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(Suspended) OOC The Thirteenth Moon, a Story-Driven Campaign (D&D 3.5 Eberron)


May 27th, 2013: I have suspended this campaign due to RL demands.

As the Artificer's Clock struck 11:59 it seemed the entire City of Towers was holding its breath. The New Year celebration was always a big to-do in Sharn. People mingled more freely between the upper and lower towers. Parties were happening in every tower, every plateau, even the City of Dead where Sharn's deceased lay in state was said to be crawling with socialites (many of them necromancers and followers of the Blood of Vol Sharnites would whisper). On this night even the most uptight monk of the Silver Flame could be seen getting off his hassock and leaping with jubilation. This night would mark the second new year celebration since the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK. And if you thought last year's "First Year of Peace" theme was fantastic, you were ecstatic with this year's "Wine, Women, and Warforged" theme. All the crazies were out, and no one seemed to mind. But at this moment, a hush had fallen over the city as the Artificer's Clock, large and clearly visible from all the highest towers of the city, ticked ever closer to the new year. The illusionists of the City of Towers had brightened the second hand on the Artificer's Clock for this specific moment. All you could hear was the soft murmur, almost a chant, as people the whole city round joined together to count down the final seconds of the clock's ticking. Five, four, three, two, one...

And then it happened: a deafening and raucous cry of celebration rang out through the City of Towers. The cheers of "Happy New Year" were so loud, people would swear you could hear them across the Thunder Sea. And why shouldn't they? A quarter million people all crying out in unison was certainly a spectacular thing to hear. But as bottles of Aundairian champagne were popped and merry-makers hugged, danced and sang, a blood-curdling scream pierced the din. It was soon followed by more screams of the same nature and the reason quickly became obvious to all. A dark cloud had passed over the night sky, revealing for the first time a terrible sight, a blood-red moon in full color sitting there high in the sky. Everyone knew Eberron's twelve moons, Zarantyr, the Storm Moon, Olarune the Sentinel, Therendor, the Healer's Moon, Eyre, the Anvil, Dravago, the Herder's Moon, King Nymm, the Eye of Lharvion, Barrakas, the Lantern, Rhaan, the Book, Sypheros, the Shadow, Aryth, the Gateway, and Vult, the Warding Moon. The months of the Galifaran calendar were named for the moons and each shines a bit brighter than the others during the month of its name. But this new moon, this blood-red moon, bright and ominous, had never appeared before. There were legends about it, of course, generally boding terrible and dark things, and its appearance was an ominous sign that drove most to panic.

Almost as soon as it had begun, the party was over. People fled to their homes and hid themselves, afraid to be caught in the light of the blood-red moon. It was easiest for those in the Cogs and the Depths, who were so far down they could barely make out even bold Zarantyr when it was ascendant. And there were far more shadows than bright places there. But for those high up, and particularly for those upon the floating district of Skyway, terror ensued. For the appearance of a thirteenth moon was a menacing omen, threatening uncertain times at best, and a resurgence of war, death, and suffering at worst. It had taken the continent of Khorvaire over a hundred years to make peace after the Last War had begun, and the omens of that conflict were far more subtle than a blood-red moon. For the moment, the entire City of Towers was gripped with fear.

Announcing the opening of recruiting for The Thirteenth Moon, a new Play-By-Post using the D&D 3.5 system set in the fantastic world of Eberron. This campaign is going to be very story-based and heavy on narrative. In fact, players will be given the opportunity to control some aspects of the narrative themselves. Because of this, some modifications will be made to the rules of the 3.5 system to streamline combat (which will not be very common in the first place) and emphasize uses for social skills that offer hints and narrative expansion rather than simple solutions to encounters. I have drafted out some rules for Skills, Character Creation, and Combat, although these may be subject to minor tweaks before we begin.

Knowledge of the Eberron campaign setting is not a necessity, only a desire for great story-telling and narrative, though having access to Eberron source books may enhance your appreciation for the storyline and help you to develop background for your character. The campaign will consist of two parts: short adventures or sub-plots featuring as little as one encounter, which will be designed to help immerse you in the City of Towers and develop a more satisfying sense of accomplishment (which is hard to do in PBP) and main plot adventures which will explore more about the nature of the Blood Moon and its significance for Sharn and the world of Eberron at large.

Your characters will start young and inexperienced in the ways of the world (for the most part anyway) and will begin at 1st-level. Play will begin on the Night of the Blood Moon, as it comes to be called, and your characters will be some of those brave few who dare to venture out on this ghastly night in search of answers. I am willing to accept a maximum of four players at this point in time. Precedence will be given to those who expressed interest in the Interest Check thread if they are still interested. Alternates may apply, but I make no promises for them. I do welcome all to read and enjoy.

I am not looking at a hard start-date. But I have developed this idea for over two years now and am ready to begin as soon as the players are.

Rogues Gallery
IC Night of the Blood Moon
Mandyran, mentor to Dorius (retired)
Kurt Karr'Aashta, mentor to Berrent (retired)
Iyanna ir'Talan, mentor to Brad (retired)
Hanamelk, mentor to Alise (retired)
Lt. Zaira Dane, mentor to Vigil
Reina Doiran, mentor to Nadia
Lorsanna Korvane, mentor to Soranda Aurenz
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First Post
This sounds really interesting and I'd really like to join it!

I just have a few problems that may slow me down.

1. I haven't played 3.5 in over four years. I switched over to Pathfinder a couple years ago and have been playing on that. I know that they are basically the same, but there's enough of a difference that I may stumble with things sometimes.

2. I never have played an Eberron Setting before. I have the "Races of Eberron" book because we were supposed to start one a long time ago, but my DM never got it off the ground. But I'm open to anything new! XD

3. I've never done a play by post before so, I'm a little lost on how exactly this is supposed to work.

If you can see past those flaws I'd love to be apart of your campaign. I always wanted to do and Eberron campaign but was stopped because of lack of knowledge.


None of that should be a problem Ravyn. Play by post is similar to tabletop but you have more time to think out your character's actions. It does go a little bit more slowly but the richness of the roleplaying makes up for that. Not having done Eberron before is not a problem. Just familiarize yourself with the Ten Important Facts and you are good to go. More details will be explained during the course of the game. As for difference between PF and 3.5, the games are similar enough. Reference of the d20srd.org should clear up any questions about the major rules. It is much like PF's SRD. In fact I would say the hypertext d20 SRD was the inspiration for the PF SRD.


First Post
Hi there, I am really interested in participating in this campaign if you'll have me! It sounds awesome, and I'm really impressed by the atmosphere you've created in that opening spiel.

I have played in a couple of short-lived PbP campaigns and lots of IRL campaigns. I'm pretty familiar with Eberron and D&D 3.5.

Am I too late to join in?


I would be happy to have you on board Floating Disc. There were a few people who mentioned interest in the interest check thread, but [MENTION=21087]pneumatik[/MENTION] was the only one really participating in the discussion. So chances are I still have a spot or two open.


The 8th Evil Sage
I'm definitely interested. I love the set-up so far and plan on playing a face-man and investigative rogue with the Dragonmark of Passage. I'll try to spec out a full character sheet tomorrow.


So FloatingDisc is thinking of playing a gnome bard whose occupation is a journalist, possibly a writer for the Sharn Inquisitive. pneumatik will be playing a human rogue with the Dragonmark of Passage and a member of House Orien with social and investigative skills, probably a troubleshooter for House Orien and freelance problem-solver, maybe a private eye. Ravyn's character concept is still pending.


I'll toss my hat into this ring. I'm thinking of a changeling fighter, a reformed thug who works as a bouncer and sometimes informer but is seeking better work.


Changeling fighter, eh? Interesting concept. I can see how being a changeling could assist in the bouncer's line of work though. Pick whatever looks most intimidating for the situation when needed but otherwise be able to keep a low profile.


For those of you who have come up with character concepts I am going to begin assigning mentors. Your history and relationship to the mentor will be up to you to develop but in each case this will be an NPC you can go to for advice, quests, or information. As stated in the interest check thread they will either be part of the same class as your character or a related class. So the gnome bard might have a wizard, sorcerer, rogue or even an expert as a mentor. I will give you some information on your mentor and you can decide from there what you would like the relationship to be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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