What adventures are you thinking about running?


I haven't got proper computer access right now so I can't do anything serious today but I've gotten curious about what people are thinking about running.

I've been thinking a lot about running shorter games. I think it fits my personality better as well as the constraints of pbp. And shorter games could increase the feeling of "living-ness".

I'm thinking about
an investigative game in Daunton
a short rp/mini-dungeon in My's Sanctuary (depending on whether there are any Imperium/My's Sanct characters at launch)
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The Goblin King

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I am contemplating whether or not to fork Zheen from the Allaria setting. I have been working on the map and have moved things around. I like geography to be more defined but the blank maps will probably work better for L4W.

Also, I want to blow up a city in game.


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I'm not sure yet what kind of adventure I want to do. I'm gonna have to do some more reading in the setting first and pick a nook to inhabit. Or just make up a nook on a new island or somewhere in Alaria or elsewhere.


GK, as I said to Halford Allaria is there to cater to your desires. As I'm sure you can tell, I just yanked elements, added a bit of flavor and massaged them in.

I enthusiastically encourage you guys to all start as many games as you want with "you've arrived in Shule (or wherever) by various means, this is a map of <the surrounding area> <the old kingdom> <the current lands>".

The "blank map" thing has to do with the idea of one small group dominating and completely defining the setting at the start; what you guys do on zones is really completely up to you.

Looking forward to seeing it!


I've got one or two ideas for adventures kicking around in my head, but nothing quite fleshed out enough to actually run yet. I may hold off on working up any of them, since my plate is getting pretty full at the moment.


I'm going to read a bit more again for inspiration but want to keep my first adventure small and local. Probably no more than 5 encounters in or near Daunton. Character kickers and hooks will probably play into it as long as there is something to pull from.


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I have the first section of my first adventure written up which should take characters from about first to second. I plan to run it in a similar way to Ends Meat, a series of short bite sized adventures each of which is thoroughly planned out before hand. Of course since I'll only be planning one or two games ahead it should be easy to adapt to player brilliance (or ineptitude) or unexpected decisions.

As for the plot I am going to embroil the PCs in the Feywild probably remaining in Daunton when not there. So its likely to be a wilderness adventure for at least half of the time.

Now I need to get back to my feverish study of the 4th edition books!


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Okay, lets get the important question answered here.

Who is going to run the Boys from Bacarte, mostly monsterous, pirate adventure! Or at least something for the shady Bacarte types. Brudd needs something to complain about!

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