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Harfik Human Monk

Harfik would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't intrigued about these weapons an armor, their uses and effectiveness. Even so he seems to have expected not being offered anything from the stash, instead of disappointment at not being included he seems to have never even considered the idea that he would have taken anything unless ordered to.
"Captain, the rest of these things, they have value to your people and should be returned?"

"Prince Aanzu, The captain has offered to look over those that we have saved and has a plan to get us to Nova Palatine. Our assistance is humbly requested and I advise that as a symbol of our good faith we help. Our goals are aligned. If it pleases your highness Ajax will be coming with us as he is a capable soldier and knows the area." Aanzu doubtlessly recognizes the subtle tones hidden in Harfiks words, the practiced words of a skilled adviser talking to a superior. Yes this is a request for permission to move forward with a plan, but the hidden message if Aanzu chooses to recognize it is that options have been considered and a course of action is being suggested by Harfik, who more and more seems to be showing himself as more than just a slave from the fighting pits.
This is either his plan and not the captains, or one that he approves of and is simply giving the Prince the chance to make the call and take the credit.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aanzu supresses his instinct to approve of Harfik's idea straight away, instead listening to the whole thing first. Then the prince nods, seeing no flaw in the plan.

Of course the prior tension between himself and Ajax does not deter Aanzu; in fact, he relishes having the upstart in sight. Perhaps the dragonborn may get an opportunity to show the soldier why Aanzu is the better warrior!

Seeing Harfik without any of the new gear, Aanzu takes the man aside.

"This one thinks you may want the snake sword. Subtle and swift, rather than the Dragon's great strength."

OOC: Aanzu offers Harfik the vibroblade. I am unsure, but by the description I gather it is more a finesse weapon that may suit Harfik better. Plus, Aanzu appreciates Harfik a lot and doesn't want him to go empty-handed. :)

Archon Basileus

First Post

The Captain seems to share Aanzu's appreciation of Harfik's manners. In response to Harfik's question, the Captain takes a black pole of his own, extending it as Aanzu delivers the sword to the monk.

"The weapons are important, yes, but our division consider allies of greater importance. Go ahead, they're yours. I'll work the details later on." - he motions towards Harfik, taking a small black baton from his own armor. "Here, in case you prefer. I think it would befit your skills. This can be turned into a larger weapon." - he twists the thing in the middle, turning it into a pole of sorts. "I tend to use it to keep enemies at bay. Once it worked on Cthon itself. You can man it much like a lance." - he motions towards the sword. "Of course, the blade might be more to your taste." - he smiles, offering the weapon with an inquisitive gaze driven towards Harfik.

As for the language, it doesn't look like anything any of you has seen before. Still, there's a certain logic to the symbols, as expected. As Lyllie courses her fingers around the elegant calligraphy, small tendrils of magic can be sensed right below her touch. It feels a lot different than usual, though. Ordinarily, language would control loose magical force, employing it towards a defined set of effects. In this case, though, it seems that the language applied turned into part of the very object that displays it. In fact, it seems that the language awakens something within the object, twisting its' very essence in subtle, yet definitive ways. It is almost as if a rudimentary dialogue happened between Lyllie and the weapon, as if the artifact sought to reach an agreement with the gnome.

[@industrygothica, could you roll a d20 for me, please? :)]

Aanzu has the very same sensation as he tries the sword. It does look an ordinary long sword at first, but as he swings it the thing seems to change balance, becoming heavier. Aanzu toys around with the thing, one handed at first, but as the mass increases his two hands naturally fall on the grasp, meeting the perfect balance. Indeed, the weapon seems made for finesse, but it can clearly work as a heavier tool, if need be...

[Ok, @JustinCase, a d20 as well, hehehe!]

The concurring offers made to Harfik lead the Captain to a faint smile and a nod. His eyes fall upon Harfik's collar, and a smile runs through his face, as if he had discovered a small secret. His eyes move between Aanzu and Harfik, and an expression of complicity takes over the Captain's countenance. He then glances over the entire group, nods in satisfaction, and extends the weapon once more. "Choose what you will, Harfik. But honor me by carrying this lance, at the very least. Prince Aanzu, take one of the blades, they'll satisfy you, even though they look frail, given your great strength. The weapon respects the warrior, and it will adapt to your admirable power." - he reaches for the other sword, offering it as well.

In the back, Ulisses sides Thulwar, smiling. "I guess the Captain likes your entourage, emissary." - he nods respectfully, turning to both gnomes. "The language you see was taught us by an ancient race in a distant world. Some such sages travel with us now. The language awakens the hidden aspects of any material, item, artifact or even living being, at times. Through it, the weapon's essence has been awakened. It will communicate with the wielder's essence, trying to adapt to it's own skills and needs. It's more limited than your magic, no doubt, but far safer." - he smiles a side smile at Thulwar's offer. "Although your ways intrigue me quite a lot... I often ponder on the raw potential of unbridled magic."

"As for the leagues, we employ a combination of rare metals - mostly silver and titanium - as well as awakened language. Those are the components on these weapons and our blast doors, and most of the consoles. Parts of the structure won't use it, though. After a few accidents we had to... Improvise." - as Thulwar collects samples, Ulisses follows, offering general explanations and a bit of help. Thulwar discovers in the soldier a sharp mind, interested in every scientific and arcane detail that can possibly be discussed. Back and forward, he tries to instruct Thulwar on the peculiarities of their tech, profiting from the opportunity and asking everything he can about the many aspects of Thulwar's own crafts.

[Ok, Thulwar can go for another tech roll, after this! Also, you now have an instructor - one that expects to be instructed as well. So, roll for arcana to see if he gets any bonuses - in case Thulwar wants to teach him something about magic, of course. On the other hand, Thulwar gets a +2 on his next tech roll. Also, @Neurotic, I don't know if I'm ready for flying taxis in Las Sharnas :p]

[Also, as a closing post on downtime hour, any more actions you'd like to perform? I'll post the results and move you guys towards the next chapter! :p Lastly, if you haven't done it already, please update the sheets on the Gallery, ok? I'm gonna update them physically according to the data you have there]

@Neurotic @Shayuri @industrygothica @JustinCase @Greenmtn
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
For a tiny moment, Aanzu feels a pinge of jealousy at offering the weapon to Harfik, but then his suspicion sets back in. He will not trust anything but his own mighty sword, regardless of the quality of other blades.

Nevertheless, he holds on to the vibroblade for a second longer than necessary before giving it to the monk.

"This one has a weapon," Aanzu says, a bit more sharply than intended. Then, he closes both his eyes for two seconds at the captain. It is a curious sight, this deliberate blinking of both eyes, and the Teraphim knows it is a gesture of some sort.

OOC: [roll0]


Harfik Human Monk

Harfik accepts both weapons graciously. Feeling them out a bit at a loss for a moment checking the balance before kneeling and setting them on the ground. The Captains apparent assumptions not going unnoticed.
"If it has value to your people we will return it to them so that it can not potentially be used against them." Harfik removes one of the suits from the locker and it seems to just disappear as he places the folded garment into his pack. He repeats the process with anything unclaimed while speaking.

"Yes the chain wrapped around my waist signifies that I am a slave as you all are. I am owned but not by Prince Aanzu. That one," Harfik smiles a little as he makes reference to the princes own speech patterns. "I serve out of respect and recognition of shared goals. Any who has reached the limits of their opportunities is a slave. All men are slaves for all have limited opportunities. Freedom is an illusion we create to make ourselves content. The man who 'owns me' thinks himself free and powerful but when his ruler summons him he obeys. I have merely accepted the illusion, and found a path that gives me the chance to make my own choices most of the time. Both ends of this chain that binds me are visible to me and to all. But Both ends are also in my possession, and should my 'owner' mistreat the chain around me I know how to grab the chains he has around him, but if I were to pull those chains, I risk ending up with them tied around me instead of him."

Harfik speaks with a calm that conveys that he believes his words. That he looks at freedom in a different light. Though it is unclear if this is because of some enlightenment from his training, or a defense mechanism he has built in his mind.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"As you say, potential of magic is enormous...but unbridled magic is dangerous. There are people in our world who test the limits of magic or who have magic in their blood. They are called wild mages and wild sorcerers and they are known to cause all kinds of calamities to themselves and those around. Most are nuisances, but there are horrendous scars on the land when something goes terribly wrong. Thus, the way of magic takes years of careful advancement step by step. For a beginner, especially one used to scientific thinking, I'd start with alchemy. With mixing of mundane things and getting magical results. What do you think, Ulyisses?"


First Post
Icosa considers the question of his soul as he trundles over to the weapon racks and considers each in turn.

Finally he says, "I do not know the answer to your question. I have insufficient data regarding the qualities of a 'soul' to judge its presence or absence in myself. In all conversations I've heard or taken part in since resuming function, the soul is attributed an inconsistent set of traits."

The construct looks back at the inquisitive Teraphim, struck by sudden curiosity.

"Do you have a soul?"

(Any loot for the warforged? :))

Archon Basileus

First Post
[OOC: I'm splitting this one in two posts. The first one shows the items' stats and so on. The second one will be for the last of the items and the conversations. Concocting the items was fun, but it gave me some solid work. :p]


As Thulwar reaches for the gun, the writings begin to twirl around, as if called upon by the metallurgist's very nature. Within, the weapon seeks, the letters turning into a rustic version of themselves, reflecting the memory of runes in metallic teal. They shift in color, as if struggling to find definition and flowing with creativity. Suddenly, the thing springs open, showing arachnid-like entrails, read to pierce, cut and melt together, heat and cool, much like a portable alchemist's set.

[Thulwar's weapon refuses to become anything too stable. Instead, it turns into a device of creation, armed with the lethal attributes of a weapon. Like a forge, the gun can turn into a mechanical device, helping Thulwar's work - when he uses it, he always has advantage in alchemist rolls and any sort of mechanic manipulation rolls - fixing things, opening doors, disarming traps, tech rolls, etc. It is, for all purposes, a combined set of tools, serving for thieving and scientific skills. Also, the gun reduces in two the difficulties to produce intoxicant substances - from moonshine to poisons. As for the attacks, they follow the standard 3d6+3, but they can do a spread attack that emulates the properties of fire through energy - reducing the damage to 1d6+3, but reaching up to three enemies before Thulwar.]

Lyllie feels odd, as if something flowed from her to the weapon she held. A strange force seemed to resonate deeply within the device, changing it subtly. For a few agonizing seconds, the written language twists, uncertain of the alterations it might suffer. It recoils into silver-bright arabesques, dying a bit and becoming black on the next second. The colors struggle, but finally a resolution takes place: a trimmed line concocts the moonlight-silver inscriptions against a darker color, suddenly adhered to the metal. The color sucks the eyes in, but the silver letters redeem the attention of the observer, like a beacon of light in the darkness.

[Lyllie receives a double-edged gift, blessings and curses. It holds now 2 extra spell slots - wizard or druid, as you will. The shots are the standar 3d6+3 damage, or they can leech 1d4+1 points of any given attribute of the enemy, accumulating it to Lyllie's own - or anyone else's, three times a day. Notice that giving the points to someone else demands that another shot is rolled - this time at the ally you want to boost. Also, if the gun's used against one of the spirits that follow Lyllie, draining their attributes, it can end up imprisoning them, if said attribute ever reaches 0... Only one spirit can be held at a time.]

As Aanzu delivers the weapon to Harfik, he feels it -all-too-late - taking something away from him. Oddly enough, the same thing happens to Harfik as he receives the baton from the Captain. As both weapons meet on the receiver, a burst of electricity explodes between the trio, linking them together as their bodies twitch under the power of the chain-lightning that crosses their bodies! Even Aanzu, immune to such hazards, feel the shock, as if it shook the very core of his being! As the trio regains its' footing, a strange feeling pervades all of them. They can hear each other talking, but their mouths aren't really moving... As for the weapons, three inscriptions, all elegant and very characteristic, are now juxtaposed, mixing and mingling, alive and speaking to each other...

[Aanzu, Harfik and the Captain are now psychic 'brothers'. You can establish a mental link to each other, as long as the parts in communication are within a hundred yards (a bit less than a hundred meters) from each other. As their thoughts mix and clash, they learn of the other advantages that are now universally applicable. The sword and the baton become a mixture of attributes, receiving lightning damage in addition to their usual attributes - each of them being a +5 weapon. The three now have a shared pool of skills. Each time any of them uses a power, a slot is employed. Additionally, the weapons can generate a chain-lightning effect: each attack has a twenty percent chance of spreading the damage to adjacent enemies, halving the damage rolled.

Aanzu also receives the ability to discern friend from foe three times a day, as an immediate spell. Additionally, he can muster the inner Teraphim strength, applying +4 to his strength during rage.

Harfik receives an innate knowledge of all things placed underneath this mountain. He can roll intelligence to see if anything reaches his memory, giving him insight that only a Teraphim would have. The weapons are now his charge, and their powers can be used by him.]

Icosa receives a lasgun from a curious, smiling Ulisses. The smile fades as soon as the gun reacts. Instead of just curling around, as Icosa accepts the thing it twists in loose arabesques as the gun dismantles itself, finding it's own way into Icosa's arm! It is as if the gun turned into a cloud of metallic parts, adhering to the warforged as it goes. Icosa senses the alterations - strangely, it looks just as if it was meant to be. The inscriptions reappear at the warforged's arm as the gun disappears, resting within the entity.

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], I'm gonna need you to roll a D20. I'll post results later on. Also, I need to know if you'll trade in one of your classes - no need to give me all the details right now, just the new class, if you'll do it. The artifacts are responsive to it, sooo.... ;)]
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855102]Greenmtn[/MENTION] [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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