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Journals of the Five: A Forgotten Realms Tale

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Just to start off with this is not my campaign, but the campaign of some friends of mine. The story takes place in the Forgotten Realms and begins on the date of 3rd day of Leaffall, 1372 DR. A fine time to be alive I wager. This is the first 3E game I have ever played in and it is mighty fun, I look forward to the game every week. We play on Fridays and have a good mix of characters, speaking of which. I will introduce the cast of characters:
Misha “Burning Rose” Koldun: This is my character, and an all around nice guy as you will see. He is a human warrior (Fighter 2/Ranger 1), well actually he prefers the term merc. He works for money and is a native of Amn, Muraan more precisely. But you will learn more about him in depth over he course of the story.

Kalaya “Kay”: Keep in mind I am not the DM, so this is all info I have gotten in game, but Kay is a halfling monk. She is in Amn tracking down the Zhentarim who killed her lover. She has MUCH personality, and says what she feels and rarely holds back. She may be small but she is heard.

Gruush: Another monk, but this time a half-orc, and a smart half-orc to boot. He still smells though but he is a good person for the most part. He is on the quiet side, and very loyal it seems. Other then that he is strong and reserved, and is usually able to keep his anger in check.

Karanaj Umian: A human, like Misha, but I am unsure of his origins. He is a sorcerer, with some emotional issues. He and Misha get along somewhat and Karanaj will also be doing posts, so you will learn more about him from his own mouth. He has his faults of course. But he still comes off as the “nice-guy” of the group.

Vallia: Vallia is the token elf of the group and a cleric to boot. She seems stuck up and very opinionated, and has a lot to say about everything. Maybe not everything, but she is hard to get along with at time. I like her, it should be noted that her player is also a Co-DM, and both DMs are doing a wonderful job.

Now I will admit that since I am a player I do not know everything about the other players but I am sure the DM will pop on and explain the gaps I leave. Well enough with that, we must begin this story in earnest. I will be posting the first post today and hopefully I can get the other journal writers to do the same. Providing different points of view on their adventures.


*Note: I am porting these stories to the new boards for Tokiwong.*

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Aust Meliamne

First Post
The Journal is From Karanaj, during his solo session. I am posting it for him, and it begins the story, well his part in the story anyway.
Karanaj's First Journal Entry

I must admit at the start, I’m not very good at this, but as a new found hero, I think it is, at least a little bit, my duty to write down my tale for all those admirers out there. My name is Karanaj. Until a few days ago, I was just a simple traveler. Well, that’s not entirely true. The average traveler can’t use magic, and even among those that can, there are very few that do not require study to know how to use magic.

I have been on my own ever since my father lost his job, and wasn’t able to support all his children. My older brother and I were sent out of the house, and since we were complete opposites, we didn’t even consider traveling together. I eventually made it to a town of no particular mention, which is where I became the hero I am now. I saved a caravan bringing some rather expensive goods to the city for a small band of goblins. I remember quite well that the band consisted of five goblins, but I choose not to correct anyone on the number.

It was my first morning as a hero, and it began as any other morning. Jynx (that’s my cat and long time road companion) woke me up by licking at my face, and I gently put her back down on the floor. I got dressed for breakfast, and headed down to see what kind of slop they would serve today. The oatmeal wasn’t too terrible, and Jynx thoroughly enjoyed her milk. I noticed two men watching me, but I paid them no mind, since I was a hero after all. One of the men came over to my table, and I recognized him as Kathkallen, the man who had given me a finely crafted crossbow as a reward for saving the caravan. He invited me to come and sit with his associate, who I later learned was Bezzem.

They offered me a job of protecting their caravan to a nearby city, which I gladly accepted. I was glad to have something in the future for me. Kathkallen told me that we would leave the next morning, and that if I had need of any equipment, that I should find it immediately. I had nothing to buy, really, but I set out through the city to see if anything caught my eye. Little did I know....

About mid day, I was getting a little hungry again, and I saw a woman peddling fruit. I came over and asked to buy some, and she offered me an entire basket for nothing. I just took a few pieces from the basket and told her to keep the rest. Right about that time, I felt a small tug on my crossbow. I wheeled around to see a small lad trying to remove it from my belt. Now, being the optimist that I am, I simply took it off my belt, and showed it to the boy. I soon felt another tug, this time at my money pouch. I reached around, and caught the urchin trying to take my money. I first child kicked me quite squarely in the shin, and I let the other child go.

I was then approached by a beautiful elven woman. She had wonderful red hair, and green eyes. I had not seen such beautiful hair in quite some time; I knew then and there that I would be staying with her for the remainder of the day. She asked if I was alright, and, of course, there was nothing wrong with me. I quickly said that I was fine, and then began flirting with her.

I have always thought of myself as a sweet talker, but she seemed so very eager to..... I didn’t really know what, but she was warming up to me very nicely. She took me to a small shop where the man she apprenticed for sold his goods. She went into the back room, and brought forth and elderly elf. The elf’s name was Aust, and the girl’s name was Talindra, as I found out from Aust. Aust asked me if I was going on a trip with a man named Kathkallen, and I told him I was. The old man smiled, and said that that was what I was meant to do. I didn’t know what to think of that, but I’ve found that even those people that merely claim to see the future have a grain of truth in them. He produced a ring, and held it out, saying that if I were to ever see an elven girl in trouble, that I should help her. I promised him that I would (thought I was thinking of Talindra at the time), and he gave me the ring, which I recognized as a Ring of Protection. I thanked Aust as he was ushered back into the back room by Talindra. I stayed exactly where I was. I had no intent of leaving without that woman on my arm. She came out again, and asked me if I had need of anything before I left on my journey. I didn’t, of course, but I figured that the only way to get to know her was to walk and talk with her for a while.

We went to an alchemist’s shop. I flirted the entire way, Talindra’s arm hooked in mine, just as I had planned. We arrived at the shop, and after a short exchange between Gnome, Talindra, and myself I had bought two flasks of Alchemist’s Fire and two vials of acid for half the normal price. We took our leave of him, when he had to turn his attention to something happening in the back. I walked outside and stopped in the road. It was getting to be late afternoon, and I still wanted to talk with Talindra. I asked her to take us to the finest restaurant in town.

We arrived at the restaurant, and the owner was more than pleased to seat us at his restaurant. We sat, and I ordered a bottle of the finest elven wine. I was absolutely intent on making this evening perfect. We ordered our food, and Talindra even ordered something for Jynx. We had a most enjoyable meal, and I was really falling for the elf. I tried to pay, but she was so insistent, and one look into her deep green eyes, and I just couldn’t say no. She paid, and we began to walk to no where specific. She was a bit tipsy from the wine, and I didn’t even consider taking her back to my room, for fear of my conscience attacking me forever (oh, what little did I know....). I actually walked in the opposite direction of the inn I was staying at, but Talindra looked at me again with those eyes, and asked to go to my room. Again, I just couldn’t tell her no.

We finally reached my room, and I came in first. I was looking everywhere but at her. I noticed, though that she was checking the door and windows. I asked what she was doing, and she only produced a ring. She told me that it was a sign to her sister that I was accepted. She told me that her sister, Vallia, was going on a quest that could most likely kill her, if she did it alone. My heart sank faster and lower than I could ever imagine. I was hurt that she could and would act like she did. I told her as much, and all she did was kiss me. She told me that she truly did like me, and that she couldn’t very well leave right now. I had to turn my face quickly, so she couldn’t use those eyes on me once again. I had to refuse her offer. I had never met anyone that I loved so much that I couldn’t even sleep with them, for fear of making them something less to me, and the rest of the world. This beautiful woman was the first, and probably the last. I told her I couldn’t, and told her that she could have the bed. She didn’t understand why I didn’t take her offer, but she turned my head back to those eyes, and told me that I was not going to sleep on the floor. I couldn’t argue, and I tossed and turned until I finally fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to see Talindra lying there on the floor, with the sun shining on her, making her look only that much more beautiful. I sat there until she woke up, simply staring at her, and feeling a slight bit of sadness. She woke up and saw the sadness in my face. I told her that I didn’t want to leave, but that I had already been committed to a job that I couldn’t get out of. She didn’t show any sign of sadness, which only served to make me worse. I dressed for breakfast, and we headed down together to eat. It was a most enjoyable breakfast, thanks to the company I had. We finished, and I began to set off at a very slow pace to the place where I was to meet Bezzem and Kathkallen. We arrived, all too soon for me. I could only look at her as I thought of what I was about to do. She gave me a long kiss, and I wish I could have stayed there forever, but I had to leave. I looked at my newfound love, and said my goodbye. It was a bit sad, but I felt as though I would see her again, so I felt some hope in that. I also had the ring she gave me, which I found allowed me to talk to communicate with her in my thoughts.

The caravan set off, and I kept my mind on business as best I could. It was hard, and I wanted so badly to turn around and go back, but I managed to keep myself focused. We got to a stopping place that night, and Bezzem took the first watch. Before we even managed to get to sleep, we heard Kathkallen yelling. He was being assaulted by a few men. Bezzem and I managed to fight off the five men, and escape with only a few scratches. Kathkallen was hurt more seriously, but he was still conscious, and he would heal by the next day. After that event, I slept quite shallowly, but still managed to get a good night’s rest. We made it to our destination the next day, when I was promptly paid. Kathkallen and Bezzem both thanked me for my help, and went about to sell their wares. I was once again alone in the city, except that this time I had a mission on my hands. I needed to find Vallia and see how I could help her on her quest.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Karanaj Journal Entry #1
I had spent the night in Athkatla, and I was feeling more rested, and less sad. I was feeling a bit anxious to find Vallia, so I headed down to the Watt, which was where I was most likely to meet her.

I arrived at the Watt to the sounds of commotion. A large crowd had appeared, and I safely assumed that that was where the ruckus was coming from. I pushed my way through the crowd, and I saw the last people I expected to see. It was Kathkallen and Bezzem again, and in the same bit of trouble that they had just gotten out of not half a day ago. I rushed to help them, and was joined by a half-orc monk, an acrobatic fighter, and Vallia (though I didn’t know who she was at the time). We easily thwarted the band of thieves, and the last one was being held by Vallia. The thug tried to get away, but was stopped by the self-proclaimed merc (I must admit, he seemed very convincing at first, but I can see through his braggart’s nature now a bit better).

We helped to settle Kathkallen and Bezzem down a bit, and received a job from him. He offered us a sum to protect him for a few evenings, and to find some contracts that an associate of his had lost (though the associate himself was lost as well). This was, of course, not enough for the “merc.” He haggled with Kathkallen until finally agreeing upon 300 gold pieces, I believe. We were also promised 150 gold pieces when we returned his associate Galliad or, at the very least, the contracts that he was carrying. We all agreed, and went about to introduce ourselves, since we were going to be working together, after all. There was “Burning Rose,” the merc who was supremely confident in himself, Gruush, the half-orc monk, Kayla, the halfling monk, and of course, Vallia, the elven cleric. Vallia recommended that we all split up to look for clues and supplies that might help us. I could tell she wanted to just get away from them, but I wasn’t about to say anything.

“Burning Rose,” or as we came to know him, Misha, went with Kayla, and Gruush went to see his master. Vallia quickly turned from the group after telling them her plan, and quickly linked her arm in mine. I was a bit surprised at first, but I don’t mind having a beautiful lady being a little bit forward (not that it really mattered. We both knew that nothing was going to happen between us). I could tell before we even got five steps away that I would not live this down for some time.

I enjoyed walking and talking with Vallia. It reminded me a lot of talking with Talindra, and I was glad to be reminded of her. We walked for a little ways, and happened upon a bar. Vallia was in working mode, and she asked me if I would go in there and try to get some information. I hadn’t the slightest clue what to do, put I had always heard that gold in the palm can loosen most any tongue. We went inside, and I ordered Vallia and me some Ale. She didn’t take very well too it, but she did make herself drink a bit of it. I paid the barkeep a sum vastly more than the cost of the drinks, and he was all too glad to tell me about someone who might know something about Galliad. The man’s name was Bernal, and the barkeep told me that he could be found in the bar of the inn that we were staying in.
We met up with the rest of our ragtag band, and found that they had learned the same thing we had. We set off toward the inn. When we reached there, I waited outside for a moment, then snuck in so no one would see me. I saw Vallia flirting with who I assumed was Bernal. She was doing a fairly good job, and I wondered if she had had experience before. She didn’t give me time to think about it. She told me that she wanted me to come get her out of her little charade (she had a ring just like the one that Talindra gave me). I came over and played angered husband, though I’m not sure how well I did. I guess it was pretty convincing, because Bernal ran out of there pretty quickly. I dragged Vallia out of the building, still playing my part. We waited outside for the rest of our group.

They came outside, and the halfling was apparently drunk; this didn’t help her keep in her choice thoughts about what I pretended to be. We decided that we would split into the same groups again, this time, Gruush came with Vallia and me. I wouldn’t let Kay’s comments go unchecked, however. I used a little magic push give Kay a good shove. She was already feeling sick, and I was hoping a little bit that she would loose her lunch while she was still sitting atop Misha’s shoulders. Kay simply fell to the ground, and promptly let go of the ale in her stomach. I chuckled a bit, but I think no one noticed. We left Misha to deal with Kay, who was now swearing up and down that she was hit by someone.

We went to question one of Kathkallen’s buyers, while Misha and Kay went to see about one of the courtesans that Galliad was rumored to have left with. We found the man named Jazasari Arrasti, and asked him about Galliad. The man didn’t know much, but his scribe told us that Galliad had scheduled his appointment. The scribe also said that he had seen Galliad outside speaking with a courtesan just outside the building. The courtesan had recommended that he go to a place called the “Platinum” something. We decided to move on from there to find any sort of store that had “Platinum” in it. We heard someone auctioning off vanilla and went to investigate. When the auction was over, we went up to the man, and began to ask him what he knew about Galliad. The man either didn’t know anything, or didn’t feel like sharing. Either way, he didn’t respond to that, so we (meaning Gruush and I) moved on to threatening the man. The merchant began screaming, so we left before the Watch could act.

We moved into the financial district, and soon found the “Platinum Quill,” but it was closed for the evening. We headed back to the waft, where we were all supposed to meet. We all traveled back to the inn, where we kept good on our other duty of guarding Kathkallen. Gruush went upstairs and checked Kathkallen’s room while we all discussed going back to the Platinum Quill the next day. We were interrupted by an old crone. She offered to tell our fortunes, but before she could, she fell into a trance and told a bone chilling little riddle. I don’t remember what it was exactly. Something about second hand mages and thieves, and that we should go “where sight, and smell, and sound meet.” She promptly fainted, and Vallia and I helped her to the door, giving the old one money, even though she apparently didn’t remember any of what she had said. I felt that there was something to what she said, especially since she refused payment at first, insisting that she still needed to tell our fortunes. We had much to worry about, but that would last until the next day.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Vallia’s Journal
3rd day of Leaffall, 1372 DR

Sometimes I wonder just how much people control their own destiny. Today, I had an experience that, well, it felt like fate. After the events of the past few days, I had thought that I was doomed to be alone in this, but now……I don’t know. I have been haunting the Waft for days, looking for adventurous types to help me get the Jewel back, and I thought that I would never find anyone suitable. Of course, I’m still not sure I have.

I had decided to retrieve the Jewel of Amn on my own. None of the adventurers and mercenaries I had found had been suitable. Mostly human. they showed an appalling lack of manners and none of them had the good sense to take direction. I had finally decided that I could take a few Zhentarim on my own. After all, I am Vallia Woodshadow, daughter of Queen Amlaruil, ruler of the elves! Well, THAT didn’t work, it still sounds ridiculous. Trying to convince yourself of something never seems to work.

I wish Aliya was here. She is the one who always takes the lead, I am just not meant for this. She always knows what to say, everyone loves her. It seems impossible that she has found her ma’sheira, but I suppose it must be true. And a human at that! What kind of name is Karanaj? Well, at least he will help me, I will not be alone. Grandfather seems to have made sure of that. I could hardly believe it when Aliya told me. I don’t’ know what that old man was thinking, telling him to “promise he would help an elven girl in need”. What kind of nonsense is that? Well, one can only hope that he is as taken with her as she is with him. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he didn’t ever seek me out at all. But I digress……

I was in the Waft today, gathering supplies, when I heard sounds of a scuffle. It is ridiculous, thieves in broad daylight, I don’t know what the locals are thinking. This doesn’t happen in elven cities. I wore my cloak with its hood up, not wishing to be seen, since I did not know if the Zhentarim had left the city. I did not want to become involved in the skirmish, however, the sheep in the marketplace merely stood by and watched, so I leapt to the poor man’s defense. A few others joined me, but I took little notice. Once the threat was finished, I had subdued one of the thieves, and once I had ascertained his motive, I began to take note of the others standing about.

A large half-orc dominated the scene, and had done a fairly good job intimidating the thieves, reducing the bloodshed. He was of particular interest to me, he seemed to be exactly what I sought. He gave his name to be Gruush. I immediately began to scheme how to convince him to assist me. When I glanced at the fellow next to him, I knew immediately that this must be Aliya’s Karanaj. She was right, he IS handsome, and I will give her that. Not my type of course, Aliya always did like the ones who were goody-goody. Still, he would serve my needs, and if he loves my sister as she loves him, I will at least try to see that he makes it back in one piece.

I wrinkled my nose as I looked at the person near him. A halfling! Just what I need! Useless, lazy, halflings have never done anything useful. I just prayed I wouldn’t have to be saddled with one. And their constant prattling, it was enough to make me sick right there. I cannot even recall her name. Finally, I looked at the man who had fought so well at my side. Handsome and well built, it was obvious he thought a lot of himself. Burning Rose indeed. What kind of name is that? Pride goeth before a fall, but still……..I would not mind if I could convince him to come as well. As I was looking at him, the thief attempted to flee. Quickly, he flung a dagger in his direction. He must have held it ready, he could not have drawn that fast. I saw the look in his eyes, he wanted to kill the man, and he wanted his dagger to find its mark. Of course, he is but human, to kill is in their blood. Luckily the dagger did not find its mark, and the thief caught it in the leg. He was turned over to the Watch, and I turned my attention to the man I had just risked my life for. I noticed that Burning Rose had managed to loot the thieves’ bodies quite easily, and had pocketed the proceeds rather quickly. It made no difference to me, so I refused to lower myself to mention it.

He was a rich merchant, that was obvious, and he was very grateful. He admitted that the thieves had been after his trade goods, and said that he had been unable to sell them because his contracts had been stolen. I sympathized to an extent, but as I was about to leave, the others agreed to aid him in retrieving them. Thinking quickly, I decided to aid as well, wanting to observe this odd group, and see if it yielded anyone worthy to help me with my endeavor, though I doubted it. I accepted the merchant’s money, though truly I had little need of it. I did not wish to stand out by refusing to do so.

I lowered my hood as the merchant spoke, and I did not see any of the others take undue notice of me. Perhaps they were surprised to see an elven woman, but they hid it well. Karanaj recognized me immediately, and immediately made himself known. To give credit where it is due, I do like him. I can see Aliya’s attraction. However, Misha, I could do without. His arrogance is only outclassed by his ignorance, it seems only fitting that he and the halfling have taken to each other.

I tried to restrain myself and let others take the lead, but apparently there is not a leader in the bunch. Impatiently, I suggested a course of action, which was agreed upon. Karanaj and I took advantage of the time to shop and gather information. Burning Rose and the halfling went off together (they deserve each other, I say) and Gruush mumbled something about a mission for his monastery (A monk half-orc, you don’t see that every day.) During our shopping, we found that a porter named Bernal, whom the thieves had identified as the man who had hired them, is lazy, and often ends his day early, at the Silent Siren, drinking. I thought to myself, I would not have a hard time roughing him up for information, a lazy drunkard……just thinking of it makes me sick.

When the others returned, it appeared that they had gathered similar information, apparently this Bernal is well known for his vices. In addition, this Silent Siren was where the merchant, Kathkallen, was staying. Since we had been hired to protect him at night, it made sense to make our way there and question Bernal. I volunteered myself for the task. Karanaj waited outside, while Gruush took a seat near the door. Burning Rose and the halfling of course, took seats together.

I made my way to Bernal, and proceeded to fawn over him. A little flattery told me what I wished to know, that he was hired by a woman named Anteashara, who had a wealthy patron in the city. I communicated with Karanaj, who came in as my jealous husband. He actually did rather well, and Bernal left faster than I would have thought possible for the disgustingly fat and drunken man. I made a mental note to wash vigorously that night, just being close to him made me feel dirty. Karanaj and I made our way outside, where we met with the others. The halfling, Kay, as Burning Rose so affectionately calls her, apparently cannot hold her ale, and was very tipsy.

Burning Rose, or Misha as the halfling has named him, went back into the tavern to speak with the barkeep, and learned that the man who had the contracts, Galliad, had left with a blonde courtesan. I should have known. Men are so predictable. Misha felt it necessary to go to the Path of Silk Flowers, where the courtesans dwell. Personally, I think he had another reason in mind other than searching for Galliad. I wanted to track Galliad’s movements, and finally after much pointless arguing, decided it was easier and frankly more enjoyable for me, to let Misha and Kay go their own way. However, before we split, Karanaj, seeming as disgusted with Kay as I, used a little magic to knock her off Misha’s shoulders. We left amidst her cries of attack. I took Karanaj and Gruush, and we made for the Waft to see Jazasari Arrasti, who was supposed to purchase the goods from Kathkallen.

When we arrived at Arrasti’s pavilion, he was not in residence, but his scribe Omannar informed us that Galliad scheduled his appointment. Also, he talked to a female porter just outside, and Omannar overheard her recommend a business called the “Platinum” something or other. While we searched the Waft for a sign with ‘Platinum’ on it, we encountered a crowd surrounding a man auctioning vanilla. Once the auction ended, we attempted to question him. It ended badly when Gruush let his temper and his nature, get the better of him, and tried to threaten the merchant, who began to scream. We left quickly, before the Watch arrived.

Having searched the Waft, we made our way to the Atrium, the financial square of the city. We found a shop called the “Platinum Quill” but it was unfortunately closed. We decided to return the following day, and made our way back to the Waft to seek Misha and Kay, as much as I would have preferred to leave them. We found them in the Waft, and Misha seemed strangely satisfied. I am sure he indulged his baser instincts in the Path of Silk Flowers, and I do not think he would be an asset to my quest, no matter how handsome or good with a sword.

As night began to fall, we returned to the Silent Siren to fulfill our promise to watch over the merchant. We shared what little information we had gleaned with him, and I had just began to relax somewhat when a strange old crone came in the door. She appeared to be the usually swindler, wishing to tell our fortunes. I let Misha deal with her, until he became too harsh, as I have come to expect. She appeared to faint, but spoke what sounded like a prophecy. When she awoke, she seemed to remember nothing of what she had said. She left soon thereafter, as I puzzled over the riddle.

“You seek a wizard who lives in the shadow of another wizard, and thieves who operate in the shadows of other thieves. The spirit of a man recently slain says you will find the wizard where sight meets sound and smell.”

The others retired, as did I, still mulling over the events of the day. I came to my room, to write in my journal, but I cannot seem to concentrate. There is…..something about Misha. I see something when I look at him, but…………..I do not know. I am tired, and tomorrow promises to be just as trying as today. Perhaps, unlike the others, I will merely see how things turn out. After all, I have all the time in the world.

*This date coincides with Karanaj's First Journal Entry and Misha's story which is still forthcoming.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
And of course Misha, the hero of this tale. Now his story too, can be told.
Misha’s Journal Entry #1

Maybe it is something in the air, or the people, or maybe just because, but I love Amn. Born and raised in Muraan, I have Amn in my blood. I leave this place from time to time but I always come back and usually in worse company. You might be wondering who I am, Well, at least more than “me.” I am Misha Koldun, the best damn merc this side of Amn. Some know me as Burning Rose; that’s just a name I cooked up, admittedly not a good one but evocative. It’s very useful to keep the authorities off track if the need arises. Now, I am no a criminal; well, not anymore, not since my early days with the Shadow Thieves. I think I have learned a thing or two since then. You have to learn quickly on the streets, especially when you are the youngest of eight children, and smart to boot. But I was never one for playing by the rules or following the shepherd. I plot my own course. ‘Course where that has gotten me to at the moment is, well, only Selune knows, but I think I’m doomed. Maybe it’s her eyes, or her face.... wait, I’m getting ahead of myself now. Let me start at the beginning, before I start babbling like crazy.

Just a little about myself, in case any beautiful young approachable women read this masterpiece. I will describe myself as best as I can. First off, I am human; just a plain old human. I am a rather swarthy fellow, a deep hue of cinnamon with green eyes; some women think them charming. I have a sinewy build that comes from long days of travel and work, plus I take great pride in being physically active. I have wild dark-brown hair; I like it that way. Around my left ear I have three braids with twinkling colorful beads strewn upon the braids. Rather dashing I think; something I picked up on the road, though I’m not sure where or when, but I like it, as do the women. I am not too tall or short, just average I guess, but quick and strong and good with a sword. You have to be if you want to survive on the road for long and can’t rely on magic. All I need is my sword, my wits, Selune on my side, and a little luck. Thankfully, luck is one of my best skills. Anyway, back to my story.

Just a few days ago I was in the capitol of Amn, Athkatla, trying just to mind my business and lay low after a particularly harrowing encounter with some goblins as a guard for a merchant’s caravan. We came a long way from the Dales, but it felt good to be in Amn once more. Did I mention I love this place? Anyway, there I was in the Waft just minding my own business when I heard a large crash and saw some thugs accosting a merchant. Now I am not the noblest person, but I don’t like it when bad things happen to most likely good people, and besides the merchant looked wealthy, so of course I offered a helping hand. The thugs were ill prepared for my assistance and luckily a few others in the crowd offered there assistance; adventurous types, I bet. I dashed and leapt over a cart, rolling in the air and landing in a low strike that left one thug wounded and reaching for his entrails. A little cruel, but one can’t kill you if he is reaching for his own guts. I shouldn’t have gloated too long, though; the second thug cut me with his dagger across my arm. I returned the favor by making an upward strike, slashing my longsword across his chest. He went down as well.

The dust seemed to settle at that point. There was a thug down being held by some cloaked figure (well I know who she is now, but at the time I didn’t). As I was saying, the cloaked figure had the thug in check, and I went about my business of checking the bodies (Hey someone was going to do it; might as well be me). The group, as it seemed to become, clustered around the thug. They consisted of the merchant, who I would come to know as Kathkallen, a half-orc monk by the looks of his fighting style, a halfling female, also a monk, the cloaked figure, and a human with some magic ability. My first guess was right, a group of clueless adventurers. Figures. Like I said, every time I return to Amn it’s in worse company, but at least I was back in Amn.

The party interrogated the thug, and I simply watched with my hand on my dagger tucked away in my sleeve. I didn’t like his look and was just hoping he would give me a reason to throw it. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. He tried to go for an escape after the group tried to draw out any information he had. The dagger was quick from my hands and caught the thug in his leg; he didn’t get very far. Not my actual intent, but at least he wasn’t going anywhere for now. I gathered my dagger, and the cloaked figure was obviously seething with anger but I couldn’t tell since her hood hid her true features.

It was about then that I decided that the merchant, Kathkallen, might be important, and important people have money. I offered my services at the woefully low price of 300 gold, with an additional 150 gold to be heaped upon me when my job was done. Of course, at this point introductions were in order and I am surprised I actually paid attention to their names. The half-orc monk was Gruush, a rather quiet and smelly fellow but otherwise not too distasteful for being a half-orc after all. Then there was Kalaya, affectionately known as Kay, the halfling monk with a lot of spunk and a very saucy tongue. I liked her nearly right off, she’s funny in a halfling way. The mage, who I think is a sorcerer possibly, is named Karanaj, and seems to be rather close with the cloaked figure, who is an elf, named Vallia. Karanaj is silent and, well, sticks to Vallia mostly, but I like him. He seems trustworthy and smart enough to listen to me; I like that in a business partner. And Vallia, well, she is, in a word, beautiful for an elf, and much too stuck up for her own good. Probably born with a silver spoon in her mouth, never having to work for a darn thing in her life. Did I mention she is beautiful? We didn’t hit it off that well at first, though, which was fine with me. I had no intention of sticking with this clueless bunch for long. Alas, even the best plans often go awry.

Well, from that point on I was stuck with them till the job was done, which seemed simple enough from what I had gathered. Protect the rich merchant by night and find some lost contracts by day. Not that that would be an easy task, but I did have 300 gold in my pockets, so my morale was bolstered. From what I had gathered, it seemed that an assistant to this Kathkallen, Galliad, had bungled a lucrative deal in vanilla. He had gone missing a few days earlier, along with the contracts; no surprise there really. As merchants are apt to do, they did not want to honor the contracts with Kathkallen and were doubling their prices. Deep down inside I was laughing, but on the outside I showed a modicum of empathy. I like it when rich folks get the shaft, but a deal was a deal. It was my job to get those contracts back, well, our job if you count the group with me, which, at the time, I didn’t. Vallia, in her infinite elf-like wisdom decided we should spend time gathering any tools we needed and gather information if we could. That is about the same moment I got stuck with the halfling Kay.

Gruush I think had to go his temple or his master or some such, while Vallia and Karanaj, who were quite inseparable, went shopping together. It was quite obvious at that point that these two are much more then friends, and most likely lovers. It pays to pick up on these nuances; people in love tend to do stupid things for their better halves. I just don’t want to be around when that happens. I can’t wait to see their half-elven children; no, I can wait if they turn out anything like Vallia.

Now Kay is, well, she is something; for monk she can be quite candid, not that I know many monks. They all live in temples and contemplate flowers right? I don’t know but she was definitely different from what I expected of a halfling, which wasn’t much. She didn’t seem too bright, or at least had a knack for missing the obvious, which has only been reinforced more and more as we travel together. She went on at length about herself, but I was not paying much particular attention. I was looking for a few select items; oil, water skins, and a nice new shiny masterwork dagger. Oh did I mention I took five daggers from the thugs and their gold? If not, then that is okay I didn’t tell the “party” that either. Their loss I suppose. Anyway, I was able to procure enough oil for three water skins, for a decent price. And I was able to purchase the masterwork dagger for a mere 270 gold, a steal I say. Adelia, a comely human female, ran the weapons shop and drove a hard bargain. But I think my tale, well claim, of being a leader of a large mercenary band might have leveled the field some. She is good at her work, though, and gave me an interesting proposition after our haggling over the dagger had ended.

She showed me an interesting set of bracers, which doubled my fighting ability with my longsword. I was stunned, and impressed. After I demonstrated how effective the bracers were, she simply offered them to me free. Again, I was stunned. I think my heart even skipped a beat; possibly a few beats. She recounted to me that some old elven wizard named Aust told her that a man with beads in his hair would come to her, and that she should give him the bracers as a gift. I don’t put much stock in prophecy, but I do like it when one goes my way. Though there was a catch, and a strange one at that. This Aust requested that I make sure to help an elven girl in need. Like a fool, I accepted, and gave her my word that I would. It isn’t every day you receive Bracers of Speed for free. If I knew then what I know now, I would have run for the hills screaming. That still sounds like a good idea now, but I gave my word, and Burning Rose does not break his oaths. No matter how much he would like to.

Oh, and I should mention that I learned a few things as well about Galliad and the company he kept. It seemed that he was in contact with a Bernal, a drunkard of a man that tended to frequent an inn called the Silent Siren or some such. Figures our best lead would be a drunkard, this would prove to be interesting indeed. Well, after my little escapade with Adelia, I returned to the group with haste, and arrived just as everyone else did. Kay came along a little later. I forget how slow Halflings can be. Karanaj and Vallia were, as always, inseparable, and I suspected they were lovers possibly (did I mention that already?). Kay figured the same as well and made many choice comments I do not care to jot down in my journal. They were funny, I will give her that. At this point, her highness, I mean Vallia lead the way to the Silent Siren; oddly enough where our patron Kathkallen was staying. Karanaj waited outside while the rest of us went inside, Gruush took the seat closest to the door. Which suited me fine, half-orcs smell, and although Gruush might have been a “smart” half-orc, he still smelled. Vallia made her way across the room and spoke with a portly porter, the drunkard Bernal. Kay and I took a seat close to Vallia, who was now playing the role of a common harlot, or I mean courtesan, as they are called here in Athkatla.

She swooned and crooned over the fat oaf as they spoke; it was sickening, but amusing. I didn’t know the stuck-up elf had it in her. Again, Kay made some very choice words, and I don’t think she picked up on the ruse that this was an act, albeit a well practiced one, I will admit that. Bernal spouted some interesting facts, though, that would help us in solving this mystery. First, he was the one to hire the thugs to kill, or at least harm Kathkallen, at the behest of his patron, a woman named Anteashara. We actually meet this Anteashara later face to face, and that encounter ends rather messily. Anyway, Bernal also mentioned that Anteashara’s patron was a wealthy man who had a penchant for historical art pieces. It seemed from what I could glean that we probably would not find Galliad alive, poor soul, he was tangled in some messy business it seems. Well the ruse thankfully came to an end when Karanaj entered the tavern and played the role of the jealous husband to the hilt. Almost too good, it seems, but I am not one to nit-pick. Bernal was of course flustered and made great haste to flee the scene; regrettably, we let him. But we had what we needed: names; and we definitely already had a motive. Now, of course, came the hard part of putting said names into some kind of sense. I knew that if we found this historic art collector we would most likely find these contracts, since he seemed to be the mastermind. Unless Bernal was lying to us. Oh and I should mention that Halflings shouldn’t drink normal servings of ale in one sitting, especially small female Halflings. Thank you, Kay. Nothing like a drunken monk to really spice up the day. Again, thanks Kay.

Before we left the establishment I spoke with the barkeep about Galliad. It seems from his recollections that the last time he saw poor Galliad he was in the company of a pretty young blonde courtesan. Lucky Galliad. That was the last he had been seen, and he was headed to the Path of Flowers, where one can find more courtesans. I kindly thanked the man and left a few coins and a warning that he should not speak about this to anyone, and that the eyes and ears of the Shadow Thieves were everywhere. An empty threat, but maybe it would stave off anyone tracking us down. Not that we are that important, yet.

Well it was time to hit the streets once more, though I felt it would be better if we split our forces to cover more ground and cover the various leads we had. Vallia was less then pleased with my brilliant idea, but she relented. Once again, I was stuck with Kay, who was slightly tipsy from the mug of ale she drained in one hearty draught. To speed up the travel, I carried her on my shoulders; Halflings are pretty light thankfully. But she fell off and hit her head, then swore up and down someone hit her, and knocked her off. I was not in the mood to argue with a drunk so we pressed on towards the Path of Flowers, or is that Path of Silk Flowers. I forget, but I do remember the perfumed flowers of silk. Quite enchanting, not that I like silk flowers. But the street had some charm to it, and the courtesans were equally interesting. Not that I would dare mix business with pleasure, not on purpose anyway, but the courtesans were very tempting.

‘Course it didn’t help, that three courtesans noticed me right off and began to work their magic upon me, not that I was resisting. Hey I too am but one man. They lavished much attention upon me, and for a brief moment Galliad and Kathkallen’s problems vanished under a sea of lustful bliss. Thankfully, Kay was there to snap me from my revelry and bring me to my senses. Damn Halflings. Always ruining my fun, but it was for the best. I then struck upon an idea, and began to act as if Kay and I were closer then we ever possibly could be. I am not sure but she might have taken my words and actions much more seriously then they were meant to be. The courtesans were disappointed; I have to admit I was disappointed as well, but a job is a job and it comes first. I engaged them with some witty banter and was able to pique their interest about Galliad; well one courtesan in particular. I claimed to be an associate of his, and said that he had gone missing.

She seemed scared and wary to speak about what she knew, but I was able to coax a few choice bits from her. In particular that she had heard the name Galliad from a friend of hers, who was also a courtesan. I didn’t catch her friend’s name, but she matched the description of the courtesan Galliad was last seen with. Finally we were getting somewhere. It seemed that Galliad and this courtesan went to a park to get “comfortable” and then both were never seen again. That confirmed it for me. Galliad was dead, I figured. At least that would have made sense; dead men don’t talk. But the interesting part was that an unnamed party to lure Galliad to this location had hired the courtesan, and I had a pretty good idea of who this employer could be. The as of yet unnamed collector of historical art pieces, was my best guess at the time. Sadly, she had no idea who this individual was, or where the park was. I would have pressed the issue if it were not for Kay, who had sobered up some. I allowed her the opportunity to speak with the courtesan, but she didn’t get much more then I did. Like I said, I don’t expect much from a halfling.

It was about then that I heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the Waft. Now I am not usually one to charge headlong to rescue a damsel, but since I had to think of just more then myself, I scooped Kay up, and off I went towards the scream. It didn’t take along to arrive at an auction where Vanilla was being sold. Guards were trying to calm down a frazzled merchant as he recounted an assault against his person. From his words, a brutish orc and drow roughed him up, but thankfully he fought them off single-handedly. It seems that Vallia, who is an elf and not a drow, and her cronies, had already made quite a name for themselves. I am not sure if a career as drow brigands suits them, but who am I to judge. I wanted to add my two coppers but I thought it best to leave and find the rest of the group. Maybe, despite their sudden career change, they might have gleaned something useful I could use. It did not take long to catch up with Vallia, Gruush, and Karanaj. Maybe I shouldn’t have goaded them, but the opportunity was just too ripe. Kay and I had a good laugh at their expense; I like her. She has personality; a little slow, but she has personality.

Well it was about then that we decided to return to the Silent Siren, find our patron, and continue our duty by protecting the merchant while he slept. The only thing I gleaned from the rest of the group was that Galliad missed several appointments. Not too surprising since the poor lad was most likely languishing under the waters, long dead. Vallia suggested that we seek out some establishment called the “Platinum Quill” or some such. A place for writing I suppose. I really need to pay attention to names, more so then I have. We informed Kathkallen of all we knew, and then made sure his room was secure, just for my peace of mind. During this time, Kay took a seat on the table and played with my hair beads. Usually, I find that annoying but she had won me over with her personality. So I was not too bothered by it. It was about then the strangest event of the night took place.

An elderly woman claiming to be a seer stumbled into the tavern. She claimed she could read our futures; such a lofty claim from a ragged old crone. I scoffed at her words and went to the open door to look for any treachery; thankfully, we had little to worry about. Strangely enough the crone seemed to go into a trance and began spouting out strange albeit prophetic words. Like I said before, I don’t put much stock in prophecy but there were some choice phrases that caught my ear. I will try and recall them as best as I can:

“You seek a wizard who lives in the shadow of another wizard, and thieves who operate in the shadows of other thieves. The spirit of a man recently slain says you will find the wizard where sight meets sound and smell.”

It seemed that my guess was correct, at least if you take her words as fact, that Galliad was dead. That mages were involved and that we had to find a place where sight and sound meet; a jumble of information, but helpful despite the source. I hate cryptic messages, but sometimes that is all you have to work with. The old crone stood and wanted to tell us our fortunes; she must have blanked out in her trance, or maybe she was just senile. Either way, we declined and sent her on her way. The individual members of the party retired at that point, and I took to the roof. Why the roof? It is easiest to see Selune there and to pray that tomorrow would be a better day then today was. I hope I am not getting ahead of myself here.

Misha "Burning Rose" Koldun

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Karanaj's Journal #2
4th day of Leaffall, 1372 DR

I awoke the next morning, and for some reason I was more tired that I had been in a while. I felt really lazy, so I decided not to dress up. I slept in my pants, and I went downstairs as I was. (What a mistake that was) I came down, and even Vallia gave me a little trouble over my appearance. She thought I was trying to insinuate something to everyone. I didn’t even feel like arguing. Misha and Kay had their words, of course, and I wished all the more that Kay had been just a little bit more nauseated. I let it pass, though. I was getting quite used to being thought of as Vallia’s boy-toy; they can think whatever they want of me, but I know who I love. I finished breakfast very quickly, so I could retreat to my room and get dressed. We were then off to the Platinum Quill to follow our only lead.

We found our way there easily; we had been there before, after all. The owner was a tall man named Catellion. We questioned him about Galliad, and he did not seem at all cooperative. We degraded to threats once more, and Catellion leapt over the counter yelling for Anteashara. Catellion made it out the door, but not before at least taking one hit. The battle ended rather quickly, with Misha taking out two thugs that tried to interfere. Gruush took hold of Anteashara, and we all reverted to our interrogation methods. I felt that maybe magic would convince her to change her mind, but I did a poor job of being convincing. Misha, it seems was already on the verge of acting, and I only served to push him over the edge. Misha killed the woman, and told me to shut the door. I did so, simply because I had no wish to get caught.

I could already hear Vallia’s anger coming toward me, but it never came to me. She directed it all at Misha, which made me feel sorry for him. Vallia eventually came up with an idea, however, and she did not really feel like talking to any of us at the moment. I thought she still might have been mad at me, and I didn’t want to say anything to her that might upset her. I took off the ring Talindra gave me, and placed it in my pocket, preventing myself from saying anything stupid.

The group walked in silence as we moved toward the Path of Silk Flowers. We passed the Avenue of Chimes “where sight and sound... meet.” We continued into the garden, and it was quite obvious that this was “were sight and sound and smell meet.” We moved to the house there, and finally just decided to knock. No one answered, so Kay had Gruush hold her up to see inside the window. There were some guards there, but nothing overly suspicious about that (we were doing the same thing not long ago). Misha and Kay decided to check out around the house for an alternative way in. Kay found a side door, while Misha didn’t fare as well. He had a globe of darkness cast upon him, and didn’t seem to enjoy being helpless at all. Vallia offered to stay with him, which I didn’t think was such a good idea for Misha’s sake. I offered to stay with them, but Vallia told me they would be fine.

I went after Gruush and Kay over to where Kay had found the door. We found that the door was simply leading to a bath house. We searched a little more, and found another door. This time, it was connected to the house. Gruush opened the door, and found two guards standing behind it. We quickly subdued them, though Gruush received a few nasty blows. I replaced the ring on my finger, and told Vallia that we needed her assistance. She hurried over there, and helped Gruush recover.

I watched Misha while Vallia helped Gruush. The darkness vanished from around Misha about the time Vallia returned, and we all decided that it was time to find our mage. As we walked into the house, I used a spell on Gruush to help protect him in upcoming battles (in retrospect, I think I should have use it on myself). We found our way to a bedroom which we examined for any clues. Misha found some jewels in one of the bedposts (which I still haven’t seen since then). We continued on into the next room, which contained a small study. We hadn’t looked through many of the books when Catellion charged out of the closet, and attacked me. The rest of the party quickly subdued him, and my attention was turned to the mage that appeared and shot me. I was staggering at that point, and I barely managed to fire off a few magic missiles before the mage turned invisible again. He then spoke another spell which I recognized as a teleportation spell. The trouble was over, for now.

The mage had dropped a pouch right before he turned invisible. Misha picked it up and told me to see what was in the pouch, since he wouldn’t know. He wasn’t a mage after all. If he had just looked in the pouch, he would have known what they were. We had finally found the contracts, and I was finished, yet again, with Kathkallen’s business. I was still woozy from the battle when we set off toward the inn. We came across the Watch while making our way there, and thanks to some quick acting by Vallia, they were distracted. Misha claimed Gruush as his bodyguard, and began talking a little with the guards to reduce their suspicion. Vallia told me telepathically that I should take an alternate route back to the inn, which I did. I didn’t encounter any trouble along the way.

The group finally made it back to the inn, and found me sitting at a table. I was even more weakened by the whole ordeal, and yet I still attracted less attention than that odd collection, bleeding or not (sometimes I think it pays to come off as a ‘nice-guy’ . I could see the pain on Vallia’s face at seeing me so weak, and not being able to help me; she was apparently out of healing magic. However, it didn’t matter to me, and I was ready to go to sleep. I tried to make it there on my own, but I only took a few steps before I almost fell again. Gruush helped me to my room, and I didn’t even get the thank you out of my mouth before I was unconscious.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Misha’s Journal #2
4th day of Leaffall, 1372 DR

Morning came much faster then I would have liked; yesterday was an interesting day to be sure. Only a few days back in Amn and already involved in strange world-spanning plots. Well not world spanning, and probably not all important in the grand scheme of things but 150 gold was at stake. And frankly after the dagger I purchased yesterday I am very broke.

It seems that this morning I was the first to wake something that is not too surprising to me at least. The rest of the “party” stumbled down stairs, first Vallia, then Gruush, followed by Kay, and the now shirtless Karanaj. Vallia and Karanaj really do not need to rub it in our collective faces that they are having more fun on their watch then the rest of us. But to each their own I suppose. I did startle Vallia though with my superb command of elven, a little something I picked up from a half-elven girl I knew in Muraan. That was a simpler time I guess, when I had time for such frivolous flights of fancy. Anyway back to the current tale at hand, it was decided that we should promptly head for the Platinum Quill, to follow up on the leads we had gained the day before. A simple plan, but the most effective one we had at the time.

And a mental note to myself, Vallia dislikes being called “highness” even if she does act like a stuck up princess. I find it amusing, though if slightly charming. She has her moments though, and maybe if she loosened up some, well she would need to loosen up greatly. Karanaj has his work cut out for him, unless he likes dominant prissy women. To each their own I suppose. Course who am I to talk my only real company is a halfling, and even that does not last for long. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself, not quite yet.

Once breakfast was over, Vallia lead the way through the Waft to the Platinum Quill. It was, well, in a word, a place for scriveners, not a place for the best damn mercenary this side of Amn. The proprietor was a tall gentle looking fellow by the name of Catellion, he was in the business of coordinating operations for merchants and providing security. Once again I had to take charge and question Catellion about Galliad and any dealings he may have had with the missing lad. It was slow going and he was less then cooperative, not too surprising. I would have acted the same way in his position, especially if five armed strangers came barging in and asking strange questions. We eventually came down to simply making threats and that is when Catellion shouted for Anteashara, and then leapt over the counter at Gruush who kicked the proprietor in his gut. I whirled and turned to face Anteashara as the rest of the party drew weapons and prepared for another harrowing fight (Ha. I still don’t think we’ve had one of those yet).

Catellion rushed for the door but I was able to make a quick offhand strike slashing him across the back drawing blood. But he got away, and ran outside where there was a commotion, I wanted to follow but Anteashara blocked our path snarling. I really did not like her, and I still don’t like her even though she is long dead. Damn it, I got ahead of myself. Well, back to the story. Vallia drew her longsword in two hands and swung it deftly at Anteashara, I could only wince as the blade ripped through Anteashara. Kay drew her little nunchucks and attacked Anteashara, but she missed. Like I said before I don’t expect much from the halfling. Karanaj put a crossbow bolt in her shoulder, and I attacked with my longsword, slashing quickly, thanks to the nifty Bracers of Speed. I was slightly disgusted, though, missing both attacks; but the rest of the attacks were enough, and Anteashara for the moment yielded. The party started to interrogate her while I kept my eyes open and alert.

In the doorway I noticed a foot inching forward into view, great I should have known she would not have come alone. I leapt over the wounded Anteashara and rolled out the doorway springing upward and making two vicious slashes at a clearly surprised thug. His head rolled across the dirt-covered road, and his headless body fell lifeless as I turned to a second assailant on my left. He blinked as I was once again much faster then he could ever be, and slashed open his stomach. I continued to spin and took his head as well. I did not wait for his body to fall, as I turned my attention once more to Anteashara, my mind red with fury and battle. In hindsight, what happens next is not my greatest moment. But pivotal in several ways now that I think about it. The party continued to interrogate Anteashara and I had Vallia heal her hoping to prove that we would let her go if she cooperated. The rest of the party continued to threaten her with acts of violence, so it seemed in my mind that if she did not cooperate, then death was the price she would pay. So be it, if it came to that.

Karanaj in particular pointed his hand at Anteashara and sneered, “I think she would look better with a hole in her chest.” Empty threat or not it seemed quite menacing to me and to Anteashara as well I would suppose. Anteashara sneered and mocked me asking why I had the whore, Vallia, heal her. Kay answered for me by slapping Anteashara hard across her face shouting in her shrill voice, “speak wench only when spoken to, and only I call Vallia a WHORE!” The group continued to threaten Anteashara with violence. Maybe I acted rashly, but I did what had to be done.

She seemed to be very resolute in not saying anything to us and time was growing short. Dead bodies tend to attract flies, as they say, and I did not want to stay there any longer then we needed to. I pressed the issue and placed my blade at her chest, and gave her one last chance to answer our questions. She gave me a look of defiance, which in my mind seemed to say she would rather die then tell us. I did what I had to do, and ended her life, thrusting my blade into her heart. She gasped for a moment, shock in her eyes, reflecting my own. I drew the blade from her chest, and had Karanaj shut the door. This was going to be a long day indeed, three people dead by my hand. I am not sure if I should be proud or ashamed, but I don’t have time to wallow in guilt.

The rest of the party is shocked, as well they should be. Kay was the most vocal of the group, and her insults hurt the most. Despite being a halfling, I like her; she is a good person. I think we could have been good friends, but, as of now, I see that like many partnerships it was only fleeting. Vallia as well, in her typical holier-than thou attitude, made some choice remarks. I am not sure how much I deserved, but I let them pass and said what I thought they wanted to hear. My only concern at that moment was to find what Anteashara or Catellion were hiding. Sadly I believe whatever we could have gleaned died along with Anteashara. It was about then that I really was starting to hate her. And she was already dead. I still wonder if I did the right thing. I cannot turn back time, I am no god. I do know that I did what I believed was the correct course of action.

The party was in low spirits now, but luckily Vallia was able to recall the prophecy and struck upon a brilliant idea, of course none of us were privy to that idea. But we followed her like lemmings into the Path of Flowers, passing through the Avenue of Chimes, towards the place where “sight and sound” meet. Eventually after some silent moments Vallia stopped in front of a large manse where the two streets met. She finally made herself useful; well, useful to the rest of us outside of Karanaj’s bed.

We began to ponder just what to do, and of course in my utter brilliance I proposed that maybe we should just knock to see if anyone was there. Kay went ahead to knock, and I stayed back with the rest of the party counting the minutes until this blasted job would be over. They did not trust me and I frankly at that point did not care much about them, thank goodness my loyalty to money was still intact. No one answered when Kay knocked, so Gruush lifted her up to see inside the building. She spotted two thugs inside but little else. Kay decided to sneak around and I followed, and went to the other side against Kay’s wishes. I don’t expect much from the halfling, but for once she was right. I am usually quite stealthy but the damn bushes were in the way and I tripped, and, well, it was just bad. It didn’t help that once I got my footing I was enshrouded in magical darkness. Well, that answered that about the wizard we heard about in the prophecy. That day was most likely the worst day I could imagine. Sadly it only gets worse from here, for me anyway.

I slowly made my way back to the group and faced more derision, “dark-boy” sadly being the most imaginative term. The party decided that it was high time we get inside the manse, but I was a liability. The group split up, Vallia surprisingly stayed at my side, and the rest went inside to ferret out the mage. I took a seat and rested against the wall in total blackness; a very unnerving experience. Vallia broke the silence, and asked me why I killed Anteashara. Honestly at that moment, I didn’t know, and still don’t. It felt like the best course of action at the time. I was a captive audience, though, so we continued to speak, and in a way it helped me think about the events of the day. And I learned a few things about Vallia, I did not know before. One is that she kicks like a freaking mule, two is that I misjudged her very early on, and three is that she is very single. She also has a peculiar nickname, Wildcat, that her father gave to her, having to do with her great strength. Did I mention she kicks like a mule? My ribs are still hurting from that, Vallia, thank you very much. Never piss off the healer, I guess.

I mean, early on I thought she was stuffy and pig-headed, and, well, typical of elves, haughty and arrogant. She is none of the above, she cares about people genuinely; a sappy trait, but respectable. She cared even about a no-good money hungry merc like me. Sure she is an elf; a beautiful elf, but she had a mind tucked away under her sometimes-icy exterior. And the fact that her and Karanaj were not romantically entwined took me by surprise; I made too many assumptions early on. Thankfully, after three kicks (I will admit, that I wholeheartedly deserved for choice remarks I will not recount here), Vallia healed me with her divine magic. But then afterwards our relationship brightened strangely enough, and even more strangely, we formed a partnership. It seems that her church was looking for someone to protect Vallia, who just happens to be an elven girl in need. Damn elven wizards and their damn requests, I took the job free of charge on the spot. I hate being bound to my word at times, but there are worse people to serve as a bodyguard for. Did I mention she was beautiful? I am a sucker for a pretty face, even if she is a stuck up elven priestess. ‘Course I couldn’t see her pretty face since I was trapped within the globe of impenetrable darkness. But at the time it was the thought that counted, I suppose.

We talked for some time until I realized that the rest of the party had been gone for some moments. I asked Vallia if she could hear the rest of the party. She replied that they were fighting. Not that I am a violent person by nature, but I do recognize that my skills can add greatly to any conflict. Sadly, though, I couldn’t even see my own hand let alone the enemy. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly useless. Thankfully, magic, unlike death, in most cases, is transitory. At least as far as I know; I am no mage after all.

Suddenly, Vallia decided that it was time to move; despite the fact I still could not see. I took her hand and followed her through a garden towards the sounds of battle, which thankfully subsided. The last thing I wanted was to face an opponent I could not see; fighting blind is not my idea of fun. The party had survived the fight, although it sounded like Gruush had received some grievous wounds in the battle. Vallia healed him with her divine magic and I continued to my existence as “dark-boy”. Thank you Kay, that was so original.

Vallia glanced at me quizzically, and walked over to me. She tapped me on the shoulder, I looked at her and then it dawned on me. I could see her and the darkness was gone. I think that was the first time I was truly glad to see Vallia’s face. Well, now it was time to get to down to the messy business of rooting out the mage and any of his cronies left. This wouldn’t be pretty. Just the way I like it. We ventured into the manse and entered a large central room with a closed door on the right and a study on the left. I opted for the closed door, which turned out to be a small bedroom. Sadly, no mage, as the room was empty. Well, not too empty. I did find three aquamarine gems, which are curiously still in my possession. Start of my retirement funds perhaps? What the party forgets about can only be my gain. Like I said, they are clueless, but sadly they are also slowly growing on me. Vallia especially, but that is another matter altogether.

We exited the room and moved towards the study, nothing but books and eclectic pieces of “historical” artwork. There was a stairway that leads up to an upper deck. I decided to go up the stairs and have a look around. I didn’t find anything of importance besides a bronze dagger, which is now part of my historical art collection. Meanwhile I could hear Karanaj and Vallia talk about some vines out in the garden that were poisonous. One can only assume that poor Galliad had an encounter with these loathsome vines. I decided to get a look around and went down stairs and investigate the rest of the structure. I went out into the foyer, the large central room, and looked around. That is when the mage and his cronies attacked.

Back in the study a dire rat flashed into existence near Kay, just as Catellion leapt out of a closet and charged at Vallia and Karanaj. Karanaj was struck by Catellion’s sword; I was not close enough to get to Catellion so I went after the dire rat instead. I rolled back into room springing over a table and slashed quickly with my long sword at the wretched beast. The creature was dead, and I turned my attention to Catellion. Vallia swung her blade at Catellion, slashing the corrupt proprietor easily. Gruush followed that with a vicious punch to the head, which made Catellion’s eyes cross. Karanaj fired a blot from his crossbow but missed with his poorly aimed shot. Suddenly as if out of nowhere, another figure, presumably the mage, appeared and fired a crossbow bolt at Karanaj, wounding him. Kay took one of her special pebbles and slung it at Catellion, it grew to the size of a boulder and crushed him. That was rather messy. We focused our attacks on the mage and nearly slew him if he had not gone invisible, taunting us before teleporting away. Well, I am not sure if he did, but Karanaj assured us that is what he heard. Well either way I wanted to burn the manse down, but Vallia was against this plan of action. I still regret not burning that manse down. Anyway we found the contracts on the remains of Catellion. Success, more or less. We had what we came for. Payment was in sight. Now all we had to do was evade the guard and we were home free. Sadly, I am too much of an optimist at times.

We went out into the streets through the front door and onto the Path of Flowers, I luckily came out of the battle unscathed. Some were not so lucky, well at least Karanaj. He was bleeding pretty badly even still. Just as the guard approached us Vallia surprisingly wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck, certainly a strange turn of events indeed. It was also an obvious ruse to throw the guards off track and draw their attention to us instead of the rest of the party. Kay as usual missed that point and assumed what was happening was real. Like I said I do not expect much from the halfling. The guards simply winked at me knowingly, and continued on their way. It was just about perfect, and then they saw Gruush. They started muttering something about “merchant and orcs”, I knew this wouldn’t be good and decided to act despite Vallia’s protests to the contrary. Thankfully she busied herself by nibbling my ear. Now I like Vallia. I then simply claimed that Gruush was my bodyguard, luckily the guards fell for it with some convincing acting by Gruush. He is such a smart half-orc. He really is. Finally we made it back to the Silent Siren. I was never so glad to see Kathkallen, although I like seeing his money even more so. Selune was on our side I suppose, or at least my side. Of course that meant the ruse was over though, so Vallia stopped kissing my neck and nibbling my ear. I still like her though; it was a pleasant fiction while it lasted.

The party retired to their beds and I sat in the common room thinking, it had been a long day and many things had changed so quickly. I guess I will be sticking around with Vallia at least for longer then I ever expected to. I actually like that though, we well I am not sure, but I know I found something good. I can’t place my finger on it, but she is definitely someone I wouldn’t mind sticking around with despite her numerous faults. She came back downstairs though and gave me an apology, not for kicking me, but because she wasted valuable resources healing me after she kicked me. She can be so sensitive at times. She then went into a strange trance, and began babbling not sure about what, but as it ended she collapsed into my arms. She was so helpless then, in ways I knew then even if I didn’t believe in prophecy or fate, this was meant to happen. Not sure why, only Selune knows, but our meeting was not chance. I am doomed, yet I am not afraid.

Misha "Burning Rose" Koldun

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Karanaj’s journal
5th day of Marpenoth, 1372 DR

Last night was quite a night for me. Not only had I been injured and not healed, I had awoken in the middle of the night to someone screaming. I have gotten used to the mind link by now, so I could tell that it was someone in my mind. I didn’t know who, but she had said my name. I didn’t recognize the voice, and I was so tired that I couldn’t even manage to stay awake long enough to think about it.

The next morning, I woke up, and felt a little better. I made my way downstairs for breakfast, this time making sure to put on a shirt. I came down for breakfast and saw only Misha. Gruush and Kay come down a little later, also coming to eat breakfast. Vallia never found her way to breakfast, and I wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing. The serving girl came downstairs and said the she could not wake Vallia. Everything clicked in my mind at that instant. I dashed up the stairs past the rest of the group, almost bumping into Misha. I had no time to dawdle; I already knew this was going to be bad.

I entered the room first, and say Vallia lying there on the bed. I tried using the ring at first, but she was as mute in her mind as she was in her body. She seemed to be in such pain, and I didn’t know why. The rest of the group made it into the room. Misha began trying to talk Vallia out of it, and I kept trying with the ring. I finally got a little bit of a response from her in my mind, and I kept trying to get more of a response. She eventually came out of it, and was back to somewhat normal health, though she was still a bit tired from the ordeal.

I decided to leave Vallia and Misha alone (somewhat at Vallia’s behest, but I still felt that I should leave them alone before she said anything). I headed down for breakfast, which was, by now, cold, so I asked for something a bit warmer. The innkeeper made a joke about keeping my shirt on, and I didn’t even pretend to be amused. I was still a bit upset over what happened to Vallia. She eventually came downstairs, looking much better than before, but still a little tired. I finished what little I could make myself eat, and waited for Kathkallen and Bezzem to show so that we could get our payment and be on our way.

Vallia asked for the contracts before we had seen any sign of Kathkallen yet. At first she looked at me, and I told her that I had left them on the table for Misha. She looked to Misha, who then proceeded to pretend to have lost the contracts. Even that fool couldn’t loose something that meant so much to him (though, I have seen him ignore something worth much more). He finally produced the contracts, and about that time, Kathkallen came downstairs. Of course, Misha haggled over our services; I felt that I had suffered enough getting those contracts, and I wanted a little more. I said as much to Kathkallen, and Vallia looked at me with a little bit of guilt in her face. I didn’t mean it that way and I told her as much, but for some reason, she wouldn’t accept that. It seemed that my little comment helped change Kathkallen’s mind and we ended up getting 250 gold each.

Vallia told us that we would be traveling for quite some time; nearly a month. She told us that we should travel as a family with its hired protection. Gruush was, of course, protection. Kay was only suited to play a child, and Vallia was the only one among us the play the wife. That left the part of husband between Misha and me. I had to think about that one. Admittedly, it would have been much easier for everyone if I had just gone with the husband part. I had already showed how well I could play husband, and Misha was obviously used to being his warrior self. I was so determined to make that fool see what he was missing, though, that I chose to force them both to face what we all could see. I told Vallia that I would play the mercenary part, and I think she was a little shocked, but more happy than anything. He was growing on her, and it wasn’t hard to see. Gruush, Kayla, and I went to get some new clothes and weapons before we left on our journey.

Kay bought some shriukens then joined Gruush and I at the clothing store. We had decided to get matching cloaks, to seem more convincing as professional bodyguards. Gruush chose blue with red trim as our colors. We also thought about getting an insignia sewn into them, but we didn’t have enough time. Vallia was already calling me with the ring, and I didn’t want to press our luck with the Watch. I purchased both cloaks, and a new shirt to replace the one that now had holes. Kay began to practice acting like a child, and I didn’t feel like sticking around for it. Gruush caught up with me rather quickly and suggested that we have a name for our group. I didn’t know what we should call ourselves, so we just settled for “the Protectors” until we could think of something better.

We arrived at the inn, and Vallia was ready to tell me about what had happened to cause her trance, or whatever it was, this morning. I was given a fine steed to ride upon. Gruush and I took up flanking positions, and we were off. Vallia took the opportunity to fill me in on her (and Talindra’s.... Aliya’s.... history). Vallia and her sister were twins, and.... well, I see that Misha has already gone over that (His journal dropped off of the wagon while we were riding. I’ll return it to him the next time we stop. Maybe we should work together on this.... it might be better to have a different perspective). At any rate, I found out that my true love’s name was not Talindra, but Aliya. It didn’t really matter; whether she was Talindra or Aliya, she was still the red-haired green-eyed girl I fell in love with. I also found out that she had been kidnapped. After hearing this, I was saddened; I was saddened even more when Vallia told me that Aliya had found her ma’sheira; me. It had taken me a less than a week to find and loose the love of my life, and I hadn’t even..... I hate myself for rejecting her.

I’m not a big one to mope around, though. I had been for a while after the news, but I can’t anymore. I don’t care if I have to go to face the gods themselves; I would rather be disintegrated as a mere afterthought by them than to allow Aliya a moment of anguish. I hope for their sakes that those Zhentarim pray for their souls regularly, because when I see them, I will have no mercy upon them.

We stopped in a small town, where we went through all of the appearances of being a family (again, I see that Misha has gone over this). As we seem to be intertwined for quite a time, I think that people that will want to see the journals of either of us will see both of our Journals; I won’t go into the other details, on that note.

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Misha’s Journal #3
7th day of Leaffall, 1372 DR

It has been a few days since the last time I tried opening this journal. We have been on the move, and on our way out of Amn. Towards Mistledale, towards an uncertain destiny, that may prove to be more then we may be ready for. I hate that word, destiny, but that is the best way I can describe the events that have unfolded over the past few days. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, so I will begin with the morning after our investigation of the manse. I was up early once more, wondering how Vallia was resting. I find myself thinking about her often now, and not just about maintaining her safety.

I had some time to speak with the serving girl before the others stumbled down. I was nearly done with my meal, and decided to do something nice for Vallia; I ordered for her a traditional elven breakfast, sadly I dot know what elves eat. So I just ordered some fruit, bread with honey, and some fresh juice. Better then the hot cereal I ordered for myself, but then again to me, food is food. Trail rations taste good to me. Slowly the rest of the party shuffled downstairs, except Vallia and Kay, who I assumed, were probably still resting. It was early after all.

The serving girl came down stairs rather quickly though; it seemed that she could not rouse Vallia. Great, just great, the first day on the job and I let my charge get harmed. Needless to say I was not happy, Karanaj beat me up the stairs, but I was not far behind. I entered her room and tried to rouse her, it seemed to be a struggle for her but suddenly her eyes opened and she returned to us. I knew then that I should not have left her side, not until I knew she was safe. Thankfully she was well after getting her bearings straight; inwardly I was a mess of emotions I had not felt in some time, genuinely. Eventually Karanaj, Kay, and Gruush went downstairs to eat, while Vallia ate the breakfast I had sent for her. She bade me to stay, and I had not the heart to go, so I grabbed an apple and stayed with her and we talked.

She mentioned her sister Aliya, the true love of Karanaj’s life. How cute, lucky for him I suppose. At least he didn’t have to settle for Vallia; he got the good sister, from what it sounds like. Not that Vallia is a bad catch, just does not seem his type I suppose. As we talked she pulled out a small box and handed me a silver ring, and bade me to take it, at first I thought it was payment and I refused. But she was damn insistent I took the ring and put it on. Moments later I heard her voice in my mind! It was such a shock I nearly fell out of the window I had opened. She said it was a gift from her grandfather or something, it took some getting used to, mind-speech I mean, but pretty handy I suppose. Though it is has its faults, especially when she is angry with me.

We talked about her past and the fact that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Maybe that was an incorrect assessment, and she probably has had to work for much in her long life. I mean she is 130 years old, and I am only 19 years young. So she has had many more experiences then I can ever hope to have, sadly. I wounded her though with my words, and for the first time, I actually felt bad about that. I must be getting soft. I look in her eyes and I know that despite our differences we are very much alike. Which scares me, more then I can put in words. Vallia also mentioned that we should leave town soon for Mistledale, she never said why, but I agreed wholeheartedly. I love Amn, I really do, but I can’t pass up a chance to travel and besides Vallia and me were stuck together now. I went back downstairs, carrying everything I owned, which thankfully was not much and waited for our patron, Kathkallen. Vallia followed me soon after dressed for travel.

Kathkallen finally came down stairs, with his underling Bezzem. They took a seat at our table, and we handed over the contracts. Kay and Vallia thought I lost them, but I knew exactly where they were. It just took some time finding them. Kathkallen was pleased and raised our price to 250 gold, after some persuasive banter. I was pleased, though Vallia was furious because I accidentally handed off some important papers along with the contracts. Hearing her voice aloud is bothersome enough, but the mental assault was doubly worse. Luckily I was able to procure the papers and hand them off to Vallia before she kicked me once more. My ribs are still sore Vallia, thank you very much.

Well I knew it was time to make an exit and I took my leave as soon as I could and went to purchase a composite short-bow to use on our journey ahead. I was interested in some new armor, but I decided against it and wandered about the Waft on my way back to the Silent Siren. I saw Kay, Karanaj, and Gruush buying weapons from Adelia’s shop and I decided to join them. Adelia remembered me well, and even referred to me as the “handsome one." (I like that title.) We spoke for a few moments, but I could not stay for long, regrettably. She was surprised though that a woman had not claimed me. Claim me? Interesting thought, but not for me. I am not making that mistake again; the hurt I brought Ellyn was far too much to bear once more.

I might not have mentioned Ellyn till now and there is a reason for it. Not something I am proud of, I loved her when I was some years younger, during the days after I had just left the Shadow Thieves. She was a half-elf, and she was my closest friend, she knew me better then I knew myself, I think. I swore to her I would protect her, but I had no money, and nothing to support us. I took odd jobs to get by, but the money was slim and still not enough to live on. So I began selling my services as a merc, I called myself Burning Rose. I got the name from a tattoo she had, in a place that I will not recount here. The money was much better but kept me from her, for many weeks and sometimes months at a time. It tore her apart I suppose. I lost sight of what was important and focused on the money, and I saw her less and less. Maybe I should have seen the signs, she was not happy, she didn’t want the money, just my love. In the end, in her sorrow and grief, she took her own life, while I was away on another mission. When I returned, I found her body badly decomposed, she had poisoned herself. I am not sure why, but I ran, I ran away from that life and I have been running ever since. Maybe I have not learned from my mistake, but I don’t get close to people, not like that. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.

But enough about that, I did not stay for long as the Kay, Karanaj, and Gruush continued to shop, for clothes no less, but to each their own I suppose. I sent a mental message to Vallia and went to her to get prepared for the journey ahead. I arrived at the Silent Siren; there was a wagon, a young woman waiting in the passenger seat. I ignored it and went to look for Vallia inside the inn. The woman turned and called to me, it was Vallia but she looked very human. She is a sneaky one, that Vallia. She told me that it would be best if we disguised ourselves, the party deciding on portraying the role of a merchant family and their guards. Suited me fine, I had done merchant caravan guard work before; this was a simple and brilliant idea. But it seemed that Gruush and Karanaj already fulfilled those roles, and well Kay was obviously going to be the child. Leaving me to play the role of the husband, and Vallia my wife. Selune help us, this sham of a marriage is doomed.

Before I could ponder too long on that she began to recount to me mentally many bits and pieces of her life. And being an elf, Vallia droned on like we had all the time in the world. Thankfully this time I listened. These are the words Vallia spoke to me:

“To begin at the beginning is always best. My sister and I were born one hundred and thirty years ago to Amlaruil and Zaor, rulers of the elves. Twins are rare among the elven people, and twins had never before been born to a monarch. Even more interesting was that we were not identical; in fact many did not believe us to be sisters at all. The day of our birth was heralded as a great omen, for at the hour and indeed very minute of our birth, the sun was eclipsed, and the entire world lay in darkness. Forty-three years ago, my father was murdered in our palace, and my mother took control of the kingdom. I have only become aware in recent months that the death of my father was not intentional, that in fact the assassins had intended to destroy my sister and I. This knowledge was not made available to the elven people, only I, my mother, my sister, the Captain of the Home Guard, and now you, know of this. I did not understand, we were only the second daughters to the royal house, my brother stood next in line for the throne. Why did the assassins seek to kill us? My sister was sent to apprentice with our maternal grandfather. She was always thought to be the more powerful, the one who took the lead. She was the pretty child, with curly, coppery red hair, bronze skin, and green eyes, which are the one thing we share. She was born with the gift of wizardry, which is rather common among my people. I, on the other hand, had no special talents. I was quiet, and people tended to overlook me in favor of my sister. My brother was much older, and teased us mercilessly. One day, I was not in the mood for his play, and when he began to tease me, I leaped atop him, and managed to knock him out cold. My father was angry and made me apologize, but from that time forth he called me his ‘wildcat’.”

I had to take a moment to take in all of this information; our highness was really a “Highness”. Now that isn’t something I saw coming, it took me totally by surprise. A princess, I couldn’t have fallen for a princess. She must be desperate if she is willing to allow a two-bit merc like myself to protect her. I may be the best damn merc this side of Amn, but I doubt I am that good. Vallia continued her story:

” One day, as I sat alone curled in a window seat in the palace, watching my sister with her friends, I heard a voice speak to me. I looked around, but did not see anyone. Convincing myself that it was a figment of my imagination, I settled back into the seat. Again, I heard a voice call my name. This time, I answered. The voice said that he was an agent of Corellon Larethian, and that he was calling me to his service. I was speechless, and was sure that he had the wrong sister. He told me that I underestimated myself, and that I should present myself to my father and request to be remanded to the clerics for training. To my surprise, I found myself doing just that. With the clerics, I felt that I had found my place, which I belonged. My father ordered that I be trained with a sword, and everyone thought him mad. But I excelled at that too, and soon everyone began whispering about the warrior princess. When my father died, my mother decided to send us away. As I said, my sister was sent to our maternal grandfather, and I was sent here. Here I have been, living in ignorance. A few months ago, the elder of our order asked me to visit him in his quarters. It was a strange request, since he seldom met with anyone, and certainly not a child, even if she was a princess. Further, such meetings were always held in his office, and never his quarters. I went, a little apprehensive. When I arrived, he was sitting in his armchair, holding a small jewel, much like an emerald. He asked me to sit, and said nothing for a long time, simply looking at the jewel. Finally, as I began to wonder what I was doing wasting my time, he looked up at me and asked if I had ever seen such a jewel. I told him no. He asked if I would like to hold it, and I shrugged. He passed it to me, and I looked at it more closely. It seemed to me to be of no importance, merely a small emerald. I looked up to see him watching me expectantly, and I passed the jewel back to him. He asked if I had felt anything and I shook my head. He seemed disappointed and said I could go. I left, very confused. A few nights later, there was a commotion in the quarters, and several clerics were killed, including the elder. Only later did I learn that the attack had succeeded and the emerald had been stolen. I began to demand answers, asserting my authority as royal princess. They were at first reluctant to give me any information, but a communiqué from my mother ordered them to tell me everything. In her words ‘she has a right to know’.”

The words continued to flow from her, as I soaked it all in. The thoughts running through my head were coming quickly now. I had no words to say and merely allowed her to continue while I only fumbled for some semblance of meaning in them. I was very wrong about Vallia, she was at the center of some dark business and now I was apart of this business. I didn’t like this but I had no choice in the matter, my word was my bond. And I would see this through to the end, no matter the cost. Vallia continued her story:

“It would appear that this jewel I had held was no mere emerald, but an artifact of great power, called the Jewel of Amn. This jewel had been passed down through generations of elves, and even the elders could not remember its use or why it was made. There are many prophecies regarding the Jewel, and it is these prophecies, which led me to be in the marketplace that day. I had sought adventurers that I could take with me, to track the thieves and the Jewel. When the opportunity presented itself, I felt that to aid the rest of you in your little quest would allow me to observe you and determine if you would fit my needs. I have decided that I will ask everyone to accompany me in this, but I do not plan on revealing as much as I am revealing to you. I trust you in this, to keep this information to yourself. My fears have been confirmed, and the thieves appear to be Zhentarim. They left Athkatlan headed for the Dalelands, and I plan to follow. After his death, I found some prophecies in the elder's quarters. I have been working to translate them. I dared not take anyone into my confidence, for the murder of the elder was too simple, and I think that there was a traitor among us. They may not be perfect and I have only translated bits and pieces. I lied when the elder asked if I felt anything from the jewel. The truth is, it spoke to me. It told me of a world where children did not cry for their dead fathers, a world where men were free to join families, not armies, a world where death was a natural part of life. It also told me to tell no one of its existence, until I formed the five. I could trust the five, it said, even with my life. At the time, I did not know what he meant. I do now.”

With those final words ringing in my mind I knew then that her quest was noble, but she used us. I understand why, but it still stung slightly. I know now I would follow Vallia to the ends of Toril if need be, she has but to ask. I can’t say "no" to her eyes, but I find this all disturbing. “The Five” she mentioned “might” be our group, but if we are her saviors then I fear for ourselves. We are hardly unified, but I will do what I can to make sure we do not fail. I can sense Vallia and I were closer now then we should be; destiny has brought us together, all of us. If I could, I would run away, but I won’t. I am scared, but if it is meant to be, Selune will see me through. All I need is some luck. Thankfully luck, as I have said before, is one of my skills. Though I have to say the prophecies surrounding the Jewel of Amn, brought only more concern into my troubled mind. Vallia explained the prophecies to me:

“The prophecies, so far as I can tell are... In a time of great darkness, there will be born a great hope. Daughter of the sun, daughter of the moon, two shall stand against the darkness, different and yet identical. Their cry shall drive the darkness away, and protect the land. One shall be the wielder of the jewel, the other the wielder of the sword. When the Amnian jewel is held by the one foretold, the world will know peace for a time. But beware, the jewel will serve its wielder, and if the one foretold does not or cannot wield the jewel, a great evil will pass over the land. The Amnian jewel is the key; the sword is the latch, and the door, the world. Five shall ride forth, five against the darkness. The one shall lead the charge. The daughter of the moon shall take with her four others, the warrior, the mage, the lover, and one who lusts for revenge. Five shall seek the daughter of the sun, and in the place where sun and moon meet, in the place where jewel and sword merge, the battle against great evil shall commence, and the time of waiting shall be done. I had thought that my sister would be the wielder of the jewel, and I the sword…it would appear the Zhentarim did as well. Ironic, is it not, that it is the opposite. My sister, the wizard, shall wield the sword. The Zhentarim have made their mistake and now we must seek the daughter of the sun. Last night, when I collapsed, it was because my grandfather has been killed, and my sister taken. I feel her pain as my own, and her fear. They carry her and the jewel to the Zhentarim stronghold. I was not prepared for the assault of pain and fear. It almost took me too. What worries me more, drow have been seen in Athkatlan, which has not happened in many years. It does not bode well. The drow have taken over Cormanthor's forests, near the stronghold, and I am afraid that the two work towards a common cause. If that is the case, I am not sure that we can overcome them. We must travel to the Dalelandss, and attempt to find a way to the jewel and my sister. It will not be an easy journey and I'm not sure if we will all make it to the end. But I am going anyway.”

She would not go alone; I don’t know where I fit into this prophecy, but I swore I would protect her. Her path was my own, and I would see it through with her, to make good on the faults of my past. I don’t put much stock in prophecies; I choose my own fate as best as Selune will allow. But Vallia’s words haunt me in my sleep, when I am awake, and especially when I look into her eyes. She must think we are the “Five”, in this elven legend. Vallia is the child of the moon; she is the focus I can only presume, and the one who must wield the Jewel. While her sister Aliya, is the child of the Sun, the wielder of the Sword. But who are the rest?

Gruush, could he be the warrior, or does he lust for revenge? He is strong, and well disciplined it seems but underneath that exterior, flows orcish blood. I know little about him, but he seems not to be focused on revenge. Though Kay, she has spoken of her hatred of the Zhentarim. Stemming from the death of a lover at their hands. Is she the one that lusts for revenge? The Mage is obviously Karanaj, he is the only with talent in the arcane arts. Albeit natural ability, but it should suffice. But where does that leave me, I have no great love to avenge. But I am a warrior. Am I the Warrior or the Lover? Damn you Vallia, I know in my heart where I fit in the prophecy and it scares me.

I would not have long to ponder this as the rest of the group returned, disguised rather poorly, but disguised nonetheless. I took the reigns and drove the wagon forward, rain was coming I could see and we had a long ways to cover. Kay fell into her role as a bratty child with much enthusiasm, overwhelming really. Gruush settled in rather well, and Karanaj almost looked convincing in the saddle, as a stern protector. Vallia stayed close to me, and I enjoyed her warmth, familiar in ways. We traveled for days like this, peaceful, a little dull, but very peaceful. Kay never let up on her role, but I enjoyed her antics, I still like her spunk despite everything that has happened. Gruush and Karanaj rode steadily and did not complain much, if at all. While Vallia and I spoke from time to time verbally, and mentally. Sadly I think this troublesome bunch of adventurers were growing on me, Vallia especially.

We arrived in Crimmor and made our way towards an inn called the Comely Wench, near the center of town. The innkeeper took longer then I liked acknowledging our presence and I had Gruush pay special attention to him. Kay continued her ruse as the bratty child, surprisingly not too difficult, for her. I played the role of the wealthy merchant to the hilt, and I think was rather convincing. Rooms were secured for us, and food was plentiful, I made sure of that. Vallia went up stairs and I followed for appearances, at least.

Vallia was surprised to see me; she was in a state of undress, which I have to admit I enjoyed. But I was considerate of her modesty and turned my back while she changed. We spoke on some topics that had come up between us during our journey. Particularly that I had a fear of women. (Ha, Burning Rose afraid of a mere woman. Now that is funny.) I could see then, that Vallia had changed her thoughts about me immensely. The others saw it as well, and yet it could not be. She could not understand the pain that I caused Ellyn, or myself. She would not want that, our relationship as it stands now is good. I am not the Lover, she would only get hurt if she pursued me, or I her. I feel it as well, when I look at her. But maybe for that moment I felt it was best that we continued the pleasant little fiction of friendship that strained between us. I am a bastard. I am sorry Vallia.

Now it should be noted that Vallia bade me speak with Karanaj, and that since he too possessed a similar ring we could speak mentally. It seems that Vallia did not want me to make the same mistake that he had made, concerning Aliya. It is not a secret to me that Karanaj is in love with Aliya, Vallia’s sister, but I knew little else about this affair. Karanaj related to me that he loved her from first sight, and the time they spent was brief, together. Yet they never consummated their love, and now with her being kidnapped by the Zhentarim he possibly may never have the chance to see her again. He regrets the decision he made, and I can see that Vallia does not want me to make that same mistake. I feel for Karanaj, his lot is a lonely one. But I will do what I can to help him be with Aliya once more. (A merc with a sense of decency. Now I know I am trouble.)

Well that next morning came quickly, and thankfully the innkeeper was not the villain I thought him to be. We made haste get on the road once more. Course it didn’t stop me that morning from giving Vallia a polite kiss that would be shared between husband and wife. It was pleasant, and far too fleeting, but enough. I could learn to enjoy that; her lips were sweet and inviting. I am doomed.

Misha “Burning Rose” Koldun

Aust Meliamne

First Post
Vallia #2

4th day of Leaffall, 1372 DR

This morning began rather well, until I got downstairs. It would appear that, unfortunately, someone saw fit to teach Misha the elven language, and he finds it amusing to converse with me in this way. He has also picked up a habit of calling me Highness……it makes me grind my teeth just thinking about it. Mornings are not my best time, I tend to prefer night to day anyway. I actually found myself apologizing for snapping at him. I don’t know what on earth possessed me to do THAT.

As I sat down to breakfast, I noticed that Karanaj was a little, well, undressed. When I inquired, he said something about not being used to traveling with a group. Men. Of course, Kay and Misha took the opportunity to have some fun at our expense. Kay seems very fond of Misha, playing with the beads in his hair this morning. That grated on my nerves as well, though I’m not really sure why. Perhaps it is just the beads. How ridiculous.

Apparently Gruush is not impressed with Kay either, he plucked her out of her seat and took it, then sat her on the floor. It was all I could do not to laugh. Suprisingly, Misha jumped up and offered her his seat. Maybe there is something between them after all, as disgusting as that may be. Later, when we told Misha he had apparently made a friend, he replied that he had no friends. Not suprising, really.

After some pointless discussion of last night’s prophecy, we finally left for the Platinum Quill, where we found a very uncooperative fellow called Catellion. Something about him bothered me, maybe his glib denial of knowing Galliad. When threatened, as we always seem to be doing, he shouted for Anteashara, who came running in the door. Being the coward that he apparently was, he left her to fight, and fled.

It did not take us long to subdue Anteashara, and Misha, looking out the door, quickly dispatched two thugs Catellion must have sent to help her. He is good, I will give him that, although I think perhaps he has something magical which enhances his ability. Misha bade me heal Anteashara, and though I thought she would be in a better position to answer our questions as she was, I complied, to see how he would handle the situation. In hindsight, I know now that was a mistake.

The others threatened her, but she was uncooperative. Karanaj threatened her life, but I do not think he was serious. He did, however, manage to goad Misha into killing her, the fool. She was obviously important to Catellion, and would have been a valuable bargaining chip, but he killed her, while she was helpless and tied up! I was furious. Kay, surprisingly, took my side, and has not been cordial to Misha since.

Misha found nothing in the shop, and I goaded him a little, asking what we should do now that he had killed our only source of information. All the while, I couldn’t get that picture of him on the Path of Silk Flowers out of my mind. Suddenly, it struck me what a fool I’d been. The riddle. I should have realized. The place where smell meets sight and sound. The Path of Silk Flowers, surely a place of sight. And it intersects a well known district, the Avenue of Chimes, the place of sound. All I needed to find was the smell, and we had the contracts.

I led the others down the Avenue of Chimes, but did not see fit to fill them in. To my surprise, the halfling was the first one to understand. As we stood at the intersection, I noticed that the garden on the corner emitted a powerful aroma, and decided that its manor was obviously our destination.

Kay decided to knock. While not my choice, I allowed her to do so. No one answered, and she had Gruush lift her so she could look through the window. She saw two men guarding double doors, but nothing else. While Kay was spying, Misha whined about my not liking him. I explained to him, of course, that I did not dislike HIM per se, I just did not like his methods, ie. acting stupid, which he seems to do with frightening regularity. But I am getting off the subject, I am chronicling the events of my quest, not writing a Misha story.

It was decided that Kay would scout the side of the house, being the best at sneaking around. Misha, in his infinite wisdom, could not wait, and took it upon himself to scout the other side. He was not quiet, either, any idiot could have heard him coming. In fact, I rather enjoyed what happened next. Kay returned, having found an entrance through the garden on the side. We had decided to enter that way, when suddenly a patch of darkness began to move around the side of the house.

Of course it was Misha and he had a ‘problem’. He IS one big problem. He just doesn’t think. Apparently someone in the house heard him coming as well, and cast a nice darkness spell over him. Being unable to counter the spell, we determined that Misha should remain where he was, which left us with one big problem: he was helpless.

To my utter surprise, I found myself saying I would stay with him. The others continued on, though Karanaj appeared to want to stay. Misha remarked that I seemed to be enjoying his predicament, I asked if he could blame me. He did apologize for killing Anteashara, he said he didn’t want to kill her. I told him I would not leave him helpless and he asked why I cared. To tell the truth, I’m not sure myself.

We actually began to have a real conversation. He seemed to be under the mistaken impression that there was something between Karanaj and myself, which I corrected. Of course, Misha lets his mouth get him in trouble once more and comments “Lucky him.” I’m afraid I let my anger get the best of me, and I kicked him with as much force as I could muster. Someone needed to teach this arrogant boy a lesson. In his apology, he managed to call me an ice queen, earning himself another kick. He apologized and admitted that he had underestimated me. My temper cooled, and I even found myself telling him of my father’s nickname for me: Wildcat. After a few moments silence, he grudgingly thanked me for staying. I could tell he was in some pain, I had forgotten how well I can kick. I reached into the darkness and took his hands, as I prayed for healing. It was the least I could do. I felt a little guilty about indulging my anger, but…..he deserved it.

We spoke of friendships, which Misha apparently feels he cannot afford. How sad for him. I told him that perhaps I would have need of his services, after this affair was finished, to protect my life. He immediately offered to do so, free of charge. The shock alone almost killed me, but he claimed it was a favor for a friend. I agreed, but I told him I would not promise not to kick him again.

I spoke with Karanaj through my mind, and learned that Gruush had been badly injured in a battle. Misha and I slowly found our way to them, and I healed Gruush as best I could. Misha whined to them about my kicking him, and Karanaj sympathized with him. When I had finished, I noticed that I could see Misha again. We commenced searching the house, and finally found our way to the study. While Karanaj and I looked at the books, a dire rat appeared in our mist, and Catellion attacked us from a side room. Misha quickly impaled the dire rat, but Catellion managed to graze Karanaj.

While the rest of us made short work of Catellion, Kay landing the final blow by launching a magical stone that turned into a boulder, which pretty well crushed him., the mage, Mantatlus appeared and attacked Karanaj from behind. The crossbow bolt lodged in Karanaj, as we all concentrated our attacks on the mage. He managed to drink a potion, and promptly disappeared, although he did leave behind a pouch containing his important documents, including the contracts. He laughed at our confusion, and Karanaj claims he used a teleport spell to leave. We grabbed the pouch and left quickly.

The watch arrived more quickly than I had thought possible, and I had to think quick. Misha being the closest, I pulled him close, and began to kiss him. We began pretending to be in love, and the watch let us pass. At the sight of Gruush, however, the Watch began to mutter among themselves. Fortunately, Misha thought quickly, and was able to pass him off as his servant. While this was happening, I told Karanaj to go quickly the other way, a bloody man would quickly raise suspicions. He managed to slip away, and the Watch let us pass. Misha held me close until we made it back to the inn, and I have to admit I was a little disappointed when we arrived.

We did not look at the contents of the pouch, being worn out from the battles. Kay went to bed, and Gruush helped Karanaj to his room. I felt so guilty, had I not kicked Misha and then had to heal him, I would have had enough healing spells to heal Karanaj. It is my fault he had to spend a night in pain……Misha and I talked for a while, I think, but I do not remember much. I remember being on the stairs and then darkness………………

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