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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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"By the Devil's tail, we've been spotted!" Koln coarsely whispers, noticing the microwave. He opts to take a much more stealthy approach to disabling this sentry as he skillfully rolls across the kitchen floor and unplugs the microwave. It goes quiet, stops levitating, and sits lifeless. Koln then stands, smiles, and gives Ruby a thumbs-up.

Koln, being the kind of person that likes to think two steps ahead, takes one of the knives and holds it covertly in his hand with the blade hidden by his arm under his jacket sleeve. Using a knife this length would be easier to decapitate with, much more so than a shuriken. While a bullwhip can possibly decapitate, Koln would have to slash with it very hard and precisely, and it could only do so at it's full length, much too impractical for beheading.

"It is 4:30... almost morning, we must hurry, but we shall take comfort that this is a good sign, 4 and 3 is seven afterall. Besides, the witching hour has already passed. Hm.. I wonder..."

Is there a fridge in this room? If so, Koln checks the fridge, depending on what's inside Koln can tell what kind of people are/were living there, If there isn't a fridge, that helps too.

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First Post
University of Denver

Bored and alone, Clover sat down on the bed of her room. It felt strange to not have Koln and Ruby by her side. As though these two had really become her family.
She looked at the clock. 3:30. Clover knew that the sun would rise in just a little over three hours. She just hoped that they cam back soon.
Dragging out a pillow and propping it up behind her, she settled down on her bed, pulled out Liverman's book, and began trying to read it once more. Slower this time. Maybe she would find something that she missed?
Besides, she had nothing better to do until they returned.

Take 20 :)


You read the book for what seems like hours. You can't seem to get through it all, it is just way too boring! You look at the clock and see that it is now 4:30am. You may not have understood what the book was describing exactly but it spoke a lot aout "enhancing" the human body through DNA. One part even suggested changing the structure of human DNA. Other than that the book seemed like a normal research tool. Dr. Liverman knew a lot about his field, no wonder someone like Jacob Prestor would turn to him for help.

You suddenly notice how quiet the room is. The only sound you can hear is Icarus moving around in his cage and chewing on something that sounds like paper.


First Post
The Emerson Estate

"By the Devil's tail, we've been spotted!" Koln coarsely whispers, noticing the microwave. He opts to take a much more stealthy approach to disabling this sentry as he skillfully rolls across the kitchen floor and unplugs the microwave. It goes quiet, stops levitating, and sits lifeless. Koln then stands, smiles, and gives Ruby a thumbs-up.

Koln, being the kind of person that likes to think two steps ahead, takes one of the knives and holds it covertly in his hand with the blade hidden by his arm under his jacket sleeve. Using a knife this length would be easier to decapitate with, much more so than a shuriken. While a bullwhip can possibly decapitate, Koln would have to slash with it very hard and precisely, and it could only do so at it's full length, much too impractical for beheading.

"It is 4:30... almost morning, we must hurry, but we shall take comfort that this is a good sign, 4 and 3 is seven afterall. Besides, the witching hour has already passed. Hm.. I wonder..."

Is there a fridge in this room? If so, Koln checks the fridge, depending on what's inside Koln can tell what kind of people are/were living there, If there isn't a fridge, that helps too.

The microwave comes to a silence as Koln unplugs it. Of course to Ruby it just looks like Koln was talking to an ordinary microwave.

As Koln takes a knife off the wall the others start to quiver and fly off towards the both of you. We'll be fair and 2 go for Koln and 2 go for Ruby

Koln's Knives
1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)
1d20+3 → [9,3] = (12)

Ruby's Knives
1d20+3 → [13,3] = (16)
1d20+3 → [6,3] = (9)

In both cases one of the knives flies past you but the other lodges itself in you. They go in deep and would probably be able to kill a normal person if they struck in the right spot.

1d4 → [4] = (4)
1d4 → [4] = (4)

Koln and Ruby take 4 damage (piercing).

There is a refridgerator in the kitchen as well but upon opening it you see that it is empty and not even plugged in. It looks like there hasn't been anything inside of it for awhile.

You hear footsteps that sound like they are coming from the front of the house. The window in the kitchen that leads out into the backyard opens slowly. You hear a woman's voice whispering "Get out quickly"

Map map map


First Post
The microwave comes to a silence as Koln unplugs it. Of course to Ruby it just looks like Koln was talking to an ordinary microwave.

As Koln takes a knife off the wall the others start to quiver and fly off towards the both of you. We'll be fair and 2 go for Koln and 2 go for Ruby

Koln's Knives
1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)
1d20+3 → [9,3] = (12)

Ruby's Knives
1d20+3 → [13,3] = (16)
1d20+3 → [6,3] = (9)

In both cases one of the knives flies past you but the other lodges itself in you. They go in deep and would probably be able to kill a normal person if they struck in the right spot.

1d4 → [4] = (4)
1d4 → [4] = (4)

Koln and Ruby take 4 damage (piercing).

There is a refridgerator in the kitchen as well but upon opening it you see that it is empty and not even plugged in. It looks like there hasn't been anything inside of it for awhile.

You hear footsteps that sound like they are coming from the front of the house. The window in the kitchen that leads out into the backyard opens slowly. You hear a woman's voice whispering "Get out quickly"

Map map map
Ruby clutches her right shoulder where the knife is still in place, with a yelp, she gently pulls it out, and drops it, even though to a normal human, that would be the worst thing to do. Besides, no surgeons can operate on vampires. she then hears the mysterious warning next to them. She frantically turns to Koln. "I think I've had enough of this place, we should get out of here," she says with widened eyes. She tries to gently tug him towards the backyard entrance. They should leave before the sun rises soon.


First Post
The knife sticks in Koln before he can react, his immediate reaction is more in pain out of not being in time to help Ruby. He looks over her wound, gently taking her by the arm as if to assure her that things are okay. "Are you alright..?"

"I think I've had enough of this place, we should get out of here," she says with widened eyes. She tries to gently tug him towards the backyard entrance. They should leave before the sun rises soon.

He nods in response to her and whispers, "Yes, you should go, I will be out shortly..."

Koln scowls, taking the knife out from him and throws it down onto the ground. "You... You're lucky I am not still human! I would have this house exorcised so fast it'd make your ectoplasm shake, you hear me?! In the name of God I would send the legion of you straight back to Hell!" It is certain that whatever is here is malicious, deffinately a conscious spirit, too evil to be a mere poltergeist. "I am not leaving until we have the girl!" As Koln speaks he keeps extra careful attention to his surroundings, especially if there has been any temperature change in this room. If so it should tell him the nature of the haunting.
Cold = a former-human entity, either residual or conscious.
Hot = Demonic... or the rare rare elemental type.
No change = Still maybe residual, definately not a conscious spirit. Or it's simply not haunted.
Koln hesitates for a moment, still not fully convinced this place is haunted, but more than willing to play along. It did have a security system, although it did seem to be in disrepair.

"My friend is about to leave, do not harass her, it is me you want. I am a priest, a devoted man of the cloth, who better to torment? Where is the girl? You know which one I mean, don't play that 'oh I'm just an innocent inanimate house' schtick, it won't quite work now. Help me with that and I will go."
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First Post
Wow, with all these flying vases and knives, I think Clover would be dead by now! Good thing she stayed behind ^.^*

Head spinning, but glad that she had been able to get something (if only very little) from the book, Clover smiled and sat up. She stretched and sat on the edge of the bed.
But her pride at being able to read that book was short-lived, as she suddenly realized how quiet the room was without her friends. The sun would be up soon. And it wasn't like she didn't trust them to come back in time, but she worried that they might have lost track of time and needed a little reminder.
She considered calling Koln but, after a moment of thought, decided that they might be in a situation where they wouldn't want to be heard. Instead, she texted him:
<Midnight's coming, Cinderella. Wouldn't want you turning into a pumpkin!> [SEND]
She sent it, then hoped that he got the reference.
munch munch
Yes, definitely quiet.
munch munch munch
Except for...
Clover's eyes flew wide and she quickly hung herself off the edge of the bed to check on Icarus, "Naughty bunny! What are you doing?"


First Post
The Emerson Estate

The knife sticks in Koln before he can react, his immediate reaction is more in pain out of not being in time to help Ruby. He looks over her wound, gently taking her by the arm as if to assure her that things are okay. "Are you alright..?"

"I think I've had enough of this place, we should get out of here," she says with widened eyes. She tries to gently tug him towards the backyard entrance. They should leave before the sun rises soon.

He nods in response to her and whispers, "Yes, you should go, I will be out shortly..."

Koln scowls, taking the knife out from him and throws it down onto the ground. "You... You're lucky I am not still human! I would have this house exorcised so fast it'd make your ectoplasm shake, you hear me?! In the name of God I would send the legion of you straight back to Hell!" It is certain that whatever is here is malicious, deffinately a conscious spirit, too evil to be a mere poltergeist. "I am not leaving until we have the girl!" As Koln speaks he keeps extra careful attention to his surroundings, especially if there has been any temperature change in this room. If so it should tell him the nature of the haunting.
Cold = a former-human entity, either residual or conscious.
Hot = Demonic... or the rare rare elemental type.
No change = Still maybe residual, definately not a conscious spirit. Or it's simply not haunted.
Koln hesitates for a moment, still not fully convinced this place is haunted, but more than willing to play along. It did have a security system, although it did seem to be in disrepair.

"My friend is about to leave, do not harass her, it is me you want. I am a priest, a devoted man of the cloth, who better to torment? Where is the girl? You know which one I mean, don't play that 'oh I'm just an innocent inanimate house' schtick, it won't quite work now. Help me with that and I will go."

Ruby dives out the window and lands in the grass behind the house. Koln is left standing alone in the kitchen. The footsteps get louder as they approach the kitchen. There is no change in the temperature as whatever it is comes towards the kitchen. All of a sudden Koln feels that he is being grabbed from behind by invisible hands and gets tossed out the window after Ruby landing on his back in the grass. The window slowly shuts. You can tell from the sky that it will be dawn within the next couple of hours.


First Post
University of Denver

Wow, with all these flying vases and knives, I think Clover would be dead by now! Good thing she stayed behind ^.^*

Head spinning, but glad that she had been able to get something (if only very little) from the book, Clover smiled and sat up. She stretched and sat on the edge of the bed.
But her pride at being able to read that book was short-lived, as she suddenly realized how quiet the room was without her friends. The sun would be up soon. And it wasn't like she didn't trust them to come back in time, but she worried that they might have lost track of time and needed a little reminder.
She considered calling Koln but, after a moment of thought, decided that they might be in a situation where they wouldn't want to be heard. Instead, she texted him:
<Midnight's coming, Cinderella. Wouldn't want you turning into a pumpkin!> [SEND]
She sent it, then hoped that he got the reference.
munch munch
Yes, definitely quiet.
munch munch munch
Except for...
Clover's eyes flew wide and she quickly hung herself off the edge of the bed to check on Icarus, "Naughty bunny! What are you doing?"

Looking into Icarus's cage Clover sees that he has managed to drag something in there through the bars. It looks like a newspaper. Clover pulls it out and sees that it is mangled up pretty bad but the article on the first page is the one she read earlier about Roger Liverman working with David Champs.


First Post
Ruby dives out the window and lands in the grass behind the house. Koln is left standing alone in the kitchen. The footsteps get louder as they approach the kitchen. There is no change in the temperature as whatever it is comes towards the kitchen. All of a sudden Koln feels that he is being grabbed from behind by invisible hands and gets tossed out the window after Ruby landing on his back in the grass. The window slowly shuts. You can tell from the sky that it will be dawn within the next couple of hours.

"Alright..." Koln growls to himself, getting to his feet and patting the dirt off of his clothes. "You want to play rough?! I'll be back! Just you wait! I've purified entire castles, catacombs, and caverns, you just wait, for with my will glowing with the Grace of God, I shall return with the Power, the Glory, and the... Oh... it is almost daybreak...RUN!" Koln immediately darts off in the direction of the closest bus stop, Ruby has little trouble keeping up, actually able to outrun Koln quite easily.

"So... did you have fun Ruby? Don't worry, we'll get 'em next time."

While on the bus Koln is silent, racking his brain for answers to what is going on with that house. No temperature change... so how were the spirits gaining energy to do what they did...? It is definately the work of conscious spirits, not residuals, and not demons like Koln originally thought, although he has not completely ruled out elementals, although it is almost unheard of that they communicate like people, usually they just growl/bark/make random noise. What is also very puzzling is when Koln was "grabbed" his skin did not feel overly hot or cold, nor were any bruses/scratches left on his body...
Something is not right, or maybe it's something he hasn't seen before...

He sighs and opens his phone, calling Clover whom he figures must be worried about them. He also is interested to hear what she found, hopefully it'll help.
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First Post
In case you didn't notice, Mike, I texted Koln at 4:30
I also called him earlier in the night as well. But it seems like you never read my posts ;(

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