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Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Bit confused but I'm guessing posts #427 and #429 were Gargrim and Midgrim's action for this round and that he therefore killed the last kobold on this side of the flames, right? Klyman, Climent and Pieter still to act?

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OOC: I think you and Deuce Traveler got a little over enthusiastic and made your attacks for round 2 before the Kobolds had a chance to act in round 1. After Climents post I wanted to give Klyman a chance to act, but he was the only one who hadn't made an attack yet. That said though the simplest solution would likely be to simply have the rolls you made earlier count as your actions for this round. Gargrim missed, but Midgrim was successful in killing the last of the Kobolds on this side of the flames. Klyman, Climent and Pieter are still up though, and then the Kobold survivors get their turn.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: :) Midgrim will move to the side of the tunnel after his attack if he can (cover from the random arrows wizzing our way), waiting for the flames to go down.

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Taken aback by the sudden ferocity of the flames, and lacking a ranged weapon, Pieter backs away while facing the kobolds, wary for any more arrows loosed in his direction. If there's any cover nearby (rocks, alcoves, Dwarves...) he gets behind it as best he can.


As the flames sputter down Climent says "Whew! I was not expecting that many fireworks!" After a moment or two though the flames die down, and you are surprised to see a dwarf clad in chainmail his face obscured by his helmet, and wielding an axe come barreling out of the corridor swinging like mad. "Ye Kilt me sons! Ye kilt me sons! Ima gonna et ya livva and feed ya bones to da spidas!"

It's enough of a shock that you are momentarally taken aback and he is able to get a swing in towards Midgrim
crazy dwarf attack [1d20] = 6 damage with axe [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6
Fortunately Midgrim is able to interpose his shield between himself and the dwarf and his axe head rebounds off with a clang.

monster init: [1d6] = 5
PC init: [1d6] = 3

On his turn he swings again at Midgrim, while two Kobolds emerge one of whom joins his 'father' in attacking Midgrim, while the other attacks Gargrim
crazy dwarf attack [1d20] = 7 damage with axe [1d8+1] = 1+1 = 2
Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 14 Damage [1d6] = 1
Midgrim blocks another wild swing from the dwarf but it leaves him exposed to the Kobold. Fortunately the Kobolds spear only strikes his armour, but the blow was uncomfortably close to his unarmoured armpit.

Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 18 Damage [1d6] = 2
Gargrim on the other hand is still staring goggle-eyed at the dwarf when a Kobold manages to thrust his spear into his leg snapping him out of his reverie.

OOC: Two damage to Gargrim, and you guys are up.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Corrupter!" the fat Goldhammer shouts back, hate plain on his bearded face. Off-balance, it's all he can do to keep both kobold and dwarf at bay with well-placed slashes of his axe though.

"A little help with this one, priest," he asks, jabbing at the kobold. If they take down the small fry, then they can concentrate more fully on the hated one and bring him down!

OOC: Assuming Klyman hasn't already. Kobold stew: 1D20+1 = [1]+1 = 2; 1D6+1 = [4]+1 = 5... Dwarf stew?

Voidrunner's Codex

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