• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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OOC: I didn't think Corragan was taking any actions last round that required checks. Assuming that holding onto the rope to be pulled back aboard wouldn't require a check.

Ignatz grins at the sailor in his arms, who is torn between gratitude for the man who saved his life and revulsion at whatever seems to be growing between the barbarian's teeth. Ignatz tosses the soak man to his feet with a booming laugh, and the sailor scurries off at the Cursed One's bark, relieved to have an excuse to scurry off.

As Cadalis calls for lookouts, Ignatz has the kind of idea he considers brilliant. He jogs over to Corragan, still holding the rope with which he'd pulled the sailor in, and says, "Hy gots a goot idea! Follow me!" Assuming [MENTION=6682244]Medina[/MENTION] allows himself to be led to the prow, Ignatz says, "Hyu gots eyes a leedle better than mine. Vhat hyu elf eyes see?" While Corragan's eyes are front, Ignatz crouches down behind him, sticks his head in between the elf's legs and lunges forward and up so that he's standing with Corragan on his shoulders. He's not done, though- he takes the rope in his hands and loops it around Corragan's waist, then around his own shoulders and Corragan's thighs, then around his chest and Corragan's shins. The light elf's weight is little to Ignatz, and he leans into the ship and holds his footing as it is rocked by the waves. Corragan secured, Ignatz lashes himself to the railing and holds the knot together with his hands, so that they can untangle themselves quickly if necessary. He does all of this with surprising speed. "There!" he yells over the stormy ocean, "Now hyu only gots to worry about looking! Ignatz vill make sure hyu dun go oferboard."

OOC: Do you see what I did there? [MENTION=6684473]CrimsonFlameWielder[/MENTION], may I use my Endurance roll to give Corragan a bonus to his Perception check? Kind of like Aid Another? [MENTION=6682244]Medina[/MENTION], I realize this post is toeing the line on narrating other PCs' reactions, which is anti-fun. If you'd rather I didn't do this, or you want me to change it based on Corragan reacting differently to something, I will change it happily, even if I have to have Ignatz take a completely different action.

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OOC: [MENTION=69684]WEContact[/MENTION]: That's a very creative use of endurance...exactly the kind of stuff I like to see! [MENTION=6682244]Medina[/MENTION]: If you go along with it, take your choice of the following for Corragan:

*+2 bonus to next two perception checks
* no bonus to next perception check, but feel free to reroll it once!


When Ignatz encourages him to come with him, Corragan pushes himself off the deck, still coughing up some sea water. When Ignatz picks him up, Corragan is a little taken by suprise, and grabs at a nearby rope on the ship to keep his balance "Woah!" he shouts over the noise of the ship and storm, "What are you doing?" as Ignatz plows on with his plan. Not until Ignatz lashes them together does Corragan catch on that Ignatz is planning to be an improvised crow's nest.

Once he's caught on, he looks out to sea at the captains instructions, keeping an eye out for reefs and sunken ships, and anything that might cause them to run aground.

After a moment he calls out "Captain! Bear right - there's a reef ahead!", only slightly embarrased that he doesn't know whether right is port or starboard.
OOC: I'll take the +2 to the next two rolls!

Son of Meepo

First Post
Dina figured they could use something to light the way. "But how," she wondered to herself. "Could I?" Dina knew the ship was loaded with magic. She concentrated on finding all those auras. She reached for them with her mind, grabbed onto the threads of power that were woven all around her. Then, she sent some of her own power back through those threads, slowly vibrating them at first, but then faster and faster, until the auras began to glow.

She hoped the light would be enough to see by and that it wouldn't cause permanent damage to whatever enchantments were placed on the ship, but for now it would give them something to see their way through the storm.

"Cadalis! If you have something on hand to help focus some of that light ahead, I suggest you speak up!"

Arcana (1d20+13=26)

OOC: Now that's what I'm talking about! You guys are so creative, I'm loving it!

Corragan, with the help of the (half)human crows nest, gaze through the storm and the dangers ahead. When called out to, Cadalis responds instantly to the directions (ignoring the adventurer's lack of sailing terminology) and brings the ship around in a wide swinging turn.

Meanwhile, the Deva taps into the magical energies ingrained within the sailing vessel and a soft glow begins to emit from within its very fibers. Soon that glow is transformed into a bright radiance that has Cadalis laughing excitably.

"Haha! I've never seen that trick before! I knew hiring you guys was the right thing to do! Crew, quickly now, to the galley! Bring out all of the silver platters you can find!"

Quickly, all of the crew members (even the cook!) were on deck with silver platters in hand.

"Now, reflect the light toward the bow!"

It took a few moments of positioning, repositioning, and slight tweaking of angles to get it right, but less than a minute later and the radiant aura that Dina produced from the ship was converted into a wide beam of piercing light that cut through the storm. Cadalis retrieved his wand concentrated. Suddenly, the the platters held themselves aloft.

"Now back to positions! Quickly now, we're not out of the storm yet!"

Straight ahead, the group could see the island looming closer. Less than an hour later, the storm seemed to wash itself away and the ocean became like glass. The sky was clear and the sun revealed itself on the horizon.

Cadalis, grinning like a mad man, steered the ship on for another ten minutes and then ordered the sails cut and the anchor lowered.

"We made it! And fully intact I might add. Cook, go make the crew a hearty breakfast so that they can adventure on full stomachs!"

The cook obeys and only a few minutes later, the chef had a breakfast feast prepared for the crew and adventurers. Everything from sliced fruit, thick cuts of salted ham, cooked oats, scrambled eggs, and even a few muffins were laid out on the galley tables.

"The easy part is over with. Now it's up to you folk to do the rest. I have a row boat waiting for you. Take your time getting ready and embark when it suits you. Oh, and you'll need this, " Cadalis says, producing a silver ring that he hands over to one of the adventurers.

"This will let you know when you get close to the Dragon's Whisper. It is attuned to its magical signature. I see that you came woefully ill equipped for your journey. I have quite a few enchanted items in my library. Please feel free to take one before you leave the ship. I'd hate to see the mission unfulfilled because you did not have the proper gear."

OOC: Decide who will keep the ring and then feel free to list one item from your wishlist that you want to receive (just make a post describing the item you "found" in the library so that I can update your wealth totals (make sure to update your character sheet with this as well


OOC: I would appreciate if you didn't select anything more than lvl+4, that way it doesn't overbalance the game, even though you guys are woefully under treasured. But don't worry, I'll get you guys back to where you belong soon!


First Post
OOC: Ah, okay. I was tempted to grab a +2 Badge of the Berserker, (L7, L+4) but that would pretty much bring me up to my expected wealth for Level 4 in one swoop, which would limit what other wealth I could fairly receive in this adventure, which would leave me without enchanted armor or Iron Armbands for quite some time. Decisions, decisions... :)

I'll probably post IC here shortly.


First Post
Ignatz eats exactly like you all imagine he would. The seats next to him remain empty- no one wants to risk those seats, and he needs the room for his extra plates anyways.

Ignatz steps forward to take the ring when Cadalis offers it, but doesn't listen to the man's explanation of its properties. He's too absorbed with his attempts to fit it onto any of the fingers on his enormous hands. He frowns and twists, but eventually hands it off to Dina, disinterested, when he recovers the thread of Cadalis' debriefing. "Take vun vhat? Ve gets one... gear?" His confusion only lasts as long as it takes for him to be led to the aforementioned library.

"Ohoo! Meester, hyu gots nice schtoff here," the half-orc says admiringly. He can't detect enchantments, but he can recognize armaments that are well cared-for. He rifles through the stores, grinning and trying on things with ruffles and spinning the occasional dagger. He tries on a pair of bracers, pushing back the sleeves on his overcoat to do so, and his grin broadens. He can feel the dweomer's power coursing through his arms, but that's not all- "Hey, look here," he say to Sha'kar, who's nearby. "They look pretty goot, hey?" The bracers are dark brown leather, lined with spotted fur and reinforced with bands of cold black iron.

OOC: I went with Iron Armbands of Power, L6 item worth 1800 gp.

If anybody wants to lend Ignatz 60 gp, he will be able to afford +1 Magic Hide armor before leaving the boat- I'm betting Cadalis can perform the Enchant ritual. Ignatz would pay back the gold as soon as we make some, of course.


First Post
Sha'kar follows the half-orc into the library after they finish eating and makes admiring noises in response to his companions question. He browses through the library for a while looking for something useful for himself, not finding much of interest, until finally he senses a nearby enchantment. Ahh, perfect, just what I've been hoping to find." he says, looking at a set of leather armor with runes inscribed on each piece. He quickly removes the armor he's wearing and puts on the new set, then looks around. Uhh, what should I do with these?" he asks, indicating his old armor.
OOC: I went with Iron Armbands of Power, L6 item worth 1800 gp.

If anybody wants to lend Ignatz 60 gp, he will be able to afford +1 Magic Hide armor before leaving the boat- I'm betting Cadalis can perform the Enchant ritual. Ignatz would pay back the gold as soon as we make some, of course.

OOC: I've got enchant magic item, my character WAS a seller of magical gear of all kinds after all, potions, magic items, alchemy, I can do it all :). Also, 62 gold that i'm not using atm, so I can lend you the 60.

I'll take my Warmage's Uniform Leather Armor +1, level 3 item. Can I just "sell" the old set of leather armor back to Cadalis for the 15 or 20% or whatever it is we get for selling items?
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