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D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


I'm going to cut the quote a little Ryonez

A user is limited to editable cells only(And at the moment have absolutely no way to do anything about it). If a workaround is needed, why use the workbook, as it would defeat the purpose. Instead, I'm looking for a way the help improve it.

Make your own sheet and use the available variables to do what you want. This is what FA suggested for my request for an expanded equipment section. I copied a protected sheet and can use it as described because I know that the protections will keep me from doing anything negative to the rest of the sheet.


Protection of intellectual property is a right of the author. I hope you would agree with this. Linix is a derivative of Unix with multiple versions that have been re-commercialized by companies. Unix was made Open-source by Bell Labs many years ago because their monopoly on the telecommunications market, allowed by the US government at the time, prevented them from entering the computer market. In this case, the author freely gave their intellectual property to the world and it was re-commercialized. If FA wants to give his property away, that's his business. FA has stated his intention.

This is my last word on the subject because I don't want to get into an extended debate that will detract from this awesome gift that has been given to us. I would ask you to drop the point as well.

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Make your own sheet and use the available variables to do what you want. This is what FA suggested for my request for an expanded equipment section. I copied a protected sheet and can use it as described because I know that the protections will keep me from doing anything negative to the rest of the sheet.

So this suggestion is to try over and over again. I'm not interested in wasting time do to that. Plus the changes I need to make modifies several sheets.

Protection of intellectual property is a right of the author. I hope you would agree with this. <---> If FA wants to give his property away, that's his business. FA has stated his intention.
I agree that intellectual property is a right of the author. Honestly I expected someone to make this point sooner. But it took this long to get here. You also seem to have more information. Where has FA stated his intention on intellectual property?

This is my last word on the subject because I don't want to get into an extended debate that will detract from this awesome gift that has been given to us. I would ask you to drop the point as well.

I'll admit a had trouble keeping myself reasonable typing this so I'll make it short.
No, I'm not going to drop this atm. You have not introduced any new or shown any useful information.


The protection of the tool doesn't have to be removed. It is possible to release the password in the downloads description area. You'd have to be pretty aware of what your doing if copy the password then go into the Workbooks Info page to enter it. If they break it then, well it's kinda their fault.

Out of curiosity, would you be interested if someone ported this to openoffice for you? My trial of office is about to end and I'm not sure it's work me paying a sub to use it.

You're correct, a password is required to remove the protection of the tool and this is unlikely to change in the near future. It is what it is, I hope that you continue to use the tool as is.

The tool is designed with compatibility in mind (hence it mostly works in Google Sheets / OpenOffice / LibreOffice / Excel Mobile for iOS, Android, Windows 10) there is very little macro coding involved with the sheet by design. Most of the issues occur with the feature limitations of these platforms, they are not as feature rich as Excel 2010-16 (and I don't see that changing anytime soon, except for Excel Mobile possibly). My recommendation to those who what to have the best experience is to use Excel 2010-2016.


You're correct, a password is required to remove the protection of the tool and this is unlikely to change in the near future. It is what it is, I hope that you continue to use the tool as is.

The tool is designed with compatibility in mind (hence it mostly works in Google Sheets / OpenOffice / LibreOffice / Excel Mobile for iOS, Android, Windows 10) there is very little macro coding involved with the sheet by design. Most of the issues occur with the feature limitations of these platforms, they are not as feature rich as Excel 2010-16 (and I don't see that changing anytime soon, except for Excel Mobile possibly). My recommendation to those who what to have the best experience is to use Excel 2010-2016.

Is English not your first language? I can't see an issue with my grammar.

Please re-read what I wrote.


Hi Ryonez, I understand. I hope you can continue to use the tool as is.
I'll boil it down a little then.

Are you willing release the password in the downloads description area?

You have stated that the password is in place to stop people from making mistakes. Is it also to preserve your intellectual property rights?

I'll also inform you that the generator doesn't work in Open Office.

Dan Kotschorek

First Post
I'm using this character sheet generator in Libre Office, and it is awesome!
everything was working in 1.51
In 1.56, selecting a Class doesn't populate the bonus for saving throws, and any calculations depending on that are not complete.
Hoping that is a quick fix ;)

Thanks for the awesome work!

Deth Halo

I'll also inform you that the generator doesn't work in Open Office.

I've been using the Generator with OpenOffice 3 and it works just fine.
Haven't tried the most current version of OpenOffice, but I will...

Also, thanks for all the hard work FA. Your sheet is a real time saver.

After fiddling with OO for a bit this morning, I can confirm the the generator doesn't work in the current versions of OpenOffice.
The most recent version I was able to get it to work in was 3.3.
(3.3 is available here: archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/stable/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe)
I didn't test the sheet fully, so there may be issues I didn't observe.
I couldn't begin to figure out why OO chokes on the sheet.
Also, the transfer tool doesn't work.
Looks like I will be moving to another spreadsheet program :cool:
Last edited:


I've been using the Generator with OpenOffice 3 and it works just fine.
Haven't tried the most current version of OpenOffice, but I will...

Also, thanks for all the hard work FA. Your sheet is a real time saver.

After fiddling with OO for a bit this morning, I can confirm the the generator doesn't work in the current versions of OpenOffice.
The most recent version I was able to get it to work in was 3.3.
(3.3 is available here: archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/ooo/stable/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe)
I didn't test the sheet fully, so there may be issues I didn't observe.
I couldn't begin to figure out why OO chokes on the sheet.
Also, the transfer tool doesn't work.
Looks like I will be moving to another spreadsheet program :cool:

Looks like the reply I did the first time disappeared.

I'm glad it's not just me. The version I'm running is 4.1.1.
Not sure that I want to leave a good free program though, at least not without know why it isn't working.

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