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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


Cheysuli Sage

At the mention of undead a brief look of anger passes over Chey's serene visage; in harmony with the temporary scowl her earring flash red for a second. She waits for the Noblewoman to finish before she speaks.

Forgive me my lady, but are we only to investigate this undead influence! She struggles to keep her passion contained, fearful of making yet another social mistake. Their very existence is abhorrent and a danger to the natural balance, I cannot speak for my compaions, but I think i would find it... She pauses to find polite words... Very difficult to leave such influence in place once i had discovered it. And while the gold you offer is a generous sum for ridding you of some kobolds and asking some questions, would there be a more princly sum if we were to return with the heads of these undead @#!$?'s ?

With a gasp Chey's hand clamps over her mouth, instantly regretting her foul language in such polite company.

[sblock=Diplomacy Check and OOC]Diplomacy (1d20+4=20) Boo-Ya! but if any of you guys wanna aid that roll to bump it up even more, perhaps we can get some extra spoils out of this :p[/sblock]
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Our treasury is light maintaining our war effort. However were you to discover an undead threat, and I don't know that you will, then I'm sure the Shogun would be grateful to someone who remedied the problem. Whether or not the reward would be monetary is not within my power to decide.


Mr. Bricks groaned inwardly, undead pockets were rarely worth picking however 200 gold was a tidy little sum and if they came upon whoever was controlling the undead they would probably have amassed a bit of war booty, "My Lady, if I may make so bold, we should also discuss any booty that may accrue to us..."

[sblock=diplomacy check]Diplomacy roll just in case she tries haggling (1d20+2=22) - Sweet![/sblock]

"...I have no desire to insult the Kingdom but I think it best that we agree everything up front just so none of us are...confused about these things later. I'm sure you understand my position."

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16 - Passive Perception 17
HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 7/7
Action Points 1 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike



First Post
Miranna waited her turn to speak- she had no wish to negotiate any extra rewards, but did not wish to interfere. Once Mr. Bricks had finished his exchange, she nodded her head and rasped out "The terms are suitable to me. I presume we are to set out right away?"


Cheysuli Sage

...I'm sure the Shogun would be grateful to someone who remedied the problem. Whether or not the reward would be monetary is not within my power to decide.

"That is nice to know, thankyou my Lady."

Perhaps one of our lads will get to marry a princess then, or maybe the Shogun has a son! I'm certainly not ready to get married, even if it is to Prince Charming. A quiet chuckle escapes her lips, but is quickly stifled.

Miranna waited her turn to speak- Once Mr. Bricks had finished his exchange, she nodded her head and rasped out "The terms are suitable to me. I presume we are to set out right away?"

"Yes, I too am eager to start our mission." She flashes a slightly guilty grin at Miranna, I shouldn't have pushed for extra gold. She thought dispondantly.


First Post
I thought you might ask that question sneak thief. You are free to keep whatever you find while pursuing the kobold's or the rumors of this cult, with the exception of the missing supplies which are to be delivered to the people of Maoleth.

And yes you are to depart this very day. If you leave now you should make it to Maoleth's gate just after dusk tomorrow. Inform the guards that you were sent and display this sealed letter to the towns lord. Now if that is all I must take my leave of you, the oni are ruthless, and the hardest battles are ones we often don't know exist until we have already lost.


First Post
Hearing the eagerness with which her fellow "warriors" as the aide had called them jumped to try to take advantage of any presented offer, and the skill and patience with which the noble had handled such inquiries, Shayla was sure they were much better off having met with her than the General himself.

"These undead and shadows shall be as dust before us and the kobald menace shall dealt with in due haste. Fight well knowing you leave the town of Maoleth in capable hands."

If no one else does prior, Shayla steps forward to accept the scroll before the Magus makes her departure.

She adds before their departure "Is there a map to follow to this town or is there a road to follow to get there?"


First Post
Walk to the east side of camp and follow the road there north, it leads to the front gates of Maoleth.

With that pronouncement Lao incants a short phrase and vanishes like a large bubble bursting, misting you all in wonderfully fresh water. As Lao vanishes her voice rings once more through the air as if from deep underwater.

The guards outside will escort you to the edge of camp. Be strong and resist the taint of the shadow, it will be strong in contested lands. Great deeds and noble deaths warriors, may we meet again in this life or the next.


First Post
Shayla closes her eyes for a moment and basks in the feeling of fresh water rushing over her. Then turning to the gathered group smiles and exclaims "Let's go earn our pay!" Tucking the scroll into her backpack and heads toward the tent's exit stopping at the guards she reverts back to being calm and dignified. "Per the Magus could you please provide us an escort to the road on the east edge of the camp?" She will then follow anyone the guards direct her too.

[sblock=ooc]Let's go kill some stuff![/sblock]

[sblock=Shayla stat block]Shayla- Female Elf Cleric 1
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
AC:16, Fort:10, Reflex:12, Will:17 -- Speed:6
HP:20/20, Bloodied:10, Surge Value:5, Surges left:6/6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Sacred Flame
Lance of Faith
Divine Glow
Healing Word x2
Elven Accuracy
Channel Divinity
Hunter's Quarry
Beacon of Hope
Group Awareness: Non-elf allies within 5 squares gain a +1 racial bonus to perception checks


First Post
Patronis nods softly without more words in agreement to her terms... 200 gold could get him some fine equipment to aide him in the future.... he bows again slightly to the Magus and stands as he checks his gear to prepare for the long walk....

Voidrunner's Codex

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