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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 0 - The Sending of the Wanderer

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To Maudlin - Important

Maudlin, I sent you an update to the map.
Did you get it?
It is vital that the final changes be put on the map before Turn 1.


((Looks at the post directly below))

Ah. Thanks much, Maudlin. :)

Great map!
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First Post
Ugh. I just replied I'd do them tomorrow morning, since it's 3 am over here and all, but I'll quickly do them now then :)

Edit - There. What's up there now should be the quasi-definitive map as we get into Turn 1! Whew!

That wasn't so bad after all, really, apart from the repeated failed attempts at correctly typing 'People of the Shining Grotto' :)

Oh, haven't made the colour legend for the last 2 players yet, I'll do that asap. FYI, the Grey is Sollir Furryfoot and the er... vivid pink is Kaboom.
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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

((Yes. You are being scried by the Torilians, and several other Powers are attempting to scry you using magic of 5th through 9th level.))

My Intelligence forces work to disrupt their scyring attempts by whatever mean prove nessessary.

((Heh. I would think the Emperor of the Dark Union would be insulted by this reply.))

:) No insult is intendended of course.
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Zelda Themelin

First Post
((Zelda, the barbarians aren't exactly united, but they are enraged by the depraved scenes they saw in the Sending of the Wanderer, and quite willing to unite to stop these depraved Torilian monsters from invading Oerth. They would even be willing to go to war against Toril, to stamp out such depravity and monstrousness.))

OCC: Yep, not so united, true, but they do have tribal leaders they listen...well sometimes...from time to time anyway.

Soooo... and such feat of magic should be trusted as truth from gods? In Kords name, no way. As to war, why not, against whom. Time will tell. As to depravity and monstrousness, that has happened before. Barbarians haven't forgotten Iuz-incident, either. This kind of mental mind-screw-up is something else altogether. These depraved images as you put it, were projected to minds of little kids for Kord's sake. Now whatkind of madman would do such a thing, and to what purpose? Some are growling for blood of Torilians, some for fiend's responsible for those messages, but for now, I think, it's mostly confusion.

If you want to play out barbarian reactions, you are welcome, I need some sleep now. :)


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Serpenteye wrote:

The Olympic Games of Torture

are announced to be held in Jalpa in the Dark Union. Representatives to all races are invited for the interspecial and -national games of pain. The Baatezu, Yugoloth, Efreeti, Adri Elves and Aerdi Humans have already responded with interest. The victims of torture are selected from the rebellious citizens of all availible species.

((I declare that this action gives Loviatar a presence on Oerth, for the first time.
A few of those in the Shadow Empire already worshipped her, and the Olympic Games of Pain are sufficient to make it possible for her to manifest here.

Which she does, and she will begin recruiting new people ...))
((Serpenteye, your Emperor is being insulted! Surely he won't take these insults lying down??!))

The games are of course held in the name of the God-Emperor, not Loviatar, he claims all portfolios in the lands under his control, including pain. The cult of Loviatar is persecuted with extreme brutality before it can root itself (which for Loviatarites involve "comfy chairs" and "pointy cushons", the lack of pain should be excrutiating)

Insults are to be expected in times like these, but these were very minor and we are not offended. The Games will be held again next year, perhaps that would be a better time for the foreigners.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
ACK!! I just got home to find this thread already started!


Mental message to Vecna: What goes with this treachery? First you ask for negotiation, then this Oerth-wide mental sending! Decide what you wish to happen, and decide QUICKLY! You have 2 hours to respond!

Meanwhile: The legions of Kas will be marching to the lands of the Pomarj (by the quickest route possible, even through the Llortmils Technomancy) to take up temporary residence.

Also meanwhile: (in an Oerth-wide mental sending) I am the one known as Kas. Other names you may know me as include The Bloody-Handed One, The Terrible, The Destructor. Be known that my legions are moving to the lands of my allies. I hold no qualm with any of you, yet. So, it is advised to leave my forces in peace and we will not attack any major cities. Also, let it be known that the one known as Vecna, sometimes called the Demon-Lich, has returned to this time. His forces even now amass in the lands South-west of Keoland and the Hold of the Sea Princes. His control over the forces of magic exceeds even that of the most powerful mages of this time. Be warry, he is powerful and devious. And his armies will strike with speed, power, and ruthlessness not known on this world for thousands of years. Those he targets will learn a new meaning of terror, fear, and pain under the rule of the Demon-Lich and his forces. The shadow of evil has arrived at this time, be wary. Be very wary.

(during this message i send mental images of the cruelty the forces of Vecna showed against their enemies, including slaughters of surrendered armies, pillaging of towns, the slaves being taken from the populace (men, women, and children from many races), and images of those slaves: children being torn from their mother's arms, and resisting mother having her arms cut off at the shoulder for it; images of slaves being used for pleasure by the forces of vecna; images of old, frail men & women, undertaking back-breaking work alongside the young (children of not more than 12 human equivalent years), those that fall or slow are whipped until each seperate piece of flesh has fallen from their bones, then they are raised as undead to keep working (the other slaves are forced to watch as this happens, many break out in tears & screaming, many more seem sad beyond tears, and indeed they are, having seen this too many times to count).
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First Post
Hee hee.

Anabstercorian sits, brooding over the slime pools of the Solistarim illithid, the other bathers keeping a safe distance from his sheer psionic power. His mind roves far, keeping a telepathic scan over the subconscious meta-waves of the entire Flannae continent. The force of the Sending hits his open mind like a sledgehammer, and he reels, the sending echoing through him across the Solistarim in Stereo. He quickly scans the future for similar shocks in the meta-wave and views the other Sendings mere minutes after the first, using his immense psionic awareness to sense the future.

He smiles, if the expression his tentacles form could be called such. His thoughts are intranslatable, but roughly form the concept, "I knew they would follow me."

He prepares. The Solistarim prepare. The sounds of their drills echo through caverns of the underdark for miles near their territory, and the feeble inhabitants of those caves flee...

<< I'm going to kill all of you people so dead. >>

Turrosh Mak

First Post
To Kas (OCC)

Mr. Draco said:
Meanwhile: The legions of Kas will be marching to the lands of the Pomarj (by the quickest route possible, even through the Llortmils Technomancy) to take up temporary residence.

What exactly do you mean by "temporary Residence"?


If you can Reach my lands, before the big one kicks off you my make your camp western border of my Ulek terretory. I don't want 5 million fanatical warriors running around my country. I've finaly managed to restore order and I don't think your army of undead warriors will help keep people calm...

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