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Half-Elves: Half-Eladrin?

Can a "Half-Elf" be the spawn of a Human and an Eladrin?

One of my players says yes. I say, "Player's Handbook doesn't say that." I'm willing to handwave for him, but I'm curious about the community's thoughts on the matter.

(I'm probably going to eventually pull a Springer and reveal that the character's real father was an Elf, but no one besides his Human mother ever knew.) EDIT: Half-Elf character's origins and story are elaborated upon in post #6.
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First Post
I don't see why not. Elves and eladrin have a common pool of ancestors. It's entirely possible that the differences between them are largely due to upbringing, rather than genetics.


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I have my problems with elves, eladrin and half-elves... but that's just my personal preference. I don't see as it make too much a difference if you allowed it as the choice seems mainly just to be a roleplaying/thematic thing rather than something that could cause serious disruption.

I also would advise against pulling a Springiner like that. He might find that rather obnoxious. "Sure you can be half eladrin... except I'm going to turn around and say you aren't one regardless."


First Post
As a DM, I have a story reason to say no. Basically, Eladrin + Human = Elf in my campaign. Otherwise, it seems like a valid approach to a character to me. I'd be careful about "pulling a Springer", though. Some players don't like having their PC backgrounds messed with too much. Since your player actually had concerns about his PC concept, he might be upset when you apparently change your mind and retcon his character.


First Post
Given that unlike 3e the half elven abilities aren't really an average between the elven and human there is no reason for a half elf not to have an eladrin parent, or even be half elf/half eladrin from my view point.

Also I agree with the above posters in regards to springering him. I would go farther and say catagorically that you should never modify the back story a player writes for his character. You have a whole world to play with, they have one character, let them make it what they want.

Good advice, all, on the "Springer" idea. For what it's worth, I think you're completely right, and normally I wouldn't consider it. However, the circumstances are the following:

Half-Elf player, Dennis, and Eladrin player, James, joined the campaign together and created characters together. When we started discussing age, James decided his character was already a couple centuries old, easily old enough to have fathered any of the other characters in the party. James then suggested,
"Hey, Dennis! Your character should secretly be my son!"
"But I'm Half-Elf, not Half-Eladrin!" Dennis replied.
"I read in the PH that Half-Elves can be the children of Elves or Eladrin!" James countered. [DM's Note: Unsure of this claim, I later looked it up and couldn't find it anywhere.*] "Come on, let's do it!"
Finally Dennis conceded, "Yeah, sure, okay."

: If such a source does exist, please direct me to it, and I shall concede my point to James immediately.
To date in the campaign, neither James nor Dennis has done much roleplaying or expression of backstory. (Certainly none regarding parentage.)

Regarding potential "Springer-ing", does this at all change matters?


Is my aversion to allowing this development rooted in a subconscious desire to prove an aggressive player's specious claims wrong? :p Should I? :confused:
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Regarding potential "Springer-ing", does this at all change matters?

No. A character's background is the only thing a player truly has in-game. Don't take it away from him. I've seen entire campaigns ruined that way.


Is my aversion to allowing this development rooted in a subconscious desire to prove an aggressive player's specious claims wrong? :p

Yes. Yes, it is.
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On one hand, I see nothing wrong with allowing a Half-Eladrin... I would rule that this character would be a Half-Elf with this modification:

Dual Heritage: You can take feats that have either eladrin or human as a prerequisite (as well as those specifically for half-elves), as long as you meet any other requirements.

On the other hand, I would be extremely careful to avoid messing too much with a PC's background. It can end in tears.

The Real Aranan

First Post
To everyone getting up in arms about denying a player a heartfelt aspect of his backstory, let me requote this:
Finally Dennis conceded, "Yeah, sure, okay."
Doesn't sound like he'll wind up in tears if the DM says no ;)

To everyone getting up in arms about denying a player a heartfelt aspect of his backstory, let me requote this:

Doesn't sound like he'll wind up in tears if the DM says no ;)

He might not. But he might, and as I said, I've seen that exact situation destroy the campaign--if not entirely, then at least for the player.

If the DM wants to ask him first, and let it be a surprise to the rest of the party but not him, that's fine. That's the best way to go. But springing it on him, and counting on it that he might not mind? No. Bad DMing, bad social ju-ju in general.

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