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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 2 (thread 1)

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First Post
Summary of Turn 1

The war began with the march of the Legions of Kas through Garnak, Istivar, over the Crystalmists, then on through the Yeomanry and Keoland.
Although the Legions of Kas plundered as they went, no major battles were fought, and the Legions of Kas - after some debate - decided not to assault Keoland.
Upon reaching the Principality of Ulek, the Legions of Kas were informed that passage via the ships of the Pomarj and Dark Union were waiting for them.
They embarked upon these ships, and set sail, landing on the south coast of Nyrond.
Once there, the Legions of Kas assaulted Nyrond, which was whelmed by the 5 million strong army invading their nation, although Rel Mord held out for many days.
Upon the taking of Rel Mord and the brutal subdugation of all of southern Nyrond, the Legions of Kas and their leader looked to particpipate in the Battle of the Flinty Hills, but before they could do so, Vecna and all his Legions appeared throughout Nyrond and assailed them.
The Legions of Kas were overwhelmed, for Vecna had 10 to their 1. They fought a bitter battle against the hopeless odds, dying by the hundreds of thousands, and they gave as good as they got. However, in the end they were forced into the cities of Nyrond which they had taken but a week earlier, and besieged.
Vecna and his Legions could have totally obliterated Kas and his troops, but his triumph was interrupted by the arrival of Iuz and a large force from the Empire of Iuz.
Vecna and his Legions disappeared, leaving about 2/5ths of the Legions of Kas still alive, and Iuz and his forces untouched.
Nyrond lay in ruins.

The combined fleets of the Pomarj and Dark Union had been successful in landing Kas and his Legions, but now they came under all out attack from the fleets of Varnaith, aided by forces from Celene, and by an underwater assault from the People of the Shining Grottos.
Although the Dark Union sent mages to aid it’s beleaguered fleet, the poorly prepared ships - which had been stripped of armaments to carry such a large force as Kas’s, were easy prey, and the entire fleet ended up being sunk.
The fleets of Varnaith lost only a few ships, and the People of the Shining Grottos suffered almost no losses.

Early on, the Pomarj was considered an ally of the forces of evil.
They supposedly invaded and conquered the Technomancy of the Lortmils, with surprising ease. All too easy, for it was a fake, and the treachery of the Pomarj was unmasked ... alas, too late for their erstwhile allies to do anything about it.
The Kingdom of Ulek, long an enemy of the Pomarj, allied with them, and the Lortmil Technomancy joined with these two.
Celene, now allied with Varnaith, also joined, which prompted the Welkwood to also join.
A new confederation of powers had emerged in the southern Flanaess.

It is well for them that this occurred.
The Torilians of the Church of Shade had successfully infiltrated Greyhawk City, then conquered it and the lands about. They had brought their entire Planar Army into the Flanaess, and with their own people and Shades combined, their army numbered in the millions strong.
They swept west and south out of Greyhawk in a sudden storm.
The lands of Dyvvers were overrun quickly, and the city fell under a swift siege, and was whelmed by the Shades.
The Wild Coast fared no better, although the people fought back harder, and the cities of this region fought with all their ancient stubbornness and independence against the invaders.
It was all futile. Those who survived the attack, and all the civilian population that could be saved, fell back into the Welkwood, into Celene, or even into the Pomarj.
Surprisingly, Gnarley Forest was not attacked. However, deeming it undefendable, the people of Gnarley Forest fled west and south.
A defensive line has been set up, stretching from Verbobonc in the northwest, southeast through the western Gnarley Forest and Welkwood, to the Pomarj.
The defenders hope they can hold this line against the Shades; the Shades are already massing an assault line of their own.
Very surprisingly, the Cairn Hills, just east of Greyhawk, were not assailed by the Shades, nor was the Bright Desert. There was heavy troop movement in both of those regions, but nothing came of it.

The Kevellond League was caught offguard, and totally unable to protect Dyvvers in the east, because they were concentrating on war in the west.
Aided by the Coalition of Light and Shadow, with it’s Faerie, and the elves of Highfolk and Vesve Forest, not to mention the warriors of Perrenland, the main armies of Furyondy and Veluna swept south and then west into the Crystalmists and Barrier Peaks.
Another great force, backed by Keoland and the Yeomanry, swept into the Hellfurnaces.
The demipowers Murlynd, Keogtom, and Heward led the charge against the humanoids of these mountains.
They found most of the defenses abandoned, and the drow and giants had mostly disappeared, apparently into the deeps of the Earth.
Because of this, they easily reconquered all of Geoff from the giants, and the three forests of the region fell to them.
They swept higher and higher into the mountains, wiping out the humanoids, killing them by the tens of thousands, destroying encampment and fortress alike, until the humanoids of the Crystalmists and Barrier Peaks were permanently eliminated as powers of the Flanaess, and only a few humanoids escaped, hiding out in remote areas of the mountains.
The combined forces of the Kevellond League and the Coalition of Light and Shadow met one major setback, and that was when they encountered the robots in the Barrier Peaks.
Thinking these easy prey, the united forces attacked. They were met by laser cannons, particle beams, and high explosives.
Thousands of men were killed in the swift slaughter, and the united forces made a hasty retreat from the area.
Fortunately for the united forces, the robots did not give pursuit.
The Vale of the Mage was initially attacked along with the rest of the Barrier Peaks, but when the treason of the Pomarj was discovered, the attack was called off, and a truce was agreed to.

The Baklunish Confederation had set up defensive lines against Ket in the east, and a huge defensive line against the expected arrival of Vecna in Tovag Baragu in the south.
However, no attack came.
Ket remained silent, with little troop movement.
Vecna did not even bother to plunder Garnak, which had been evacuated, but swiftly teleported out to deal with Kas.
The titans and halflings of Esmerin, and the forces of Orcreich, finally arrived to aid the Baklunish, and to fortify their defensive lines.

In the far west, the Alliance of the Crescent prepared for war, but no war came into their lands.
Chaos came into their lands with the Sending of the Wanderer, with many towns and villages burned or looted, and rioting and anarchy in the streets of their cities.
So it was across all of the Flanaess, too.
The situation was made worse when a Second Sending came from the Shadow Empire, and then a Third Sending from Toril itself, and a Fourth Sending from Vecna.
Many people, peasants and soldiers, died in countries where ruthless efforts were made to regain control, and even in more lofty places like Veluna and Highfolk, martial law had to be declared.
Then an even greater wave of chaos hit, as the agents of an unknown force struck, murdering hundreds of important people - mages, clerics, officials low and high, and spread rumors and propaganda that was all too easily believable in the situation at hand.
Once more, chaos struck at every country, and once more many thousands died as ruthless efforts were made to quell the disturbance.

The Dark Union set up the Olympic Games of Torture, with those who had rioted and looted and been captured, as the first people to enjoy the sport.
The Dark Union invited everyone to show up, and many did .
One showed up by the name of Anabstercorian, who proceeded to throw a psionic blast that deafened everyone in the arena permanently.
Escaping the wrath of the Union, Anabstercorian with a lot of evil laughter returned to his mighty citadel in the Godspires.

Anabstercorian was also seen on the battlefield in Nyrond, where he fought at the side of Kas against a special strike team that had been sent to eliminate Kas.
The result was the death of both Tenser and Philidor, and the Legions of Kas managed to take the bodies, and resurrection of these two is not possible now unless the Dark Union desires it.
Again, a gleeful Anabstercorian retired from the battlefield before he could be caught.
The Solistarim, under Anabstercorian’s command, readied their defenses in case retribution was sought.

The Elven League, led by Delrune, invaded the League of the Warlords. After a very bloody battle to gain the river crossing, they occupied all of Artonsamay, and threatened Riftcrag.
The Helllord of Riftcrag and Sanctus, leader of the elves, have challenged each other to a personal duel, and this is expected, although treachery is feared by both sides.

The Dark Union launched it’s great attack. An attack against many nations.
Almor was invaded. Almor had been invaded by Aerdi in the Greyhawk Wars, and had learned many lessons, and they were prepared - but it was for naught.
The strength of the Dark Union was too great, and when the people of Almor attempted retreat, they found Nyrond behind them in flames.
Almor capitulated, begging for mercy from the invaders.
The Dark Union invaded the Grandwood, seeing an easy prey, but it was not to be. The Grandwood had been made into one giant deathtrap by it’s inhabitants, and when the forces of the Dark Union came in, they blundered into a quagmire that killed thousands of them.
Infuriated at this defiance, the Dark Union summoned Salamanders to burn down the entire Grandwood.
However, the defenders of the Grandwood conjured, through multiple weather summoning spells, one giant thunderstorm, which covered all of the Grandwood, and which rages to this day.
The efforts of the Dark Union in the south were further hampered when the forces of the Grandwood actually came out of the forest, and struck into the heart of Ahlissa, burning towns, stealing cattle, slashing crops, and causing general mayhem.
They were bolstered by another small force sent from the Hollow Highlands.
Although the Dark Union repelled these attacks easily, it slowed and hampered their efforts.

The Dark Union had far better luck in the north.
There, in Adri Forest, the Lost Elves awoke from their long, frozen, sleep. Evil and terrible, and wielding weapons from the Arcane Age, these elves united with the Dark Alliance, and swept through Adri Forest with a vengeance.
Elves, gnomes, and doughty rangers all fell like chaff before them, and when the treants summoned the trees and forest spirits, the Lost Elves summoned their own fell spirits and dark trees.
Branches and leaves rained down across Adri Forest as tree struggled against tree, and explosions and vapors, and wild magic storms, filled the forests as the spirits fought each other.
The Lost Elves were quickly triumphant, laughing as they put all their foes to the sword, and taking the women and children to their great city as slaves.
The County of Ulek fared worse than Adri Forest.
The forces from the Isles of Woe, well named, crossed the Nyr Dyv, and entered the County from the west. Hit by anarchy and chaos from the Sendings and the effects of so many officials disappearing or turning up dead, the County of Urnst had no effective defense against this invasion from the Unholy Knights of the Isles.
The warriors of the County were massacred; a few escaped, along with a remnant of the civilian population, into Celadan Forest.
The women of the County were taken as slaves back to the Isles, and the children were either killed or likewise enslaved.
The horrified people of the Duchy of Urnst, who had focused on their northern border against the uproar in Nyrond, now turned and fortified their southern and western borders.
Seeing what had happened in the County of Urnst, every able-bodied man and woman in the Duchy of Urnst voluntarily joined the armed forces, and deployed to the borders or to strategic places throughout the country.
For now, the Duchy of Urnst has hostile forces on all it’s borders.

The main army of the Dark Union, led by the self-proclaimed God Emperor himself, swept into the Flinty Hills on it’s way to Nyrond.
The dwarves and gnomes of the Flinty Hills put up a surprisingly strong resistance, and briefly held back the invaders.
The Dark Union invaded the mountain nation of Garrel Enkdal, and penetrating into the mountains they broke into the underground chambers and fought the defenders hand to hand.
The Dark Union would easily have conquered both nations, especially since the Lost Elves were now joining them, except that other developments happened.
The Elven Alliance of Delrune had sent it’s largest army south, to pass around the Rakers and join up with the Swanmays of Timberway Forest.
This force ran straight into the advancing army of the Dark Union, and the battle was on.
To the aid of Delrune came the Gnomish Spelljamming Fleet, having been forced off the battlefield of Nyrond.
To the aid of Delrune came forces from Nyrond, who had been stationed there to assist should an attack come from that direction (and it is fair to say they were in despair, for their country was burning behind them, and they fought mostly out of pride and long held hatred.)
To the aid of Delrune came large forces of Good Cloud and Storm Giants from the Rakers.
This combined force drove the Dark Union out of Garrel Enkdal, and the battle became centered over the Flinty Hills. It would afterwards be called the Battle of the Flinty Hills.
Evil forces from the Dark Swamp came up behind the Dark Union, obstenably to aid them, only to fall upon them from the rear.
The Swanmays and their allies swept down through Ratik, and also charged into the rear of the Union forces.
The battle swayed to and fro with great slaughter, huge losses on both sides.

The dwarves of Greyspace then arrived, in their giant spelljamming mountains. They sent one, however, as a suicide missile, straight into the Union army, hoping to obliterate it.
This move misfired badly. The mountain was travelling at extreme speed, and friend and foe were entwined, and it is now thought that the dwarves somehow accidentally misaimed the mountain.
In any event, the mountain slammed into the very center of the battle.
The explosion was massive, and was heard in Rauxes, 1000 miles away. It killed a large part of all the forces present at the battle, and it effectively destroyed the people of the Flinty Hills. They lived in underground chambers, and these collapsed in the earthquake caused by the explosion.

It seemed the Battle of the Flinty Hills was over, as all sides began the retreat, carrying their wounded and trying to regroup.
However, both the Union forces and the Seldanoran forces, after regrouping, charged back into the combat, and the battle resumed.
Many of the other forces involved also returned, bringing reinforcements, and from the Dark Union hundreds of thousands of peasants, believing that the Emperor was truly a God (he had survived the mountain falling on him!) came rushing onto the battlefield, cheering the Emperor and willing to sacrifice blood and life for his glory and the greater glory of the Dark Union.
The battle of the Flinty Hills is still raging today, a terrible stalemate in which neither side has gained the advantage, and hundreds of thousands of people and beings lie dead and unburied on the battlefield, along with the wreckage of many spelljammers, flying ships, and several Flying Citadels the Sky-Sea League lost.

In the far south, the Hive Cluster turned it’s full might on the people of the Amedio Rainforest. Fleets of spelljammers came to their aid.
The unaided people of the Amedio Rainforest were whelmed and destroyed, and their villages put to the torch.
Too late, the forces of Varnaith arrived, and establishing many beachheads swept the invaders back into the forest.
That battle rages to this day, with death and pitiless deeds throughout the tropical rainforests.

Further west and south, Suhfang landed a large naval force on the shores of Zindia.
Help arrived shortly after from Erypt, as a massive fleet of ships arrived, and their warriors debarked.
Varnaith would also send up overland, across northern Varna Bay.
However, only the Varnaithians were accustomed to jungle warfare. The people of Erypt and Suhfang were desert and semi-desert people, and accustomed to fighting in that terrain.
They met a determined force of lizardmen, riding raptors and with dinosaurs charmed into service. Backing this force was the unholy magic and creative genius of the star dwarves and star gnomes.
The intial attack was thrown back with great loss, until the Varnaithians arrived, and began to instruct their allies in how to fight in such an environment.
Now, battle rages all across Zindia, the invading forces and the defenders running circles around each other.
Strikes have been made successfully into the great chambers of the star dwarves below ground, and there is death and slaughter in those dark places as a game of cat and mouse is being played by both sides amidst the endless passages and gloom of the Underdark.

- - -


Faction map for the World of Greyhawk IR thread:

Please note the scale of the map in the URL above is 1 inch = 230 miles

Here is a conversion chart.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 yard = 0.9411 meters
1 mile = 1.60934
1 sea mile = 1.15078 miles = 1.852 km
1 pound = 0.45359 kg (kilogram)
1 ton = 0.907185 metric tons

The Oerik Continent:

The Big Map of Oerth:

Previous IR threads on Toril, the world of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting:

- - -


2nd Month of the IR

7th Month of the Oeridian Year

Reaping (Common)
Goldfields (Olven)
Snake (Nomad)

4th Month of the Torilian Year

Common Year (FY) 624
Oeridian Reckoning (OR) 1268
Baklunish Hegira (BH) 3283
Flan Tracking (FT) 2744
Suloise Dating (SD) 6139
Olven Calendar (OC) 5086

Dale Reckoning (DR) 1405
Netherese Calendar (NC) 5264

8th Regency of Shadowlord Rhamagaum (Shadow Empire calendar)




ALYX - The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3
ANABSTERCORIAN - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4
BLACK OMEGA - none yet
BONEDAGGER - Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
CREAMSTEAK - Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) PL 2
DAGGER - none yet
DARKNESS - Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic10 /Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) PL 4
MR DRACO - Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4
FESTY DOG - Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20 monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) PL 4
FORRESTER - Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) PL 5
FORSAKEN ONE - Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5
FRIGID SPLEEN - none yet
GNOMEWORKS - Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3
JOHN BROWN - none yet
KABOOM - King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3
KALANYR - Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster (Longsword) 10/ Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5
MAUDLIN - Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) - none yet
RHIALTO - none yet
SERPENTEYE - The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) PL 4
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT - Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial/Half-Machine (Death Slaadi), Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) PL 5
TURROSH MAK - Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2
UVENELEI - Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3
VALKYS - Prince Aerion Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Scion of the Faerie Realm, Son of Titania and Oberon (PC, dark-elf/balor/unseelie, evil) PL 3
WILLIAM RONALD - Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3
ZELDA - none yet

- - -


(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1
Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Jaran Krimeeah, Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2
Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) PL 1
Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1
(DEAD) Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level) PL 2
Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1
(DEAD) Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) PL 6
Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) PL 6

- - -


Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Raskshasa (Planars of Acheron and Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Githyanki (Planars of the Astral Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Filchers (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Thought Eaters (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
Invisible Stalkers (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Marids (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Water Wierds (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xorn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

- - -


Church of Toril (If played by Aloisius)
Eternal Empire of Realmspace (If played by Forrester or Reprisal)
Hope Isle of Toril (If played by former player)
Star League of Realmspace (If played by former player)

The Shadow Empire (Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77
United Commonwealth of Realmspace (A greater part of the people of Toril and Realmspace, neutral and good) PL 1,000


- - - THE CLAIMS LIST - - -

S, M, L, LL indicate a gain of 1, 2, 3, and 4 points per 10 years the culture advances
NA means points gained from cultural advancement are not applicable


The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1

(The Alliance of the Rising Sun)

(Kingdom of Celene (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 6
Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 34
Lendore Isles (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 7, Current Power Level 8
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 3
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 20, Curent PL 24
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 23, Current PL 27)

- - -


Anabstercorian - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 60, Current PL 56
Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

Sea Allies of the Solistarim (Dark underwater races of every kind, lawful evil and neutral evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 20

- - -


Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 1)

(The Coalition of Light and Shadow)

(Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (spelljamming elves, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 15, Current PL 15
Faerie of the Flanaess (every type of Faerie, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 20, Current PL 20
Domain of Highfolk (high elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 6, Current PL 6
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) (INTACT) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) (INTACT) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) Original PL 4, Current PL 4)

- - -


Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)

Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20 (INTACT)
Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (NA) Original PL 100, Current PL 80


Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) (ALIVE) PL 2

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side - in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) (DEAD), PL 0

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) (DEVASTATED) (L) Original PL 3, Currrent PL 1
Calrune (Centaurs, high elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
The People of Celadan Forest (High elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gray elves, wood elves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Delrune (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
The People of Gamboge Forest (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Grannmont (storm giants of the Rakers, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 6, Current PL 5
Heimmont (cloud giants of the Rakers, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Northern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
People of the Loftwood (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, good forest spirits, good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
The People of the Phostwood (High elves, gray elves, oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Seldanora (High elves, oeridian humans, gray elves, flannae humans, wood elves, suel humans, neutral and good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Duchy of Tenh (Oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
People of Timberway Forest (Swanmay, treants, forest spirits, high elves, grey elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, halflings, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2


- Artonsamay (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 3

- - -


Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1

Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (dwarves, spelljamming mountains, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 23

(The Kingdom of Ulek)

(Peoples of the Kron Hills (dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
County of Ulek (gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) (INTACT) (S) Orignal PL 3, Current PL 3
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Origianl PL 5, Current PL 5
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

- - -


Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic10 /Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 4

Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, good) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 24
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 25, Current PL 25
Orcreich (Gnomes, halflings, hill dwarves, svirfneblin, mountain dwarves, some humans, high elves, good) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 20, Current PL 20
Dwarves of the Yatils (Mountain dwarves, hill dwarves, gnomes, svirfneblin, neutral and good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 7

(The Baklunish Confederation)

(Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 8
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Peoples of the Tusman Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, baklunish humans, svirfneblin, deep dwarves, all alignments) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 4)

- - -


Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Rakshasas (Planars of Acheron and Hell, home plane unknown, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) (INTACT) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (INTACT) PL 2

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 18, Current PL 17
The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 8, Current PL 6

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 13, Current PL 11
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 12
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 1, Current PL 1
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (DEVASTATED) (NA) Original PL 30, Current PL 10
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 6


- Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (DEVASTATED) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
- Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (DEVASTATED) (LL) Original PL 8, Current PL 5
- County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 1

- - -


Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 1

Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 30

Zindia (Star dwarves, nibelungen dwarves, star gnomes, high kobolds, high orcs, galeb duhr, dinosaurs of all types, lizard men, lizard kings, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 20, Current PL 18

Western Amedio Rainforest (humanoids of all types, various underdark races, monsters of every type from the MMs, slaves of every kind, humans of unknown types, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Valley of the Mage (Valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

Aboleth of the Underdark (aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Cloakers of the Underdark (cloakers, neutral) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 5
Delvers of the Underdark (delvers, neutral) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Derro of the Underdark (derro, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Destrachan of the Underdark (destrachan, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Duergar of the Underdark (duergar, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Grimlocks of the Underdark (grimlocks, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 3
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (umber hulks, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3

- - -


Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 5
The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) (INTACT) (NA) Original PL 1,000, Current PL 988


Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) (ALIVE) PL 5

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)

Illithid of Greyspace (spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 25
Neogi of Greyspace (spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 30

Unseelie of the Flanaess (every type of Dark Faerie, evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 13, Current PL 13

Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formian Giant Ants, lawful neutral) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 7
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (illithid, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 8, Current PL 8

- - -


Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard 20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) (ALIVE) PL 3

Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Chauntosbergen (Deep dwarves, mountain dwarves, hill dwarves of the western Griff Mountains) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Southern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Technomancy of the Lortmils (gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 17, Current PL 17
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

(The Eastern League)

Peoples of the Flinty Hills (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 1
Garrel Enkdal (mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

(The Iron League)

(Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3)

- - -


Iuz the Old (demipower, evil) (ALIVE) PL 7

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Demons again (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every type, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)

Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1 (ALIVE)

Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 5
Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 5
The Beings of the Cairn Hills (Monster hordes of Zagyg the Mad, monsters of Castle Greyhawk, secret bases of the Rhennee humans, Wardens of the Doomgrinder, dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, all alignments but few good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 6
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 25, Current PL 28
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 7, Current PL 9
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 6
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 6, Current PL 8
Humanoids of the Yatils (humanoids of every type, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 6

- - -


King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
The Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of every kind, good) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (gnomes, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 10, Current PL 13

Aerlindre (Avariel of the Yatils, giant eagles, good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 5
Archenmont (Cloud giants of the Corusk Mountains, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Kindlemont (Storm giants of the Corusk Mountains, giant intelligent ravens, silver wolves, good) (MAJOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 3
Silvamont (Avariel of the Corusk Mountains, giant eagles, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 5
Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 22, Current PL 21
Sonnmonnten (Cloud giants of the Yatils, good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 7
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Origianl PL 2, Current PL 3

(The Sea League)

(Coral Empire (sea-elves, dolphins, many other underwater races, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral and good) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 19
Deepwater League (Merfolk, sea-elves, tritons, dolphins, in the Drawmij Ocean, neutral and good) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 19
Sea League (merfolk, tritons, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 13, Current PL 17
People of the Shining Grottos (Merfolk, sea-elves, dolphins, tritons, in the Azure Sea, heavily good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 10, Current PL 13

- - -


Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, Balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster(Longsword) 10 / Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 3
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 3
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) (ALIVE) PL 6

Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 14

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 15, Current PL 10
Humanoids of the Hellfurnaces (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 2

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (drow, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, slaves of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 6
Drow of the Underdark (drow, slaves of all types, evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 19
Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (dragons, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 7, Current PL PL 6

- - -


Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) (INTACT) PL 10

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Acererak's Minions (undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) (INTACT) (NA) Original PL 20, Current PL 20
People of Hempmonaland (Hempmonalander humans, suel humans, lizardmen, many other races, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 16
Peoples of the Hestmark Highlands (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 4
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 32
Sunndi (Oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, evil under the mental domination of Acererak) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 5
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 3

- - -


Shadowlord Rhamagaum (PC, Shade lich, very high level mage, evil) PL 2

Shadowlord Baelros, Demon Lord of the Shadow (NPC, demon, evil) PL 2
Shadowlady Ahlissa (NPC, female drow, shade, very high level enchantress / rogue) PL 2
Shadowlord Waganard (NPC, lich, very high level spellcaster, evil) PL 2
Shadowlord Azorgax, King of the Shadow Dragons (NPC, Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon, very high level sorcerer, evil) PL 2
Shadowlord Sauros (NPC, shade mind flayer, very high level psion and assasin, evil) PL 2
Shadowlord Rivalen Tanthul, High Prince of Netherese and Archpriest of Shade (NPC, shade, very high level spellcaster, divine and arcane, evil) PL 2

Shadow Empire (The Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 77, Current PL 70
Shadow Throne (Was known as Domain of Greyhawk) (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all serving the Shadow Empire, all in the process of becoming Shades, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 3

Undead (undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)


- Wild Coast (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1

- - -


Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) PL 7

- - -


The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) (ALIVE) PL 4

Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED AND CREATED)

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 18, Current PL 17

The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 8, Current PL 6

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) (MAJOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 13, Current PL 11
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) (MAJOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 15, Current PL 12
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 1, Current PL 1
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) (DEVASTATED) (NA) Original PL 30, Current PL 10
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 6, Current PL 6


- Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) (DEVASTATED) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 2
- Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (DEVASTATED) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 2
- Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (DEVASTATED) (LL) Original PL 8, Current PL 5
- County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (WIPED OUT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 1

- - -


Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial (Death Slaad)/Half-Machine, Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Quaggoth Fells of the Burneal (Quaggoths, treants, sentient trees, spirits of the woodlands, remorhaz, white puddings, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 15, Current PL 15
Heisenbaudos (Frost giants of the Corusk Mountains, nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, slaves of every type, the Deepspawn and all the monsters it produces, slaves of all types, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 15, Current PL 10
Beings of Hraak Forest (Quaggoths, remorhaz, dire wolves, hill giants, dark gnomes, some humanoids, slaves of every type, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Beings of Sable Wood (Hill giants, formidians, many beings of mixed race, forest spirits, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Beings of Spikey Forest (Quaggoths, dire wolves, forest spirits, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2

(The League of the Warlords)

Fellands (Humans of every type, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Kinemeet (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, elves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Kor (Humans of every type, elves, dwarves, gnomes, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Redhand (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Riftcrag (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, some elves, some beings from the Underdark, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 7, Current PL 7

- - -


Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) (ALIVE) PL 2

Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Jaran Krimeeah (Jearmeeh Kreemah), Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 2

Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) (ALIVE) PL 5

Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming mercenary gith, neutral) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 20, Current PL 20

Crystalmont (frost giants of the Rakers, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Dark Swamp (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 2, Current PL 1
Beings of the Dreadwood (Undead trolls, undead treants, undead sentient trees, evil forest spirits, other undead of every type, humanoids, monsters of every sort from the MM, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Esserbaudos (hill giants of the Rakers, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Haermont (Stone giants of the Griff Mountains, neutral) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Peoples of the Hool Marshes (Lizard men, hempmonalander humans, monsters of every sort from the MM, neutral and evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 15, Current PL 15
Humanoids of the Rakers (humanoids of every type, evil) (INTACT) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Sleichenbaudos (Hill giants of the Corusk Mountains, slaves of every type, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Usurbaudos (fire giants of the Rakers, evil) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4

- - -


Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Metallic Planar Dragons (second selection) (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level, alignment unknown but thought good) (DEAD) PL 0
Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) (ALIVE) PL 6

(The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent)

(Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 29
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 40, Current PL 44
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) (INTACT) (LL) Original PL 30, Current PL 34)

- - -


Prince Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Dark Prince of the Unseelie (PC, dark elf (half-fiend template, shade template, balor special qualities), Wizard 20 / Cleric (Oberon) 20 / Skyknight 5 / Arcane Devotee (Oberon) 5 / Incantatrix 10 / Fae Battle Wizard 5 / Archmage 12 / Blackguard 2 / Fighter 6 / Mage Killer 10 / True Necromancer 10 / Guild Mage of the Faerie Realm 5 / 50 Epic Levels, chaotic evil) (ALIVE) PL 5

Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) (BASE FORCE INTACT, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 7
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BASE FORCE INTACT, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 7
Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BASE FORCE INTACT, MORE BEING SUMMONED) PL 7
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Undead Arms Race

Plunder from the City of the Gods (Assorted high technological items) PL 2

Valkys, refer to the Planar Arms Race below for your additional points from Planars

- - -


Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) (ALIVE) PL 3

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (BEING SUMMONED)

Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) (ALIVE) PL 1

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) (ALIVE) PL 5

Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) (MODERATE LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 25, Current PL 24

Peoples of the Kettish Hills (Gnomes, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, all alignments) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3

(The Kevellond League)

(March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (MINOR LOSSES) (L) Original PL 7, Current PL 7
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) (MINOR LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 5
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) (MODERATE LOSSES) (L) Original PL 8, Current PL 7
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Peoples of the Stark Mounds (Hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, high elves, gray elves, good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 4, Current PL 3
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (S) Original PL 5, Current PL 4
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (MINOR LOSSES) (M) Original PL 8, Current PL 8
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (MODERATE LOSSES) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 3

Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
Order of the Hart (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, good) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2
The Fellowship of the Torch (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, all alignments) (INTACT) (S) Original PL 2, Current PL 2


- Humanoids of the Jotens (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) (DEVASTATED) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Geoff (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) (DEVASTATED) (S) Current PL 4
- Humanoids of the Barrier Peaks (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) (DEVASTATED) (L) Original PL 3, Current PL 1
- Humanoids of the Crystalmists (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) (DEVASTATED) (L) Original PL 4, Current PL 1

- - -


Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky, neutral) (far northwest off-map) (MINOR LOSSES) (LL) Original PL 35, Current PL 35

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 4, Current PL 4
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 3, Current PL 3
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) (INTACT) (M) Original PL 5, Current PL 5


- - - THE ARMS RACE LIST - - -


ALYX (Planar Xeg-Ya/Jann/Nature Elementals, Alliance of the Rising Sun) PL 112 + 7 from publicly known Race results (not including the Magical Arms Race)
ANABSTERCORIAN (Blackmoor, Heimmorj, Sea Allies of the Solistarim, Solistarim Confederation) PL 88 + 3
BLACK OMEGA (Planar Guardinals/Eladrin/Faerie, Circle of Eight, Faerie of the Flanaess, Elven Imperial Navy, The Coalition of Light and Shadow) PL 67 + 7 from known Race results below
BONEDAGGER (Planar Evil Earth Elementals/Xeg-Yi/Yugoloths, Vecna, The Legions of Vecna) PL 100 + 8
CREAMSTEAK (Planar Celestials/Metallic Dragons/Good Nature Elementals, Tenser, Good Giants, Delrune, Calrune, Tenh, Seldanora, Peoples and Rangers of the Gnarley, Peoples of the Gnarley Forest/Grandwood/Phostwood/Amedio Rainforest) PL 53 + 7
DAGGER (Dwarves of Greyspace, Kingdom of Keoland) PL 43 + 4
DARKNESS (Planar Gem Dragons/Dao/Fire Elementals, Good Undead, Erypt, Esmerin, Orcreich, Dwarves of the Yatils, Baklunish Confederation) PL 112 + 8
MR DRACO (Planar Salamanders/Rakshasa/Xill, Isles of Woe, Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 91 + 8
FESTY DOG (Planar Chromatic Dragons/Modrons/Earth Elementals, West Amedio Rainforest, Races of the Underdark) PL 89 + 7
FORRESTER (The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) Somewhere around 1,000
FORSAKEN ONE (Planar Modrons/Formians/Unseelie, Illithid and Neogi of Greyspace, Unseelie of the Flanaess, many Underdark Races of the H/C) PL 99 + 8
GNOMEWORKS (Planar Formians/Modrons/Earth Elementals, Technomancy of the Lortmils, Eastern League, Iron League) PL 39 + 7
JOHN BROWN (Cairn Hills, Ket, Rary and Empire of the Bright Lands, Iuz and Empire of Iuz) PL 83 + 7
KABOOM (Planar Air Elementals/Djinn/Water Elementals, Gnomes of Greyspace, Good Giants, Sky and Sea League) PL 137 + 8
KALANYR (Planar Demons/Slaadi/Unseelie, Undead, Empire of the Yuan-Ti, Ivid and Rauxes, Drow of Oerth, Dragons of H/Cs, occupied Geoff) PL 80 + 8
MAUDLIN (Planar Evil Demons/Xeg-Yi, Evil Undead, Vast Swamp, Sunndi, Acererak, People of Hempmonaland, Minions of Acererak, Scarlet Brotherhood) PL 92 + 6
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) (Shadow Empire, Shadow Throne) PL 87 + 7
RHIALTO THE MARVELLOUS (Black Brotherhood) PL 7 + 2
SERPENTEYE (Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 91 + 8
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT (Planar Slaadi/Demons/Chromatic Dragons, Evil Undead, Quaggoth Fells, League of the Warlords) PL 63 + 5
TURROSH MAK (Planar Githzerai/Earth Elementals/Dao, Gith of Greyspace, Evil Giants, Orcish Empire of the Pomarj) PL 80 + 7
UVENELEI (Planar Metallic Dragons/Metallic Dragons/Gem Dragons, The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent) PL 106 + 7
VALKYS (Planar Unseelie/Shades/Chromatic Dragons) 28 + 6
WILLIAM RONALD (Planar Celestials/Guardinals/Good Earth Elementals, People of the Kettish Hills, Kevellond Alliance) PL 104 + 7
ZELDA (Storm Riders of Telchuria, Ratik, the Frost/Snow/Ice Barbarians, People of Timberway Forest) PL 50 + 3

THE PLANAR ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 3
Anabstercorian 0
Black Omega 3
Bonedagger 3
Creamsteak 3
Dagger 0
Darkness 3
Mr Draco 3
Festy Dog 3
Forrester 3
Forsaken One 3
GnomeWorks 3
John Brown 3
Kaboom 3
Kalanyr 3
Maudlin 2
Lord Melkor (Talos) 3
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 3
Sollir Furryfoot 3
Turrosh Mak 3
Uvenelei 3
Valkys 3
William Ronald 3
Zelda 0

THE TECHNOLOGICAL RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

ou wanted the names of those I was sharing tech with
on turn 1. I thought you knew them, but since not,
here's the list again:

Alyx 4
Anabstercorian 1
Black Omega 4
Bonedagger 4
Creamsteak 4
Dagger 4
Darkness 4
Mr Draco 4
Festy Dog 4
Forrester 4
Forsaken One 4
GnomeWorks 4
John Brown 3
Kaboom 4
Kalanyr 4
Maudlin 3
Lord Melkor (Talos) 4
Rhialto 2
Serpenteye 4
Sollir Furryfoot 2
Turrosh Mak 4
Uvenelei 4
Valkys 2
William Ronald 4
Zelda 4

THE MAGICAL ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx (secret)
Anabstercorian (secret)
Black Omega (secret)
Bonedagger (secret)
Creamsteak (secret)
Dagger (secret)
Darkness (secret)
Mr Draco (secret)
Festy Dog (secret)
Forrester (secret)
Forsaken One (secret)
GnomeWorks (secret)
John Brown (secret)
Kaboom (secret)
Kalanyr (secret)
Maudlin (secret)
Lord Melkor (Talos) (secret)
Rhialto (secret)
Serpenteye (secret)
Sollir Furryfoot (secret)
Turrosh Mak (secret)
Uvenelei (secret)
Valkys (secret)
William Ronald (secret)
Zelda (secret)

THE UNDEAD ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 1 (evil undead)
Black Omega 0
Bonedagger 1 (evil undead)
Creamsteak 0
Dagger 0
Darkness 1 (good undead)
Mr Draco 1 (evil undead)
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 1 (evil undead)
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 1 (evil undead)
Kaboom 1 (good undead)
Kalanyr 1 (evil undead)
Maudlin 1 (evil undead)
Lord Melkor (Talos) 1 (evil undead)
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 1 (evil undead)
Sollir Furryfoot 0
Turrosh Mak 0
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 1
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0

- - -

Level of your Society and Culture, in Terran terms.

Alyx 1511
Anabstercorian 1501
Black Omega 1501
Bonedagger 1501
Creamsteak 1501
Dagger 1501
Darkness 1501
Mr Draco 1501
Festy Dog 1501
Forrester 2100
Forsaken One 1501
GnomeWorks 1881 and 1501
John Brown 1511
Kaboom 1519
Kalanyr 1501
Maudlin 1511
Lord Melkor (Talos) 2101 and 1501
Rhialto 1501
Serpenteye 1501
Sollir Furryfoot 1501
Turrosh Mak 1501
Uvenelei 1517.6
Valkys 1501
William Ronald 1501
Zelda 1501
Last edited:

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First Post


A Turn represents one month of game time; one month passed on Oerth, in Greyspace, on Toril, in Realmspace, and everywhere else.
Unless I post otherwise.

A Turn consists of a single thread.
The Turn goes until 200 posts have accumulated on the thread.

At that point, the Turn is over, I will declare Time Out, and post the results of that Turn.

I will begin a new thread for the next Turn, following that.

Every turn will start with the Lists Post and the Rules Post as the first 2 posts of the thread.

- - -


Post to the thread.

Posting is everything. We are not using dice or cards here - this is the IR.
Posting is the lifeblood of the IR. What you post determines whether this works or does not work.

You Post to roleplay (and you should roleplay)
You Post to attack.
You Post to defend.
You Post whatever your imagination desires.

Remember that your Power can only do so much in one Turn; your Power can only do so much in one month of game time.
If you Post too many actions in a Turn, I will have to disregard your later action posts.
I'll try to tell you if you have reached the limit of what your Power could do in the Turn.

You can, and should, e-mail me.

You e-mail me to tell me your power is trying to advance it's civilization.
You e-mail me to tell me your Power is researching 10th level magic.
You e-mail me with questions, and comments, concerning the IR.

- - -


I will attempt to post what is happening during the Turn, summarizing events up til that point.
If you log on, and face 50 to 100 unread posts, scan through the posts until you find mine.

Thus, I am attempting to make this process less intimidating and time consuming for you.

- - -


You can connive and scheme, IC and OOC.
You can post that you are assaulting the enemy.
You can conquer his nations and peoples, and gain his Power Level for your own.

You can state you are devastating, not conquering, or you can do both - in which case your enemy permanently loses Power Level from the country being devastated, if you are successful.
You can make alliances.
You can betray your alliances.

- - -


At the start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be in the Dark Ages, or one step up in the Medieval Ages (except the Lortmil Technomancy and the Shadow Empire.)

All Powers are considered to be in the Industrial Arms Race, for this is the IR!

All Powers in the Industrial Arms Race will gain 1 point per Turn.
These points start accumulating on Turn 2.
These points stack. Each Power in the Race continues to gain 1 point per Turn, indefinitely.

You can declare you are sharing your technology with other Powers.
All Powers you share technology with gain an additional 1 point in the Technological Arms Race at the start of the next Turn.

For every Power that shares technology with yours, your Power gains an additional 1 point in the Technological Arms Race.

To a maximum of 4. No power can advance more than 4 points.
So, you can gain 3 points from others helping you, and 1 from your own efforts, maximum.

Here is what your Strength Level in the Technological Arms Race means, in terms of what military weapons your Power can build:

0 indicates your country has primitive firearms.
3 indicates your country has very advanced flintlocks, cannon, and is beginning to seriously enter the field of Technomancy.
6 indicates your country is now able to produce early 19th century weapons.
9 indicates your country is now able to produce mid 19th century weapons.
12 indicates your country is now able to produce late 19th century weapons.
15 indicates your country is at 1900 Terran levels of weaponry.
18 indicates World War One technology.
21 indicates early World War Two technology.
24 indicates late World War Two technology.
27 indicates nuclear weapons.
30 indicates ICBMs.
33 indicates thermonuclear weapons.
36 indicates primitive computer guided weapons.
39 indicates your first space shot.
41 indicates your first moon landing.
45 indicates your first smart weapons.
48 indicates you have very sophisticated computer guided weapons.
51 indicates you can protect your nation from ballistic weapons (nuclear or not) with a missile defense shield.

There is another post (or will be, if I can manage it) called the Technological Addenda post.
There, I and all the others who are willing are commenting on what technology was invented when.
It is quite an eye opener.
Read it, and you'll get a better idea of what kind of nasty things your Power can invent, based on your point total and the chart above.

- - -


The ability to build massive weapons of destruction does not mean your civilization is advanced.
At the Start of Turn One, all the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace are considered to be at the Terran equivalent of the year 1500, for the purposes of where they stand in relation to the Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Industrial Revolution.

In other words, everyone on Oerth is medieval at the start.

Exception: The Lortmil Technomancy and the Shadow Empire, which are more advanced.


All the Powers of Oerth and Greyspace advance one year into the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution per Turn, automatically.

You may choose to speed up this process by declaring you are allocating part of your Power Level to advancing your civilization.
E-mail me if you are doing this.
Do not post this to the boards.

For every 3 points you allocate, your Power advances 1 additional year into the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution.

You may allocate points to help other Powers advance their civilization.
Other Powers may allocate points to help you.

For every 10 years Terran equivalent your Power advances into the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution, your Power gains the following benefits:

Your small nations and peoples increase in Power Level by 1 point, permanently.
Your larger nations and peoples increase in Power Level by 2 points, permanently.
Your very large nations or whole peoples increase in Power Level by 3 points, permanently.
If you have vast empires, or you represent an entire race, they gain 4 points of Power Level, permanently.

These benefits stack, so if your Power consists of many small nations, it will benefit from the increased Power Level of each and every one of those nations.

- - -


A player can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar Races to help his Power, at (or before) the start.
Those Planar Races come and aid the Power calling them, automatically.

That Power gains 1 point per Turn for each Planar Race helping him, automatically.

Two or more players may claim the same group of Planars.
If this happens, it is not considered a Contested situation.

A Power may claim the same Planar Race twice, or thrice (such as claiming the demons 3 times.)
Such claims take the place of claiming other Planar Races.

If you discard one Planar Race during play, you can take another in it's place.


A player who begins the game claiming only Planars (plus his PC) starts with 9 points per Planar Race claimed.
He can claim 1, 2, or 3 Planar groups.

He then gains 1 point per Planar Race he has, from Turn 2 onward.

- - -


All Powers are assumed to be in the Magical Arms Race.
All Powers gain 1 point per Turn from this Race, automatically.

The return of the Arcane Age to Oerth and Greyspace is the impetus for this new Arms Race.

- - -



All Powers in the IR are limited to 9th level magic or below.
10th and 11th level magic, is not possible currently.

The only exception is Vecna, and Vecna alone - not his Legions.

Vecna may use 10th level magic.

Vecna may not share the secrets of that magic with anyone else.
He can not share the secrets of 10th level magic even with the greatest mages in his direct service.

This means no power on the board can shift an army from place to place at will.
Your army must march, or fly, or otherwise find a way of transport, such as the Sky League currently has.

Vecna is again an exception - he can transport his entire army (but not someone else's) anywhere in a Turn.

Vecna can do anything within the abilities stated for those able to employ 10th level magic (See below in this rule.)

Wish spells, Miracle spells, Teleport Circle, and other such spells will not allow circumvention of the above restrictions.

I would suggest you not use Wish spells for any purpose in this IR - Wish spells always carry a heavy price for their use.
A Wish spell would - partly - protect you from the effects of a 10th level attack, but the price you'd pay would be high, and could be extremely high. (It could be as high as the damage from the still partially successful 10th level attack.)

Toril may not give the secrets of 10th or 11th level magic, or High Magic, to anyone in Greyspace or on Oerth, including anyone in the Lortmil Technomancy.

Toril may open Gates to Greyspace, and attempt to evacuate the civilian population of it's friends from Greyspace to Realmspace.
This is a one-way affair. If Toril opens such Gates, civilians may come to Toril, but Toril may not send anyone to Oerth (other than a few people to supervise the evacuation.)
THIS move on Toril's part does not open them to attack ... they retain their full strength, the Border Guard of Realmspace remains at full strength, and Toril is still considered to be uninvolved on Oerth, and at peace.


Yes, the arrival of Kas and Vecna into the present has returned the Arcane Age, but it did not come back all at once.
The magic of Greyspace and Oerth is slowly strengthening, slowly changing, slowly reverting back to the eldritch level of the Arcane Age.
Accessing the greater magic of the Arcane Age is possible, but only after great effort and study, which has not been conducted yet.

The Torilians, accustomed to how magic works in Realmspace, are not prepared for the new reality in Greyspace, and need time to adapt also.

Vecna is the only being with sufficient insight and power to have enough understanding, as of yet, to use even 10th level spells.
And even he cannot use 11th level spells.



All Powers on Oerth and Toril are in the Magical Arms Race, and gain 1 point per Turn from this Race.
Because they are all in the Magical Arms Race, all Powers on Oerth may attempt to research how to employ 10th level magic.

The Torilians may also attempt to research how to use 10th level magic on Oerth.
To do so, they must have already deployed a force with a point value to Oerth, that force must remain on Oerth for at least one full Turn, and they must use the point value of that force (not their Realmspace point value) to conduct the research from.

Such research is MASSIVELY COSTLY, in money and in time, in danger to the researchers, and in the cost exacted from mind and body of the one who would dare to probe into such great secrets.

Here is what I mean by massively costly:

Millions of gold pieces (or the equivalent) required to set up the intricate and incredibly complicated experimental chambers and to obtain the specialized tools required for the experiments (not to mention the price the mages demand for themselves for this risky venture.)
Mages killed in the experiments, or permanently feebleminded, or taken by Planars, or aged to death, or turned into undead, or those who simply disappear never to be seen again.
Mages who permanently lose the ability to cast any magic.
The rampage of Planars who accidentally are set free by the experiments.
Wild Magic Storms that wipe out entire areas.
Explosions that level entire castles or whole parts of cities.
Disasters that transform entire populations into mutated monsters.
Unexplainable phoenomenon that results in city sized areas having a permanent and deadly change in the very essence of reality (for those of who you
remember the spell Mindspin, from Krynn, think of that.)

This research must be declared to me via e-mail.
Do not post it to the boards.

The Reward:

For every 10 points your Power spends on research, you gain an additional point in the Magical Arms Race.
Spend 30 points, and you will gain an additional 3 points in the Arms Race, gaining a total of 4 points that Turn.

The Penalty:

For every 10 points you spend in research into 10th level magic, you lose 2 points of Power Level permanently - I will choose the nation or nations that drop in Power Level, based on your e-mails.
All the harmful fractions are rounded up, and none of the helpful fractions are. If you spend 7 points in research, you lose 2 points permanently and you must spend an additional 3 points next turn (and lose another 2 points permanently) to achieve that extra 1 point in the Magical Arms Race.

Additional Rules:

You may lend points to another Power so they can conduct research.
They lose no points in Power Level at all.
YOU lose 2 points, permanently, in Power Level per 10 points you lent (and remember that if you loan less than 10 points, you still lose the 2 points.)
You most certainly DO NOT benefit yourself from lending points out - you gain nothing in the way of additional points in the Magical Arms Race for lending points to another Power!
They benefit from your blood, sweat, and tears, and you get nothing back for your generosity.

You may share your research.
If you share it with one other power, you and they split the gains (in other words, you and they gain 1/2 of 1 point per 10 points you spend on research) while YOU pay the price for the research in full (2 points per 10 points spent.)
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 2 Powers, and you and they gain 1/3 of 1 point per 10 you spent, and you pay the full penalty of 2 points lost per 10 spent.
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 3 Powers, and you and they gain 1/4 of 1 point, and you still pay the full penalty.
Bequeath the benefits of your research to 4 Powers, and you and they gain 1/5 of 1 point, and you still pay the full penalty.
In other words, if you share your research, they get the goods, and you get the shaft.

When you reach 50 points in the Magical Arms Race, your Power gains the ability to cast 10th level magic freely.
You gain all of the abilities stated in the Rules section for 10th level magic, plus anything appropriate your imagination thinks up, and I approve.
You gain the ability to transport all of your armies from one place to another during the Turn.

It will only cost, one way or another, 500 points of research done by you and/or others, and 100 points of Power Level lost by you and/or others, to achieve this goal.

Of course, this sacrifice will enable only ONE Power to employ 10th level magic.
For TWO Powers to do so, 1000 points would have to be spent in research, and 200 points in Power Level lost.
For THREE Powers to do so, 1500 points would have to be spent in research, and
300 points in Power Level lost.

Once you gain the secrets of 10th level magic, you MAY NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE ELSE.
You may continue to lend points, to help others - and continue to pay the price of this magical research, if that is your choice.


11th level magic is even more awesomely painful and difficult to research than 10th level magic.
Even mighty Vecna must conduct research to relearn how to use 11th level magic in the Present!

You MUST know the secrets of 10th level magic before you can even consider attempting to learn the secrets of 11th level magic - any Power so foolish as to attempt to learn both 10th and 11th level magic at once is courting a magic disaster for the entire world of Oerth, not to mention themselves.

You must, obviously, have gained that 50 points in the Magical Arms Race, to begin research on 11th level magic.

Researching 11th level magic works like researching 10th level magic.

You spend 10 points to advance your Power Level in the Magical Arms Race by 1 additional point - every 10 points spent gives you 1 additional point in that Race.

When you reach a Power Level of 200 in the Magical Arms Race, you may freely use 11th level magic.
Vecna (with his jump of 50 points because he starts knowing the secrets of 10th level magic) need only attain a Power Level of 150 in the Magical Arms Race to freely employ 11th level magic.

For every 10 points of power you spend in research on 11th level magic, you lose THREE POINTS PERMANENTLY from your Power Level total - I choose the nations that suffer the loss, based on your e-mails.

So, if Vecna spends his entire 120 points on said magical research, he will end Turn One with 13 points in the Magical Arms Race.
Almost a 10th of the way there. Almost a 10th of the way to 11th level magic.
Vecna and his Legions permanently loose 36 points of Power Level on that Turn - the price to be paid for research into such awesome and deadly secrets.

However, since Vecna gained 13 points in the Magical Arms Race, the loss is cut to 23 points, and Vecna begins the next turn with a Power Level of 97 (down from 120.)


If your Power can employ 10th level magic, your Power gains all of the following:

Your entire army can move as many times as it wishes, to anywhere on Oerth or in Greyspace, during the Turn (if obliterated in a battle, obviously it can't move again.)
Your entire army can be protected from the hostile effects of Wildspace, being underwater, or being immersed in acid or lava.
Your entire army can be protected from magical curses, magical disease, and normal illness.
Your entire army can be relieved of the need for sleep and rest for over a week per Turn.

You can build ships immune to normal storms, waves, normal fire, and normal maritime ballistae and catapults.
You can build ships that will fly.
You can build ships that can submerge like submarines.

You can build walls around your cities that cannot be broken by siege equipment or even small artillery.
You can build structures within your cities that are immune to small artillery, the might of fairly powerful monsters, great heat, or earthquakes.
You can build great underground bunkers, extending for thousands of feet beneath the surface.

You can create permanent Gates, from your land to other places on Oerth, in Greyspace, or to other Planes of existence.
Your PCs, NPCs, and army (but not the armies of other Powers or any kind of Planar Armies) can freely use these Gates.

You can create Pocket Dimensions. In these realities, your civilian population can safely hide, or you may use these to house troops (in stasis, obviously) or supplies, or anything you please.
Nothing can break into your Pocket Dimensions that does not also have 10th level magic.

You can enable your cities to fly, as per Netheril, in which case they can move around at 20 mph.
You can create a base of rock upon which to rest your flying cities, that is imprenable to anything less than large artillery or very great monsters.

You can alter the climate of your land, by one degree (arctic to subarctic to cold temperate to warm temperate to subtropical to tropical to equatorial - totally dry to dry to semidry to semiwet to wet to flooded) per Turn.
You can alter the flora and fauna of your land, by one level of change (from the flora and fauna of the warm temperate lands, to the flora and fauna of the subtropics) per turn.
You may partially alter the geography in one place within your land, per turn (one part of a mountain range, a range of hills, part of a great river valley, the whole of a small river valley.) Such a change could involve diverting the course of a river, making mountains taller or shorter, making hills higher or lower, cleaving a new pass through the mountains, creating a small lake, drying up a
small lake, altering the size of a large lake, and similar lesser changes.

You may create one Mythal over one of your cities, or over a one thousand square mile area of your land, where reality can be drastically altered.
A Mythal could allow:

Your army could be healed totally after a few days within it.
Your army could be protected from magical disease or curses within it.
The whole area could be warded against teleportation or scrying into the area.
Certain races can be banned from the Mythal area, and be totally unable to enter (up to 10 stated races.)
Every being in the Mythal area could gain up to 5 innate magical powers of 3rd level or less, while they remain in the Mythal.

You can greatly extend the lifespan of a handful of your people, to hundreds of years if human or halfling, a thousand if elven, dwarven, or gnomish.

You can attempt to give your entire population innate magical abilities of 2nd level or less (one ability per Turn.)

Your ability to attack another Power is greatly enhanced, and I will take this into account whenever you make an attack.
Your ability to defend yourself from an attack is greatly enhanced, and I will take this into account whenever you are attacked.

If you have 10th level magic, and your PC (not your NPCs) directly confronts an enemy PC or NPC, you may KILL that PC or NPC beyond resurrection, leaving him or her permanently dead (unless the Power running that PC or NPC gains 10th level magic to bring the dead one back.)
If your PC is facing more than one enemy PC or NPC, you cannot pull this stunt.
Their combined defensive strength means you must fight them normally.
You can only pull this stunt once per Turn.

You can scry your enemies pitilessly with 10th level magic ... they cannot hide from you.
You can keep track of exactly where every PC and NPC in the IR is, at all times. (Amulets of Proof Against Detection and Location will not work against 10th level magic.)

Special restriction - you cannot attack and kill an enemy PC on Turn 1 (I want them to have a chance to read this rule, and sweat ... and have some chance to save themselves.)
However, NPCs are fair game on Turn 1.


You may throw a catastrophe upon one enemy nation (not Power, but nation.)
You choose the kind of attack: volcanic eruption, firestorm, earthquake, tidal wave, wild magic storm, super arctic cold (100 below zero), super heat wave (200 degrees), colossal storms and tempests, rains of acidic blood, rains of colorless
death, or anything else that pleases you.
If the enemy has 10th level magic, he can block your attack.
If the enemy uses a Wish spell, he can partly block it (I require the wording of the Wish spell in an e-mail.)
Mutiple Wishes could nullify your attack: take comfort in the fact your enemies will pay a very high price for using those Wishes to stop you.
This attack will devastate an area the size of a small country, such as Dullstrand or the Duchy of Ulek, or cause serious damage across a larger country like Furyondy or Ahlissa.
Your enemy's Power Level will suffer ... the Power Level of a small nation will be obliterated; the Power Level of a larger nation will be reduced.
Such an attack will permanently alter the geography, flora, fauna, and possibly the climate of the area attacked.


You can do many more things than the above: the above is only a sampling.
Your imagination is required here. Submit to me what it is you are trying to do with your 10th level magic, and I will arbitrate whether it can be done.

NOTE: Remember that, even though you have 10th level magic, you can still only take so many actions in a Turn.
If you take more actions than your Power could do in one month, I will inform you that you are at the limit ... and then disregard further actions from your Power.


This section is under construction.
11th level magic is much greater than 10th level magic, and with it one can break the fundamental rules of Dungeons and Dragons.

For example, openings can be made in Crystal Spheres, or closed.
The climate over a vast region can be permanently altered to whatever climate is desired.
The Workings of Magic itself can be disrupted.

I am still considering this one.

- - -


Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace will work fine, on Toril and in Realmspace.
Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace will work fine, on Oerth and in Greyspace.

Such technology can be given to the Planars for their use (but the Planars do not start their own Technological Arms Race ... your Power must continue that.)

Technology and technomancy created on Toril and in Realmspace, which is taken to Oerth and/or Greyspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.
Technology and technomancy created on Oerth and in Greyspace, which is taken to Toril and/or Realmspace, DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.

- - -


The United Commonwealth of Toril (and only the United Commonwealth of Toril) may send forces to Oerth.
The United Commonwealth of Toril has 1,000 points of Power Level. They can send as much of this to Oerth as they please.
Whatever Power Level they deploy to Oerth, however, loses half it's strength.

Thus, if the United Commonwealth sends 400 points of strength to Oerth, the force sent will only have a strength of 200 points on Oerth.
The United Commonwealth will have 600 points of it's own remaining, in Realmspace.

It would be a really bad idea for the United Commonwealth to send more than half it's force to Oerth, since the Eternal Empire of Toril (with a Strength Total of 500) might decide to attack it.

It would also be a really bad idea for the United Commonwealth to send most of it's force, because the Border Guard that protects Realmspace is supported by the United Commonwealth.
Currently, the Border Guard has sufficient power to protect Realmspace from any attack, including Vecna and his Legions.
For every point of power the United Commonwealth sends to Oerth, that is that much less strength the Border Guard has to protect Realmspace.

If the United Commonwealth sends forces to Oerth, those forces are under the following restrictions:

They may employ no technology higher than the late 18th century.
They may employ no 10th or 11th level magic.
They must remain on Oerth once sent until the next Turn, when they may retreat - if still alive to do so.
They cannot jump from one place to another on Oerth using magic, anymore than anyone else on Oerth can, except for Vecna.

If the force sent by the United Commonwealth is destroyed, the United Commonwealth will lose some of it's base Power Level as a result, permanently.


At the start, no Power on Oerth or in Greyspace may attack Toril or any place in Realmspace.
The Border Guard of the United Commonwealth is too strong for any force, even the Legions of Vecna, to penetrate.
This may change if the United Commonwealth depletes the Border Guard, in which case I will post the news.

If it does become possible for Oerth to attack Toril, you will face more than the United Commonwealth of Toril.
The Powers of Realmspace are likely to unite to fight you, unless you pull off some very shrewd diplomacy.

Other Powers in Realmspace include:

The Eternal Empire, PL 500
Hope Isle, PL 500
The Scro Star League, PL 300
The Church of Toril, PL 100

In their home system, the people of Realmspace have full access to their technology (Terran equivalent 2100), their 10th level magic, and their 11th level magic.

- - -


A character of 30th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 1.
A character of 60th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 2.
A character of 90th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 3.
A character of 120th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 4.
A character of 160th level 2nd or 3rd edition has a Power Level of 5.

If the character has innate magical powers, and huge numbers of high powered magical items (and/or artifacts) his power level can increase further.
By further, I mean by 1 Power Level ... 2 at the absolute most, assuming the most extraordinary of conditions.

The above applies to NPCs.
It applies to the famous NPCs of Oerth.

An NPC who is a demipower, like Iuz, has inherently greater power than the norm, and his PL is enhanced further.

- - -


Originally (and still, officially) a Mystaran product, the City of the Gods is here on Oerth, for the IR.
It is the left-over product of a super-advanced civilization (more advanced even than the United Commonwealth of Toril) that has disappeared.
It has maintained itself for thousands of years since, by maintaining and creating new robots.

The City of the Gods, as people call it, sits up in the Godspires, in the Black Ice (just off-map to the north), in the middle of the territory of the Solistarim.

It is not possible to claim the City of the Gods.
The Solistarim cannot claim the City of the Gods anymore readily than anyone else.

It IS possible to raid the City of the Gods for their high tech goodies.
A successful raid (75% of any raid being successful) produces an increase in your PL of 2, permanently.
An unsuccessful raid (25% of any raid being unsuccessful) produces nothing.

Each raid, successful or unsuccessful, against the City of the Gods gives a cumulative 1% chance that the City of the Gods will take notice of the raids, and that there are beings out there existing that can raid it.
In that case, the City of the Gods will DECLARE WAR ON EVERYONE IN THE IR.

Yours Truly will run the City of the Gods if that happens.

The City of the Gods will then attack all those who raided it, immediately.
Once those Powers are destroyed, the City of the Gods will randomly attack all the other Powers in the IR.
Last edited:

William Ronald


I am sorry if I gave the impression I was speaking for you. I ask your pardon.

The Kevellond League and the Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent most humbly ask that you pardon our language. We did not seek to offend. We humbly ask that you please transport the forces of the Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent to the areas near Dyvers and the Wild Coast to fight the Shade.

Can the Sky-Sea League move these troops to fight the Church of Shade? Also, as way of apology both the Kevellond League and the Alliance will send Thayadon Fafsoni 20 barrels each of their finest wine.

The Sky-Sea League is an honored ally, and we ask your forgiveness and your aid in our hour of need.

If Kaboom agrees, then Uvenelei's forces will board his vessels and head to fight the Shade. If not, I will have to hold most of my forces on the Hellfurnaces Front.

As Zelda has given me control of her forces, big news

A large force of barbarians and Wind Riders of Telchuria storm down from the Northlands into the North Kingdom of Aerdi. They will seek to conquer territory. If faced by a greater force, they will fight a fighting retreat.

Battle raged at the streets of Avers, small city near The Free City of Dyvvers, recently, like the entire region, conquered by the forces of Shadow, its population turned into terrible slavery, while chosen were presented with offer to become Shade themselves. But now, treachery of Turrosh Mak allowed enemies of The Shade to attack its forces from all sides.

Battle was furious as attackers, forces of Kevellond League, clashed with less numerous Shade defenders, mostly Shade humans,Drow and Undead, who were, however taking huge advantage from the darkness that they conjured on the battlefield. Fireballs, lighting, shadowbolts , ice and negative energy waves were taking a heavy death toll on soldiers from both sides, but Shade wizards were more numerous and Shadow Magic was mostly unknown to enemy.

Leading the Shade was a mighty wizard, one of Netherese Princes, throwing spells of death from afar, riding a Shadow Dragon.. He casted a spell unknown to enemy wizards, and soldiers of the enemy suddenly fell a Shadow of Terror in their hearts, and they bacame shaken, fighting without vigor. But many spells and arrows were turned against him, and he fell with his mount.

But attackers were still unsuccesful, until reinforcements came, including a large group of clerics. They prayed and Light came forward, and dispelled The Darkness. Many undead on the site of The Shade were destroyed, many broke their formation in panic, and it seemed to be the end of battle.

But it wasn`t, for suddenly a terrible howl was heard, and a horde of planar nightmares emerged upon the battlefield. Cruel Yugoloths, raging Shadow Demons, beasts of Shadow and creatures from Negative Energy Plane, always eager to feed upon the living. But their leader was the most terrible, he was resembling a huge Balor, but his body was composed of shadowstuff and cowered in flames. He was emanating so much terror that few could stand to him instead of running, and these few met swift death from his black axe and flaming whip.

Recognising a fiend of awesome power, Archpriest of Pelor called upon his most powerful magic, and conjured a shining gate to the realm of his God, and called for the help to fight The Darkness. And from the gate emerged celestials, led by a Solar, beatiful and shining in glory. Hope returned to the soldiers of Kevellond, they realised that planar terrors called by The Shade are powerful, but not that numeorous as it seemed at the begiinning. But the mighty demon came forward to challenge a champion of good. Solar intensified his light, he bursted of white flame so strong that most present couldn`t even look at it. He spoke with a voice beautiful but determined:

Begone Black Flame of The Abyss, I wield The Light Of The Holy Sun, I wield The Flame of Pelor! Begone!

What responded was a voice of unspeakable hatred:

You fool, long ago I abandomed the chaos of Abyss for the pure Darkness of Shadow Plane! Behold, for I am Baelros, Demon Lord Of The Shadow, mightiest of Shadowlords, and your existence ends here!

Then his fire, his darkness, expanded, and seemed to be greater than the light of Solar! Then they clashed, light versus darkness, white flame versus black flame! They soon became covered in smoke, but when it vanquished Solar was no more, only the gold armor was lying, with Baelro`s axe in the place when the heart should be. Demon Lord had few minor injuries and his black blood could be seen.

That totally broke the morale of Kevellond troops, and the battle was soon over. Suddenly black portal was opened near Baelros and a beatiful Shade female Drow emerged from within., emanating an aura of power and commanding.

- You are to late for the battle!

-Yes but I see a victory for The Shadow!

- What was defeated was only a small part of enemy force, because of Turrosh`s Mak betrayal we are besieged from all sides! We have reserves, but it might be not enough against all our enemies!

- I assure you that this stinkning half-orc will soon be punished! I will personally lead the strike force to kill him, together with Sauros ! I have also visited our allies on the west, they will soon strike with terrible might! Our enemies will fall before the wrath of Shadow!

Than she laughed maliciously.


First Post
A message is sent out to each of the nations of Oerth:

Greetings, all, from your friends on Toril -- the United Commonwealth.

We are glad that your visit to our world has shown that, in reality the Wanderer spoke nothing but lies, and that the Commonwealth is a force for good and for peace.

So I'm sure you won't mind us moving in for a little while -- away from the action.

A few million men and women, many of them scientists, are landing in Uvenelei even as you read this message. Next month, we plan to begin research into your odd magic, not to mention the strange way in which technology works in your world.

Those of you who find us threatening are more that welcome to speak with us about your concerns -- and Vecna, if you absolutely feel threatened, know that we understand, but that you need not worry. We may be able to be talked into working only on technology, and not magic . . . there is room for negotiation.

Finally . . . there is little doubt that our enemies, such as the Church of the Shade, will use our visit to try to rile you up. Try to convince you that a grand Torillian invasion is coming. Try to unite you all against us.

Know this: It is but a dirty Shade trick. It would be good if we could expect more of them, but we cannot. Also know that we brought enough men and women to protect ourselves from such nonsense.

And if we desired, we could have landed our millions in Greyhawk, with complete and utter surprise, and taken the Shadow Throne from the Shade in a heartbeat. But this, we did not do.

All we wish is peace, and a place to do our research. I recommend that you all stop your warring, return to your homes, and do the same. Oerth has seen enough bloodshed this last month; why shed more?

Lord Forrester
Last edited:


First Post
Copied Posts from the Vital Information Thread

I thought most of these posts deserved a place in the main IR thread, so here they are:

- - -

William Ronald

Edena is in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States.

This breaks down to 4 p.m. in the Central Time Zone in the U.S., 3 p.m. Mountain Time, and 2 p.m. on the West Coast of the U.S.

I am six hours behind GMT. So, 5 p.m. EST in the US equals 10 p.m. GMT.

- - -


Heh! Those crazy torture peoples.

Well, I had kind of hoped to participate in the Torture Olympics, but Edena, I heartily approve the course of action you chose for Anabstercorian. I'm loving this guy more and more!
"Gleeful"... The perfect word to describe him in combat.

- - -


You naughty little scuid, you really like sabotaging my entertainmen tprojects, don't you?
First the cult of ooze (from the first Greyhawk IR) and now the olymipcs. I would almost be upset at you, but you did aid us in battle so I forgive you.

- - -


Hmm, this suspiciously sounds like something Zagyg told me he was planning on doing. His plan involved a Thunderstone the size of a boulder, however. Guess he forgot to go through with it.

ZAGYG'S idea, not mine. Blame him.

- - -

William Ronald

What about the whoopie cushion on the throne of the God Emperor of the Dark Union?

- - -


Oh crap, I must have a leak in my security; how did you find out about PLAN B?

- - -


Willians, Uvenlei

Hey! You guys are not being nice. I just wanna kill and torture people, I never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it.

- - -


So I take it the Olympics were just you repeatedly stabbing yourself?

- - -

Black Omega

Coalition of Light and Shadow Interlude
4th Month of the Torilian Year
Siobhan Silirevnur's Study - Highfolk

The once neat and tidy study is now piled with charts, scrolls, maps of current positions, maps of projected enemy movement and maps of projected counter attacks to projected enemy movements. And in the middle of it all is Siobhan, silverhair mussed from lack of sleep.
Luckily green leather doesn't wrinkle. Gazing over the reports of huge battles, betrayals, and
staggering losses one thing is on her mind.

"Morre! I'm Bored! Boredboredbored! Why did they assign me to do this? I'm a seelie, fun and flighty! Why not a dwarf, they love being reliable and dutiful."

The young page enters, carrying a armful of scrolls "I'm sure I don't know, ma'am. Here's the
reports from The Kevellond League. They had some success but it didn't go as well as we might have hoped. Dyver's was taken and there is heavy fighting still along the front."

Siobhan sighs, nodding "Ok. We'll consult with the generals later on troop movements. Take a letter. Dear Archcleric Hazen of Veluna. We deeply regret hearing the news of the loss of Dyvers. Of course, we'll providewhatever assisstance we can. However, we also must view with concern your crackdown on dissidents in your lands. While some of them were clearly enemy agents, others might have legitimate grievences. Once you start down the slippery slope of oppression..it's hard to stop..because..because it's a slope...and slippery! Um..you clean that up, something about oppression only breeds resistance, maybe promise to look into
grievences later. That way if you lose the war you won't have to worry aobut it. Deepest regards, Siobhan Silirevnur, Emissary of the Seelie Court, Glittering White Flame of Titania,
Undisputed Mud Wrest..no, scratch that. It never impresses the clergy for some reason."

"Next up." the fae brightly went on "To Azaghul Doomhammer of the Dwarves of Perrenland.
Our deepest thanks for the fine work that has been done building up our defences along the borders. We can't help but think more strongpoints could have been built if you did not stop to add statues of dwarven heros and engravings, but we understand you want everyone to know who did the work. It has come to our attention that you are planning to participate in a revolution. We've consulted the maps and determined there are no such people as the 'Industrials' so we can only assume this is some obscure cause. Please note the Seelie Court has no sense of humor about lawless rebellions. If you have a grievence, we'll be happy to work it out with you after the war. Deepest regards, Siobhan Silirevnur, Emissary of the Seelie
Court, the Hammer of the Seelie Smiting the Rocks of Evil."

Then a sigh from the young fae "Ok, Suppose I should get this one over with. Hope he's not too upset, he's had a rough time this past month. Dear Vecna, Thanks for your invitation to dinner, but really, a date between us could never work. You're dead and I'm alive for once thing. You've evil and I'm good for another. Thanks for the enameled halfling skull set in bloodgold, but really, I have nothing to wear with it. Best wishes, hope we can still be friends.


- - -


Black Omega- Dang that Vecna part is funny!

IC-Hmm I think I will have to send Siobhan Silirevnur a bunch of Bloodroses from the 374 layer of the Abyss. I like Fae 'specialy with Ketchup (OOC-demons are a little flighty too ones with 48 Int probably are worse since they are thinking about 8 or 9 things at once) and Elf-Blood wine. I like Fae. "Someone send the flowers or a pack of Abyssal Kittens whatever you find first" Kalanyr shouts to pne of his demonic aids. The poor Quasit flies off looking confused.

OOC-Sorry couldn't resist.

- - -

Black Omega

OOC - Sounds fine to me, this was just a bit of fun. Wars can't be -all- violence and mountains dropping on people. Siobhan might get a little suspicious of the ketchup scented perfume sent as a gift though.

- - -


My own little role playing.

Somewhere deep beneath the godspires, the sound of thunder is heard.
In one of the largest of the Solistarim's caverns, Anabstercorian is engaged in training with the best and brightest of his warriors. He is a target, powerful rays of all kinds ricocheting off of his dweomer-shielded form, his eyes wide with amusement.
<< Come on, you silly mammals, hit me! I'm not moving all that fast. >>
Lightning bolts and rays of fire and beams of energy blast towards him, only to sputter and ricochet from his magical shielding.
<< Good, good. You show promise. Now, keep attacking! >>
With a thought Anabstercorian sends pain shooting through their bodies, manifesting Mass Recall Agony. The mages wince, some fall to their knees, but a few merely scream and unleash more arcane power. Anabstercorian slowly hovers to the floor, nodding.
<< Better. But still, too many of you cannot fight the pain. You must grow stronger. >>
Turning on his heel he floats out the door, enjoying the effects of a Persistent Fly, and seeks
out his slime pools, peeling off his magical items and sliding in to the bilious muck, closing his eyes, and thinking...
The Great Kingdom of Aerdi had been properly chastised for its foolishness. Kas still lived, and
Vecna still lived, and neither of them held grudges against him. No one had attempted to assault his fortresses yet. Things were going well.
Blasted Angels. He'll show them yet...

- - -

William Ronald

Did you get the message I forwarded to you from Uvenelei? I will protect my Hellfurnaces front and, as per Uvenelei's message, deploy his forces against the hostile Shade forces.

- - -


Moves for Turn 2

I'm going to be in class (I hate midterms so much) when turn 2 starts up, so I'm posting my moves now.

The Aaqa forces in the Baklunish Confederation: This army right now is 25 PL. I'm going to send in my latest technological advancements for them to use (my 4 PL in the tech arms race). William has control over this force; they will be deployed where he decides they need to be, and he'll tell everyone where that is when the time comes.

The Lyrn/Ishtar forces: I've asked Dagger to stop on by (NOT drop on by ) and pick up 40 PL (25 Lyrn, 15 Ishtar if it matters) worth of these troops with his mountains. If he has the mountains to spare, then these forces are also under William's command. If he doesn't have the mountains to spare, I move as much as I can with teleports and any help I can get from any other allied spelljammer fleet. Again, all these troops are William's for now.

Strike Force: This force is now 15 PL strong (3 Aurican, 6 Zagyg, 3 high level clerics/psions, 3 planar dragons). It is also under William's control, on the stipulation that if any state of the Crescent is attacked, they leave at once to defend it.

Also, Edena: The preliminary PL total listed for me is wrong. I have 124 PL if I'm right.
Have fun.

- - -

William Ronald

The flying citadels and ships of the Sky-Sea League will move Uvenelei's forces to oppose the Shade Army. The former move 20 mph and the latter move at 30 mph. There will be 75 PLs of Uvenelei's foces up against the Shade. These are deployed to defend Dyvers and retake the Wild Coast.

I will have to defend myself on the Hellfurnaces front. I will send a small force (15 PL) to defend against the shade and make sure Furyondy and Veluna do not fall. With Uvenelei's troops I am able to focus on the Hellfurnaces.

- - -


Oh hoh, suprising had to be away, and be have had our first war already. Do you still miss me to join, or should I just stay reader and give my lands for someone else to play with?

Ok, now I read the tread, and it doesn't look that bad. While I am away would William mind playing my people?

(I am away for weekend too).

- - -

Turrosh Mak

Edena I just e-mailed you a generial overveiw of my plans and how I'm spending PL, Tech sharing, Etc...

(Yes, and it will be posted here)

- - -

William Ronald

With Uvenelei's troops marching against the Shade, my troops attacking the Hellfurnaces, and Zelda's pulling a big surprise, things will be VERY interesting very soon.

- - -


I gotta say, I love the fact that Forrester the multi-racial PC is PL 5 - Stronger than Kas. Gotta love that. Hey, I've earned it!

- - -

Turrosh Mak

Yes you have

- - -

William Ronald

It looks like Forrester is here to kick someone's butt.
Glad to have you here!

I am well defended with Uvenelei's forces against the Shade. As I am handling his forces while he is away. I will state a list of any and all captured Shade agents will be sent to the UC of Toril for their use. Perhaps they and the Eternal Empire of Kara Tur can put the Shade prisoners on trial. Do they impale people in Kara Tur?

- - -


I speak for the sky-sea league. I do. NO ONE ELSE can state what the sky-sea league is doing without my permisson.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
From the Raker Mountains a Force of Humaniods and Giants from the Essenbaudos move south to reinforce the Dark Swamp Horde, which took heavy loses at the battle of Flinty Hills.

In the Sea hold Peasant Levies are raised, which are set to work digging trench lines and building fortifications allong it's southern border.

In the Pomarj and Lortmill Technocracy, Earth Elementals and Dao help with the fortification of those areas. A long series of thrench lines are dug allong the Wild coast area controlled by the pomarj. Turrosh Mak asks Kessel Gnomeworks to lend Gattling Guns and crews to man them to those lines.

Allong the Northern Wild coast, Kelden's army begins constucting Rough fortifications using Walls of Iron and Walls of stone spells. Earth Elementals Patrol the grounds beneth them searching for sappers. The Gith Spelljammers watch the shade forces from the sky. Kelden refuses to give any ground to the shade's formidible army.

To Edena:

Shade wizards will scry for Turrosh`s Mak location. After he is found, a very powerful strike force will be sent after him, consisting of very powerful wizards and assasins, led by two Sahdowlords: Ahlissa, a very powerful Shade Drow enchantress with some Rogue levels and Sauros, Shade Mind Flayer, mighty psion and assasin( both have CR around 40). Power level of this strike force is 4, they will kill Turrosh Mak, take his soulbinded soul and teleport back.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
To the God King Of the Great Kingdom:

Know that Our Betrayal of you was not without a great deal of debate among my advisors. Yet in the end, it was decided that your aims and ours where of a much diferent nature. with your alliance with the Shadows, a decadent race, who much like the former lords of the Pomarj, would see all arround them in chains, we knew that we would have no choice but to turn on you. For the sake of my nation and it's people.We have fought long and hard to be a free nation. We will not be the shade's slaves, nor yours.
and of your alliance to Kas the destroyer. Kas is a madman, more mad than even you. and beware, He is more versed in betrayal than I could ever be.


First Post
Posts from the IR OOC Thread


I offer a hand to Sollir... sorry about getting heated up...

That was a great war up north, anyone agree?

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

No problem, this is fun anyhow, one question though, aren't mostof your items are nulled out by your antimagic stone anyhow (except for your sword since its a lesser artifact?), also, check Phibrizzo's stats, I have 140+ ranged weapons at my disposal, thanks to the half-machine template . Maybe we can try a huge GoD in the Fight Club sometime with all the IR chars

- - -


My horse speed is unaffected... and I don't think weapons or armor would hurt me too much.

I was going to just stay completely out of range... I have that advantage with an Oathbow.

Anyway I am pretty sure you would have led, but it would have been undecided. Read rule 12, PC's don't die in turn 1.

Hey, for kicks, here is the YOU WIN speech.

Sanctus first feints a charge to attempt to bait Phibrizzo at him then takes a right angle evasion and sheathes his sword. Sanctus continues at this angle at the average horse speed of 50 ft. till his Oathbow is in hand and knocked. Sanctus turns to each side and can't see the fiend...

"Damnit... without my sword drawn I can't see him when he is invisible..."

Sanctus speeds up to his magically enhanced speed (on horseback) of 100. He draws his blade again and sees the rancoring creaturn rushing at him. Without a doubt Sanctus loses his breath when he narrowly dodges a shot fist.

"What in all of the 9 HELLS!!!"

The creature stops for a second to pause and reconsider his strategy. It is apparent that Sanctus had all intentions of pelting the Slaadi from a distance and maintaining that distance. The Slaadi's invisibility allowed him to get close... but as long as this horse was faster he wouldn't get another shot... Unless he hides better...

Sanctus was whipping around, confident that the creature had not moved from its position he fired a volley... all misses. Sanctus realized that he couldn't win the fight up close with this creature well beforehand. Sanctus didn't know about propeled claws either. He had no idea what to do... but he knew to stay away. Sanctus draws his sword up again and began to move away in an attempt to keep the creature visable, but out of range.

The Slaadi threw out a fireball to test the spell resistance and reflex of the Paladin. The fireball hit flawlessly... or almost flawlessly. The black Ioun stone repelled the fireball quite efficiently. The Slaadi realized it was either an anti-magic field or some kind of spell resistance.

Sanctus Punitor decided to enable his invisiblity and haste now. The Slaadi of course doubled up his own. The Slaadi however did not have an inate way to notice the invisible Knight. This posed little threat when of course the Slaadi cast his True seeing spell. Just slightly too late, the Knight scored a quick strike to the creatures arm, but only hit the steal plating around it. Fleeing as quickly as possible the Knight tried to dodge the sudden fly of another fist. The fist was about to colide, and Sanctus lept from his horse.

The Slaadi now had his chance, and began to rush towards the opposition with claws ready to bear down. The Knight set up a defensive stance while his horse doubled around.

"Damnit... wait one second..."

Sanctus prepared to swing his blade hoping for divine intervention. Sanctus thought knew this creature could take him at this range. Then Sanctus realized that divine gods had been manipulating his whole life. He raised his blade for only a second and then threw a wave of tiny balls of light at the Slaadi. Each Ball a Lantern Archon. The Slaadi couldn't be harmed by suchj pathetic creatures, and the creatures actually hugged on to his celestial nature.

The Slaadi looked up, and the Knight was riding away on his horse, trying to gain the gap again. Tiny pathetic balls of light were attaching themselves to him like children. This reminded him of his other half. The fiery insects were then squished, quickly and violently. Sanctus began riding at the Slaadi, Bow knocked.

Both armies gasped. Hundreds of thousands of brave men and beasts turned away. Five Arrows in the head of one Half-Celestial, Half-Robot, Chaotic Evil, Death Slaadi. One Elven Hero with one severed arm, one shattered leg, and one ripped out eye. Sanctus Punitor began to cry out in pain, realing from the death he felt in his limbs. The Slaadi was much healthier... looking. In fact the arrows had been enchanted with a brain parasite secretion that was commonly used to paralyze Celsestials. Sanctus had been afflicted as well... the slaadi had his own poison covering his claws, a natural poison that was used to kill his opposition instantly. Sanctus was crying. Sanctus was remembering the cultist woman who bore his child. The Mosfungus that had killed his father and was supposed to kill him as well. His immunity to poisons went far and wide, but this poison could only be encountered from this Slaadi. Sanctus realed over and fell to the ground. The battlefield was now facing the two wounded... or dead leaders. The Slaadi stood up and started laughing, vigorously.
Nobody was looking that way though.

Interfectio-onis Ferrum, a Paradox forged blade, began to glow. The Blade of an evil tyrant, reborn as its new and pure self. The blade began to speak to the Slaadi and Sanctus Alike.
The blade stood up of its own accord, floating in the middle of a battlefield by a dismounted horse, and a nearly dead knight. The Blade laughed aloud for but a sylible and then screamed, in some long forgotten language, an incantation.

Three Celestial Solars awoke. The Celestial Mens Mentis, The Guardian of Paradox, and The Guardian of Rangers all appeared. Mens Mentis appealed to the spirit of Sanctus Punitor to stay here, where it was most needed. The Guardian of Paradox used powerful healing magic to restore Sanctus Punitor's body. The Guardian of the Rangers watched the Slaadi and its hoardes movements, prepared to unleash all Heaven if they moved.

Sanctus stood up again, mounted his horse and stated, "Again?"

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

Either way I feel like a winner to be playing with very good roleplayers here, unfortunately I don't have the skill to type something like that as if I'm pulling it outof my hat, this battle should prove interesting though.

Edit-What is an oathbow anyways? Isn't that from Relics and Rituals?

- - -


Pre-typing... its all I have done... every move I have done was plotted the day before, except the last stuff with just me and you... notice how much less-constructed it is.

I just remembered....

I hate mountains

especially ones that fall out of the sky...

- - -


+3 bow with a 300 range that speaks elvish... and I have to take an oath to use it, and an oath to protect the elves was my choice.

So max range of 3000... which is pretty good, then if we were actually playing I would have to carry about 2000 arrows because I would need a natural 20 to hit.

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

Funny, Creamsteak I took that test that you had on your link, and I got the same thing you got, and if I wasn't a scorched earth tank it said I would be an asteroid
Isn't it funny too that the person I duel against lives in my own state, weird eh?

- - -

Mr. Draco

By the way, turrosh mak, out of curiosity, how long HAVE you been planning that betrayal?

- - -

Sollir Furryfoot

Ha, but you seem to perfer the forces of good, I guess you can call me your alter-ego or rival, since I perfer the forces of evil

- - -



Bad Mountain squishy squishy owwy owwy!'

Fine my evil alter ego who- Lives in the Same state
Would be the same character in a video game registered to the new enworld messageboard on the same day
Uses Uber characters while I use Average Guy
Uses Evil While I use good
And is conveniently my next door neighbor in the IR...

- - -

Turrosh Mak

Oh my. Since before I contacted you about an alliance
Did it surprise you?

- - -


I don't prefer them. The thing is that Vecna don't fear them either. He is just making sure that Kas get as much damage as possible. Worry about the guy that's going to kill you first. World domination can wait

- - -

Mr. Draco

to tell the truth, it DID suprise me. good job with it!

- - -

Turrosh Mak

Bugbear does a little bow and flurrish
Thank you good sahr
It was quite stressful for me though. I always had this feeling that you were on to me

- - -


To bad about Gnomeworks though.

- - -

Mr. Draco

Actually, i missed the start of the thread, so could somebody explain what actually happened to him?

- - -


I joined in the last two hours... so whatever was going on before that I am clueless too... and somebody sure is persistent about my grandwoods...

Most argumentative: Me and Sollir (There were two other guys who were a million times worse... who?

Most Lucky: Gotta say me... I held on to some places that may have fallen otherwise

Most Cocky: Whoever got away with dropping a mountain on me

Most Lost: I think Iuz got pretty ganged up on... but I don't know about how much he lost

Most Scaredy: Vecna, who fled from a duel and will continue to do so forever. I do respect it because it was the smart decision, but it was cowardly.

Least Active: The Hellfurnaces?

Best Trick: Mountain

Best Trap: Grandwoods

Most Likely to Save people's buts in turn 2: Everyone that didn't contribute

Hardest work ahead of him: Edena

Best Roleplaying: Me, only because I didnt read anybody else's posts

These are my votes.

- - -


If you ignore all the wars you were involved in, what war was most interesting to you?

I definitely liked the sinking of Kas Fleet. The betrayal was none of my doing and it was awesome to watch [read].

Good Night Sweet IR, Hope to Kill you in the Morning.

- -- -


JohnBrown war between us doesn`t make sense! See my email! I also sent email to Serpenteye concerning this!

- - -



Oh well. If it was. All of the things I have planned require me to be present. Waiting for others to do certain actions.

If it seems like I have been online a lot it's true but not normal. I'm a student and right now I'm home working on a project using this board to relax from the serious stuff But I will soon be going back to normal rutine.

As it is going now rulings on movements are made in the turn. Not in the end as I thought.

I like to stil be a part. I'm just not a very fast poster (As I'm doing other things while playing). Hey if I didn't want to play I would not had let Vecna leave when Iuz turned up

- - -

William Ronald

Iuz, Kas and Vecna agreeing on something reminds me of a line from Phil Foglio's MythAdventures. This is a paraphrase based on my memory.

Hero: So, let's see the next thing you are going to tell me is you like puppies and roses.

Evil Wizard: I do, marinated in butter together for 2 hours at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Any more detailed thoughts on the proposal, Bonedagger?

- - -

The Forsaken One

Euhh Edena you missed the part that I mailed you when I threw 90 PL at william...? Because
I wouldn't be there omg.

(Yes, I goofed on that one ...)

- - -


THE SCENE: A carriage of human bones, rolling along the banks of a river, drawn by a dozen Nightmares.


The giant skull that is Acererak turns to Iuz forlornly. "I could have been a contender! I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum which is what I am. But I'm gonna be there for the next one!"


finally gee let's all give a big hand, it seems people rather wanna deal with vecna then kas umm.... okay we let Vecna kill (or attempt as the case was) the only one that saved the world from total domination by Vecna, and help out Vecna??? umm sir mister Dead can you take this order please, one world of people willing to give up their tickets to the afterlife.
Personally I thought Kas was a gonner earlier well except his undead forces (hey did you really try to drown the undeadas well!? Hello they are sorta out of breath already!).
Because he undead are dead does not mean they cannot rise again, animate dead forexample just requires a mostly intact corpse or skeleton (or corpse with a true anatomy for zombies). and Create Undead spell just needs a corpse.. a slain zombie is a corpse so

Ohh and again I really really liked the mountain missile, nuclear missile... dark age style!
*boy: mummy! I think the sky is falling
*mother: no darling the sky isn't falling.
*father: just a Mountain being tossed at us!

- - -


Edena, I think I mentioned that we summon planars from Gehenna, Shadow Plane, Negative Energy Plane and create undead? And Maudlin could you extend black color on the map to Dyvvers and Wild Coast?

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I wondered about that... You can summon 3 planar groups AND mass-summon undead?
Thought it was an either/or thing, I'll have to start bringing in some more then

(You can indeed do that.)

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Well we have plenty of slaves, especially after recent conquerings, we can offer their souls to the planars along with technology and a chance to wreak serious havoc and prey upon the living! And we are very strong magically, we have remmants of Netheril, so we can raise many undead, there should be many bodies in the region!

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I am curious to who attacked the Gnarley... They were in the Lortmills by the beginning of turn 1 I thought... They were supposed to be training with rifles.
Thats my only problem... otherwise I messed up where I did, and I won where I did... and I'm ok with that.

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Okay, Okay....I'm coming clean.

I lobbed the mountain, but it wasnt supposed to do what it did, honest!

I didnt realize the dwarves wouldnt be able to do even half of what I wanted, heck, im supprised they even did it. But of course, Edena added in a little something extra......

I felt bad last night though after reading Edenas post.

(Yes. It is my fault the mountain did what it did, not Dagger's. His plan should have worked.)

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By the way Turrosh Mak, you are dead, almost.

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The Forsaken One

Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 82

Darkness we (Kalanyr + Festy Dog + Me) Emailed our actions but we just got ignored for about 99% and the part he did carry out was done by the wrong person with the wrong amount of PL so that wasn't really a succes.....
And if we keep starting at the last time I'm out.... Sorry but then I can just sit here each morning read what happend how I got bashed again and my troops just got killed and didn'e even fight back last night when 141 PL stood there and got owned by 20-30 PL who lost almost nothing.... I made me feel really sad when I read that... such nonsense. So I was really really excited to be in this IR and spent alot of time mailing and planning but it all seems to go to hell because we start at 23:00 here while I have to get out of bed at 6:45. So If we start 2 hours earlier I can participate for the first 3 hours which should do really really fine. But as it goes now me Kalanyr and Festy can't participate no matter how much we want. School and School for them and Sleep for me (Europeans of 18 who have to go to university have this problem ). So if we could start the 2 hours earlier would be great. I really really like to participate and I'm honored I can but to see it all go awry because of the time... You get my drift so I and hopefully some other will feel the same way.

(This won't happen again. If it does, I would rather end the IR that so disappoint people.)

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Maudlin and Edena

I'm pretty sure the Dark Union of Oerth conquered almost all of Nyrond. According to Edena's posts we took all the cities of the nation. If any part of Nyrond is not yet conquered it would be a thin slice of land in the north.

I like the crater. LOL

- - -


And yes, Nyrond has fallen.

The Dark Union is a lot bigger now.

It holds Adri Forest, the County of Urnst, Almor, and most of mighty Nyrond.
It still does not hold the Flinty Hills or Garrel Enkdal, for the Seldanoran Army, the Swanmays and their hosts, the good giants, and the remaining Nyrondese forces have fought them to a standstill.
Things look grim for them, however, for Kas and his remaining forces, over 1.5 million strong, are sitting in Nyrond, quite capable of striking northward.
And a new power, the Sahuagin Empire, has emerged in the Solnor Ocean and formally allied (not joined) the Dark Union, with a Power Level of 20.
Something that the forces of good did not expect, and did not want, and did not need, right now.


The forces of the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, Lyrn, and Ishtarland are finally arriving in the Baklunish Confederation.
By the hundreds of thousands, they are coming, along with their genie allies.

However, the greater part of their forces are still on the march, and still far to the west of the Baklunish.
They will take another Turn to arrive.

The forces of Orcreich and Esmerin are fully arrived, and deployed, along with most of the force sent overland by the Celestial Imperium.

- - -


A question

Does my and Mr Draco's armsraces stack when out total powerlevel is calculated?

(No, it does not stack.)


I thank you most humbly for the Sahaguin. With the Union navies rotting on the bottom of the sea we could need some naval power.

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If hell is a state of mind I would wonder what Greyhawk would be considered right now?

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Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Australia, GMT +10
Posts: 556
About the 234th layer of the Abyss I guess. Hell just isn't chaotic enough.

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The map current for Turn 1 is up at its normal location... Indeed the Evil Empire has gotten quite a lot bigger than I had it
Also, the crater was apparently not to be reconciled with the scale of the map, so I had to remove it. *pout* It was an actual meteor crater from Arizona somewhere, even

(The crater was neat. It's just the Flinty Hills are over 100 miles across, and the crater is only 1 mile across.)

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Edena, Shadow Empire was supposed to be very powerful, but our level isn`t among the highest. Could you add the following NPC`s and add their power level to those of mine:

Shadowlord Baelros, Demon Lord of The Shadow, pl 2
Shadowlord Rhamagaum, mighty spellcaster and Shade lich, pl 2
Shadowlady Ahlissa, Shade, Drow, female, very high level enchantress and rogue, pl 2
Shadowlord Waganard, powerful lich, pl 2
Shadowlord Azorgax, King of Shadow Dragons, Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon and sorcecer, pl 2
Shadowlord Sauros, Shade Mind Flayer, very high level psion and assasin, pl 2 Shadowlord Rivalen Tanthul, High Prince of Netherese and Archpriest of Shade, very high level spellcaster, divine and arcane, pl 2( his stats in LOD are from 40 years before)

(You may have only one Player Character, and the NPCs are already given.
However, you have made a tremendous effort in your private posts to me concerning these people, with a great deal of time spent.
In this one case, I will make an exception, and put these people down as NPCs.
I will place Rhamagaum as your PC on the Lists.)
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