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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 4 - 5 (thread 3)

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"Be careful Kas the Wanderer may be old but he is not a child nor is he a fool, I can see the power he wields and his wisdpm he could throw down you or the god-emperor there or even Iuz with ease he could face Acererak if he wished it. Wanderer you should be more calm however, yes the Torillians made many mistakes as did we , but we do what we can, if you wish I will go now with their permission and take your people to a pocket dimension"

As Alytres departs to take the Wanderer's people to a pocker dimension, Kalanyr teleports in.

"Hail all, let us continue this discussion now. Since everyone thought Alytres was me I may as well be here in person and hear my name applied to me. Thank you for your coooperation God-Emperor and Kas."

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(That did it. The Wanderer jumps to his feet, enraged all over again.
He roars)

You don't know the first thing about Acererak.

You don't know where he is.
You don't know what he's about.
You don't know the strength of his armies.

He comes from an Age you cannot comprehend, but which I can, for I was around during that Age, like Kas over there!

Acererak could turn you into a puddle of goo, God Emperor, while he devoured your soul, and nothing - NOTHING! - could stop his attack!

Well, he ...

(The Wanderer blinks)

I don't trust your word, that you'd let my people go.
I don't trust you at all.
Why should I trust you?
Why should anyone trust you?

You intend to obtain 10th level magic and kill us all, is what you intend to do, and I know it!
And then, put me in your Olympic Games of Torture, along with Kessel and Hazen and Kalanyr.
That's what you want to do.

I'll free my people, alright, whether you like it or not.
I don't need your permission to rescue my people.

As for Acererak, I know right where he is.
I know everything ... Acererak cannot hide from me.
I can tell you where he is.
He is ...

(The Wanderer clutches at his chest, stops speaking, and suddenly it would appear he cannot breathe.
He is having a heart attack.)


First Post
Silver Phase and his companions who had just entered to declare their own stance witness the heart attack. James Hale immediately goes to The Wanderer's aid, assisting Kalanyr in healing him.

OOC:- I have a red goo rating of 1
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OOC- If the Wanderer expires despite my aid and any one of you (except Hazen or Gnomeworks) touches his body or that ring you are toast!


First Post
A terrible chill wind blows through the room.

(Maudlin has not been present, so I will represent him this once.)

Acererak himself comes to the meeting.

In his most terrible incarnation, that of a floating skull.
Gems adorn eye sockets and all the teeth are glittering gems.

An aura of deathly cold, cold so great frost immediately swathes the room, and the floor beneath the skull cracks and glazes, forces everyone back.

The Skull laughs, an awful laugh, a laugh that causes the plants in the Arboreum to wither and die.

Then the Skull lights up, and power of an AWESOME nature is felt (although Maudlin does not have 10th level magic yet, this is 10th level magic ala official canon.)

The Wanderer screams in agony, then slumps down into goo and crumbling bones.
The goo and bones disappear, leaving the floor sparkling clean.
The soul of the Wanderer, a ghostly form, screaming and wailing, is drawn into the great gem of the Skull's right eye socket.
Then it is devoured, and the Skull sighs in ecstasy.

Then it speaks:

Many have chosen to plot against me through the long millennia.
Many have tried.
This, was the fate of them all.

Let it be an example to you all.
Be he mortal, hero, or the Wanderer himself, all who choose to stand against me perish.

The Wanderer sealed his fate when he choose to reveal my location.
I hope the rest of you are not so unwise.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
"Kalanyr, quickly, use your magic to prevent his escape! This is our chance to end this, here and now!"

Kas and his elite-guard, rush forward to attack Acererak with all the hatred, power, and ability that comes from decades, and in Lithedenor Ytnivv's case, millenia, of experience. Having all been from the arcane age, they are wary of the 10th level magic that Acererak wields, and has just shown is willing to use, also to this end, their attacks are placed so as to minimize his chance of regaining his concentration enough to devour another soul.


First Post
Acererak speaks once more:

Know that I will find you.
You cannot hide from me.
It does not matter where you are, or what protections you take.

If you defy me, and plot against me, I will find you.
When I find you, you will suffer the fate of the Wanderer.

Or perhaps I will keep your soul, and torture it for millennia.

Fear me.

You fear the Red Poison.
You fear the Shade.
You had better learn to fear me.


Edena- Let me get this straight

You do not wish me to get 11th level magic quickly because it would end the IR but Acererak can use 10th level magic without researching it?! and can become a god of supreme power too? This extends things how? It merely gives a different ending.

I will not quit but this is beggining to seem nonsensical and pointless everything I did last turn simply made those I attack grow in power and now Acererak can do whatever he wants?.

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