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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 0 - The Sending of the Wanderer

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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Upon having witnessed the Wanderer's sending, the small elven girl's expression grows even sadder than usual, and her normally serene demeanor is brushed away by the full fury of her elemental ancestry. Struggling hard to control her emotions, she clenches her fists hard and channels all of her pain and rage into a single blow that shatters one of the many tables that stand in her sanctuary, and scatters the books lying upon it across the floor.

"I don't want to fight yet again..." she exclaims to herself, sighing heavily.

Still slightly distressed but calm once again, she begins to ponder the ramifications of what she just experienced. Images of times long past come to her mind, reminding her of the gruesome senselessness of uncompromising conflict. Yet, if the Wanderer is right, the future might be even bleaker than even the past ever was. Still pondering the situation, she begins to send out projections of herself to many of her friends and allies across the lands of the Baklunish and beyond...

A short while later...

Yet another sending, this time by some ragtag band of self-righteous drow, apparently! But they seem both powerful and determined... Shyntara thinks a bit about this new development, and then makes her mind up. Sighing, she advises her allies to take the necessary steps.

Yet another couple hours later...

Envoys from the Baklunish confederation are quickly dispatched to the Kevellond League's meeting.
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The News - Update 3

There are rumors of an invasion of the Flanaess from Ishtarland, Lyrn, the Wind Dukes, Esmerin, Zindia, Varnaith - it is said all those nations have allied to conquer the Flanaess, and other western nations are joining them.
There are rumors that a dragon army is about to invade the Flanaess.

There are rumors that the Emperor of Aerdi has just declared himself a God.
There are rumors that all the people of Aerdi have gone mad, and are assembling into a gigantic army of berserkers.
There are rumors that evil elves are attacking out of Adri Forest, with ancient and superpowerful magic.
There are rumors that Aerdi has raised another undead host to invade Nyrond with.
There are rumors that Aerdi has allied with the Giants.
There are rumors that the Sahuagin have joined Aerdi.
There are rumors Acererak has joined Aerdi.

Rumors out of Aerdi report all religions have been banned, churches are burning, clergy are being murdered en mass, cathedrals are being plundered and are collapsing, and the forces of Hextor are falling back from the major cities.
These rumors turns out to be false.

There are confirmed reports of massacres and atrocities, and of widespread bedlam.
There are rumors the Emperor has turned all his nobles into mindless puppets, and intends to do so for the entire population.

There are confirmed rumors that Kas has joined Aerdi, but his forces are currently in Keoland!
There are reports of islands surfacing in the Nyr Dyv, filled with fell monsters, which are preparing to come out and attack.

There are widespread reports of troop movements and assemblages in the eastern Flanaess, across Delrune and Fellands, in the Rakers, in Nyrond, even up in Stonefist and in the barbarian lands.
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First Post
Aurican's first order is to reestablish order, subdue unrest, put the minds of the commoners at ease, and stop any riots and fire. Imperial and central government agents are dispatched far and wide, rounding up miltias and calling up the army to restore order.

Aurican then contacts some of his fellow dragons in this world and on others, asking for their help. He contacts those he know will help; some for fighting for the right cause, some for the opportunity to examine this new 'technology', and some for the right price.

Avoiding entering into any confusion in the east, Aurican will determine the veracity of the Sending for himself. He embarks for Realmsapce at once, with a small honor guard.


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To Williams:

The lord of Keoland reports that an army of FIVE MILLION men, women, and undead are in his country.
He has pulled his small army aside, evacuated all the people he could who were in the path of this marching army.

He reports they are burning as they go, plundering, taking everything. A number of towns have been destroyed, and much countryside stripped of crops.

He emissaries to this army have not returned, and no emissaries from this army have come to him.

He reports that Kas - THE Kas of the ancient world, is leading this army.

He does not know where the army is going, but it is making a mess out of his country, and threatens all the surrounding lands.

He is screaming for help. He wants help, and he wants it NOW.

To Uvenelei:

Your emissaries to Toril are met by a bunch of beings out of some awful nightmare (the phaerimm), and detained.
Incredibly, these monsters are friendly, but they demand to know just what your people are doing?
Coming to investigate the Sending of the Wanderer?
Very well. When the High Command of the UC gives the go ahead (when Forrester posts that the emissaries can pass) they will be allowed to pass through into Toril.

FROM TORIL comes a Sending. It is not known from just who.

The Wanderer has deceived you.
We have achieved peace, prosperity, and paradise in our world, at great cost and sorrow.
We urge you to reject the claims of one who has allowed his heart to be corrupted by hatred and fear.
Embrace the Lortmil Technomancy and it's people, and begin the long ascent into the Light.
For too long has Oerth lain in darkness and fear.
People of Oerth, arise!
Throw off your fear, and embrace the people of the Lortmils.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
The sense of impending doom has led many of the Baklunish to think much more about the afterlife, and thus, embrace religion even stronger.

Meanwhile, our troops stand ready to defend our borders - and to keep order in our cities, so that we might prosper in even these dark times that lie ahead.


First Post
This is a time of blood, death and renewal

The God-Emperor of the Dark Union and the Great Empire of Aerdi wakes with a scream of rage. He realize the consecuences of what he just learned and he knows, somehow, that it was all true.
Orders of mobilization immediately go out to the armies and the nation is placed under the highest degree of war-readyness. The leader of the imperial spy cell in the Lortmil is arrested, tortured, executed and then tortured some more for failing to discover the Technomancy before this. New spies are sent to the area.
The Yugoloth, Baathezu and Efreeti are called upon to fulfill their contracts. Animation of undead is intensified and orders go out to continue our research of magic. New technologies are investigated and much energy spent on improving it.

Messenges are delivered to all our allies.

The Time has come. The time for war, the time for dominion. We must exploit the weakness and division of our enemies. We must move quickly and decisively and crush all resistance. We will bleed for this, we will suffer, but that is a prize that must be payed. The time has come, the time of blood, death and renewal. Not our deaths, but our blood and our renewal. In dirt sodden with the blood of our enemies our power will grow 'till we can defy the very heavens and heaven and earth shall tremble before us.
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In a room a strange looking kobold stands. Waiting in the torchlight. Suddenly a door open and a great demon enters, "Lord Kalanyr", he speaks and bows. As the demons seats himself on his throne a massive Gate opens and a huge Formian gates in. "Vaeregoth has arrived, we have forseen this, our allies have proven truthfull". "Vaeregoth, we have been expecting you. The time has come indeed and we are prepared". "Yes Kalanyr, Master of Blades, prepared we are", and a Illithid, a Neogi and a couple of Unseelie gate in, all wearing a drow insignia of Kalanyr's house. "These shall stand by ourside and have been dispatched by the Scion Mother herself, the swarm stands waiting and I hear you are prepared as well. Then so shall be it". Vaeregoth turns around and speaks but one word, "CAMEORI!" and with that word the representatives teleport the preset destinations and Vaeregoth himself turn around for 1 last look and glares.... before gating out himself.

And so it begun.


First Post
Not quite

Edena_of_Neith said:
The News - Update 3

Confirmed reports out of Aerdi report all religions have been banned, churches are burning, clergy are being murdered en mass, cathedrals are being plundered and are collapsing, and the forces of Hextor are falling back from the major cities.
There are confirmed reports of massacres and atrocities, and of widespread bedlam.
There are rumors the Emperor has turned all his nobles into mindless puppets, and intends to do so for the entire population.

We have not banned all religions, yet. IF and when I do so you will know it Edena, because I will state it clearly. I have not yet done this, although the Emperor has declared himself a God several years ago. The clergies of Hextor and the others coexist with the Church of Aerdi, though the relations are tense.


First Post
A single message reaches the hands of Hazen. It is written on a small parchment of fine wrought gold.

It says one word. A question of sorts.



All the nations of the Rising Sun Alliance begin to attempt to impose order, dispell romours, and bring their people together. The truth must be known. There is no alternative.

In the west, flags are raised at the head of an army snaking over the oriental lands. The symbols on them are indistinct, masked by a simple magic made all the more powerful for its quiet purpose.

In the east, a flag streams from the masts of an oceangoing ship, the first of many, all sitting in a harbour as dockworkers outfit them quickly. The flag is blurred from normal and abnormal sight.

To the south, a flag has been raised on a great building, standing tall to face the world. As of yet, the flag is unmarked.

And with some hesitation, a flag is raised north of there. This flag, too, can not be revealed.


Ware, people of Oerth. Ware the coming times. Great doom approaches us, and great tidings of joy.


Time of change has come

At a meeting called by the dwarf king Olinstadd Corond, here is a small excerpt of his words to the assembled peoples.

"I called this council together to discuss the messages we all received, and to decide where we go from here.” says the dwarf Olinstadd Corond as his hard eyes sweep the assembled people “Its time to set all differences aside and form one nation, one where all of the peoples can live life as they have, free. Terrible times are upon us, and either we stand together, or perish alone.”

The people’s represented at the meeting:

  • A representative of the Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (dwarves, spelljamming mountains, neutral and good)
  • Peoples of the Kron Hills (dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good)
  • Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good)
  • Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils)
  • Wild Coast (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good)

    (The Free Peoples of Ulek represented by Olinstadd)
  • County of Ulek (gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good)
  • Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good)
  • The western half of the Principality of Ulek (dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good)
After many hours of debate and discussion, Olinstadd (patient for a dwarf), is chosen (with some grumbling) to lead the Free Council (as it is called) and the peoples into the future. All the groups decide to choose one name for all the territory, the Kingdom of Ulek. The Kingdom of Ulek will encompass all of the above, with each area having a representative to sit on the Free Council.

The Free Council's first action is to prepare our defenses above and below ground. To mobilize the forest folk, to form all the different groups into a well ordered structure. Second we call upon our allies the Dwarves of Greyspace to help their dwarven brethren and other free peoples in this immense struggle.

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