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Wizards In Winter - Low-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Son of Meepo

First Post
Ilex made the Hard DC on all of the creatures, so I'm just going to post their statblocks here.

[sblock=Twig Blight Seedling]Twig Blight Seedling
Small fey humanoid (plant)
Level 1 Minion Skirmisher XP 25

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.Initiative +5AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 15, Will 13Perception+6Speed 5 (forest walk), climb 5DarkvisionResist 5 poison

When an effect forces the seedling to move through a pull, a push, or a slide, the seedling can move 3 squares fewer than the effect specifies.
Standard Actions

Claw (poison)
Effect: Before the attack, the seedling shifts up to 2 squares.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3 poison damage, or 5 poison damage if the target is granting combat advantage to the seedling.
Skills Stealth +8
Str 7 (-2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 9 (-1) Int 5 (-3) Cha 10 (0)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Elven

[sblock=Twig Blight Swarm]Twig Blight Swarm
Large fey humanoid (plant, swarm)
Level 5 Brute XP 200

HP 74; Bloodied 37Initiative +6AC 17, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 15Perception+9Speed 5 (forest walk), climb 5DarkvisionResist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks

Swarm Attack
Aura 1
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 3 damage.
The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid.
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough for a Small creature.
Standard Actions

Swarm of Claws (poison)
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 poison damage.
Str 12 (+3) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 14 (+4) Int 6 (0) Cha 10 (+2)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Elven

[sblock=Bloodthorn Vine]Bloodthorn Vine
Medium natural beast (plant)
Level 2 Soldier XP 125

HP 41; Bloodied 20Initiative +3AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 14Perception+3Speed 5 (forest walk)Blindsight 10
Standard Actions

Striking Vine
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage.
Impaling Thorn (healing)
Recharge when the vine doesn’t have a creature grabbed
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and the vine grabs the target.
Sustain Standard: The vine sustains the grab, the target takes 2d8 + 4 damage, and the vine regains 5 hit points.
Minor Actions

Pulling Vines
Effect: The vine shifts 1 square, pulling any creatures it has grabbed into spaces adjacent to it.
Str 17 (+4) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1)
Alignment Unaligned Languages -

[sblock=Dryad Recluse]Dryad Recluse
Medium fey humanoid (plant)
Level 5 Lurker XP 200

HP 50; Bloodied 25Initiative +10AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 17Perception+10Speed 8 (forest walk)

Standard Actions

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
Sylvan Charm (charm)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
Hit: The dryad pulls the target up to 5 squares to a square adjacent to it. The target is charmed until it is no longer adjacent to the dryad or until the dryad uses this power again. A charmed creature is immobilized and can’t attack the dryad. When an enemy’s melee or ranged attack hits the dryad, it deals half damage to the dryad and half damage to the charmed creature. If the attacker is adjacent to the charmed creature, the charmed creature must make a melee basic attack (of the dryad’s choice) against the enemy as a free action.
Move Actions

Treestride (teleportation)
Requirement: The dryad must be adjacent to a tree or a Large plant.
Effect: The dryad teleports up to 8 squares to a square adjacent to a tree or a Large plant. Any creature charmed by the dryad teleports with the dryad to a square adjacent to it.
Minor Actions

Deceptive Veil (illusion)
Effect: The dryad disguises itself to appear as a Medium humanoid (usually a beautiful elf or eladrin) until it uses deceptive veil again or until it drops to 0 hit points. Other creatures can make a DC 27 Insight check to discern that the form is an illusion.
Str 12 (+3) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 16 (+5)
Con 14 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 13 (+3)
Alignment unaligned Languages Elven

[sblock=Voice in the Darkness, a/k/a The Thing in the Tree, a/k/a Demonic Mistletoe]Voice in the Darkness
Large elemental magical beast (blind, plant)
Level 1 Elite Controller (Leader) XP 200

Initiative -1 Senses Perception +2; blindsight 10
HP 60; Bloodied 30
AC 15; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 15
Immune blinded, gaze, sleep; Vulnerable 10 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 0
Action Points 1
Grasping Roots (standard, at-will)
Reach 3; +5 vs Reflex; 1d6+3 damage, and the target is grabbed. The voice can grab up to two creatures at one time.
Twisted Nature (minor; 1/round, at-will)
Reach 10; targets a twig blight ally; the target makes a melee basic attack with a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Psychic Lance (standard, at-will)
Close burst 10; one or two creatures in burst; +5 vs Will; 1d6+3 psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Insidious Whispers (standard, recharges when the voice has no spawned twig blights)
Close burst 3; enemies in burst; +5 vs Will; 1d6+3 psychic damage, and the target makes a melee basic attack against a creature the voice chooses.
Blightborn Calling (minor, recharge
Close burst 5; The voice spawns four blightborn twig blights in unoccupied squares within the burst, and the twig blights act immediately. The twig blights remain until destroyed or until the end of the encounter. The twig blights act on the voice’s turn. The voice can have up to six twig blights at a time.
Abyssal Cry (free, when damaged by an attack, recharges when a bloodthorn vine drops to 0 hit points)
Close burst 10; targets non-minion allies; the target gains 10 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Fear of Annihilation (while bloodied)
The voice gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls.
Threatening Reach
The voice can make opportunity attacks against all enemies within its reach (3 squares).
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal
Str 13 (+1) Dex 8 (-1) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Cha 17 (+3)

[sblock=Note About the Dryad Recluse]Ilex also knows that the recluse is a dryad whose connection to her tree has been severed, either by disease, injury, or infestation. It's likely that the demonic plant creature caused this severance.

She also knows that such a creature is voraciously hungry, no longer able to share sustenance with her tree, she will isolate a target and then devour it to make her own compost.

She will likely continue to flee with Nalkyr and then kill him.[/sblock]

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Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Please specify that you want to slide the thing adjacent to me if possible. I can alter my move action if necessary. Good job!

GM: Her thought was to slide it where it would not be able to grab her. On the opposite side of the tree it does not have line of effect to Ilex to sustain the grab.


First Post
OOC: Okay, if the Thing ends up on the 'north' side of the tree (where it is on the map now), I can make it work. Instead of the action sequence in my previous post, Lenyara will immediate shift to human form and charge the Thing (ending in Q7). Athletics check to jump over DT, Thing's OA (miss), and all attack rolls are still usable. Athletics succeeds, Thing's OA misses, Net MBA on charge hit for 14 with Power Strike, Dual Weapon attack hits for 11 more; Thing is Slowed until end of Lenyara's next turn and prone (if it wasn't already from fall. Rolls are here (including anumber of rolls for actions no longer valid): Roll Lookup

Fluff coming soon


First Post
As soon as Ilex ripped the creature from the tree, Lenyara burst into motion. Where a lioness had been an instant before a human woman stood now- and she looked angry. She lunged forward, leaping over intervening obstacles and under the lashing tendrils of the creature. Setting her feet on solid ground, she lashed out with the braided tangle of leather in her right hand, snagging the still-addled tree beast. A quick slash with the long knife in her left hand dropped the creature to the ground. Then she began to move towards the next threat...

[sblock= OOC]
>Minor: Change to human form (free shift to V2)
>Standard: Charge to Q7, including running long jump to clear 2 squares of DT. Thing's OA misses, including mark penalty. Net MBA on charge hits for 14 damage including Power Strike; Dual weapon attack hits for 11 more. Total 25 damage (+36 previous= 61) Thing is Dying, slowed and prone in current location. Rolls are here (including some extraneous actions): Roll Lookup ; Roll Lookup

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First Post
Something was not right, though Nalkyr could not place his finger on it. Something about the eladrin female- the one who exuded a reassuring familiarity. Nalkyr's palms itched to fight for her. He wanted nothing more than to tear into those who would oppose such a beautiful and kind creature. He wanted to throw himself in front of any blades that came her way.

Somewhere, down the long corridors of time, echoed Nalkyr's uncle.

Do not guide your blade with your hand. Do not guide your blade with your eye. All these things are but an extension of you. Your heart, your mind, your will. Let nothing outside that guide your tempest or lay claim to the dance. Only you. Only ever you.

The word echoed around inside Nalkyr's skull. You. You. You. Something was not right. You. Something was wrong, despite the perfection written across the eladrin female's face and the absolute certainty of her friendship. You. You.

Nalkyr went slack, closing his eyes and falling backwards. Into the Green.

Grass-smell filled his nostrils. An eternal summer sweetness followed him through the ripple and out the other side- and no longer next to the dryad, Nalkyr knew the folly of her charm. If one of the party had been nearby, the young eladrin did not doubt he'd have tried to cut them down. The thought made him sick, and he stumbled towards the large tree, through bramble and vine, trying to shake off the last of the enscorcelment.

[sblock= Actions]
Move: Fey Step to X12 (no longer charmed)
Move: To V11
Minor: Feel confused.
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Son of Meepo

First Post

The dryad frowns, moving to a nearby tree she beckons Nalkyr to return to her.

"Come. We are not finished."

Nalkyr heeds her words again, walking right through the brambles to be by the dryad's side.

[sblock=Adnaisia]Move: Treestride to AA10
Standard: Sylvan Charm (1d20+8=16) (HIT)

Drags Nalkyr through two squares of brambles.[/sblock]

[sblock=Nalkyr]Athletics (1d20+10=16, 1d20+10=12) (SUCCESS, FAILURE)
Nalkyr takes 5 damage and ongoing 3 poison.[/sblock]

Twig Blight Swarms

One swarm tries to devour the Owlbear, but fails to catch it.

The other returns to the clearing to rejoin the battle.

[sblock=Twig Blight Swarms]Swarm 1

Standard: Swarm of Claws (2d6+8=18, 1d20+10=13) (MISS)

Swarm 2

Double Move[/sblock]

Bloodthorn Vine

The vine pulls Merri into the brambles where it feeds on her blood.
[sblock=Actions]Minor: Pulling Vines
Minor: Pulling Vines
Merri is pulled into the brambles.
Endurance (1d20+6=22) (SUCCESS)
Standard: Sustain Impaling Thorn (2d8+4=15)
Bloodthorn Vine is fully healed.[/sblock]

Twig Blight Seedlings

The seedlings continue to pound on the hamadryad and the warrior.
[sblock=Actions]Standard: Claw (1d20+6+2=28, 1d20+6+2=19, 1d20+6+2=16, 1d20+6+2=20) (CRIT, HIT, MISS, HIT)
Can shift 2 before or after the attack.

First attack hit Ilex dropping her. (Caim could not shift 2 to reach her and swap places with Guardian's Counter because the seedlings were in the way.)
Other attacks Target Caim.[/sblock]

The demonic plant seeps ichor into the ground, tainting it with its foul putrescence.


First Post
Standard: Claw (1d20+6+2=28, 1d20+6+2=19, 1d20+6+2=16, 1d20+6+2=20) (CRIT, HIT, MISS, HIT)
Can shift 2 before or after the attack.

First attack hit Ilex dropping her. (Caim could not shift 2 to reach her and swap places with Guardian's Counter because the seedlings were in the way.)
Other attacks Target Caim.
OOC: Movement in powers is always optional unless the word 'must' is used. I'm pretty sure I can decline the shift and still force the attack to target me. It won't keep the next attack from dropping Ilex, or save me any damage, but it's worth it to try to get rid of an extra seedling.

If you don't want to rule it that way that's fine- the intent is obviously for me to jump in front of the attack, not sort of redirect it 180 degrees- but common sense is the only rule that says that if I can't shift I can't do the second part, and D&D requires we follow common sense very very loosely.
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