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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 1 - WAR!

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Turrosh Mak

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The force In the Dark Swamp

The vast horde of monsters, humaniods, and giants have been whiped into a frenzy. Their keepers decide it is time to let them loose.

With a Howl that shkes the heavens the pour out of the dark swamp and into Nyrond. They are moving swiftly towrds Rel Mord. It seems that they too want to take part in the festivites

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I thought Vecna kind of knew if this could be done in secret. And the Mythal did have last priority = secrecy more important.


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Who said our forces were spread out?

If you manage to scrape together 5 PLs of archmages, then be advised that my ships are hardly untrained when it comes to magical defense of our beloved ships. Not to mention that my Cleric, Anfaren of the Lendores, has seen many wizardly tricks through his long life, usually involved in ship to ship combat.

Your forces may use the sea occasionally for transport or trade, but the elven fleets have sailed the seas for centuries. Our captains have seen storms of natural bent far worse then anything your mages could ever conjure.

Working together, the elven fleets are not ever to be taken lightly. Put them up against overloaded transport ships, and you have a sluaghter.


I sound a genreral retreat of all , Verbabonc, Welkwood, and Wildcoast forces. I regroup them in Celene and use it to bolster the defenses of that land.

I also extend my hand of alliance to the the Pomarj.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
Kelden's army bypasses the pomarj and makes a b-line for the wild coast. once there it is there they attack the shades.
Spelljammers from the lortmills attack the shades
Githzerai and my other planars attack the shade.

In the north, The mad army of the dark swamp falls on kas's troops from behind. They show no mercy.

on my ships at sea, which carry Kas's troops: the unarmed soldiers are thrown into the ocean to drown

In the lortmills, the orcish legions stand side by side with the Gnomeish and dwarven armies of that land. The Black mage is there too.
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First Post
Prince Melf welcomes your people and armies at the border of Celene. He allows you to enter, and asks for a council of war (if you agree to work with me, then we immedietly begin to build defenses)

The Queen is absent, and the townspeople you come across are eithier terrified or welcoming, depending on their bent towards arrogance and aid.

Together, we can stand against all that opposes us.

We start summoning our planars (In Riftcrag, where Hellmaster Phibrizzo is currently),
The League of Warlords will begin raiding villages and towns in small raiding parties at all edges of the border, if there are any signs of resistance they will draw back into the border of the nations they came from. The league will aim for as many slaves as they can, any humanoids they can find and easily take and bring them back to Riftcrag.


First Post

Adri Forest is whelmed by the forces of the Dark Union and the Lost Elves working in tandem.
Many isolated areas are holding out, for Adri Forest is huge.

Kalden, Prince of Swords, finds heavy resistance in southern Keoland ... but he is able to fight his way through and reach the Lortmils.

The southern army of the Kevellond League has whelmed the Jotens, killing tens of thousands of humanoids there, burning down their encampments and fortresses, driving deep underground to take their tunnels and caverns.

Almor is turning out to be surprisingly hard to take, it's people fighting tooth and nail against the invaders from the east (the women of that country are fighting alongside the men.)
Garrel Enkdal is successfully penetrated, and there is war now in the very midst of it's many caverns and tunnels, it's great underground chambers.
The people of the Flinty Hills drive back one attack after another from the Dark Union ... it would appear this group of demihumans is not going to fall anytime soon.

The Wild Coast is whelmed. The Forces of Shade control the major cities of the coast now.
The defenders who remain have retreated west, setting up defenses in the wild, or falling back deep into Gnarley Forest, the Welkwood, and some are even falling back into Celene.

Santus and Tenser, leading the forces of Delrune and it's allies, have crossed the river into Artonsamay.
Artonsamay fought a bitter battle to prevent the crossing, and it was achieved at great cost.
Now across, the forces of Delrune are whelming Artonsamay, whose small army is no match for the tens of thousands of elves that are pouring in.

Sanctus Ponitor, leader of this great force, is offering an exchange of countries - Fellreev Forest for Artonsamay.
If the Hellmaster refuses, Sanctus is challenging him to personal combat.

A great force of elves and elven allies are marching south around the Rakers to join up with their allies in Timberway Forest.
As a result, the Seldanoran Army runs right into the army of the Dark Union that is attacking Garrel Enkdal and the Flinty Hills.
The advance of the Seldanoran Army comes to an abrupt halt, as they and the Union forces face off.
Considering the Seldanoran Army has celestials and dragons on it's side, it's looking bad for the Dark Union.

The forces of the Grandwood are actually attacking the Dark Union!
Striking OUT from the forest, they are raising havoc in Rel Astra, and across the heartland of Ahlissa.
More havoc occurs as a second force strikes from the Hollow Highlands.
Southern Ahlissa is thrown into chaos.

A great force of good giants comes storming down out of the Rakers.
It is assailing anything evil that gets in it's way - which means, it is assailing the Host of the Dark Union.
A massive series of battles erupts as the Hosts of the Dark Union battle it out against the Flinty Hills, Garrel Enkdal, the Seldanoran Host, and the Giants.
The Swanmays of Timberway Forest add their share to the chaos, as they lead yet another force onto the battlefield.


First Post
A detachment of elven ships immedietly sweeps up towards the ships of Turrosh Mak, helping the enemy dispatch the Dark Alliance forces onboard. The unarmed troops should be no match for Turrosh and myself. The elves offer to escort the transports back to the Pormaj if neccesary, after the battle.

Anarfen himself contacts the captain of Turrosh's ships, and enters into consultation with him.
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