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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter II: A Wretched Hive


Mir comments, "Who said I would be the one leaving?" With a shrug she looks at Sloor and then joins the others...

As everyone comes together the woman asks. "So where are we at? Readying to move out?"

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
(Earlier, cockpit)
OOC: With Possum's permission, Sirona's earlier reply is now actually:
"That's... actually not a bad idea," admits Sirona. "Yes, I think it can actually be done. No guarantee on how long the turnaround will be on that message though. Could be a couple of *days*..."

"Still better than nawthing, sra -- marbling better! Frek, let's daw it right naw. Bawrraw your chair?" Assuming she agrees, Sloor sits down in the dark command chair, positions his datapad in a strategic location on the console and presses the holo-record button:

[sblock=Sloor's Message]"You knaw who I am. I'm hawping you're who I want you taw be awr we're in wawrst trawble than I thawght. Missian's gawing gawd: we're Darga's new best mercenary palls and we've learned three things fawr sure saw far. Awne, the imperials have a huge slave-kidnapping and fawrced labawr awperatian in play. Dan't knaw what they're warking awn yet, but the slaves are all nan-human dissidents and pawtential pawlitical 'trawble makers'. Taw, Darga's piece awf the prawject is taw sell Tibanna gas taw them awn the quiet side, in exchange fawr what's left awf the imperial's used-up slaves, *plus* sawme creds awn the side. Darga's gas is shipped awt awf a whawlly-awned refinery he has up awn Bespin. Three, the imperial negawtiatawr they sent awver here happened taw be awne Victra Sind, a black-awps awperatives warking variaws jawbs in this quarter. We knew here fraw befawre, saw we snapped her up after the meeting and are presently hawlding her lawcked up tight in the hawld. We're planning taw bring her taw you fawr further debriefing. Lastly, we've alsaw lawcated taw jedi frawzen in carbawnite dawn in Darga's dungeons. Seems like the spirks've been there since befawre the war began!

"Saw the questians we have fawr you are: Daw we send you Victra right naw, priawrity cawrrier? Unless you send a ship taw pick her up, that'd leave us stranded for four days, but it can be dawne. Secand: What kind awf bawnus are we talking abawt if we bring you *taw* brand new jedi recruits? And, mawst impawrtantly: daw we continue pushing the search fawr the prawject through Darga, awr shawld we head straight fawr Bespin?

"My view is that we've gawt a lawt awf good will awn Darga's side, which might be frecsing helpful fawr any further awp in the regians. And since he *awns* awer frecsing next target... It'd sawrt awf be a shame taw waste that. Sawme awf my- cawlleagues disagree, think we should drawp Darga like a live detawnatawr and head straight fawr Bespin withawt an invite." What was it those holofilm action hunks always concluded these things with? Oh yeah: "Please advice." The image shows him reaching out and cutting the recording.[/sblock]"Haw was that?"

<Response Okeefe?>

"I'll talk taw Mack abawt maybe setting sawmething simpler up next time we head awt." Assuming they make it out of this one, of course! Secrecy is all well and good, but information is life and all that sort of thing. "Well, better get back to it. Thanks sra."

He's almost through the door, but, now that he thinks of it: "Haven't seen the Mizza girl arawnd since I gawt back; she alright?" With all the previous talk about over-eating...

OOC: Edited based on the info Possum provided in this post.
"Yeah," shrugs Sirona with a half amused, half rueful shrug. "She definitively overate though: in the small medbay with a dreadful stomach ache. She's all right other than that, though."

"Figured it was sawmething like that," grins Sloor, reassured. "Keep up the gawd wawrk, sra." A couple of friendly if resounding taps on the Banshee's metallic hull and then he's off down the corridor, towards the mess hall.

Is that where TB got to? With the Mizza girl? Those med progs must be affecting it's thinking... A sudden, inner smirk: unless it's cataloguing the 'inefficiencies of the organic energy conversion systems' or something...? Banshee's becoming a real Rebellion outpost, with its own frecsing donjon, a growing rebellion cell cum slave outreach program, maybe even a frecsing jedi temple sometimes soon (powers preserve them)... Wonder how long that can last.

And then his momentary good mood progressively darkens as what's coming next starts looming: that frekking interrogation Mack's so hot about! (Well, with any luck the SWAT man has already... Given up? Gotten what they need? Frek, doesn't sound too likely either way, does it? (No offense to Mack) No, if they want to get anything without actually...)

Up ahead Mir is saying to Darius: "We could always revive those in the carbonite. Two people move much easier than attempting to move two such encasements, even if they are not able to do much. As long as they can move, there is that advantage. Perhaps then the Imperials that are returning are only taking back defective slaves and not more precious cargo."

Still on the carbsicle rescue, uh? Sloor comes in and quickly summarises his results for them.

"I guess we continue on our own initiative for now, then," says Darius with a shrug at the captain's response.

"Guess we daw," agrees Sloor... "Guess it's also time to see what Mack's been doing during all this," he reluctantly continues. Guess they *should* leave the message-checking/message-sending for afterwards, in case they do learn something *major* out of the agent. He heads to the cargo hold where they stashed the stunned ones (and one very dead one, unfortunately).

"I'll wait here... thanks," Mir says as the others make their way to interrogate the negotiator. [Scene link]

OOC: Just to be clear, when speaking of "delayed packet", Sloor was talking about sending them a recorded message that would be passed on to the Resurgence via Organa (or a pre-agreed drop-box location), possibly days later. Not some sort of time-delayed real-time conversation or anything... Does that change Sirona's answer in any way?

(Now, Mess Hall)
Leaving behind a confused besalisk.

Who blinks a few times and then follows, out the door and down the corridor: "What daw you mean: 'nawt the awne leaving'? *You're* the awne who suddenly mentiawned parting ways awt awf the blue!" Right? He didn't imagine that, did he? So that last bit was- a challenge???

<Response Mir?>

OOC: I'm imagining this bit as they're walking down the corridor, Mir in front. :)
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Dr Simon

Darius and Mack

Darius frowns. "Nothing of much import," he reports. "Mostly clarifying positions for Sloor's benefit." He waves a dismissive hand towards the hold where the prisoners are kept. "Same mission as before," he says. "Rescue the carbonite prisoners. Me and Mir are going there now - we know where they are and how they are guarded, we have a rough idea of who they are. I don't think we need further information from the prisoners, do you?"


As she is before the besalisk he does not see the woman roll her eyes, "Do not over think it Sloor. It is just an off comment."

With everyone... "We good to go?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Frecsing infuriating woman, really: "Which awne? The awne abawt parting ways awr the awne just naw?" Funny, funny stuff either way.

Mir just ignores him as she walks straight into the cargo hold <correct me if I'm wrong, SD>. With everyone... "We good to go?"

But Sloor is on a roll, jumping subjects as if he hadn't stopped speaking, "And haw, exactly, is killing- hawmany much you're gawing taw kill in this awperatian awf yours - any better than- I dan't knaw - actually stawpping, figuring awt what's actually gawing awn and maybe daw things with a little frekking finesse?"

OOC: And we've made it to the cargo hold. :)


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier


Still holding a piece of the white armor after just taking it off the clone trooper, Mack casually tosses it onto a pile of the pieces he had been making since he began stripping the dead and unconscious troopers.

He looks down at the stunned unconscious woman and replies, "So... we don't need the disguise or the ruse, then. Okay, how are you two planning to do this? Or is there no plan now, just walk in, grab them, and walk back out?"

Most of the time the soldier is not up to speed on the intrigue questions and who they can squeeze for information and who they need to schmooze. But, tactical planning are his forte. He doesn't even need much encouragement to take action, knowing that even good plans don't always work out after contact with the enemy. The soldier understands that planning is not always an option without good intel, sometimes you just have to act and react to the situation as it unfolds. Have blaster, will travel and the Imperials can just look out for themselves.

Plopping the helmet on his head, Mack flips the catches to lock it in place. The air filtering system gentling breezing into operation, hardly noticeable after a few moments.

"Okay, let's do this." He cradles his blaster rifle in his arms as he prepares to follow the others from the Cargo Bay.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Mack Granger
4 (Rescue) FP: 5
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: nothing but a speeder

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]
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Dr Simon

Darius shakes his head as if to clear it.

"My apologies," he says to Mack,"disturbances in the Force... or something. I don't seem to be thinking clearly. We could still go with the disguise idea, it has merits. On the other hand, there's something to be said for direct and simple approach," he adds with a small and slightly mischevious smile.

OOC: Gah! I'd completely forgotten about the disguise plan!

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Darius and Mack

OOC: Sloor is waiting on a reply/reaction from Mir, but FYI both Mir and then Sloor have now fully entered the cargo hold where you guys are (my last post). Plug us into your conversation thread whenever you're ready. By an incredibly coincidence, we're presently discussing the same thing you are. :)
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First Post
Binder: You are all now in the cargo bay. Sending a holotape to Organa is actually a pretty good idea, however, there's no way for it to arrive in time for anything to really get done. As for the liberated slave, she has indeed overate and is now in the small medbay with a dreadful stomach ache. She's all right other than that, though.

OOC: About ready to move on to the "raid" to rescue the carbsicles?


Mack Granger, Human Male Soldier


Mack stops short, whatever that has been going on Darius has not been particularly clear. Possibly a bit nutty from the Force? Blastin' Keyton wasn't always quite right in the head either.

While he was busy, something has happened apparently. Everyone's body language is slightly different now. He notices that Mir is a bit aloof and not very communicative, ignoring the besalisk. He senses Sloor has his patience being tested.

The metallic sound of his voice through the helmet masks most of his own emotion, "Okay Darius, so you and Mir are not running off to do some rescue on your own. Sloor here is talking about killing people, so I just assumed we were going to bust them out. Fine by me if we are and that's what it takes."

"But, if we are going to still use the ruse of clone trooper armor, then we might as well see what that woman knows first."

"So... which is it? Or do I decide?"

Still wearing his own helmet, the soldier's head swivels to look at each of his companions in turn.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Mack Granger
4 (Rescue) FP: 5
Init: +10 Perception: +10(+8 without Helmet)
HP: 55 (17 Threshold) Current: 55 CT: 0
Reflex: 21 (18ff) Fort: 17 Will: 15

Weapon in Hand: nothing but a speeder

Attack Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Battle Analysis, Cover Fire, Running Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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