article for our friends over at d20 Magazine Rack. The article is called Basic Bases. Check it out when you get a chance and let me know if there is a topic you would like to see me write about.

Take care,


Thanks. I enjoyed the article, and I have to admit I've been lazy about bases, which are an integral part of a mini's look. I'll have to try a couple things you had in there.

Here are a couple old pics from a game or two, it shows some of our gaming setup at a much earlier stage. I've got some newer, better ones (my camera sucks) that I can post up once I get done cleaning them up (and finding them, for that matter)

(1 of these is an old D&D game, and the others are from a Modern session a few months ago where we quickly improvised a large food court area.)


  • HereTheyComeBoys.jpg
    24.4 KB · Views: 583
  • AboutToGetUgly.jpg
    24.9 KB · Views: 556
  • FoodCourtFun.jpg
    23.9 KB · Views: 546
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Pogre, I like the models. Just got into the Hirst Arts molds about a month ago. Found the site by accident while looking for a cheaper alternative to MasterMaze. Since then, I've accumulated 9 molds and have been casting on average of 3-4 nights a week.

I'm building a modular dungeon for D&D as well. The linoleum and felt bases look like they work great. I didn't want to get into a thick foam and have had some problems with warping using the cereal box method.

I especially liked your large room with multiple exits (and walls that can be dropped in. I'm using some of Bruce's suggestions for a modular dungeon, but did not want to spend a lot of time building multiple rooms.

What I've done for my rooms is build lots of modular wall pieces (similiar to mastermaze) and several different size floor pieces to drop in the middle of the room.

Thanks again for the pics. They have given me some ideas on what direction to take my own dungeon.


Toscadero said:
I'm building a modular dungeon for D&D as well. The linoleum and felt bases look like they work great. I didn't want to get into a thick foam and have had some problems with warping using the cereal box method.

Thanks again for the pics. They have given me some ideas on what direction to take my own dungeon.

Hey, Thanks!

Post some pictures of some of your stuff when you get a chance.


PMT 10

Remember all thumbs are links to larger pictures.

Here is a lich I recently painted. I bought a new camera – I just need to get some more lights and an appropriate background. My players need not concern themselves, this lich was a commission from a friend.

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pogre said:
PMT 10

Here is a lich I recently painted. I bought a new camera – I just need to get some more lights and an appropriate background. My players need not concern themselves, this lich was a commission from a friend.

Beautiful! All he needs now is some dry ice effects at the gaming table when I place this mini down. :D

My players will run in fear and I can game alone. :D :D

BTW are you taking any commissions?

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