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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Just feeling-wise, my man, just feeling-wise. The moment where the aliens arrive and then blow up the place?

That's how the 23 Hours feel like, up to and including the hopelessness from fighting a superior enemy.

BTW, as a request, I needed help, ideas whatever, to add more of the series 'Silent Mobius' to this thing.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
marcoasalazarm said:
Just feeling-wise, my man, just feeling-wise. The moment where the aliens arrive and then blow up the place?

That's how the 23 Hours feel like, up to and including the hopelessness from fighting a superior enemy.

BTW, as a request, I needed help, ideas whatever, to add more of the series 'Silent Mobius' to this thing.

It was of course Washington DC, as my excellent memory serves. As for the BTW.......The last known location of the Demon Sword Medium was the plane of Pandemonium, on the Agathion layer -almost impossible to find a thing down there unless one knows the location of the entry portal for a particular stone 'bubble' lock-up. (Yeah, that repository of Dangerous/Weird Shat.)


Agenda: Retake Earth from the Fictions.
Structure: Loosely-organized coalition of paramilitary organizations.
Symbol: Earth globe with the letters ‘AOH’ crossed over it. Around it, the motto: ‘They can have it (the Earth) from our cold, dead fingers’.
Most Common Allegiance: Avengers of Humanity.
Requisition Limit: 45 (Restricted, Illegal).

The Avengers Of Humanity is a collection of misfits, ex-pros and outright wackos, all of them joined together thru one reason: they all believe that the Earth has become plagued with Fictions, and want to retake it.
For this, they do all kinds of gray and black-class operations, including kidnapping, murder and threathening. They consider all Fictions as beneath their notice, and every single one of them that fights (police, military and mercenary) as approved targets (Post-Vanishing Humans are evaluated in a case-by-case basis, and they will never hurt any innocents of any kind). They will use any weapons they can appropriate, but as a symbol of their distaste for Fiction technology in general, they will mostly use weapons from PL5 and lower (In order to prevent ‘copycats’, most of these weapons are customized in some way. Other technology, such as cybernetic implants, will be evaluated in a case-by-case basis, usually approving it if there was truly no other choice.). Vehicles will be appropriated from anywhere they can obtain them, and usually given the ‘A-Team Treatment’ to make them combat-capable.

Politically-wise, although they do hit Fiction targets (and a lot of them), they show distaste for other factions such as the Knights of the True Timeline (which, in their opinion, is ‘cruelly indiscriminate in its tactics’. To have a faction that is virtually the same saying that.... NOW you know why the Knights are so much hated).

Following is one of the AOH’s signature ‘A-Teamed’ vehicles:

Heavy Assault Garbage Truck

This heavy-duty garbage truck has been fiddled with. Armor and weapons have been added. Handrails and running boards have been extended around the entire truck. The crusher has been removed to make way for a really big gun. The storage compartment has been shortened to put guns between the cab and back. Hatches have been put in the back to allow access to the guns on top (along with a ladder) and between the cab and the back. The truck contains safety belts to hook to the rail so that passengers may walk outside and shoot while the truck is moving. Bulletproof glass has replaced all windows. Bench seats have been added to the back to allow more passengers, and lockers and cases have been added around the back to aid with storage. The truck is two squares wide and five squares long.

Crew: 5, Passenger(s): 8, Cargo Capacity: 2,500, Initiative: -4, Maneuver: -4, Top Speed: 180 (18), Defense: 6, Hardness: 10, Hit Points: 54, Size: Gargantuan, Purchase DC: 53, Restriction: Illegal (+4).

The truck also has 4 general-purpose pintel mounts added in various places along the truck. They are welded-on turnable stands along with chairs attached to the same stand to allow a maximum of coverage. These pintel mounts are posted in the following places: 1 on top of the truck. 2 back to back between the cab and storage area, and the final one in the back door of the truck.

These pintel-mounts also have changing weaponry, usually whatever squad-class machine gun the AOH can afford to add to it (this depending on available ammo and the like). Usually, they are M-249s or similar Eastern Bloc weapons, although there's been the occasional report of Trucks equipped with Ma Deuces or even grenade launchers.

Cadillac Gage V-100XM 706E2 "Commando" APC


Available in a small number to the AOH, the ‘Commandos’ they own were stolen from Reserve bases and the occasional police station during the 23 Hours. An AOH Commando’s weaponry changes depending on their current mission, but they are usually armed with a dual M2HB .50 machine gun on a pintle mount on the roof and externally-mounted, co-driver-manned grenade launchers (use stats for M79, they cannot be reloaded in the field). These grenade launchers are loaded with mission-specific loads such as smoke, tear gas, White Phosphorous or fragmentation grenades.

Crew: 2
Passengers: 10
Cargo: 200 lbs.
Initiative: -2
Maneuver: -2
Top Speed: 110 (11) on land; 5 (1) on water
Defense: 8
Hardness: 10.
Hit points: 46.
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 39
Lic: Mil (+3)


.50 LAR Grizzly Big Boar (‘The Beast’).
.50 Browning Hunting Rifle.

Damage: 2d12
Critical: 20
Damage Type Ballistic
Range Increment: 120
Rate of Fire: Single.
Weight: 30 lbs.
Magazine: 1 Int.
Size: Large.
Purchase DC: 21.
Restriction: Lic (+1)

Special: This weapon has no iron sights. Using this weapon without a scope imposes a -1 penalty on attacks. This weapon has a scope mount.

The ‘Designated Marksman Heavy Weapon’ of the AOH’s teams (former big-game hunters or military/police snipers in their majority), the LAR Grizzly is mostly used to bring down small mecha/vehicles and super-powered or heavily armored opponents. Standard tactics involve luring said enemy into a location where they cannot dodge the bullet, and keep them in the kill zone by bracket fire for as long as it takes for the sniper to take the shot.

Cellular Frequency Scanner

An organization such as the AOH needs to maintain constant intelligence of the enemy’s movements, in order to stay one step ahead of them. This little gadget (obtained courtesy of raiding local CIA/NSA/Homeland Security offices during the 23 Hours, and having AOH contacts in said offices) does the job. The Scanner is usually given to an AOH team hacker on a mission-by-mission basis.

Purchase DC: 31
Knowledge (Technology) DC to use: 25
No cooperation from the carrier: +5 to check DC

Simple band scanners can't acquire and listen in to normal cell phone nowadays. Real line taping in the air requires very expensive scanners with specific knowledge of the target and the carrier. Setting up a scanner for a single target takes an initial 10 minutes. After "tuning" monitoring the target phone within line of sight anytime is instant. Monitoring without line of site requires a tall portable antenna (at least 20'--not included in the purchase price) and has a radius of 3 miles. Mountainous areas often make line of site a requirement. Scanners can't break encryption. Encrypted communications require additional checks (typically Computer Use).
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Aquarius Alodar said:
It was of course Washington DC, as my excellent memory serves.

Washington, Los Angeles, Moscow, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Denver, Mexico City, ..... 'the place'.

Aquarius Alodar said:
As for the BTW.......The last known location of the Demon Sword Medium was the plane of Pandemonium, on the Agathion layer -almost impossible to find a thing down there unless one knows the location of the entry portal for a particular stone 'bubble' lock-up. (Yeah, that repository of Dangerous/Weird Shat.)

Don't remember the repository's name, but I DO remember Medium (and Grosspolina) to be locked up in monoliths.

BTW, just roughly, Medium could probably be a Mastercraft Broadsword with the Special Ability of possessing its user (requirements to let go: a large (probably DC 25) Will roll, bonus if you do something like kill someone you love).

A contact of mine once mentioned this anime series called 'Eureka Seven' for me to consider adding to this mess (and considering it's from the guys who made 'FMA', it might have been dumb of my part to have put it in the backburner for so long). Up until recently I have but started to see the thing (as for this post, about 4 out of 50 episodes).

And although I sincerely don't have the damnedest of clues of how to stat the mechas, especially the LFO Nirvash typeZERO (which I thought was cool), I DO have an idea of how to stat one other piece of gear that I liked...

Diggers Technologies XS-13 'Thurston' Hoverboard.

The board and its namesake (photo used for DiggersTech merchandising under the motto: 'Take it (skateboarding) to the skies'.

Crew: 1.
Passengers: 0.
Cargo: F.
Initiative: +3.
Maneuver: +4.
Top Speed: 70 (7).
Defense: 14.
Hardness: 2.
Hit Points: 12.
Size: D.
Purchase DC: 20.
Restriction: Licensed (+1).

Designed to replicate the hoverboard designs of the Fiction series 'Eureka Seven' (actually, reverse-engineering a board from an Alternate from said universe and using local technology), the 'Thurston' is the ultimate in hoverboards, capable of going faster and flying higher (flight ceiling of 300 meters) than any other hoverboard produced (for now) in Coreline. A specially designed plasma jet on the engine even manages to replicate the neon-green 'energy contrail' from the series, a personal achievement from DiggersTech.
Currently, the 'Thurston' is being bought by two kinds of people: 'Eureka Seven' fans and extreme sports fans (sometimes by people who is both, and quite occasionally by a 'loco' who is either). The most recommended minimum safety gear to handle the 'Thurston' is a parachute.

A 'Thurston' is 1 square wide and 1 square long, and it provides no cover for its rider. The operative skill to control it is Tumble.
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An idea I just had (just seen Episode 5 of 'Eureka Seven')... why not add that series to Oz?

Just picture this: an annual 'reffing' competition over Ayres Rock. That would be cool, I think.

Now, a few more ideas involving said series:

-Characters from that universe that have appeared had a peculiar cultural shock in that, for them, this version of Earth is some eleven thousand years behind them (and yet, so much alike.... minus the Trapar). A Faction among them (made almost completely by ex-U.F.-ers) believe that their arrival is the Coralians' fault.

-Axel Thurston has decided to stay a small-town mechanic (although secretly he's blissful at the variety of mechas that arrive to his shop). An Alternate version of him has been contacted by Washu to develop a non-Trapar-depending 'Riffing' system.

-ray-out has become a sort of 'Trasher' for hoverboardists, and although they do not run any more stories criticizing the U.F., the Coreline ray-out runs stories criticizing Factions such as the AoH. Stoner and most of Gekkostate share the 'Chairman Emeritus' position, and its main offices are in Renton, Washington (if asked why, they say that 1) they like RPGs and 2) it's an in-joke of theirs).

-An Alternate of the Scab Coral has managed to notice Coreline, and attempting to communicate, it has made a large number of Humanoid Coralians appear in Australia, and although Factions such as the AoH are just expecting it to pull a 'Cylon Infiltrator' move, others have given them the benefit of the doubt.

The setting is now a small computer console, the type that we could find pretty much everywhere in the world. It is inside a room with gray walls made of metal, drab and featureless-definitely somewhere with military use in mind.
The computer boots up, showing green text on a black background, a command prompt that looks as old as the computer, like ASCII, Pascal or DOS code.

It reads:





CONVERSATION 843495-Phi-Delta-39, RECORDED RAMCH 3,ASGARDIAN YEAR 39094 (2002, Terran).
Transcription of discussion made by SYLIA STINGRAY, FIRST-CLASS GODDESS BELLDANDY, FIRST-CLASS GOD TOLTIIR, THIRD-CLASS GOD MAMBO JACK in undisclosed location inside Asgard Combat Zone.

(THE SETTING: A small meeting room somewhere inside Asgard. Its walls are mouldy and made of bricks, there's very little lighting and it's only furnished with the meeting table, its respective chairs and the small stand with the projector, a high-tech slide projector that can be remote-controlled. Only Sylia is inside the room at the beginning, and she's seated).

<Doors open and close, chairs scrape on the floor as people take their seats. A moment of silence. No-one greets, and Sylia doesn't stands.>

<Woman's voice, cultured (Stingray, Sylia's)>: Lady, gentlemen. I'm glad that you made it to this place, and hope it was a pleasant ride.

<Rough man's voice (Toltiir)>: I seriously don't know why you had uscoming to the middle of the Combat Zone just to discuss business, Stingray.

<A slight cough, followed by a pseudo-Jamaican-accented voice (Mambo Jack)>: I suppose it'll have to do with your little corporation, I guess. No spy in their right mind would come to this place.

<Silence, then Stingray picks a remote control, points it towards the projector and presses the button. The slide passes with aloud `click'.

The photo that is shown now depicts a heavily injured man coming into a morgue. Burnt to a crisp, bathed in acid, missing an arm, beat up, shot up, knives sticking out of him, stomped flat… there's no longer a man on the picture, not enough to bury, anyway.>

<Stingray>: This was passed to me by one of my liaisons inside the GRO. This-apparently-happened just ten hours ago. Would someone tell me what it is?

<Soft woman's voice (Belldandy)>: He-that guy-was the victim of a Running Man Bet made by Saotome. He lasted a month on the run before being caught on Las Vegas.

<Stingray>: When were you informed from the Bet? I supposed Running Men were illegal under penalty of exile.

<Belldandy>: (Spiteful tone) I knew it from the beginning, but was ordered to not stop it. That man did nothing to deserve the Bet, but I couldn't do anything.

<Mambo Jack>: And did you tried to go around regular channels?

<Belldandy>: Anything I tried to get this case to Father was stopped- even tried to go thru channels on the other Offices. My friends, coworkers, subordinates, my own sisters… they all let this slide.

(Slight mocking tone) Because they didn't wanted me to`anger Saotome-sama'.

<Mambo Jack>: Everybody? What about you?

<Belldandy>: I have enough with Keiichi. That freakin' wizard's gotevery girl on the arcology wrapped around his finger.

<Toltiir>: That…. Is bad. It has got to be the biggest case of corruption on the story of the Offices.

<Stingray>: And while they were trying to get in his pants, they let a lot of things slide. (Click, slide passing. The picture now shown depicts Usagi Tsukino… if she was the Silver Surfer. Twin `pigtails'come out of silver head with her seal carved on the forehead, and pure silver eyes stare back at the `camera').

<Toltiir>: What's with the silver Oscar?

<Stingray>: The `Silver Oscar', as he said, is an alternate version of Sailor Moon. Aside from being former herald of Galactus, she's a member of the Justice League, Stargate Command, IASA, Starfleet, she has had training by the Themisciran Amazons, Chinese Amazons, Dr. Fate, the Bene Geseritt, Colonial Marines, Starfleet-and aside from having a number of enhancements and old flames that-frankly-I'd take all of this time making heads or tails out of, she is friend of every kind of modern pop character from Minako Aino to Zatanna Zatarra-and EVERYBODY in between.

<Toltiir>: Yeah, NOW I recognize her. The Office agent in charge of maintaining the file killed himself early this week. Said he `couldn't take it anymore'. (mutters) Poor bastard.

<Mambo Jack>: But that's why we're here? Some crazy Sailor Moon alternate?

(Click, slide passing. The picture now shone depicts Nene Romanova in a spandex suit, tearing apart a Doberman Boomer with her bare hands.)

<Stingray>: Alternate Universe BGC-2336MC. Super-powered Nene, super-villain amuck-dead now, however-unlicensed dimensional and time travel. It is now Iron Man's summer retreat.

(Click. Ranma Saotome in a tuxedo doing the `Bond with arms crossed'pose, all of the Sailor Senshi behind him. The arms of the Senshi have vents on them.)

Alternate Universe AMGSMR-3995C. A wish has turned the Sailor Senshi into Marionette androids, and Sailor Pluto's attempts at repairing the damage had done nothing but hundreds of alternate timelines-half of which, BTW, she has deleted with no mercy. Ranma Saotome is a James Bond-ish secret agent, and need I say that there's now at least a hundred girls waging war to be the `Bond girl' of the day?

(Click. The picture is Tokyo being torn apart with some kid in the middle. The kid can barely be seen thru an incredibly brilliant aura.)

Alternate Universe CCM40102. An unobserved version of that `Akira' kid –the Katsushiro Otomo one- has created a psionic backlash akin to the DC universe's reboot in the 80's.

(Click. The picture is Usagi Tsukino again, doing the `Power-up-yell' posture that is so common to see from Goku, spiked aura, winds and all.)

Alternate Universe NBSI 6-88607. Unauthorized Timeline Fusion of DBZ and Sailor Moon. You think Goku's a tough dumb mother? Imagine him being replaced with Usagi Tsukino, and those planet-blasting Super Saiyan powers being augmented with the Silver Millennium Crystal. And-oh yeah- the entire cast having the ante upped to fit this new development.

(Click. The picture shows U.S. Army soldiers in a middle-eastern street, shooting at a 9-foot-tall monster that looks like an anthropomorphic locomotive. There's lots more like it right behind it, marching towards the soldiers.)

Alternate Universe ST-919207. It is the Second Iraq War, and there's Wakiji running amok all over the Middle East. I checked personally this one, and it seems that the responsible to keeping them in their realm decided to let them escape to `give Saotome-sama something fun.'

(sighs) There's already several thousand dead, and I don't wanna know how many will die before that jackass thinks it's hero time.

(Click. Superman (the Dean Cain version) evading gunfire from a Salusian Scout Ship, or what looks like one under a ton of extra guns and jury-rigging.)

And last but not least, Alternate Universe FRTAKK989604. It was supposed to be an `ECHOES' of that new universe with the TV Superman. The goddess is-as we speak-making line to try to get screwed by that jackass.

(Click. Now it's a blank screen, the slides over.)

Now events that were supposed to happen in the 2000's are happening in the 90's, and by December '95 there'll be an alien invasion from a species that doesn't even exists in the normal timeline.

<Stingray continues>: And to this I must add the hundreds of Author Rages, kidnappings, unauthorized travels, and lots of generally weird things that are just not supposed to happen. A good number of these we can trace back to the current situation, and some others… are just seizing the moment. Keep in mind, however, I'm just showing you `mild' ones. There's lots more-LOTS more-that have a worse situation.

<Toltiir>: So what? My realm's chaos. I say, let it happen.

<Mambo Jack>: If what she says it's true, then it's only doing unnecessary harm. So what do you suggest? We deploy agents or something?

<Belldandy>: With our current rules of engagement and the hostility they're throwing out, there's no way we can use agents. Not without heavy casualties-and losing them for nothing is not what we want.

(pause) Are you suggesting we use avatars?

<Stingray>: I can count –off the top of my head- 20 cases right now that started by turning some character into an avatar. Most of them versions of Ranma Saotome. Of those, some 10 of them got worse by enabling another avatar.

<Toltiir>: (Offended tone) Why are you looking at me like that?

<Mambo Jack> You're suggesting a solution?

<Stingray>: Right now, I can tell you how I think. Back where I was on MegaTokyo, there was no Stingray Industries, there was no Offices, there was no… help from above, so to speak. The war I waged against Genom was one of shadows and reaction-we could do nothing offensive *per se*, all we could do was keep Genom in line, the Sabers and I.

(Sighs, slight humming and squeaks from wheels, and Stingray rolls from behind the table on an electric wheelchair.)

Look what it got me. I know right now one thing- either you go for the offensive, or you better have one hell of a defense. Either way, there should be no quarter by you.

(sotto voce) Damned `superheroes', that's what everybody wants. **** it, I called my team the Knight Sabers just because the suits looked like knight's armor.


<Stingray continues>: What I'm proposing to you right now is brand new type of field agent. Designed for proactive-ness, for offensive. High survivability, high lethality, completely disposable. No-holds-barred warfare, by US, to shock them into a full stop.

I gathered all of you here for one reason-you're all fed up. Fed up from the corruption. Fed up from agents that can do nothing but stand there and get hit by the first jackass with a big hammer to come along. Fed up from doing nothing but watch…

<Belldandy>: (interrupts) You forgot one thing. Several of those guys with `big hammers' have what it takes to carry them around.

They could be Saiyans, Kryptonians, Guyvers, Juraians, Silver Millennium. They could be Wizards, psions, shamans, martial artists, cyborgs, super-clones… they could be just plain wackos. And most of them you could hit with a bigger hammer and they wouldn't even flinch.

<Stingray>: And what I'm saying is, a lot of this evil won't just disappear to a good. If anything, a well-defined `good' would only make it just… up the ante, so to speak.

We need not a good, but another kind of evil. As much evil as WE can afford to have.

That's why I'm developing something new to go with that. Once you give me the go-ahead, I can have a prototype up and running in 90 days, guaranteed. And I can assure you, it'll make any hammer good for the job.

<Toltiir>: What's with the `hammer' references, anyway? You're gonna turn Akane Tendo into a sort of Robocop?

<Stingray>: No… but that idea doesn't sounds half bad.

<Mambo Jack>: Sylia, I've met a lot of versions of you, and I know for a fact that you wouldn't try to sell us something you wouldn't use. I say yes.

<Belldandy>: I'm with it, but just because I think it's a good idea. I work in the office every day thinking Keiichi will get hit by a lost ki-blast or something… if it mans reducing those chances, I'm in.

<Toltiir chuckles>: Stingray… I don't know how you're going to pull this off, but I'm sure going to be amused if you DO make it. You have my blessings.

<Stingray>: Now, people, it has come the time to go. If you leave now, you'll have time to arrive to your jobs without arising suspicion of where you went for lunch hour. In 90 days, come to my office and we'll talk.

(Sounds of people saying their farewells and leaving the room. Door closes heavily. After two minutes, sounds of a cell phone dialing up).

<Stingray>: Hakubi? Project `Hellsoldier' is a go. Retrieve the body and contact me if you succeed, code-word `Zebra'. (brief pause-maybe listening?). It's just step 1, but it'll soon be payback time.


Unknown Hellsoldier on Patrol.


'On RAMCH 3, 39094, the high-end executives of the Goddess, Earth and Rival Relief Ofiices had analized the situation of hundreds of field agents, and had come to the resolution that at least 60% of their losses (accidents, MIAs and KIAs) had come from rampaging and out-of-control mystics, be them manifested as psionics, Super-Powered Beings, mages or super-martial artists, the fact was that most of these people had been brought up with very little training, and/or an itchy 'trigger finger'. Aside from the creation of a small Black Ops division (for those who required 'a bigger hammer'), their analisis brought up that if field losses were to be at least (somewhat) reduced, augmentation of their agents would be in order.

'Project: Hellsoldier' is the product of this resolution.

Created by a joint consortium on the laboratories of Dr. Sylia Stingray on the corporate section of Asgard, 'Project:Hellsoldier' is one of the latest programs designed to create a super-soldier, except that this one, rather that aiming to direct enhancing of the physical abilities of a subject (although this is one of the procedure's effects), is aimed to make him capable of fighting aganist magic-and psionic-slinging foes. Augmented with enhanced regenerative abilities, psionic and magic resistance (and a way to turn this aganist their foes), the 'Hellsoldiers' are fully capable of facing off aganist one of these enemies, and surviving long enough to dispose of them thru conventional means.

Even with the 'ultra-violent military' name, 'Project: Hellsoldier' has, so far, only seen limited uses on agents of the Offices.

Template: 'Project: Hellsoldier'
It can be added to any humanoid creature (refered to hereafter as the character). It uses the character's statistics and special abilities in addition to those descibed below.
Challenge Rating: Same as the Character +3.
Hit Dice: Same as the character.
Speed: Same as the character +5 feet.
Defense: The character gains a +2 natual armor bonus.
Attacks: As the character.

Special Qualities: The character gains the following special qualities:
-Fast Healing 4: The character heals 4 points of damage each round so long as he has at least 1 point.
-Magic Resistance 10: As the ability of the same name.
-Power Resistance 10: As the ability of the same name.
-Transfer Resistance (Su): As a standard action, the Hellsoldier can add one point of their spell/power resistance per round of concentration to an object or a willing creature. Unwilling creatures get a Will save (DC 15) to resist.
-'Why Won't You DIE!?!' (Ex): The character is not killed until he reaches -20 hit points rather then -10. If a character has less than -9 hit points for a period of greater than a minute (10 rounds) however his hit points immediately drop to -20.

-Saves: Same as the character, with a +3 bonus on Will and Dex saves.
-Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con.
-Feats: The character gains the following feats if he meets the requirements, and didn't had them already: Ambidexterity, Lightning Reflexes, Ultra Immune System, Blooded.

Here it is, my idea of the Reffing Champion. For now, well, it lacks pretty much everything such as class progression, Bonus Feats, and I think I could add a few more reffing-related class abilities.

Well, in any case, I can do nothing more but give you...


‘Reffing’, ‘Riffing’, ‘Lifting’, all (slightly) different terms to one recently-appearing (by Coreline time) Fiction sport: to grab a hoverboard and ‘surf’ the wild blue yonder. While many people practice it, the Reffing Champion stands head and shoulders above the rest. He has a connection with the crowds, with the sky and his board, and applies them all into creating the wildest art possible, etching it in the sky with the hoverboard’s plasma jet.
‘Reffing Champions’ are always looking for the next big challenge, that one stunt that will make them be remembered for a long time. Sometimes they adventure with other people to make ends meet, or because they think that the party might just be that ‘big challenge’.

If they’re lucky, they’ll make the cover of ray=out. If not… then they’ll go down in a blaze of glory (and other miscellaneous injuries).

Select this class if you want your character to be one of those crazy few that put Reffing above everything else.
The fastest path into this advanced class is thru the Fast hero class.

-Skills: Balance 5 ranks, Tumble 8 Ranks.
-Feats: Improved Initiative.

The Reffing Champion’s skills are: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Pop Culture) (Int), Knowledge (Current Events) (Int), Repair (Int), Spot (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at each level: 6 + Int Modifier.


CHAMPION: By honing his body and mind to be the ultimate Reffer, the Reffing Champion gains a natural affinity with all hoverboards and can attempt maneuvers with them that defy belief. The Reffing Champion may always add half his class level (up to +5) to any Tumble checks.

BONUS FEATS: (have to work on that).

POWER DIVE: The Power Dive is a well-known maneuver amongst Reffing fanatics, though few ever truly master it. By gunning the throttle and sending his hoverboard into a shallow dive, the Reffing Champion may add 50 mph to the top speed of any hoverboard he is on. The Power Dive may never be attempted at a height of less than 60 ft. and may not be performed in consecutive rounds.

SIGNATURE MOVE: At th Level, the Reffing Champion develops a Signature Move, a spectacular stunt performed at high speed. Signature Moves often gain the name of the Reffing Champion who invented them and are instantly attempted by every Reffer throughout the planet. A Reffing Champion is required to make a Tumble check at DC 25 in order to successfully perform his Signature Move, but if he does so in front of an audience of at least 10 people, he gains a +5 morale bonus to any one skill check, attack roll or saving throw made within the next minute.

So, pretty please... HELP!

Here's some (scrunged-together) rules for Trapar concentrations.

Once every day, the GM rolls 1d10.


10-9: Extremely High Trapar Concentration: This could mean anything from storms to incoming Coralians to underground Trapar releasing into the atmosphere (and the Trapars can be seen with the naked eye as mid-air waves). All rolls (Pilot and Tumble) are one step higher, and failure by 5 or more means that the vehicle (or Reffer) take (d6 per point under the roll) Concussion damage.

8-7: High Trapar Concentration: A concentration higher than normal, which makes all Trapar-reflecting materials perform at their highest performance. All rolls (Pilot and Tumble) obtain a +2 bonus, and Trapar-using ships can achieve 50 mph more than their listed speed.

6-5: Normal Trapar Concentration: A concentration that you could find anywhere anyday of the week. Rolls and speed as normal.

4-3: Low Trapar Concentration: A concentration so low that the Trapar-reflecting materials have a hard time performing. All rolls (Pilot and Tumble)are at -2 Penalty, and Trapar-using ships achieve 50 mph less than their listed speed.

2-1: Extremely Low Trapar Concentration: Trapar levels are so low that there might as well be nothing. Trapar-using ships are unable to fly, period.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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