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Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
She looks about for a besalisk and a droid, whom she was to meet on the station.

Well, not as good as the real thing, but I guess we *could* buy a droid if we pooled our ressources together...

Let's see, I'm thinking small hovering droid, heuristic processor, one hand appendage and trained in stealth, mechanics and Treat injury, both of which we are presently lacking (oops, I stand corrected, Mack Granger has mechanical skils, still...). That would run around <checks books> Wow!

Ooookay, so let's make it medium size, make its hovering Exclusive, that cuts it down to 360 creds, basic processor, hand appendage 50 creds, 3 skills for 300 creds, internal comlink 250 creds, vocabulator 50 creds, Darkvision 50 creds, add 1kg of internal storage for 50 creds and that makes it... 1060 creds for the bare-bones model (Locked Access, Improved Sensors or SMALL SIZE might be nice too, too bad about the Heuristic processor...). Who wants to pitch in and make NX1-1 a worthy addition to the team$?! Sloor will cover the difference, and eventually make you co-owner IC, of course!

Act now, stocks are limited! :D
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Sorry for the late reply, but after being sick and having trouble locating my book, I finally put together the beginnings of a character. I have a Noble playboy/playgirl son/daughter of a corrupt, well-known senator (father) and crimelord's daughter (mother). He/she seems like a typical self-absorbed spoiled brat on the outside, but secretly wants to use his/her father's ill-gotten wealth to do some good.

Heya Tailspinner... hope you are feeling better. I know the party could use a good "face", which a Noble would excel at.

Well, not as good as the real thing, but I guess we *could* buy a droid if we pooled our resources together...
Who wants to pitch in and make NX1-1 a worthy addition to the team$?! Sloor will cover the difference, and eventually make you co-owner IC, of course!

I am not too up on droids exactly. Something small might be nice. And we do lack Treat Injury as you said. Although not something immediate, it was something I was considering as Mir levels, 4th level will have a +1 to int and likely, but nothing set in stone, have taken at least a level of soldier by then. That and at 3rd, vital transfer will be one of the force powers I am considering. :) I digress though, how much are we looking at for the droid?


Yeah, once Ambrus was out and since we are sticking with 4 people, I made sure we had Pilot, Use Computer, and Mechanics. Treat Injury had be sacrificed. I likewise haven't studied up on droids either.


First Post
I would like to see where the adventure goes before buying into any droids. And why would it need to be trained in Stealth? If we send it out to scout, it might get blasted and now you are down 1k cred. If funds become more avaible, that might be a luxury we can afford. Who knows, we might even come across one or find one we can fix up.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stealth is also useful for hiding/surveillance, which would be the main use of the droid besides the medical aspect, I'd imagine. As for getting shot while scouting... well, yeah, that's sort of the point: that it's not you getting shot at but some droid with all its point in dex AND the ability to be rebuilt if recovered. Plus the party is then forewarned and you know what they say about that. ;)

Songdragon: Small would be *nice* (it gives +5 in Stealth, for one, +2 Dex and +1 Ref defence for another), but "miniaturisation" actually costs twice as much as a medium-sized droid. Right now we're looking at around 1000 credits for the basic model :

BASIC (1010 creds):
Hovering 6, Exclusive (360 creds),
Basic processor (Free)
Hand appendage (50 creds)
3 skills (100 creds each) Perception, Stealth, Treat Injury
Internal comlink (250 creds) So we can have live reports and heads-ups
Vocabulator (50 creds) So itspeak something else than binary

Darkvision (50 creds) cancels cover from darkness
1kg of internal storage (50 creds) for a medpack or illicit/useful cargo
Locked Access (50 creds) puts the droid's off-switch on the inside!
Fire extinguisher (200 creds) can create cover on demand!
Mechanics skill (100 creds)
Tool mount and toolkit (260 creds)
Small size (X2 cost)

I think I can scrape 900 creds off the willy Sanbraiz. What about you? Oh and what about a name (not too wild about NX1-1: originaly came up with it for a relentless scout droid ("The NX: it's inexcapable!") but it doesn,t really fit here...


First Post
N-XS and it plays 80's New Wave background music. I dunno about you, but I've always wanted to have an soundtrack playing when I walk from one place to another ;)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Seeing the man step out to confront the injured woman, he notices the attire and surmises this might be the Jedi he was hoping to run into.
If Keyton can be identified as a Jedi just by looking at his clothes, than he is in a lot of trouble (this is the time of "shoot them dead on sight" order 66, remember). Let us know if we all ID you as a knight, Nebten, as that might change things around for some of us (not Sloor, not in any obvious fashion at least. Hm... Say, is there a *reward* out for you guys? :devil:)


First Post
I hope not. Keyton is definatly trying to look non-Jedi. But one could say that those who are Force sensative might feel a little twing. =v)

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