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Who wants to be a Wayfinder?

Mista Collins

First Post
I apologize to all the player picked, but I can not run this game right now (and not in the near future).

As I have time to DM another PbP, I figured I would do so. I got the motivation to do this from going through the Explorer's Handbook.

General Information

All characters will be graduates of the University of Wynarn, which is located in Fairhaven, the capital city of Aundair. The general concept of the game will be that every character wants to join the ranks of Wayfinder’s and explore the unexplored. I hope to have this game very open ended and direction will be based on the player’s goals and objectives. Y have not had the opportunity to explore all of world, as you were still a student at the end of the Last War and had just finished your education. Now that you have graduated, you and your friends (the other PCs) have decided to go exploring. Your characters will have some knowledge of what is offered outside of Aundair, as you are all educated individuals (or a barbarian who happened to meet the group during a party at a local tavern). Where and how you travel will be up to you and the rest of the group once characters are chosen. In selecting the group, I will not be focusing on the stats you come up with as much as I will be focusing on your characters motivation to explore, characters background including why you went to the University of Wynarn, and character personality, and other things of that nature. You character background doesn’t have to be really exciting, just full of depth. And please tell me how often you can post, I’d like to keep this a fairly active PbP.

Anything out of the following books will be allowed for use in character creation
- Eberron Campaign Setting
- Five Nations
- Explorer's Handbook (obviously:))
- Sharn: City of Towers
- Races of Eberron
- Monster Manual
- Expanded Psionics handbook (not the races from this book)
- Complete Series (Adventurer, Arcane, Divine, Warrior)
- 1 Trait from Unearthed Arcana (if you want to take one)
- Anything else, you have to ask (I might say yes)

Level 1
36 Point Buy (I want high adventure, and high stats to go with it)
Max Starting Gold (you just graduated and got some gifts)

If you are interested please post a character. This will not be a first come first serve selection. I plan on having all players picked and their character backgrounds fleshed out and the first in-game post put up before GenCon. That way, you can post some in character dialogue about where you will travel to between each other if you aren’t attending, or you can meet up with me and have a good time.

The CAST (will be split into two groups).
Ozmar: Boromar - warforged scout
ShaggySpellsword: Tel Montayne - half-elf ranger
Jarval: Glaw - warforged ranger
jkason: Midian Rightson - human druid
Ferrix: Teivel ir'Torn - human swashbuckler
Verbatim: Patruk Sivid - human necromancer
Krug: Plonk - gnome arificer
Bront: Johan d'Deneith - human paladin (of freedom!)
Prof Yeti: <undecided> You can play a paragon of any of the common races (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, human, half-orc, helf-elf)
John Semlak: Wizard fascinated with traveling
Shifter or Half-elf something or otherShayuri: Changeling Sorceress


Feel free to ask any questions.
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Okay, I'm a sucker for Eberron and as a good number of the games I play in are either going belly up or on pause, I'll toss my hat in for this one.


I am currently in Korea for the month of Aug, and do not have my books handy. Would it be possible to submit a char concept, and if you like it we go from there as far as the mechanics of things?

I understand if you would prefer not to do it this way.


I'd like to reinvent Plonk, my bumbling artificer, for this. More soon. :D

Description: Plonk wears a cap and has all kinds of gearbits dangling around his body. He smokes from a weird mechanical pipe that is supposed to light by itself, though occasionally it goes haywire and explodes. Generally, that happens a lot with his devices.

Background: Plonk grew up in a gnome community and trained under a clocksmith. However, he wandered Eberron plying his trade and ended up working for a group of Warforged, becoming their resident 'mechanic', so to speak. He left the warforged after about ten years of service to seek other trades and develop his skill as an artificer. He found his way to the University, and gained entry after showing them a bicycle like device he said would revolutionise travel, once the kinks (and explosions) were worked out.

His mentor, Gulliver d'Sullivan, encouraged his occasionally problematic streak, which led to accidents, explosions and other controlled disasters. He believes science will replace magic, and the faeries will one day pack up and leave Eberron altogether, so technology must now catch up. He is not disdainful of magic, but believes that the time for it is past, and you can't stop progress. He's highly intrigued by Warforged, and can't resist running his fingers on them whenever he meets one, which has led to some embarassing situations.

Motivation: Plonk likes to invent and devise all sorts of new things. He constantly asks himself, "Why can't it be done better?"
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The man with the probe
Wow, before Gen-con might be a stretch. Not for me, but in general.

I've gotten attached to my Shifter Ranger idea i suggested for Dr Zombie's new game, not sure how well that translates here though (At least as I see him, though it's not unreasonable). I had an idea for a Shifter Monk that sounded fun too, though I'd have to flesh out his background a bit.

A Dragon Marked Halfling of house Jorasco who worships Dol Arrah, pondering either Paladin or Cleric, could be quite fun. Either one works for a dedicated holy warrior, so this concept works with either class. Driven to do good, and loyal to friends, the character would view himself as a protector more than a healer.

A Dragonmarked noble of the house of Orien, thinking Scout, though I could go several different ways with this one, who's a bit of a wild child/daredevil. I've got a couple of different ideas for him, and some might involve tweeking a class, so I'd have to work with you on that one.

Let me know if any of them are interesting.


I'm thinking a chain-swinging hero of a warrior, dashing with a stitch of twisted luck.

So, either a Swashbuckler or Fighter focused on the spiked chain, either a halfling or a human.

Or an Urban Ranger type, Dragonmarked of house Deneith, aiming to be a marshal at some point. For the urban ranger, I'm thinking ranger with the focused on finding people, perhaps with these two feats...:

City Slicker (Races of Destiny)
Benefit: Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you.

Urban Tracking (Races of Destiny)
Benefit: You can use Gather Information to find the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour. You can also find this feat here.

He'd be shooting for the Justicar PrC from Complete Warrior.

Just realized if I want the dragonmark, I'll have to only get one of these feats. Teehee, unless he'll allow Flaws.
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I would like to try to be a LN Necromancer who eventually goes the path of the Blood Magus. The down side to this is that I have to be killed first, but I have a great backstory in mind where he has been killed before he joined the University and his parents brought him back to life. I know it may sound far fetching, but I am willing to type it up and post it for your consideration.

Mista Collins

First Post
Bront - I find them all interesting, just pick the one (or two) you decide you want to submit.

Verbatim - If your character is selected, we can work something out. Flesh out his background more (where he is from in Eberron, why he attended the University of Wynarn in Fairhaven, family info, etc) with what you do know without your stuff.

Ferrix - I decided not to use any of the races books (except the Eberron one obviously). So I wouldn't worry about creating a character based on the feats out of those books. And just 1 trait from Unearthed Arcana (if you want to pick one).

Krug - Feel free to re-invent Plonk, but he isn't a member of the Wayfinder's yet. And he should be a recent graduate of the University of Wynarn in Fairhaven. The adventure is going to begin the day after graduation (or sometime around then).

Remember, your characters will be starting out at 1st level, so you aren't going to have in depth adventurering backgrounds. Plus you have attended the University of Wynarn the past 2-4 years. What did you study? who were your professors? What kind of student were you? If you have the Eberron campaign setting book, read page 139, first column, last paragraph. The adventure is going to start with the characters chosen discussing where they want to go and explore to celebrate their graduation. All characters must have a goal of joining the Wayfinder's Foundation at some point in their adventuring careers.

And pre-GenCon is a stretch (and I might decide post-GenCon depending on how thigns go)


If you don't mind me asking, what country is Fairhaven located in? I would like for his family to be fairly successful horse breeders, perhaps magebred lines, and just wanted to try to put some "real" names in.

Again, I do apologize for my lack of information on hand.

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