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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius curses himself. They should've agreed that hidden shooters shoot first and then he gets closer in the confusion and turn the attention away from them inside. Now he needs something else.

Joining the group, he carefully takes aim at the most obvious leader or most powerful caster and makes two strides forward before throwing his magical weapon. It streaks between the ranks striking his target unerringly. While the weapon itself is light and he has no physical strength to add to its impact, its magic bursts forth and covers the target in a sheet of flame.

Shouting before the hit in draconic
"Traitors among us! Traitors smote by fire of earth!" he's moving before those next to him can take good look at him. One stride, two and as the attention is drawn to fiery burst in their middle, he launches himself forward his hands already sheathed in energy of his draconic patrons.

As he moves he awaits the boom of the pistol and hiss of an arrow hoping they arrive before him so he doesn't push the target off the line of fire. However, he will pummel the target with both hands even if his companions hold their fire.
"Dragon swoops down upon his prey!"
[/sblock] his naming of maneuvers seems instinctive

Surprise: Shuriken attack; damage + fire damage: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21
1D2 = [1] = 1
1D6 = [6] = 6
- Ref DC 15 or catch fire taking 1d6/round until extinguished

Initiative: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14

First round:
Move: next to the target
Standard: Flurry att 1; Flurry att 2; damage; damage; elemental damage: 1D20+5 = [11]+5 = 16
1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
1D6+6 = [4]+6 = 10
1D6+4 = [2]+4 = 6
1D6 = [2] = 2

Crit confirm: 1D20+5 = [2]+5 = 7 - not confirmed

OOC: [MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION], feel free to nix anything you think is overreaching - for example, you didn't roll perception against Marius stealth yet, maybe he's noticed. Or disguise. I didn't roll Sleight of Hand to disguise the shuriken while aiming etc...lots of moving pieces.

Also, you mentioned earlier the greatsword of the draconian creature is very light. Light enough that Marius can extend his reach without penalty for non-proficiency? This is backup option, he would actually like to run forward, launch himself from something jumping over the last row and land solidly onto his target.

Finally, energy on his elemental fist is ideally the opposite of the color of the creature if it resembles a dragon - probably not, but still. Acid is in this case least favored because lizardmen are resistant to it. Remember that he has good training in knowledge concerning dragons and various related creatures.
[MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION], fire away!

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Near Maran
Round 1

Surprise Round

As Marius attacked one of the commanders, Morgrym remained crouched and hidden as he cast a spell. A flaming sphere erupted into existence and rolled through the ranks of saurians straight at the commander Marius was attacking.

OOC: This is assuming we’re in close enough? 30 feet?

Round 1

Taking advantage of catching the commander off guard, Morgrym extended his hand. A small storm cloud erupted about the saurian commander’s head with wind and rain.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Flaming Sphere DC 16 Dex negates
Flaming sphere damage: 3D6 = [6, 4, 3] = 13
Storm Burst
Storm Burst vs touch AC; Non-lethal damage and -2 to attack rolls for 1 round if successful: 1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5
1D6+1 = [6]+1 = 7


HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (299/300r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

“You. You took the idle and left it behind. Used my secrets. Abused my gifts. Kept me for a PET!” – her eyes explode in red as she yanks Ho-og’s axe from his hands, ignoring Tugg’s blades.

“I-I… Mercy! MERCY!” – the giantess begins to agitate herself once more, but Hagadark’s grip is too powerful.

Tugg-Mhuagra tests the axe’s blade, rising it towards the giantess’ neck. “You have twisted my blessings… And now… You’ll pay… Creature.” – Tugg-Mhuagra presses the axe against the creature’s neck. Hagadark feels as the creature pisses herself in fear. The hunters around glance in satisfaction, understanding the brutal legacy of their spirit-gods. Even Ho-og, now unarmed, forgets his distrust, eager to see the end of such story.

“Rejoice, Giantess… We shall give a good end to your blood. Nobler than you’d deserve.” – Tugg-Mhuagra presses the axe against the creature’s neck. With a last chuckle, she bleeds, her dark humors running down through Hagadark’s arm and the giantess’ body. Tugg-Mhuagra plunges the axe at the floor, cups her hands and drinks vigorously from it.

The shaman release dying giantess performing the rites for the dead recommending (damning?) her soul to Mhuagra, The Secret Hoarder, Knowledge Fury, The Deceitful One.

Once done, the hybrid points towards the tome. “Take it, shaman. You’ve earned it. The secrets you might seek, it shall reveal in due time. Feed it with blood, and it will embrace you and teach you.” – she looks around, retrieves the axe to Ho-og once more, the blazing stars in her eyes pulsating hypnotically.

"Thank you, Great One." half-blood shaman nods taking the book and immediately anointing it with the black blood of its former owner. He wonders if it is really worth it. He is curious, and knowledge brings power. But killing for personal power was never his way. If people are afraid of you, if they don't trust you, they will lie, they will avoid sharing the knowledge. And that is exactly what he tries to teach orc tribes - do NOT make others want to destroy you. Yet, with The Great Spirit here in flesh, how can he refuse?

Luckily no others were injured so he's not expected to add more blood to the book.
"Will blood from sacrificial animals suffice? How often do I need to feed it?" Hagadark is curious, both for the power provided and about its limitations.
Making signs of obeisance again "We thank you for the honor of your presence."

“Now… We were hunting for something. What was it?”

"We're looking for some humans...persons from Maras carrying an item our employer needs. No great purpose, just simple retrieval."

Turning toward his group
"Hunters, slaughter the boars, let's take the meat. We can prepare it for travel while we wait out the day. The night is still young. We move out in two war songs." he takes upon himself to start one, old song about The Great Warrior and the might of his children. Relentless, powerful, hardy, warriors of glory, hunters of elves, destroyers of kingdoms. After the century of sleep, The Orcs rain again, singing to their prey.

While they work, he pulls the body of the giant outside so that creatures of the night can benefit. He uses the opportunity to check his compass and orient toward their goal.
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Archon Basileus

First Post

The darkness around, as well as the eclectic composition of the army, makes it easy to infiltrate enemy ranks. As Marius moves around, he pinpoints the positions of a few captains, some surrounded by bodyguards, others simply running with the archers. Despite their formation, the column is already in chaos, as distinct species of reptilians menace and provoke each other into a state of rage.

Hidden among the furious beasts, Marius selects his target, hitting it from afar and landing the blows in quick, furious succession! Arvana's shot is soon to fallow, hissing close to the victim, but missing the target!

[@Neurotic, you can select any of the C’s within the lines and place your character adjacent to it. The claymore is still too heavy for you to increase range without penalties, despite it being lighter!]

The entire column reacts to the shouts of treason, commotion rising within the ranks as the distrustful creatures turn on each other! Each soldier now measures its’ neighbors as threats are thrown around in draconic. Claws, fangs and blades begin to turn the column into an attrition pit, as horns begin to sound and commands are yelled at the soldiers from sides and rear!

The emergence of a flame sphere cutting the ranks break any control the captains might still hope to have! As the orb makes way through the lines, beasts scatter, abandoning formation, to save themselves, and conflict ensues!

[@Morgrym, You can pick the area you’ll sweep with the orb as you wish! Stormburst will be placed according to @Neurotic ‘s choice.]

The storm explosion that follows illuminates the duel between monk and beast, targeting the robed snake commander as he agitates himself, his skin resisting against the lasting flames started by the monk. He hisses, his large human-like form very distinct than that of a Yuan-ti. He yells a fast-paced, dark incantation in draconian as he pulls an old, yellowed bone from his belt! He brakes it within his heavy grasp, rage fueling his words as he stares the monk in the eye. His resolve turns into a demonic gaze that brings shivers to Marius’ spine!

[The commander casts Scare at Marius! Roll a saving throw vs. will! – CD 15! Success you leave Marius shaken, failure will leave him frightened!]




Tugg-Mhuagra seems satisfied with the sacrifice, blessing the surviving brethren as the animals are slaughtered and the victim is commended. Hagadark’s discomfort is well-founded. The alchemist knows the heavy price of dealing with the old spirits. Treacherous and violent, they constantly lie, manipulate and betray those they choose to guide. But if the follower is willing and cunning enough, he may well ripe untold power from the entity he decides to serve. Such was the way of the old kings, blessed by these uncertain beings to become powerful and brutal lords of the distant sound, long ago…

As Hagadark anoints the book with his victim’s blood, the markings on the cover darken and twist, turning into familiar words. A few lines of blood run from the leather towards the pages, finding their way into their layers. As the shaman opens the book, he sees letters being drown with the dark ichor as if a plume was at work upon the parchment. Soon enough, what was once a blank page contains details on knowledge long sought.

[Hagadark acquired the discovery ‘spontaneous healing’]

Tugg-Mhuagra smiles at the shaman.

“The blood must come from sentient beings.” – she approaches. “This is a book of secrets. The more you want of it, the more it drinks. It is yours now. Use it wisely.” – her words ring as if, instead of a gift, the book was yet another test, another trap.
Books of Secrets

Supposedly created by the Mother of Mysteries, these books command great power. As sacrifices are made for them, they deliver knowledge in accordance to questions and doubts presented by the owner. It always delivers an answer, but it becomes greedier as it is employed by the owner.

Legend says that for everything the books gives, something else is taken away. Some believe that the various books rip memories and knowledge from its’ owners, making them accessible to all the others. The fact that many men sought these books actively in the past, finding the volumes when it would be virtually impossible to do so, seems to corroborate such hypothesis.

Outside, shrunk trees and crooked stones cast shadows against the moonlight. As giant bats arrive to feast at the giantess’ flesh, flapping their wings in enthusiasm, Hagadark studies his next steps. The target’s still westbound, no changes coming from the compass for now.

[Guys, please, double-check this one to make sure I lost no details! ;)]

@MetaVoid @Neurotic @KahlessNestor
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As the spell is complete Marius feels the shiver pass through him. But he trained with Great Dragon masters of which several were rumored to really be dragons. And inner focus was always part of his life. The magic leaves him shaken, but not fleeing blindly. He smiles grimly at the caster "Not enough, priest." Still, despite his bravado, he takes time to attack with proper form, his normal speed hindered by the spell

He is reluctant to leave his shuriken behind, but may yet be forced to. For now, archers are still in confusion as various commanders issue conflicting orders. He just hopes the dwarves stand firm.

OOC: [MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION], that is after surprise AND first round of attacks? Just checking so I know to track resources (Elemental fist in this case) - also note that save on the shuriken hit means no ongoing damage, initial 6 fire damage stands

Marius is at R21 - I would actually like to target those all the way back, but we need to stop archers so that our own can dominate the field - let me know if this drops the caster (I certainly hope so, total damage received would drop Marius :) ) - he may also need to save vs Flame Sphere depending on where Morgrym puts it.

I marked all the commanders red for easier targeting :) Marius casts Faerie Fire :p

Save: Will save vs Scare: 1D20+8 = [13]+8 = 21

Full attack: Attack (shaken); damage: 1D20+7-2 = [13]+7-2 = 18
1D6+6 = [3]+6 = 9


"Time to move, hunters! Ho-og, Klutha, lead westward, orc pace. No stopping until dawn." the shaman takes to the hunt with renewed vigor and his warriors will feast well after the run.

OOC: orc pace = run until you drop, then run some more :)


Near Maran
Round 2

OOC: For Round 1, the Flaming Sphere will appear on top of the guard in V21 and will roll straight toward and through the Commander to end in P21. All those archers and commander need to make DC 16 Dex save for 0, 10 13 fire damage on a fail.

Morgrym moved the flaming sphere again through the troops of saurians once more, trying to harry the lizardfolk around Marius.

OOC: Flaming Sphere will move P21-Q21-Q20-P20-O20-N20-O20. They all need to make DC 16 Dex saves or take 7 fire damage. O20 needs to make 2 saves.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Flaming Sphere DC 16 Dex negates
Flaming sphere damage: 3D6 = [4, 2, 1] = 7
Action: Full Defense (+4 AC)


HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (298/300r); Flaming Sphere (2/3r); Entangle (30/30r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

Archon Basileus

First Post

Hisses and yells in draconic rise against the nocturnal skies as fire crosses all lines! Calcinated flesh and thick smoke choke all combatants as the battle reaches its height. As the sphere cuts a path through their ranks, many catch on fire, agitating themselves in pain and desperation. But not the ophidian commander. Even though he burns, his scales blackening within the flaring lights, his eyes are unchanging. In a last desperate effort, he rises his long dagger, plunging his scorched shape against the monk! He swings the blade close to Marius’ left shoulder, but fails to land the blow, his blade viscous with poison. Finally, his strength gives in and he falters, seemingly ready to fall down, but holds still, as if gathering his strength for more!

Heavy steps approach the monk, accompanied by a strange roar. As he turns, completing his incantation and covering his enemies in glowing light, he sees a tall, strange creature, the likes of which no one has seen in a long time upon this world. The odd beast holds the semblance of a viper. Taller than most, the creature has the contours of a woman, except for the ophidian head and the four long arms sprouting from her body! At each of her hands a curved blade of ancient making shines against the gleam that Marius invoked, just before the thrusting barrage falls over him! Twice she strikes, the first time missing the monk’s head by a large margin, but the second time around crossing his chest and cutting through his skin! At the same time, she targets another archer with a third sword, slicing his arm open with great alacrity!

[Marius’s in for 3 points of damage, not even his speed and special protections holding back the attack. You gotta roll for fortitude against 13, since the blade has a light poison covering it. Success denies the effect; failure poisons Marius for 4 rounds, taking a single hit point per round. Oh, I counted a surprise round and the first one before rolling their actions, as you said!]

By the flank, Arvana bends the bow once more, now aiming at the four-armed monster that jumped over Marius. She lands a hit this time around, taking the creature by the shoulder! The beast still seems unmolested by the arrow that lodges itself between her scales, and keeps fighting with demonic speed!

As Morgrym controls his sphere, he notices a strange form of movement, bound to their position! His eyes glance at sands rising, as if several steps were being taken towards the stones. No one is there to be seen, though. As the cloud comes closer, the dwarf understands it: somehow a few of them cloaked their bodies from sight, and now they race to attack both him and Arvana! Watching their tracks, he counts three, and just in time, since they’re bound to attack!

[The three ‘unseen’ soldiers will close in Morgrym’s position next turn. He is able to determine their general position, though, and might be able to attack before that happens. They’re not invisible, only in a strong mimetic stance. Distortions can be seen as the creatures move, almost as if they were specters of some kind.]


As the orcs race through the desert, their pace intensifies itself. Soon enough the hunters are competing to know who’s faster and more resilient. As they run, glances are exchanged and mocking comments are gasped around. Out of respect, Hagadark and Tugg-Mhuagra are left out of the competition, but they still have to hold the pace if they want to keep the party under control without reducing speed.

The challenge has its perks, though. The hunters cover terrain a lot faster. Odds are they’ll be a lot more tired as they arrive, though. Hagadark can put a stop to it, or he might just use their untamable natures to shorten the trip…

[If Hagadark chooses to keep up with the others, you can roll either athletics or constitution, whichever is more advantageous. Putting a stop to the competition will demand a leadership roll. Other means can be used as well, if you want things to play out differently.]
[MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION]
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They’re not invisible, only in a strong mimetic stance. Distortions can be seen as the creatures move, almost as if they were specters of some kind.
They are Predators!


As the orcs race through the desert, their pace intensifies itself. Soon enough the hunters are competing to know who’s faster and more resilient. As they run, glances are exchanged and mocking comments are gasped around. Out of respect, Hagadark and Tugg-Mhuagra are left out of the competition, but they still have to hold the pace if they want to keep the party under control without reducing speed.

The challenge has its perks, though. The hunters cover terrain a lot faster. Odds are they’ll be a lot more tired as they arrive, though. Hagadark can put a stop to it, or he might just use their untamable natures to shorten the trip…

Hagadark runs conserving his energy. His training as a shaman made him hardy, but he's no warrior or hunter that runs for days at a time as matter of course. Still, there are only two full-bloods in the party and he will NOT falter first. They will rest in the days heat, prepare the meat, eating some or even most of it. His healing drafts will keep those hardest affected running on. And if he feels like he's flagging, he can always take a mutagen to invoke his orc blood to the fore. But he would rather keep that in reserve and not be seen by others as if he's cheating.

He checks his pathfinder occasionally just to make sure and as the first rays of the sun appear over the ragged terrain he calls to others.
"Halt! Find a way to shelter for the day, prepare the fire, prepare the meat. We rest for the day. We covered good ground tonight, pride of the tribes."

Running CON save (1d20+2+4 = 15)


Near Maran
Round 3

Morgrym spun the flaming sphere in a deadly burning arc around Marius as he fought the commander and the new monster on the field, a snake-headed woman with four arms. Then the dwarf noticed the nearly invisible movement toward his position by the footprints in the sand.

“Three incoming,” he growled to Arvana.

Morgrym’s hands and lips wove another spell, casting it at the incoming cloaked creatures.

OOC: Flaming Sphere will start just rolling circles around Marius, trying to catch the commander and the 4-armed snake woman and anyone else in its path.

OOC: So here’s a question. I prepped Entangle for the day, but didn’t read it closely enough. It seems to indicate it needs plants already in the area to work. We’re in a desert. Seems reasonable a druid would realize that and not prep it. So would you allow it to create the plants to entangle, or can I swap it out and cast Faerie Fire instead?

If he casts Entangle, he is centering it so that he and Arvana are right at the edge of it, so the invisible guys have to crawl their way through it. They need to make Dex save DC 15 now, and at the end of every turn they remain in it. Fail and they are entangled. Save and they can move normally, but it’s difficult terrain. Move action to try and break free with a DC 15 Strength or Escape Artist check.

If Faerie Fire, he will center the burst right in the middle of them to get them all. SR applies, but no saves. It just happens and they are outlined and lose their concealment.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Flaming Sphere DC 16 Dex negates
Flaming sphere damage: 3D6 = [5, 1, 3] = 9
Action: Cast Entangle (or Faerie Fire)

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 6/7/day

Conditions: Barkskin: +2 AC (297/300r); Flaming Sphere (1/3r); Entangle (30/30r)

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle*, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin*, Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

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