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Do you like edition wars?

Do you like edition wars?

  • Yes! Bring it on beeyatch!

    Votes: 47 24.0%
  • No, they should all be banned!

    Votes: 62 31.6%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 65 33.2%
  • Lemony Snickett

    Votes: 22 11.2%

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Pepperoni Pizza is awesome. But eat two weeks straight and it gets old. Its all about moderation (not mods as mod control but mix it up a bit)


Extradimensional Explorer
Voted "meh." Sometimes there is something interesting about game design in these threads, more so in a few recently I think. But a lot of the time reading edition war threads feels like watching a car wreck -- just kind of can't help it sometimes.

The options in this poll show obvious edition bias.

Oops - sorry, not sure where that came from. :)

I find reviews and actual discussion interesting when 4e was new, but then I stopped reading EN World forums for months because it seemed the majority of useful threads couldn't go more than a page or two without an edition war threadcrap quite often unrelated to the original thread intent.

Now I've been back for a few weeks and the threadcraps still pop up, but at least now it seems that are rarer and are often just ignored. A good rule of thumb I've found is that if there is half a page of only two posters, it's not worth reading anymore.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)

Yes. Yes I do. I find that I can learn more about each particular edition, and learn it all very quickly, by reading my fellow gamers' posts in an edition war thread. Whether they are singing a particular edition's praises, or howling curses at it instead, an edition war thread does a good job of encapsulating the best and worst features of an edition.

Unfortunately, you have to wade through all of the flamethrowers and crybabies, and endure a lot of threadcapping and trolling, to get to anything worthwhile. So I say let edition war threads exist...but ban the crybabies, flamers, threadcappers, and trolls.

In other words, it ain't broke...don't fix.
Last edited:

Its a great way to have a healthy debate as long as it stays on topic. Personal attacks just prove that the poster in question has no valid point to make and should just stop.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Edition comparison threads - good.

Edition lauding threads - great

Edition problem threads - fine

Edition war threads where peoples sensibilities take a back seat and Mr Id grabs hold of the steering wheel and attempts to ram off the road all who disagree with him? Not fine.

From a moderation point of view there isn't a problem with threads that discuss editions comparatively, that talk about the good points of an edition or talk about the bad points of an edition (as long as no belittling of others happens at the same time). That isn't an edition war.

However, if people decide to come in and threadcrap in a thread talking about perceived problems in an edition (I think x is brilliant and only fools can't see it) or threadcrap in a thread talking about the good things in an edition (But I hate, hate, hate the way they handle z now/ only fanboys could love that) or just generally decide to up the argumentative level in a thread about editions... That's when the banhammer starts coming out.

I'm really pleased that the vast majority of comparison threads which have started recently have been fine. I hope it is a direction we can all keep going in.



First Post
I voted "Yes! Bring it on beeyatch!" but what I really want it to be able to discuss anything game related at ENWorld. I want edition warriors to be able to post their stuff. I want to discuss the differences between editions without people screaming "Edition war! Shut this thread down now!" I want to be able to discuss one edition without all the other side coming in and posting "Here's why your wrong! Your edition sucks! Mine rocks!"

I think vigilance against threadcrapping of any type would go a long way, and letting the edition warriors have their own threads would give them some place to vent and perhaps prevent the threadcrap in the first place.


First Post
I guess I sorta like them. Not that I enjoy my particular edition being bagged on all the time, but hey, every now and again someone will say something that makes sense and I get to learn something, y'know. They do tend to run in circles after a short while, though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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