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[Adventure]: A Knight in d'Argent Manor (DM: renau1g, Judge: Luinnar)

With blood from his possessor still pumping through him, Malakai wasn't about to allow the Drow a chance to escape. The only problem was that he had absolutely no clue as to where the Drow had managed to escape. Malakai walks toward Nathantiel (the most perceptive of them all by far), hoping that the elf would spot the unsuccessful assassin.

"WHERE IS DARK ELF!? WHERE IS DARK ELF!?" he asks of his team mates, dagger hand twitchy and waiting for the signal to blast the general area he is pointed toward. The Drow might have been invisible...but whether or not you can see your foe doesn't really matter if you cover their entire body in flames...

Minor: Perception: 8

Move: Moves to S27 so that he can cover the most area on the map within the short range of his powers.

Standard: Ready a use of Ignition. Origin square will be whichever square is first pointed out to Malakai. Since ignition is an area attack, it will ignore the -5 penalty from total concealment/invisibility. If there is any cover on the attack, subtract its penalty from my roll below. Can't tell from status if the Drow is bloodied or not (I'm not sure if the drow has TAKEN 12 damage... or has 12 hit points left...). If it is bloodied, add 2 to the attack and damage rolls below.

Ignition: Area burst 1 within 10; Rolls 12 vs Fortitude; Potential damage: 15

Nevermind... even with the -5 penalty to defenses...this would be a miss. However, if the Drow ends its turn in the zone (or steps out of the zone and is somehow moved back into the zone) she will take 4 fire damage.

Of course... if the drow is bloodied or if someone can provide Malakai with a +2 bonus to hit... this turns into a hit.


[sblock=Malakai's Stats] Malakai - Tiefling Sorcerer (Elementalist) 4
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 17, Fort 17, Reflex 13, Will 20
HP 31/46 Regen 2, Bloodied 23, Surge Value 11, Surges 7/10
Speed 6, Initiative +2
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Elemental Bolt, Ignition
Encounter Powers:Elemental Escalation (Fire) [x][x], Hellfire Heart [x], Shield of Flames[x]
Daily Powers:Diabolic Transformation [x], Black Wrath of Hell [x]
Item Powers:Chromatic Robe Power (Encounter) [x], Flame Bracers Power (Daily) [] [/sblock]

After we complete this battle, would you mind if I spent a few DM RP points to bring Malakai up to lvl 5?

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Lilli can't see the Drow, but she's rather content not to. She moves to stand by the other end of the hedge so as to keep watch there.

[sblock=actions]Minor Action: Lilli can't spot the Drow.

Move Action: Moves to AF33.

Standard Action as a Move Action: Moves to AH31.[/sblock]


First Post
Artemis levels his heavy, iron rod in the direction of the Drow's voice.

"If you were leaving, you shouldn't have said anything."

Starlight blasts from his rod through the bushes. Artemis waits to see if the blast hits the Drow or at least scares him enough not to return.

Start: Take 5 damage.

Minor: Perception: 17.

Standard: Eldritch Bolt vs. Drow: 1d20+10, 1d10+12 → ([16, 10], [9, 12]) Roll. 26 vs. Reflex. Not sure if that hits because she is invisible, but also has -5 to defenses TENT (thanks to WD). If it hits, the drow is dead.

Save vs. ongoing: yes!

[sblock=mini-stats]Atremis Harks- Male Human Hexblade 5
Initiative: +3, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16

AC 21 (20): For: 16 Ref: 18 Will: 20
Resist 5 cold

HP: 17/42 Bloodied: 21 Surge value: 10 Surges/day: 4/8 Speed: 5 squares,
Languages: Common, Primordial

Action Point: 0

Second Wind: used

Powers: Resplendent Blade, Eldritch Bolt, Dire Fate
Wield the Warp 1 2, Heroic Effort, Spectral Fade
Confusion of the Cosmos, Shard of Darkness, Inspiring Word, Frostwolf Pelt, Ironscar Rod, Lesser Planar Ally [/sblock]

[sblock=Artemis' attack]
I'm pretty sure the Drow has a 22 reflex. If so, then you hit, because the -5 defenses and +5 defenses (from invisibility) cancel out. Only thing is... when you can't see a foe, you don't target THEM...you target a square you think that they are in. Then the DM tells you if the attack hits or misses. If it misses, you're not supposed to know if it was because you didn't hit their defenses, or if it was because you chose the wrong square... in this case, the DM gives us the defenses, so now you just need to select the square you're attacking. [/sblock]


First Post
The bolt streaks forward and then stops, as it strikes something unseen. The drow falls and reappears, quite dead.

OOC: In the interest of time, we'll assume that [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] selects the proper square


First Post
OOC: Well, I did pass the perception check :)

Artemis kneels at the drow's body, closing her eyes, "As it was written in the stars."

He stands, "We should check the bodies," then glares at Malakai, "What's left of them at least."

OOC: Artie is already at 4/8 surges, which means I don't think he should lead the next charge... Maybe WD could bring a bear and go first? or go first and summon a bear? Who has the best healing options to minimize surge use?

The creature breathes heavily within Malakai's body, sniffing out any foe that could be remaining. It wanted badly to keep burning everything in sight and it next set its eyes on Artemis...

[sblock=Within Malakai's Mind]

Chained to a pillar of rock in a sea of fire, Malakai struggles to break free of his bonds. He hated when the creature was able to take over. He really needed to learn how to keep his anger better in check, as it made it much easier for the beast to take over. The creature paced wildly back and forth a short distance from the chained Malakai, laughing at him for his weakness.

Hearing the somewhat subtle insult from the warlock, the beast grins. The beasts' hunger for wanton destruction was never sated, and it used any excuse it could find to continue burning everything in sight. Anger was Malakai's weakness and doorway for the creature to take over. Blinding bloodlust was the creatures' weakness, and Malakai took advantage of this. His chains were just long enough that he could have approached the pacing demon if he wanted to. He hadn't wanted to before now because, quite honestly, the beast did channel raw power more fully than Malakai could do so on his own. So he accepted the possession this time so that he could better defeat his enemies.

Now that his enemies were finished, however, Malakai needed to protect Artemis from "himself". It wasn't that he cared at all for the warlock, or had any kind of compassion for any of his team mates, but allowing the beast to kill one of his "companions" would just eliminate another tool Malakai had at his disposal. As such, he felt that now was the time to act...before anyone got hurt.

Rushing forward, Malakai wrapped his arms around the beasts neck. With a mighty roar, the beast struggled to fight against Malakai and a simultaneous physical and mental struggle took place. The beast was stronger physically, but Malakai was far superior mentally. Malakai simply hung on for all he was worth while fighting for control of his body once again. Suddenly, the clasps around the Tiefling's wrists released and Malakai immediately clamped those onto the wrists of the beast, pulling on the chains as hard as he could, and slamming the beast against the stone pillar. He had won...this time.

Blinking his eyes a few times, The solid orbs of color narrow until the whites return in the Tiefling's eyes. He turns to Artemis.

"I gave them ample warning, and told them what would happen were they to not allow us entrance. I merely made good on my promise."

Walking over to those bodies that were not completely incinerated or already being checked on, the Tiefling rifled through pockets and pouches, hoping to find anything that might be of use to him or someone else on the team.

Voidrunner's Codex

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