(monday) history in your game


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today: average stuff. household goods, church things, stuff your average peasant would see or have in their house-

we will start with medieval pottery, for obvious reasons :D - http://www.medievalpottery.uk7.net/

and move directly to womens fashions, circa william the conqueror- http://womenshistory.about.com/library/etext/bl_cf_ee.htm?once=true&

a bit on soap- http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/tekpages/soap.html

and a nice bit on rat traps, look into these more, emdieval folks were ingenious about these things- http://scholar.chem.nyu.edu/tekpages/rattraps.html

an "average house" site, with some cool animation- http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~longhurs/house/index.htm

a packable, mobile bed- http://www.simplesolutions.fsnet.co.uk/agbgal.htm

and some less fancy beds- http://www.kentwebnet.com/specialist-beds/medieval/

lots of stuff on furniture (probably too fancy for your avg dirt farmer)- http://www.greydragon.org/furniture.html

shoes!- http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOEHOME.HTM

furnishings form a nice house- http://www.exeter.gov.uk/timetrail/07_middleages/housing.asp

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I love these "colour" bits -- gives me all sorts of ideas and helps me prime the pump of our groups artists-in-residence! :D

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