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If the HIVE had a Heroes Power, what would it be?

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Dreams, yeah, I like my dreams. Although usually they are a mixed bunch of stuff from games and happenings of the previous days :D. Very interesting sometimes...

Nightmares, rarely have those. And when I do, they are more or less reliving the things I wouldn't want to remember from my past. Usually I don't even wake up to them as I quickly realize that they are not true this time.

Don't dream much anymore. Don't get the deep sleep I used to.

Rarely have nightmares and when I do I go in "full-auto" and sculpt the dream into something positive. I've been able to do this since I was 4 or 5 years old.

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The nightmare I remeber and startled me was about 6 years old and in mixes my comicbook and DnD hobby strangely enough.

It starts with me going to a flea market in New York and finding nearly all the Dragon magazines availiable. I quickly buy them and as I look up to the seller it is none other than Gary Gyrax!

I go home then "dream" again and the images appear as if drawn by Art Adams and I same feeling incredible guilt over something and somehow "pushed" out of the house onto the front yard that is now a hay feild. A very nasty looking demon type guy comes up through the ground and hay and speaks to me. Something like "Hello Andy. It has been a while..." and I awake with a start. It took me a bit to return to sleep as I kept seeing his red peircing eyes through the hay as he rose.

Strange. But as I said.. that was a looooong ago. Maybe even closer to 10 years. (I didn't have the Dragon CD then that collected 1-150 which I bought at release).

Had never even heard of it, but then again, US civil-war has never been an interest of mine. I think I even know the name Custer only because of that old movie with Errol Flynn :D.

Assuming my memory is true... Sherman burned all of Atlanta and burned everything in his path as he went throughout the south. He destroyed everything in his path rather than conqueor or capture.

Looks like I chased everyone away again.........

its kinda sad in truth..... EN World (especially the Hive) is my primary social outlet. Other wise my social contact is ...paper or plastic... or the material is clogged can you restart the press?......

I live a pathetic life.


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Woah - I go away for what seems like five minutes and the Hive fills up with stuff!

I've had some very scary dreams, but I sleep better now and I've been fine for a long while. Having that kind of dream last night is a sympton of my life at the moment, I think.

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