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BBs Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings (Closed)


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"Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara, Deshi, Deshi, Basara, Basara." Prisoners chating Rise in Dark Knight Rises.


Sandpoint, Varisia's light of the lost coast, holds an event that celebrates the rebuilding of their church to Desna, which was burnt to the ground several years ago. So on this day of the Autumnal Equinox on the day of Rova, the 22nd, the Swallowtail Festival begins. The festival attracts numerous amount of guests around the world!

From the Northgate of Sandpoint a bronze skin stone like gargoyle being attracts the eyes of other travelers as they enter the city. The Gargoyles good posture, and actions by cheering up some kids, proves to the townsfolk he is not dangerous. He continues his path to the square before the newly built church.

From the east spans Tanner's Bridge a rat with a sack walks across it. Almost stranger things have resided in the town, almost, for the ratfolk carries with him a musket. Guns are uncommon within the town, but have been through before. The combination of a rat with a gun is what catches the eye of anyone in sight. With eyes upon him, the ratfolk makes his way to the square before the newly built church.

To the south east another bridge named Sandpoint Bridge bridges the gap. Upon it walks two strange adventurers, one being a werewolf, yet is not a werewolf. The townfolk are terrified of the strange creature being in daylight and tend to even avoid eye contact, but gaze behind her when she not looks. The townguard keep a close eye on her as she makes her way to the square before the newly built church.

After the wolf creature closed the gap, a strange ... little ... guy ... thing, crosses the bridge with strikingly, great speed. The townsfolk don't even get a glance at whatever it was that crossed due to it's size, speed, and the wolf like creature. All that was felt was a rush of wind around the knees. To the little creature, that is it's normal speed, with a hunt for the square before the newly built church.

To the infamous Sandpoint Harbor, a boat arrives full of people around the world. First to exit the boat is a half-elf with but a mask with one eye hole. He gazes around the look of Sandpoint with his good eye before making his adventurous way to the square before the newly built church.

The crowd gathers at the square before the church for the welcoming speeches. The first to the podium is the mayor of Sandpoint, Deverin. She clears her throat, and begins

"Welcome to Sandpoint, from all of us who live here at Sandpoint, let me be the first to thank everyone for joining us. Even Larz over there torn himself away from his tanner, just for us." Every townsfolk there laughs. "But enough about jokes, here is our town sheriff to give us the rules of the festival. Please give a welcome to Sheriff Belor Hemlock" Mayor Deverin steps aside for Belor to take the stand. After everyone's applause quietens, the Sheriff begins his dour speech.

"Please be safe around the evening's bonfire. Last thing we need is another church to be burnt down. The church was not the only thing burnt down, many lives were lost. Please join me in silence for those lives lost." Everyone is silent for that moment. "To no one's surprise, Lonjiku Kaijitsu is suddenly ill, so we will skip straight to Cyrdak Drokkus" The shriff stands aside for Sandpoint's showman Cyrdak, and is up to the challenge to bring everyone's mood back up.

"Thanks for that Belor, I don't think anyone is planning for this church to get burnt down, not with how painful the process was. It was all thanks to the people here, and as a reward, my play 'The Harpy's Curse' will be playing in the followin evening. The harpy queen will be played by none other that Magnimar's star, Allishanda. Everyone here deserves it after your hard work, let me hear a roar!" The crowd gives a cheer. "Not good enough, I need you to be louder." The crowd even cheers louder! "Still can't hear you!" The crowd gives a huge roar of applause! "That's it! Yeah! Now here's Father Zantus!" Cyrdrak joins Belor and Deverin as Father Zantus steps up to the podium to give a short speech.

"Thank you all for comming, it pleases me so much that people from around the world have come. Please don't let me keep you, you've all probably been dieing for the fun and games this festival brings. I hope we havn't bored you too much, without further delay, let the festival begin!" The crowd cheers and disperses for the fun and games!

OOC: Allrighty then, that's the intro to this campaign, start things off with the festival and having fun. There are games to be had; sack races, hide-and-seek, weight-lifting challenges, balance beam contests, tug-of-war events, fortune telling, and the like. This is a way to introduce PCs to each other, and key NPCs in the town. Winners get bragging rights for the rest of the day, but for the Sandpoint residence, that is awesome! Roleplay it out, and I'll guide and help to the best of my abilities.

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Orgyl stops after getting onto the Dock and takes a large, heavy breath. His Journey from Lands-afar has been a long one, for he had been out at see for what seemed like an eternity, and breathed in some sweet, sweet land air. As a breeze goes by he feels his Long red hair blow every which way, settling over the eye hole on his mask, which he quickly moves aside. The red colour of his hair is but one gift that his father had given him, which had gotten him more attention then he has wanted in the past. Despite being during a festival however, the mask that sits on his face appeared to be attracting some attention, being of simple design, the lack of a right eye hole could possibly be the cause of the attention. What did catch his eye was the wolf like creature, which he decided could prove interesting, so he approached it.

"Good day to you wolfy! My name is Orgyl the red!.......just kidding, the name is just Orgyl i have no title, thought i would just include my hair in this conversation HAHA! Can i ask who you are and what manner of beast you are?" Orgyl leans in Closer to get a better look at the Wolf creature, even allowing it to see the bright yellow of his eye up close.

Dharuhk Svahre

First Post
Wayeen emerged from the gambling den, his eyes immediatly offended by the bright sunlight. He could not remember how long it had been since he was sent off from his homeland, tasked with experiencing the outside world in order to further enlighten his isolated people. He was not the first Neeyawracka to leave his home. Their people had an adventuring spirit and tended to wander away. But most of the ones who left never returned. Wayeen was going to go back to his people one day a hero, loaded with knowledge of the world. Or so he hoped.

Neeyawrackas as a race did not hold any value to the concept of currency. To them, the quality of your ancestral weapons was the key to your social status. Wayeen was a noble, though a lesser one. With his higher quality weapon strapped to his back he stode off into the sunset without fear or worry. Now here he was, stranded in this city for weeks. He scrounged what he could and scraped by just berely. Then a boon was gained from discovering a dropped coin purse on the ground. Hearing tales from drunkards at the taverns, he descended into the gambling den intent on making his fortune to continue his journey. And for once, luck was with him. he left the dark dreary building with a full 90 gold in his pocket. He could now continue his journey.

The sounds of a festival invaded his ears, pounding into his head. His first intention was to shy away to some dark hole and sleep, but he knew the point of his journey was to experience new things. His new found wealth stowed securely in his pocket, he ventured into the festival. He meandered through the events until he spotted a "hide and seek" booth. His blood boiled at the chance to hunt, and be hunted. Even if it was just a game, he was forced to be on his best behavior and had to refrain from doing such activities for real. It would be a nice distraction.

[sblock] Adding character description to rogues gallery now. Don't think I really need to worry about backstory since I worked it into my first post. [/sblock]


First Post
Kat adjusts the blinds on his shooting stand, rechecks the locks on his musket and the targets at the end of his lane. Hoping no one notices how rickety the structure is or the prizes he opens his stand for customers. "Come one, come all! Knock down the target win a prize." Kat looks at his rickety stand made from refuse and scraps, the only thing of value is the musket tethered then shrugs. If it works it works if not it won't. He then freezes and slowly turns around. Trying to casually walk around the backside of the stand to check the safety area. Confirming it is clear he sighs with relief and sets up a few warning signs before returning to the front. He alternates between shouting to the crowds and performing acrobatics to get attention. Tunneling, jumping and climbing around.

[sblock] that should have been a +9 not +90 so the total would be 13[/sblock]
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First Post
Kat successful attracts a crowd, getting a chance at the musket is something most people cannot pass off.


Behemoth smiled warmly at the children as he adjusted his darkened glasses, his toothy wide grin causing them to run giggling.
The sun was so bright out today! He knew that to most beings this was a good sign, but being descended from creatures who lived entirely in the night, his eyes were bred to darkness, not light.
Did that make him the evil beast most thought when they saw his feral, brutish appearance?

The thought often haunted him, but the reaction of the children gave him hope. This was the first town he'd entered since fleeing his home that hadn't asked him to leave - or in some cases, outright attacked him and chased him away. He could easily have defended himself, but he understood their fear. His people, too, had been a paranoid and xenophobic clan... perhaps that isolation had led to their demise.

He had heard good things about Sandpoint from those who had been willing to speak to him, and arriving in the middle of what appeared to be a city-wide party couldn't hurt!

Behemoth wandered the streets, careful not to get uncomfortably close to anyone and scare them.. There were so many sights, activities, and different races, he was nearly overwhelmed. Of course he could easily win at the feats of strength, but showing off his immense strength may not be the best way to quell any fears about him. As he thought this, he noticed a strange looking wolf-creature being not-so-discreetly followed by Guards. He watched it pass with a wary eye for a moment, before realizing that he had just judged the creature the same as he had been so harshly viewed before. With a sigh, he turned around.. Perhaps it wasn't so easy..

"Fortune teller..." He stopped at one booth, raising an eye.. Some in his clan had been seers capable of foretelling the future, but he had also heard of blaggards that pretended to such power, robbing people of their money with false hope.
Well, he had little to be robbed of, and he doubted the person inside would try on someone so intimidating...

"Good day, seer.. I mean you no harm, I simply wish to know if your powers can aid me in finding the remains of my scattered people." he smiled warmly at the fortune-teller as he entered.
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First Post
Behemoth enters the fortune teller's tent, greeting the seer, looking around the small tent he sees it's pretty round and small. Around the tent are candle stands, across on the other side is a black veil, and in the middle of the tent is a round table with a woman sitting on the other side. She is cloaked in black robes, and is wearing a black mask. The robes are worn tight revealing that she has a pretty form. Looking up to the gargoylike human she speaks in a unexpected young tone, contrary to the old seeress you usually get.

"Ah a big interesting fellow looking for his lost people, please come in, come in." Noticing the big one is handling his purse, she announces "All fortune telling is for free, it is a trust sort of thing, you have nothing to lose for a free look into the future, right? But first ... going to need a bigger chair." She gets up to take the chair across from her, and enters the black veil behind her. After a few seconds of rustiling with chair moving sounds, she re-emerges with a chair big enough for the big man. "Always come prepared" She sets-up the chair, and sits back down on hers inviting the giant one to sit on the other chair.

"Okay so I do palm reading, no crystal ball or card stuff, so I'll require your assistance." after the big one extends his palm, she surfaces his palm with her fingers, and enters a sort of strange trance. "Hmmm I see not your people, but a group of strange acquantences." the candles' fire shift and turn slightly. "I see fire ... glass ... even though it's a nice day out, a bit of a breeze starts picking up in the tent. "Catacombs ... and a ... a ... strange star." she draws upon the giant's palm a seven sided star, upon the completion of her drawing all the candles in the tent go out. The seeress exits her trance breathing heavily. "I ... no idea .... what? ..." she regains her posture and breathes controllably. "that is all I can do for you, thank you for comming, and have a good day." Without hesitation, she gets up, and enters the black veil in the back, with no signs of leaving for some time.


First Post
Altira looks at the strange masked man. "My name is Altira," she says as she stands up on her hind legs. Standing to her true height of 5'9", "And I am a Loup Ga Rou. We are not a very common in the cities," She looks over at the people she can feel staring at her. "I really don't like it when people stare at me."


First Post
Orgyl Looks over this strange wolf creature, though it looks remarkably close to a werewolf, it clearly isn't. After a few moments however he realizes he has been staring to long and retreats back slightly, "well its a pleasure to meet you Altira!" he says cheerfully. "Perhaps to take some of the attention away from you, we should find something that is proving more interesting then you appearance, how about that ratfolk person over there at the shooting gallery.....or perhaps the hide and seek booth so you can use some of those......hunting instincts you probably have hehehe."


First Post
Altira gives a toothy smile to Orgyl. "hide and seek sounds like it would be fun," altira says going back down to all fours and heads over to hide and seek area. "i may have a bit of an advantage with my ability to smell better then humans. and people might not want to play with me, i am scary to some people."

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